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Just watched the CHD interview. I found myself wanting to get my hands around the neck of that criminal in a white lab coat that infused tainted blood into that poor baby. My blood pressure is through the roof!

These people are saints... I'd be in jail for sure.

Calling the cops on this dad was despicable! They knew what they did! Searching him at the bedside of his son who's about to die at the hands of these medical monsters...unf*ckingbalievable!

Where the hell is the legal community to help these people? There has to be one righteous attorney who will put the welfare of these people above their own and stop the hospital from f*cking them over further by withholding the records?

I'm sorry Margret. My God this can't be allowed to stand. I just can't contain myself. This isn't the country I put a uniform on to defend!

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I agree with you. If the Doctor and hospital gets away with this murder of a poor innocent child,

others will follow. The Doctors took an Oath to Do NO Harm. I guess the China Virus rules in

Hospitals are to do as much harm as possible. Who cares even, if a poor defenseless Baby dies.

Tell me somebody. Was Alexs' stomach swollen after the tainted blood? If so, I as the parent would be working day and night to sue and do everything possible for the rest of my life to make

them be brought up on murder charges. They knew what could happen. Why was it so important to cause the death of Alex. We the People, better face the fact that the Medical

Field and a lot of people in this Country are EVIL and it's NOT going to STOP. Thank YOU

for your Service.

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Yes, the picture showing Alex’s swollen stomach was after he developed the clot following his transfusion.

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OMG, that is so despicable. To think the Medical Staff knew what could happen and tortured poor Alex to death. Then he was breathing for 4 hours before he died. Where is the humanity in all this destruction. It just breaks my heart. I hope someone out there will help the parents seek

justice for Baby Alex (RIP) +

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If it is legal to murder a baby in its mother's womb, then what is the problem with murdering it after it is born? Life in this country has been cheapened terribly, and there are no consequences for the murderers. But if you or I run over a dog or a squirrel, we will go to jail. Go figure!

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I see your point. But, in the case of Baby Alex, that Doctor knew the blood was from

people who took the Vaccine. The parents didn't want their Baby Alex to have that

blood, but the Demonic Doctor did it anyway. I am praying that somebody steps

up and helps the parents get justice. I know I would spend all my time doing so.

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My heart goes out to this family and every other person who has suffered from these crimes against humanity. We need to plaster a photo of this criminal Doctor (and every other criminal involved) everywhere. Start showing their faces! Thank you Margaret for sharing the donation info.

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I am feeling that same anger tonight. We must band together in some civil disobedience with teeth to disrupt this tyranny.

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We're under attack on multiple fronts. Here in maskachusetts the electric companies doubled their rates arbitrarily with the blessing of state gov.

Last year at this time of year my bill was 200 for the month. This month 426.... They're trying to bankrupt is financially, demoralize us mentally and break us spiritually.

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Yes they are, which makes it essential that we join together millions strong and do potent civil disobedience. As it has now been rendered clear that our government killed a popular president, ran coups against and blackmailed every other president and members of Congress, and is now either directly killing or allowing hundreds of thousands of our countrymen to kill themselves, this is the only remaining nonviolent option.

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I outlined that secret in my second essay on 5/24/21:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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Margret, I didn't buy the bullshit from the start. January 2020 I began urinating blood which worsened throughout the year. I believed I had a cancer, (later confirmed), which gave me a certain view of the world and my own mortality. During this period I was spending large amounts of time watching alternative information outlets. Bongino was one of these. Remarkably he announced his dx with cancer. And during that announcement he said "it's going to be ok. And if it's meant not to be ok then it'll be ok". This is the epitome of acceptance. When I accept in my soul that we all die and keep that acceptance present in all my daily affairs, there wasn't anything left to fear. I spent that entire year unable to obtain treatment for severe bleeding because a perfectly treatable respiratory illness and it pissed me off. End of 2020 I was dx and operated on. I looked at everyone masking and isolating as cowards afraid of a cold while I'm dealing with cancer... It seemed absurd to me. So COVID never evoked in me a sense of fear. I just did into the information and stood against the fear porn. Then when the unneeded jab came I stood against that. The cancer was a blessing.

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Goodness, Stevec1776, thank you for sharing that remarkable experience and your unique perspective. Thank goodness, you beat it, but your Stoicist attitude is also a very healthy one to have. Radical Acceptance (see Tara Brach) is an incredibly empowering way to confront adversity.

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If you only knew the adversity I've experienced in my 60 years. Maybe sometime I'll chronical them. But I suck so bad at writing I always decide otherwise.

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Definitely start a Substack! Sharing your stories is more important than perfection.

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Jerez I can't even use the right word for accept...😂 What a tard.

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Wouldn't know how to begin.

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Technically or narratively? If the former, see Substack Help for Writers (https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002403472-Writers). If the latter, just start at the beginning of your memories and keep going :-)

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Us too in CT!!

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Count me in. That's what it's leading to, if, We The People, don't stand up and rebel. Don't wait for the Republicans to save us or our Country. How can they put up with this, unless they are part of it.

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A nationwide work stoppage? A bank run? 34% of us are dissidents. That is a lot of people.

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I'm in. We just need a big platform to call for it.

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Yes, I vote for Steve because he is shown to be a good synthesizer and organizer and he has media outreach. Perhaps Mr. Kennedy would lead, as he is the leading voice about intelligence community and corporate corruption. Joining forces with Steve Bannon would bring the MAGA tribe to the table. Tucker would be incredible but I do not believe FOX would let him do community organizing. Maybe Jimmy Dore from the Left. There are many on the dissident right that will join in but cannot be too public about it until more moderate people get it going.

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Your probably right to see this tribal problem as needing a tribal solution. I've been working to break down Tribalism because its the very thing that's gotten us in this mess. It started with me. I needed to drop my own tribal inclinations. Then I forced myself to talk to people who I'd grown to despise because of their political ideology. When they start to regurgitate the same old political talking points I stop them in their tracks and I make it very clear I'm not talking about politics I'm talking about life and death. I tell them about tribalism and how it's been used politicaly to keep us at each other's throats to steal from us our money and our future but now to steal our very lives. I'm planting seeds. We're all one tribe.

It's obvious the leaders of these tribes must be acknowledged in order to bring societal factions together in the short term to work towards the same purpose. I hope these grandiose ideas we're discussing come to pass.

We could compile a list of folks that each of us follows but the real test is bringing it all together and having someone with enough juice to get them all on board.

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Beautifully put, Stevec1776. As I write in my introductory essay, A Primer for the Propagandized” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized):

“The recipe is simple.… Cultivate and wield our cognitive biases—especially ingroup bias, conformity bias, and authority bias—against us in a comprehensive divide-and-conquer policy that keeps us too busy squabbling amongst ourselves to recognize and unite against those corralling us into a Matrix-like collective delusion that enables the powerful to extract our resources for their own gain.…

“This is not a partisan issue. Those who wish to control us have made it such because disunited lemmings are easier to steer than independent, critical thinkers.

“This is a human issue. This is about crushing the middle class—the backbone of a democratic republic—and transferring trillions from the middle and lower classes to the ruling plutocracy. This is about demolishing the foundations of a free society and building it back—not better, but better-controlled.”

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What's the one thing we can count on from those who wish to rule over us? We can always count on them to misdirect and deceive. So when I first saw this from WEF,

"You'll own nothing and be happy"

It didn't make sense to me.

I thought why would they put that right out in the open? There had to be more to it. As the squeeze started financially and suffering and death of those around me began to accelerate, it hit me. There wasn't a period at the end of that statement. There's more to it.

"You'll own nothing and be happy" to be alive."

With all that's happening, Now it makes sense to me.

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Margaret your to kind. Great minds think alike?

I appreciate the compliment of my hamfisted attempt to describe what you so eloquently penned above.

I might not be able to write well but I'm pleased to learn I can think well.

Wanna know a secret? I never let school get in the way of my education.

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Margaret, I just found you interview with the nasty German women and two males. I believe one was Wolfgang Wodarg and the other was Reiner Fuellmich...

Great interview! Not a fan of the German women though. I thought she was disrespectful.

Regarding your choice of "paths" socio vs psycho. Your absolutely correct about Gates being a psychopath. Psychopaths do indeed hide their true intentions behind false emotions in order to deceive their prey. Sociopaths on the other hand lack completely, the ability to feel empathy for others. This my appear to the observer that the sociopath doesn't "bother" to hide their intentions when in reality they don't have a choice in the matter. They simply aren't able to empathize with other human beings. I've worked with both types of individuals in my civilian professional career. Both extremely dangerous.

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I understand your point of view but I see tribalism as natural and normal. Globalism is the plan to make everyone and everything in the world exactly the same. John Lennon was wrong.

The vaccine transhumanists want everything the same so we are an easily manipulated mass of non-human consumers who do not cause trouble for the masters.

The nationalistic impulse to resist the global groupthink and the global mandate saved humanity.

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I see what you’re getting at OSC, but my understanding is Stevec1776 was referring to the ideological tribalism used to artificially sow division among various peoples who otherwise would get along perfectly fine, despite their differences. This enables the puppeteers to control us by having us fight each other instead of uniting to dethrone them. Divide and conquer is as old as biblical times and yet its effectiveness never wanes—until we see the puppet strings and cut them ourselves.

The #StopTheWHO/#StopTheUN movement comprises individual nations, states, and peoples all over the world, and together we are uniting to celebrate our local communities and sovereignty while rejecting globalism and the ideological tribalism used to keep us weak and divided.

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There's one big club and we aren't in it.

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In the words of George Carlin. So, true.

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Oh he said that to? 😉

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