Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Tragic, infuriating and criminal. These people need to be hauled out in cuffs.

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have your baby at home. home birth. home birth deeply aware midwife. not a hospikill system. cleanse your body mind soul spirit heart before conceiving. be very conscious about conceiving. have support. have a tribe. family extended. care for both mama and baby. Care for Papa too. Both mother and father need a support system. need to help with nourishing food. community needs to bring food to mother/family especially in the first few months. Papa needs time with men support system.

Mama need deep care by women with her post partum healing and nourishment so she has the reserves to LOVE her baby fully and give her baby all the love, nourishment, stability, safety, health, rest baby needs. The mama-baby dyad is really still one being up to the child is 7 years old. They need to be bonded and the child needs to feel that safety and mind, body, heart, soul, spirit connection to be healthy developing child.

stay away from the poxon birth trauma industrialized rape trauma inducing mk ultra evvol system of destroyijng the mama baby bond that is rothchild's medikill system.

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the criminals OWN the "criminal" injustice system. soooo it won't happen. they own everything.... the bancs the mediuh the poooorno industry insurance indust pHARMa awll the politicians on awl sides... etc etc etc... what do we do?

for one stop giving them our $ for their brayn warshin moooveez and peedoo cartoons awl filled with subliminal mynd control and monarch programing & mk ultra con-troll conditioning.

awl mooveez teeeveee is a wepin against us. #TurnItAllOff #DefundTheCabal #CancelMovies #CancelMedia #CancelTheCabal #CancelMindControl

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this is a critical interview to watch. so sound minded and so well covering all the points we need to be discussing for those of us who know... and those of us who aren't aware yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-d3jFIGxdQ

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Or forgiven if they say sorry, right?

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Once they hang, sure.

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Verdict & Sentencing: The jury is in, Judge, we find the public health officials, medical doctors, hospital administrators, and politicians all Guilty of having committed murder in the first degree, and sentence each of them to hang by the neck until they are dead, or to be publicly shot by firing squad.

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Is Dr. Jay Bhattacharya slated to hang?

Dr. Aseem Malhotra?

Dr. John Campbell (YouTube Nurse with millions of subs who belatedly decided to pull his head out of his ass.)?

Who gets to hang?

Just the docs following the same *Science* that the above followed?

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Not this doc!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

In a just world the doctor and anyone else involved would be tried for manslaughter and criminal negligence.

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In a just and noble world William, the doctor would confess his sins and prostrate himself before the parents and beg their forgiveness and then spend the rest of his life making amends for the harm done. But there is no honour anymore.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The doctor is following the orders as set forth by our Defense Dept. Controlled Government which intends exactly this as an outcome.

Same as the Remdesivir/Ventilator protocols.

The US Government intends to kill babies, old people, all types of people.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

There is no other reason for these insane hospital standards of care and death protocols.

There is no other plausible explanation.

There is no other reason to jab pregnant women to ignore the results of experimental injections when the evidence presented IMMEDIATELY.

There is no other reason for people to "forget" all that they knew, to let exp. products into the blood supply.

Every single "botched" policy leads to dead people.

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"There is no other reason..." is the bridge - that explains so much - that so many still simply can not cross. Let's hope little Alex's short life, will help some of us, do that.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

They won't cross it but they will lecture you to STFU and trust the 'credible' experts that they anoint as A Midwestern Social Engineer just advised on my page to lay off Dr. Aseem Malhotra, since he is 'credible', and it doesn't matter what is 'right or wrong' just our "goals".

And I told her to fuck off because I am not in her movement.

Because we have a lot of annoying Smartest People in the Room, and some of them need a "correction"

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Some will - cross it - some won't.

I hear you, I agree with you. Forgiveness and being held accountable are not mutually exclusive. We'll need both. There isn't a formula yet, but a simple line should be If you pushed the jabs, you're culpable. And still they'll be degrees of culpability, right? If we understand that so many of us feel into the mind-control, we can see them as captured - prisoners of war. Good people who advocated for killers, unknowingly. We're gonna need room for them IMO. So messy.

I think some will hide behind - let's be forgiving - in order to avoid really looking at the whole awful fucked-up-ness of the last 3 years. Messy.

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this is a critical interview to watch. so sound minded and so well covering all the points we need to be discussing for those of us who know... and those of us who aren't aware yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-d3jFIGxdQ

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The reason, on all levels, is money. Hospitals are getting money to do the federal government's bidding, and then hospitals and state licensing agencies are using the threat of "misinformation" (an act of "terrorism" which can lead to loss of license) to ensure all providers "align" their views/treatment decisions with hospital priorities and the federal government. It is time to admit that the healthcare system in this country does NOT work for the health and well being of patients.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The US government is simply against citizens of this country. Eisenhower warned of the military/industrial complex in the 1950s...and now it's here.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

In a normal, pre-covid world...

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Perhaps. I suggest that maybe such a world is long gone. I kind of ramble a bit about this idea here: https://open.substack.com/pub/dollyboy/p/the-present-day-impossibility-of?utm_source=direct&r=huxmp&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This doctor should be sued for malpractice and prosecuted. She should never practice again. And include the hospital. And I mean criminal prosecution.

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I agree, Linda. These colluding desk murderers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling/) and their institutions need to be held culpable for the consequences of their actions.

Ron and Cornelia do intend to pursue legal action. They set up a fund at Give Send Go after Go Fund Me seized their donations:


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Thank you for the link Margaret. $100 donated. In addition to it being the right thing to do and selfishly making me feel good about something, some of these cases are going to be winnable. We need to support them. As the wretched and now infamous Avril Haines said in Event 201, we should "flood the zone", but with just lawsuits, instead of illegitimate disinformation as Ms Avril intended. Small victories in such cases will cause other medical professionals to take note. I would not have thought to do this were it not for your post. So, thank you again for all that you do.

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Wow, Dave. Thank you so much for your generosity and gracious words. This will no doubt mean a great deal to Ron and Cornelia. I agree, their battle is for all of us—to access safe blood, to protect the rights of parents to make decisions on behalf of their children, and to stand up against medical tyranny and show there are penalties for violating our bodies and wishes.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Under what law can a funding organization seize directed funds without committing robbery? Time to break that practice, as JFK said about the CIA, "into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind."

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The Canadians set the precedent.

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If only somebody had seen this coming!


Think back over the last, say, 20 years. Did you protest against the Iraq war? How about protesting at Occupy Wall Street? Were you a member of the Tea Party? A member of #TheResistance? Did you disagree with the government’s covid response? It’s nearly certain that everybody with a political pulse has crossed the government at one time or another. How comfortable are you with the idea that the person you’re protesting against can shut off your bank account?

Because now, it seems, those perfectly legal actions at least have the potential to come with harsh monetary consequences, as well as the ensuing chaos caused by financial ruin. And this is happening all without a single shred of oversight or due process. It’s just some asshole in an expensive suit giving a list of ‘subversives’ to another asshole in an expensive suit. The no-fly list but with the very real potential to ruin your life.

So even as the world’s eyes move onto the newest crisis, we must closely watch the actions of the ‘leaders’, for the tools used against ‘those people’ today are likely to be the tools used against us tomorrow.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I'm guessing they would have to return the funds to the donors, but I'm sure they take their sweet time about it.

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Let's hope they don't try to retain any funds. A trustworthy watchdog should be vigilantly auditing the accounting activities of GoFundMe.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

it happened to Attilis Gym in NJ. gofundme account taken by state of NJ.

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let me add. . . Go Fund Me should likewise be criminally prosecuted, for this and OTHER instances where they confiscated money. I am amazed they are still getting away with this after the debacle in Canada and that they have no reason to fear for their lives. If they took MY money. . .

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what the heck? Why did GFM seize their donations?

Oh, because of "covidism"

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GoFraudMe did the same to the Canadian Freedom Convoy.

GiveSendGo, all the way.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Can they also sue gofundme?

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Once I stopped seeing red I cross-posted. Everybody needs to see how much the medical industry cares about you and what you want.

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I really appreciate your cross-posting, SimulationCommander 🙏

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

cc: Greenwald

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I didn't even know until you shared. Donated as soon as I could see again and my nose stopped running for a minute. At least I can contribute with some $$; but more importantly with prayers.

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Yay! This makes me happy! Thank you so much Peggy!!!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It's my honor, SC. Thank *you*

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Do they label the blood in regard to whether the person was vaccinated?

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IIRC the entire "blood pool" is "vaccinated" (mixed), that's why they needed to go through all the hoops to get unvaxxed blood.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice



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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

read the FAQ on safeblood.ch/en they admit they have no infrastrcture (yet), no legal/medical authorization etc. Dr. McCollough's recent substack was pessimistic. only option seems to be self donated and stored blood at this time. not sure how that is done.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Cornelia Hertzler, Margaret Anna Alice

Just watched the CHD interview. I found myself wanting to get my hands around the neck of that criminal in a white lab coat that infused tainted blood into that poor baby. My blood pressure is through the roof!

These people are saints... I'd be in jail for sure.

Calling the cops on this dad was despicable! They knew what they did! Searching him at the bedside of his son who's about to die at the hands of these medical monsters...unf*ckingbalievable!

Where the hell is the legal community to help these people? There has to be one righteous attorney who will put the welfare of these people above their own and stop the hospital from f*cking them over further by withholding the records?

I'm sorry Margret. My God this can't be allowed to stand. I just can't contain myself. This isn't the country I put a uniform on to defend!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I agree with you. If the Doctor and hospital gets away with this murder of a poor innocent child,

others will follow. The Doctors took an Oath to Do NO Harm. I guess the China Virus rules in

Hospitals are to do as much harm as possible. Who cares even, if a poor defenseless Baby dies.

Tell me somebody. Was Alexs' stomach swollen after the tainted blood? If so, I as the parent would be working day and night to sue and do everything possible for the rest of my life to make

them be brought up on murder charges. They knew what could happen. Why was it so important to cause the death of Alex. We the People, better face the fact that the Medical

Field and a lot of people in this Country are EVIL and it's NOT going to STOP. Thank YOU

for your Service.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Author

Yes, the picture showing Alex’s swollen stomach was after he developed the clot following his transfusion.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

OMG, that is so despicable. To think the Medical Staff knew what could happen and tortured poor Alex to death. Then he was breathing for 4 hours before he died. Where is the humanity in all this destruction. It just breaks my heart. I hope someone out there will help the parents seek

justice for Baby Alex (RIP) +

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If it is legal to murder a baby in its mother's womb, then what is the problem with murdering it after it is born? Life in this country has been cheapened terribly, and there are no consequences for the murderers. But if you or I run over a dog or a squirrel, we will go to jail. Go figure!

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I see your point. But, in the case of Baby Alex, that Doctor knew the blood was from

people who took the Vaccine. The parents didn't want their Baby Alex to have that

blood, but the Demonic Doctor did it anyway. I am praying that somebody steps

up and helps the parents get justice. I know I would spend all my time doing so.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

My heart goes out to this family and every other person who has suffered from these crimes against humanity. We need to plaster a photo of this criminal Doctor (and every other criminal involved) everywhere. Start showing their faces! Thank you Margaret for sharing the donation info.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am feeling that same anger tonight. We must band together in some civil disobedience with teeth to disrupt this tyranny.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


We're under attack on multiple fronts. Here in maskachusetts the electric companies doubled their rates arbitrarily with the blessing of state gov.

Last year at this time of year my bill was 200 for the month. This month 426.... They're trying to bankrupt is financially, demoralize us mentally and break us spiritually.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Yes they are, which makes it essential that we join together millions strong and do potent civil disobedience. As it has now been rendered clear that our government killed a popular president, ran coups against and blackmailed every other president and members of Congress, and is now either directly killing or allowing hundreds of thousands of our countrymen to kill themselves, this is the only remaining nonviolent option.

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I outlined that secret in my second essay on 5/24/21:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margret, I didn't buy the bullshit from the start. January 2020 I began urinating blood which worsened throughout the year. I believed I had a cancer, (later confirmed), which gave me a certain view of the world and my own mortality. During this period I was spending large amounts of time watching alternative information outlets. Bongino was one of these. Remarkably he announced his dx with cancer. And during that announcement he said "it's going to be ok. And if it's meant not to be ok then it'll be ok". This is the epitome of acceptance. When I accept in my soul that we all die and keep that acceptance present in all my daily affairs, there wasn't anything left to fear. I spent that entire year unable to obtain treatment for severe bleeding because a perfectly treatable respiratory illness and it pissed me off. End of 2020 I was dx and operated on. I looked at everyone masking and isolating as cowards afraid of a cold while I'm dealing with cancer... It seemed absurd to me. So COVID never evoked in me a sense of fear. I just did into the information and stood against the fear porn. Then when the unneeded jab came I stood against that. The cancer was a blessing.

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Goodness, Stevec1776, thank you for sharing that remarkable experience and your unique perspective. Thank goodness, you beat it, but your Stoicist attitude is also a very healthy one to have. Radical Acceptance (see Tara Brach) is an incredibly empowering way to confront adversity.

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Us too in CT!!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Count me in. That's what it's leading to, if, We The People, don't stand up and rebel. Don't wait for the Republicans to save us or our Country. How can they put up with this, unless they are part of it.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

A nationwide work stoppage? A bank run? 34% of us are dissidents. That is a lot of people.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I'm in. We just need a big platform to call for it.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Yes, I vote for Steve because he is shown to be a good synthesizer and organizer and he has media outreach. Perhaps Mr. Kennedy would lead, as he is the leading voice about intelligence community and corporate corruption. Joining forces with Steve Bannon would bring the MAGA tribe to the table. Tucker would be incredible but I do not believe FOX would let him do community organizing. Maybe Jimmy Dore from the Left. There are many on the dissident right that will join in but cannot be too public about it until more moderate people get it going.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Your probably right to see this tribal problem as needing a tribal solution. I've been working to break down Tribalism because its the very thing that's gotten us in this mess. It started with me. I needed to drop my own tribal inclinations. Then I forced myself to talk to people who I'd grown to despise because of their political ideology. When they start to regurgitate the same old political talking points I stop them in their tracks and I make it very clear I'm not talking about politics I'm talking about life and death. I tell them about tribalism and how it's been used politicaly to keep us at each other's throats to steal from us our money and our future but now to steal our very lives. I'm planting seeds. We're all one tribe.

It's obvious the leaders of these tribes must be acknowledged in order to bring societal factions together in the short term to work towards the same purpose. I hope these grandiose ideas we're discussing come to pass.

We could compile a list of folks that each of us follows but the real test is bringing it all together and having someone with enough juice to get them all on board.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

There's one big club and we aren't in it.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

In the words of George Carlin. So, true.

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Oh he said that to? 😉

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This is heart wrenching to loose your child like this and my heart goes out to Cornelia and Ron! I am in tears... We must NEVER forget!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Cornelia Hertzler, Margaret Anna Alice

Baby Alex's story breaks my heart as another mother whose son was killed for profit and hubris of his "leaders." I had my son for 24 years before he was trapped and killed. Peace, health and life to everyone.

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You absolutely know better than most how Cornelia and Ron feel, Cindy. If you would like, I can see if they would be willing to appear on your podcast. It may be healing for you to connect and bond over your grief.

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It would be my honor to chat with them.


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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Cindy, my heartfelt condolences.

Sadly, we didn't reckon with the same set of Sociopaths then, and since we didn't and since *WE* America, never seem to want to reckon with them, I don't see how we can expect anything different, if *WE* continue to not reckon with them.

We didn't reckon with JFK.

We didn't reckon with the truth of 9/11.

We didn't reckon with Iraq. And Endless War on lies.

We just kept going. For the "good of the country".

We will get this test until we pass it and actually do reckon with them.

The Operations will continue to escalate.

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Truth! And thank you. 💗

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Cindy, hello, I followed your story (and Casey's) from the jump. 💔

I watched you dig in, and set up Camp Casey in Crawford Texas.

I watched you run for Congress.

I am Canadian. Back in the day, I took my youngster to rallies against the Iraq war. In those days? Noam Chomsky was a good guy.

My, how times have changed.

Lost touch....

Didn't realize you were on Substack, or had a podcast, so thanks so much for popping up here.

It's wonderful to see you again.

Merry Christmas 🎄

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠💰

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No amnesty without contrition and reparations!

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Such a sad story--Such a criminal story. How dare these hospitals take it on themselves to go against the family's wishes? With what we know about the clotting that is becoming common knowledge among those who were vaccinated and died of "unknown causes." Later many of these cadavers were found in autopsy to have very large clots that even made embalming very difficult. And this doctor decided that this tiny baby was at no risk of receiving blood from the vaccinated. Perhaps she didn't know and simply didn't care to honor the wish of the parents. There certainly is culpability on the doctors part and certainly on the part of a medical institution that fails to provide "health care" for patient and family. This was not health care. Thank you for setting the record straight MargaretAA and thank you to the Mom who wanted her son's story told correctly.

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Soulless medical mafia strikes again!!!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

to the parents:

do not, just, get mad, get even!

don't let them get away with it.

they killed your baby.

make them suffer.

ruin the life of the doctor.

make her wish she never were born.

sue the hospital into bankruptcy.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Liked by Cornelia Hertzler, Margaret Anna Alice

I am sitting outside of Mission San Diego de Alcalá as I read this. On this dark night of the Winter Solstice, I am sobbing. For all of us who have sufferered so much loss these past 3 years...of family, friends & neighbors.

I was just inside praying The Rosary. I will go back inside and light a candle for the soul of Baby Alex, and his family to help heal from this tragic event. 🙏🏼👶🏼

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I hadn't shed a single tear through 3 yrs of this fucking madness until now. Thank you for getting the straight story and sharing it with us.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It's simple - those doctors who gave Alex vaccine-tainted blood in spite of the parents' instructions are guilty of murder and should be charged. The 'loss' of Alex's medical records is an obviously deliberate attempt to avoid culpability. Unfortunately, the socialist liberal Democrats are the ones pushing the dangerous and under-tested vaccine, so they probably regard the tragedy of Alex's death as nothing more than a post-birth abortion.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

My anger grows by the day as I learn more and more about the stupidty of our medical community.

I believe there are about a dozen different blood types, and we don't have a clue how the humans immune system reacts under all these different blood conditions to these dangerous mRNA injections that reprograms cellular function. . The CDC, Pfizer and Moderna keep pushing and advertising the injections to the masses and the CDC has approved them for our babies! When a parent buys in and believes they are doing the right thing with an injection for their baby, how do they live themselves after they lose their child? Damn them!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I shouldn’t comment now as I’m too upset. We will leave it at I am praying for this family and promise to share the truth. Thank you for sharing this horrific truth Margaret as painful as it is to see, it’s necessary.

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prayer is good. God listens

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I can't read this, as a man. I must go punch someone in the face now.

I couldn't get through it. I am speechless at the torture placed upon humanity.

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