If you only knew the adversity I've experienced in my 60 years. Maybe sometime I'll chronical them. But I suck so bad at writing I always decide otherwise.
If you only knew the adversity I've experienced in my 60 years. Maybe sometime I'll chronical them. But I suck so bad at writing I always decide otherwise.
If you only knew the adversity I've experienced in my 60 years. Maybe sometime I'll chronical them. But I suck so bad at writing I always decide otherwise.
Definitely start a Substack! Sharing your stories is more important than perfection.
Jerez I can't even use the right word for accept...😂 What a tard.
Wouldn't know how to begin.
Technically or narratively? If the former, see Substack Help for Writers (https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002403472-Writers). If the latter, just start at the beginning of your memories and keep going :-)
"Technically or narratively?"
Merry Christmas...😉