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Now for some comments from me, the be all and end all of commenters, don't you know. 'The truth will set you free' (John 8:32):

Our goose is cooked. I and many others have been warning about what the United Nations and the global economic system is really all about, and that they would bring us to our knees (right now) by destroying the global economy (part of the Great Reset), so they can bring in global enslavement. I just read that once the PTB pull the bottom out from under all of us who don't have financial resources, and intentionally impoverish most people (going on for the past two years, and purposefully being worsened more and more), they will bring in a Universal Basic Income (UBI)---showing that what we've been warning the global governance system is really about, that they intentionally sow the chaos and then ride in "to save the day", made to appear like "a good thing" which in reality will be anything but, is all unquestionably true). The UBI will appear to be our salvation, but it is definitely NOT a good thing, or will not be a good thing, after all.

Undoubtedly that UBI will have major strings attached, such as something like "loyalty oaths" where our continuing to receive that "bailout" or "stimulus" will depend on our signing away our liberties and freedoms for temporary "security" (sound familiar?), and will require us not to engage in anything from expressing complaint, discontent, dissent, protest or refusal to bow down to the globalist's evil system without question, etc., to attempting to live independently and/or live our lives the way we individually see fit, or lose that UBI, leaving us destitute. Thus, most people will bow down to it without complaint, and despise all those who "make waves" or "rock the boat", the extremely-precarious "boat", selling them out to the "authorities" every chance they get to do so.

In other words, if we choose to "rock the boat" and "make waves", etc., we will be cut off from their so-called "lifeline" or "life preserver", and we will be allowed to starve to death; or, worse, we will be "disappeared" and eliminated for noncompliance. But, if we bow down to this "New World Order" system, we will literally be bowing down to Satan and evil, thus losing our souls for all eternity, though it will be disguised as "doing the will of God", the will of the antichrist in the false guise of being "Jesus the Christ himself", or some other such similar constraint falsely represented as "a good thing" and our "salvation".

The UBI will have so many strings attached that by agreeing to it, we will be signing away our free will, freedom of choice, right(s) to free speech, and our other rights (while the PTB fraudulently claim that by agreeing to it we will be "guaranteed" the preservation of our rights, and be "privileged" with them, whereas all those who do not bow down to it will not; which, of course, in actuality and reality, will never actually materialize (those so-called "rights", that is). And any and all "rocking the boat" will be met with the harshest consequences and penalties.

The whole thing is starting to be rolled out right now (through endless pandemics and/or otherwise-created chaos and economic meltdown(s) and insecurity, etc.), and one way or another the bottom will be finished being pulled out from under us, making us entirely dependent upon a completely evil global government system that wants most of us dead, and is working towards eradicating us more and more through increasingly infecting us with disease(s), making us weaker and weaker so we can't fight back, etc.

I've long been saying that we're being corralled, and being imprisoned while at relative "liberty" (appearing to be free when in reality we are not), and being marched, mostly-willingly, as cattle and/or sheep to the (literal) slaughter. Most of us have quite successfully been programmed to march blindly to our own demise with nary a bleat of protest, while all being under ever-expanding duress, all by intentional design of the PTB.

So, what's the remedy? The ONLY remedy is throwing ourselves at the feet of the One True God the Father through Jesus the Christ, truly repenting of all our sins (the evils in our lives), being entirely transformed and filled with the holy character of God, and restored to Him who created us and the entire universe in the first place, while completely refusing to bow down to the globalist "god(s)", and their entire system of enslavement in the guise of "saving" us, and not compromising in any way, shape, form or fashion with the "New World Order's" entire system of evil in the guise of "good", even if it means being murdered for taking that stand.

Therefore, no matter what we must NOT bow down to the globalist's actions, nor cooperate with their evil, vile system falsely disguised as "benevolent", WHATSOEVER. "Give (us) liberty, or give (us) death!" For, again, it is far better that we should die as Truly Free people, than to die on our knees as slaves to Evil. So, be Truly set free by returning to and being restored to our Maker, the Lord Jesus the Christ (John 1:1-14 and 14:6), now, before it is soon too late to do so. That is our ONLY hope, not bowing to Evil's system in any way(s) at all, no matter how much it is (and it WILL be) falsely and fraudulently represented as "our only choice", "our 'best' choice" and/or our "redemption", and even as the so-called "will of God Himself", etc.

'What is good for the goose, is (supposedly) good for the gander', even though it isn't, but it supposedly is. [Or, most people believe the lie that it is "good"---are you still one of those "sheople" now that you've read the above "fairy tale" and my comments(?); if so, WAKE THE FRAK UP, for there's no time to waste!]

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Haha, glad you enjoyed it, Wolf!

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