3) I believe the IVM disinformation campaign has been the most blatant, egregious, and easily debunked narrative, and exposing this Big Lie is a gateway to realizing the breadth and depth of the deception that has been wreaked upon humanity, as I explain in more detail in “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded); and
4) the transcript of Dr. Tess Lawrie’s Zoom meeting with Dr. Andrew Hill I share in her “Profiles in Courage” entry (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie/) is perhaps the clearest evidence of intentional mass homicide by denial of life-saving medication as enabled by colluding Shill Hill in service to his BigPharma sponsor/Gates Foundation puppet Unitaid.
I don't disagree with any of what you're saying and I pray that all your and others work wins out. I just feel overwhelmed. I appreciate you talking me down off the ledge.
You are actually the only publisher that I follow that makes me feel hopeful about this whole situation. While the others provide good information, you and your commenters feel more like a family, the others feel more like an angry mob. Both have their uses.
Oh my goodness, Bandit, what a deeply touching and inspiring statement! You are a beloved member of the family of kindreds at my Substack, and I am grateful you are here 🤗
I do have Aussie friends who have ordered from India, successfully. That was mid 2021, however, and I have a feeling Aussie Customs is checking more thoroughly. Cheap enough to try, though.
Please, take no offense, but what good will exposing what they have done with IVM, if we're not allowed to buy it?
Excellent question, Bandit, and no offense taken!
I think it is of vital importance to expose the ivermectin disinformation campaign for several reasons:
1) the more we raise awareness about it, the more lives we may save;
2) the more attention this grand deceit gets, the greater our possibility of making it available to more people, as is already occurring in legal cases such as this (https://rescue.substack.com/p/hero-judge-holds-hospital-in-contempt) and this (https://rescue.substack.com/p/a-judge-stands-up-to-a-hospital-step);
3) I believe the IVM disinformation campaign has been the most blatant, egregious, and easily debunked narrative, and exposing this Big Lie is a gateway to realizing the breadth and depth of the deception that has been wreaked upon humanity, as I explain in more detail in “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded); and
4) the transcript of Dr. Tess Lawrie’s Zoom meeting with Dr. Andrew Hill I share in her “Profiles in Courage” entry (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie/) is perhaps the clearest evidence of intentional mass homicide by denial of life-saving medication as enabled by colluding Shill Hill in service to his BigPharma sponsor/Gates Foundation puppet Unitaid.
I don't disagree with any of what you're saying and I pray that all your and others work wins out. I just feel overwhelmed. I appreciate you talking me down off the ledge.
You are actually the only publisher that I follow that makes me feel hopeful about this whole situation. While the others provide good information, you and your commenters feel more like a family, the others feel more like an angry mob. Both have their uses.
Oh my goodness, Bandit, what a deeply touching and inspiring statement! You are a beloved member of the family of kindreds at my Substack, and I am grateful you are here 🤗
I do have Aussie friends who have ordered from India, successfully. That was mid 2021, however, and I have a feeling Aussie Customs is checking more thoroughly. Cheap enough to try, though.