Thanks for providing a living example of what the propagandized look like, Peter. You are glowing a bit around the edges, though, so it’s hard to know for sure if you’re real.
In any case, I appreciate the amusing diversion but have to get back to work, so I’ll bid thee farewell.
There’s nothing of substance to refute since it’s an ad hominem attack that’s preposterous on its surface.
But that is a good point—I didn’t see you refute a single statement, reference, or video in this article, which I suspect you didn’t bother to read. You did inspire me to add “far right–wing extremists” to the list of “the usual repertoire of slurs slung when they can’t supply any substantive criticisms,” so thanks for that, too.
My work is unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Clearly, you prefer to remain asleep, but fortunately, there are plenty of people who are waking up to the tyranny they have been hypnotized into submitting to, which is why it was so important for the propagandists to vilify the Canadian truckers, who courageously opposed totalitarianism through peaceful noncompliance and united the world against Tyrant Trudeau.
Firstly, you better check the meaning of ad hominem.
I attacked your nonsensical writing, not you personally.
You want some substance, to my criticisms?
Let's start with your overview, that you believe Trudeau is a tyrant.
You provide no evidence of substance, just a long and tedious pile of prolix, which is nothing more than an appeal to emotion.
Which brings me to my last point, those on the far-right, don't have the intellectual rigour to mount a cogent argument, so they always scrape the bottom of the barrel with emotional claptrap.
Oh, and by the way, what about those Truckers who deprived other Canadians of going to work, providing income for their families, to put meals on the table and a roof over their heads?
Those selfish Truckers were negating the Liberties of other Canadians, but that seemed to have passed your notice.
Hi again, Peter :-) It’s clear you wish to remain swaddled in your ignorance and that you are willfully sleepwalking into your own enslavement, so there’s no point in my wasting time disabusing you of your propaganda-implanted cognitive biases.
Perhaps it was a mistake to engage with you, but at least I got some entertainment out of it, and it’s always helpful to see an example of indoctrination, mass hypnosis, and reality-denial in action. I’ll respond to this comment, but don’t bother trying to bait me into further back-and-forthing as it’s evident you are a lost cause and I have far too much on my plate as it is.
1) The definition of ad hominem:
“(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.” (
Example: “far right-wing extremist”
2) “Let's start with your overview, that you believe Trudeau is a tyrant.”
I covered that in my “Letter to Justin Trudeau,” and that was before he went full-on dictator and declared emergency powers without engaging in any of the preliminary steps required prior to resorting to a measure historically reserved for acts of war and not pancake parties and bouncy castles.
Once again, it’s obvious you haven’t taken the time to view or read any of the references in this article, so I’ll just point you to a few examples of those who have called Trudeau out for his tyrannical words and actions (three of whom have personal knowledge of totalitarian dictatorships):
3) “Which brings me to my last point, those on the far-right, don't have the intellectual rigour to mount a cogent argument, so they always scrape the bottom of the barrel with emotional claptrap.”
That’s funny. I provided hundreds of substantiating references of concrete, primary sources, and you failed to “mount a cogent argument” and “scrape[d] the bottom of the barrel with emotional claptrap.” I guess that makes you far-right by your own definition :-)
4) “Oh, and by the way, what about those Truckers who deprived other Canadians of going to work, providing income for their families, to put meals on the table and a roof over their heads?”
Two+ years of power-hungry despots detonating the global economy, depriving millions of their jobs; sending millions into poverty; directly and indirectly causing the deaths of millions of individuals; and causing historic levels of inflation, and you attack the very people who have the courage to stand up to that despotism and mass-murder spree?! That is beyond rich.
Plus, once again, business owners and working-class folks who were present at the protests said this did not interfere with their business and they were fully in support of these peaceful, loving demonstrations on behalf of humanity and defense of our freedoms (e.g.,
5) “Those selfish Truckers were negating the Liberties of other Canadians, but that seemed to have passed your notice.”
You are just a barrel of laughs, Peter.
The truckers risked everything to help RESTORE the liberties of Canadians, whose rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms had been abrogated by emergency measures seized over the past two years. But I don’t expect a Stockholm Syndrome sufferer to understand that since you appear to relish your bondage.
Goodbye, Peter. I and others will continue fighting for your freedom, even if you despise it.
Instead of wasting your time commenting further on my posts, you might try reading a book. I suggest “The Gulag Archipelago” for starters.
Peter - who other than a tyrant would abuse his power and freeze peoples bank accounts for giving a small amount to a legal charity? You have been suckered in by the narrative - or maybe are a shill? - You make no sense with your comments in relation to what Margaret Anne has posted :-(
I'm sure it's not the first, or the last time.
You, mainstream media, propaganda, what's the difference?
Haha, I’m in for more bellylaughs then.
Thanks for providing a living example of what the propagandized look like, Peter. You are glowing a bit around the edges, though, so it’s hard to know for sure if you’re real.
In any case, I appreciate the amusing diversion but have to get back to work, so I’ll bid thee farewell.
I noticed you didn't refute anything I said.
By the way, what is your work?
There’s nothing of substance to refute since it’s an ad hominem attack that’s preposterous on its surface.
But that is a good point—I didn’t see you refute a single statement, reference, or video in this article, which I suspect you didn’t bother to read. You did inspire me to add “far right–wing extremists” to the list of “the usual repertoire of slurs slung when they can’t supply any substantive criticisms,” so thanks for that, too.
My work is unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Clearly, you prefer to remain asleep, but fortunately, there are plenty of people who are waking up to the tyranny they have been hypnotized into submitting to, which is why it was so important for the propagandists to vilify the Canadian truckers, who courageously opposed totalitarianism through peaceful noncompliance and united the world against Tyrant Trudeau.
Just the typical response I was expecting.
Firstly, you better check the meaning of ad hominem.
I attacked your nonsensical writing, not you personally.
You want some substance, to my criticisms?
Let's start with your overview, that you believe Trudeau is a tyrant.
You provide no evidence of substance, just a long and tedious pile of prolix, which is nothing more than an appeal to emotion.
Which brings me to my last point, those on the far-right, don't have the intellectual rigour to mount a cogent argument, so they always scrape the bottom of the barrel with emotional claptrap.
Oh, and by the way, what about those Truckers who deprived other Canadians of going to work, providing income for their families, to put meals on the table and a roof over their heads?
Those selfish Truckers were negating the Liberties of other Canadians, but that seemed to have passed your notice.
Hi again, Peter :-) It’s clear you wish to remain swaddled in your ignorance and that you are willfully sleepwalking into your own enslavement, so there’s no point in my wasting time disabusing you of your propaganda-implanted cognitive biases.
Perhaps it was a mistake to engage with you, but at least I got some entertainment out of it, and it’s always helpful to see an example of indoctrination, mass hypnosis, and reality-denial in action. I’ll respond to this comment, but don’t bother trying to bait me into further back-and-forthing as it’s evident you are a lost cause and I have far too much on my plate as it is.
1) The definition of ad hominem:
“(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.” (
Example: “far right-wing extremist”
2) “Let's start with your overview, that you believe Trudeau is a tyrant.”
I covered that in my “Letter to Justin Trudeau,” and that was before he went full-on dictator and declared emergency powers without engaging in any of the preliminary steps required prior to resorting to a measure historically reserved for acts of war and not pancake parties and bouncy castles.
Once again, it’s obvious you haven’t taken the time to view or read any of the references in this article, so I’ll just point you to a few examples of those who have called Trudeau out for his tyrannical words and actions (three of whom have personal knowledge of totalitarian dictatorships):
3) “Which brings me to my last point, those on the far-right, don't have the intellectual rigour to mount a cogent argument, so they always scrape the bottom of the barrel with emotional claptrap.”
That’s funny. I provided hundreds of substantiating references of concrete, primary sources, and you failed to “mount a cogent argument” and “scrape[d] the bottom of the barrel with emotional claptrap.” I guess that makes you far-right by your own definition :-)
4) “Oh, and by the way, what about those Truckers who deprived other Canadians of going to work, providing income for their families, to put meals on the table and a roof over their heads?”
Two+ years of power-hungry despots detonating the global economy, depriving millions of their jobs; sending millions into poverty; directly and indirectly causing the deaths of millions of individuals; and causing historic levels of inflation, and you attack the very people who have the courage to stand up to that despotism and mass-murder spree?! That is beyond rich.
Plus, once again, business owners and working-class folks who were present at the protests said this did not interfere with their business and they were fully in support of these peaceful, loving demonstrations on behalf of humanity and defense of our freedoms (e.g.,
5) “Those selfish Truckers were negating the Liberties of other Canadians, but that seemed to have passed your notice.”
You are just a barrel of laughs, Peter.
The truckers risked everything to help RESTORE the liberties of Canadians, whose rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms had been abrogated by emergency measures seized over the past two years. But I don’t expect a Stockholm Syndrome sufferer to understand that since you appear to relish your bondage.
Goodbye, Peter. I and others will continue fighting for your freedom, even if you despise it.
Instead of wasting your time commenting further on my posts, you might try reading a book. I suggest “The Gulag Archipelago” for starters.
Again, you were just proving my point.
It's quality, not quantity, if you want to justify your arguments.
You can throw as many useless links at me as you like, but it doesn't justify your claim that Trudeau is a tyrant.
A simple Google search of tyrant results in images of, and stories of such people as Kim Jong-il of North Korea, Xi Jinping of China.
And if you look at history, Caligula and Napoleon, just to name a few.
I don't think you can lump Trudeau in with all the other tyrants from current history or ancient history either.
You are just a barrel of laughs, Peter."
To describe you as a sophist, would be a compliment.
Again, you're just proving my point.
Proving my comments above.
A far right-wing hack, who is completely unsophisticated in her arguments, and relies on appealing to emotion.
I stated an obvious question to you, and all you could do is laugh.
You're only laughing at yourself...
Peter - who other than a tyrant would abuse his power and freeze peoples bank accounts for giving a small amount to a legal charity? You have been suckered in by the narrative - or maybe are a shill? - You make no sense with your comments in relation to what Margaret Anne has posted :-(
Typical response from the Far-right.
It's all about emotion and no cogent arguement.
Google up some real tyrants, then compare them to Trudeau.
Typical response from the Far-left...
We all see baby Castro for the Marxist tyrant he is. It appears that Peter needs to learn how to read the obvious actions and signs of tyranny.
As far as refuting your ad hom attack goes, you may be interested to know I’m a contributor at the anarchist magazine Nevermore Media:
And anarchists have always been associated with the far right, *lol* 😆
So are you left wing anarchist, or right wing anarchist?
Neither :-)
To quote you...
You are just a barrel of laughs..."
You are just another barrel of yawns.
You sound just like all the other NPCs. All I have to say since dialogue with the hive mind is a waste of time.
Again, so typical of the far-right.
You do not have the intellectual ability to mount a cogent arguement, instead, just go for insults and non-sequiturs.
And look, the author of this trash even gives you a love heart.
It doesn't say much about her, you, or this website.
You're just proving my previous point.
You're not too sharp are you.
Here's a description of the far-right, which fits perfectly with the comments on this thread, and author of this website.
By the way, have you compared Trudeau with other realistic tyrants from history?
I guess not, because the truth would embarrass you and the author of this rubbish.