Brilliant. If only the whole world could be seeing it right now.... especially abject Australia where they even have their policemen walking the streets in the sun and the wind: in masks.
Where they still declare it is a 'State of Emergency' and exert their emergency powers and the people, heads down, shuffle through the malls masked. Drive their cars, alone, masked.
Brilliant. If only the whole world could be seeing it right now.... especially abject Australia where they even have their policemen walking the streets in the sun and the wind: in masks.
Where they still declare it is a 'State of Emergency' and exert their emergency powers and the people, heads down, shuffle through the malls masked. Drive their cars, alone, masked.
Thank you, arthur, and so true! I was fervently hoping Australians were finally waking up. The millions who showed up at the protests signal movement in that direction but not quickly enough. Dictator Dan and Dictatress Jacinda desperately need deposing and a healthy dose of justice applied.
Brilliant. If only the whole world could be seeing it right now.... especially abject Australia where they even have their policemen walking the streets in the sun and the wind: in masks.
Where they still declare it is a 'State of Emergency' and exert their emergency powers and the people, heads down, shuffle through the malls masked. Drive their cars, alone, masked.
Thank you, arthur, and so true! I was fervently hoping Australians were finally waking up. The millions who showed up at the protests signal movement in that direction but not quickly enough. Dictator Dan and Dictatress Jacinda desperately need deposing and a healthy dose of justice applied.