Great job!! Thank you for all you do to expose the psyops.

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Thanks for the heads up, I look forward to listening to this. And thank you for speaking out and standing for freedom!

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I have followed your expressions of concern and due outrage at forces of oppression, repression, suppression, criminal deceit and conduct we've all experienced over the course of the COV2 pseudo-pandemic. I've listened to your poetry and statements regarding the disingenuous nature of various public health responses and their catastrophic consequences.

Within and around your site much is made of the irresponsible, unethical behavior of medical professionals involved in the promulgating of myths surrounding the COV2 vaccine, its administration in particular. e.g. Informed consent was completely ignored in principle and in practice.

Official bodies such as HHS,FDA, CDC have undergone particularly harsh ( deservedly) scrutiny regarding their unscrupulous approach to a novel virus, the containment protocols for which had been well established and proven for decades and yet were totally disregarded in favor of clearly and foreseeable damaging measures we know only too well.

The focus of much of what I've seen in print has been on the rights of the individual being violated and or suspended by powerful governmental and business forces. The responsibilities to the public of these entities to provide valid information from a neutral perspective has been highlighted and shown to be lacking in practice.

It has been my observation that the calling of public organizations to task ( in writing) over their criminal handling of events since 2020 has been ubiquitous among the somewhat enlightened readers of this column. What is not as common is the calling of the individual to THEIR task involving CRITICAL THINKING. I say this because of the delay between the first signs of a fraud being perpetrated ( by the CDC in particular, more broadly by WHO & HHS) in January 2020 and the time many began their courses of awakening. The delay was months and sometimes years. The information necessary to reach the conclusion that a massive deceit was unfolding on a global scale had been READILY APPARENT on all official and pharma sites all along.e.g. Pfizer listed hundreds of potential side effects to their vaccines BEFORE and DURING the rollouts. If you read them critically the plot was laid out before you in the details and often splashed across the center of the screen in the form of disclaimers.

The moral here seems clear; never expect SOMEONE ELSE to have done YOUR HOMEWORK for you. The more important the moment the more important it is that you inform yourself about it. Also, as I.F.Stone so aptly put it to his journalism students, " Governments Lie"

I think the advice that flows from this; to independently verify everything important, is a lesson for all of us.

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I experienced the same censorship on Front Porch Forum, the Nextdoor equivalent that is widely used in Vermont. Both times when I tried to reduce fear by explaining how to calculate positive and negative predictive values for PCR tests, my posts were censored for not adhering to FPF's vaguely worded "Covid policies". When I asked the FPF sysops to explain what was wrong with my posts, so that I could correct them, they never responded.

A friend had the same experience with FPF when she posted, without comment, a link to a CDC web page. So it was obvious that even if you used a so-called "trusted source", you'd be censored if there was the slightest chance that the information was contrary to some standard narrative that was ruthlessly enforced but never explained or spelled out explicitly.

I suspect that the FPF censors were the people in my little town who had volunteered to be the town's "Covid task force". These were the people who were regularly posting fear propaganda to FPF. They were also the people who promoted the vaccine passport rules in 2021, which prevented unclean plague rats like me from attending concerts and other public events in our town for two years. When I tried writing a private to email to one of these do-gooders, pointing out the unethical and unscientific nature of these "rules", she responded by simply reiterating the idea that these "rules" saved lives and were therefore good.

The result was the the social aspect of my musical life was destroyed and never really recovered. I keep writing about this like a broken record, but I'm still angry about it.

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Congratulations on the book launch!

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Get the latest on President Elon Musk shuts-down the Deep State. The Swamp Strikes-Back... https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/president-elon-musk-shuts-down-the The final bill that passed no longer reauthorizes the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5051463-gop-health-funding-proposal/

The new version of the short-term spending bill to extend government funding does not include an extension of a government agency accused of "censorship."https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/3266181/funding-global-engagement-center-cut-spending-bill-gop-backlash/

Unknown: People Injured by COVID Vaccine May Get New Chance at Getting Money. The timeframe for people injured by COVID-19 "countermeasures," such as vaccines, to file a claim for compensation is set to be extended under the new government spending bill. https://www.newsweek.com/people-injured-covid-vaccine-may-get-new-chance-getting-money-2003058

The free bailout money for Ethanol producers dropped from $30B to $0. The mainstream media calls these people “farmers”. The farmers that use your food to burn in gas tanks. https://ethanolproducer.com/articles/rfa-growth-energy-slam-decision-to-strip-e15-provisions-from-legislation

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OT, but new post which will interest MAA readers: "As We Wait to See If MAHA Will Be Betrayed..." https://pomocon.substack.com/p/as-we-wait-to-see-if-maha-will-be

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This is so powerful - kudos to you for your influence on so many to open our eyes and expose the underworld that cloaks itself in virtue. Mistakes were not made.

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MAA, see how influential your words and unfettered thought have become? I am so proud of you and so thankful for your body of work. Your legacy is still growing.

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My life was destroyed by this.

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Exactly. Mistakes were not made.

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thank you for all you do, but especially for putting in written transcripts of your interviews. I am one of those who really does not have the patience to sit through a lot of videos.

Very interesting what you said about the effort to get women to smoke in the 1920s. My mother was born in 1929 and like many of her generations she smoked until the Surgeons General report came out in the 1960s. She quit then, but it was too late and she later died much too young from lung cancer.

These public relations campaigns can have deadly consequences!.

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