“VV: Will we soon wake up in a dystopian society of genetically modified man in which we “ordinary” people will be a relic of God’s creation in a world ruled by a eugenic elite with complete control of thoughts, feelings, and property?

MAA: Not if I can help it :-)”

Best part.

Great interview worth reading in its entirety. Thanks for all you’ve done.

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Margaret, “They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork..." I think what you mention here is a large facet of the motivation for the big push for AI. As people are waking up to the global tyranny that has become a growing reality exposed in Con-vid, the push for AI is growing, full-speed ahead. There are of course calls from those in the know to pause and reavaluate AI, but the governments of the world appear to be dead set on taking government to its end phase, and to press forward with AI and destruction of the dignity of mankind. AI will eliminate hundreds of millions of jobs and force a growing populace to become totally dependant on said government. The intersection of dependance on government and intentional growing scarcity of resources (imposed by certain global agencies and useful dupe ABC regulatory agencies) is seemingly the great crunch. Perhaps the governmental leaders aware of this convergence, promolgated the entire plandemic to kill off a large swath of humanities 'useless class'.

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Those are astute insights, ArnoldF, and I’ve no doubt you are onto something there. Reminds me of my warning in “Letter to a Colluder”:

“It is time to wake up. It is time to redirect your aggression from the people to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. It is time to recognize you are one of the targets of this fiendish agenda, too.

“Eventually, you will be replaced by robots. Then you will become one of the plebeians you presently persecute—and the few of us who survive the democide will be equally disempowered, dependent, divested of possessions, and enslaved to a totalitarian technocracy. Mass surveillance will monitor our every twitch, tallying credits and demerits to our social credit score in accordance with the autocratic algorithms.

“There will be no humans left to administer mercy. There will be no halfway decent enforcer to let this one slide. There will be no compassionate official to consider mitigating circumstances.

“All grays will be washed into an unending, unflinching, unsparing blackness from which the dawn never emerges.

“The totality of this New World Tyranny is unprecedented in human history. Indeed, it may signal the end of all human history, now and forevermore.

“Unless you stop colluding. Unless you stop enforcing. Unless you stop enabling.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

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thanks for your link. will review. I am Christian and believe we are witnessing a cosmic good and evil battle that mankind is caught between. This cosmic battle is between the God of the Bible and Satan, a created angel who fell to pride, hubris and vanity. In reality the battle is not really a fair one since Satan is already defeated at the cross of Christ. I have faith that God alone will be seen as the righteous terminator you are looking for. The Lord alone has the capacity to fight the cosmic level of evils we are being engulfed with on every single front of life. The end of this dispensation will not be a dark dystopia but a glorious beginning of life for those who know Him. I hope you know him or will consider him! I recommend watching the movie The Most Reluctant Convert--A story of CS Lewis and how he turned from dabblings in occult to Atheism to Theism and finally to Christianity.

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Amen ArnoldF. Well said and much appreciated!

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I believe we are seeing a battle between two notions of community - Globalism vs. Nationalism, the latter being unjustly discarded after the debacle of World War 2. Liberalism became godlike after the war and ascended into heaven during the revolution of 1968. Educated people are liberals - believing in the John Lennon idea that we can all join together as one. This delusional belief is the driving force behind their behaviors. They believe in this notion so strongly, and hate the others that resist the love so deeply that they are willing to embrace totalitarianism to get to worldwide unity. I do not see anything demonic about them. I believe they are simply wrong because we have misinterpreted the lessons from World War 2.

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Coming together in hatred could be one apt description of Hell.

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One of my absolute favorites in the "Letter to" series. What's terrifying to me as I look back at life around the time when you posted that letter is that I find myself already saying "those were the good old days." Oh my, how far we've fallen.

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I agree with you about the danger of AI in the hands of these totalitarian "gods of the manor". For instance, people are already using it to create promotional copy, music, art, literature. That seems like all good fun at first but it very quickly can cascade into an all out assault on human creativity and the channels through which that creativity is shared. Human voices are cancelled.

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MT you might want to read this substack post. I dont believe the author is a person of faith but it hits on some of these items you mention and interesting charts.


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Just read this magnum opus and it covers the important elements of the virtual reality called modern society (pack of lies). Few will read and digest it but those of us paying attention appreciate the clarity of this essay. We need to keep up the good fight despite the pack of lies feed to us ad nauseam. Bravo Margaret Anna.

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Excellent, excellent article. You’ve linked to so much that I’ll be rabbit hunting for quite a while. It’s nice now that the rabbit holes no longer lead to “wild conspiracy theories” but just following the data.

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I couldn’t agree more. I have so many people I want to send this to, but I don’t think it will do any good (most wouldn’t even read it).

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An example of how totalitarian leaders are worshipped is Canada's PM. Even Jake Tapper said his popularity is "TruAnon." He lies constantly and his followers continue to worship him, mainly because they seem to be unthinking automans who like his cheerleader-in-power vibe. What they forget is that real cheerleaders are there to help other people win. His so-called "sunny ways" (his political slogan) only applies to himself and the outcome that we all have created for him where he gets to enjoy unprecedented privilege and perks and the attention he craves without having to answer to anyone.

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I always have to remind myself that this is the default position of mankind. It is so frustrating to see it unfold. It starts with indifference; first in tiny, virtually imperceptible steps and eventually in "imperceptible" giant steps.

The terminus of indifference is apathy.

The terminus of apathy is bondage.

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage"

- Alexander Fraser Tytler

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The first part of that quote appears to be true also: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."

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Tytler has a lot of good stuff. I was unfamiliar with him until about 5 years ago.

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So true.

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Just read this magnum opus and it covers the important elements of the virtual reality called modern society (pack of lies). Few will read and digest it but those of us paying attention appreciate the clarity of this essay. We need to keep up the good fight despite the pack of lies feed to us ad nauseam. Bravo Margaret Anna.

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What a magnificent, thoughtful and far reaching interview.

The first move the totalitarian mentality makes is to stop free minded, open scholarship in the pursuit of truth. - Roger Scruton.

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Yes and that is why Stalin threw all the intellectuals and scientists into the gulag - those that he didn't kill.

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Thank you Margaret, for all your work.

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You are a force of nature! Please see metatron.substack.com to learn about www.weareready.world. It appears to be a worldwide effort to put eyes upon the next Bilderberg meeting this May. Thanks!

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Thank you, Carole! I hadn’t gotten a chance to look at Joel’s post yet, so I appreciate your bringing it to my attention—it’s added to the Action Alerts now :-)

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Excellent Insights!

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Margaret, you provide a great link to, Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) exposed the corporate Disinformation Playbook, the article from UCS provides some great information about how this playbook is used especially in the pharmaceutical industry. If you then explore this website further they are all in on climate change, saying the fossil fuel industry is using this playbook, as you have shown before the exact opposite could be argued that the playbook is being used by the World Economic Forum to further their climate agenda to stop economic growth, and shut down many industries, there are many scientists who say climate change is exaggerated and are being silenced. How do you reconcile an organisation like this seemingly providing intelligent analysis like this, while also not providing a balanced scientific view on climate science, I would love to recommend this site to someone, but fear it would lead them astray on climate science. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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Great question, Andrew. The tragic irony is the group that so clearly articulated the disinformation playbook in 2017 failed to recognize these very tactics when they were deployed during COVID, so it doesn’t surprise me that they are falling in line with the mainstream narrative in other arenas as well. Their stances are clearly influenced by their political tribalism, which is causing Jupiter-sized blind spots.

That doesn’t diminish the value of the disinformation playbook, however, so I share that link as an educational resource while acknowledging they are susceptible to propagandizing, menticide, and agenda-driven pressures themselves.

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Thanks for the reply, I appreciate that.

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This Substack does a nice job looking at climate change stuff by analysing published "studies". This article is about a Greek study.


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Fantastic, Thanks for that.

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What makes you think AI isn’t already here and working on its own little plan?

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BLM inc quote:

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

who were the BLM folks talking about when they wrote "parents" in the last five words?

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Thanks for this quality, comprehensive piece. The ICC you mention in the last chunk on Russia/Ukraine, talking about Ukrainian crimes in 2020; is that the same ICC that now has a warrant out for Putin for the crime of getting children out of a war zone? Also, I'm grateful for your segment on Plato's "Republic." When I read it over 50 years ago as a college freshman, I, too, was repulsed by its anti-individual, anti-family core agenda for the "ideal" Republic led by a superior "philosopher king." Why isn't this "landmark" of "Western Civilization" referenced more often when talking about precursors or foundations for the dystopia today? All I seem to hear, from many I respect, is, "It's all the Commies fault; it's 'cultural Marxism' taking over America" (many of whom have probably never read Marx). I'm certainly no USSR apologist. But was Plato a "Marxist," even though he lived 2,200 years before Marx was born? Is it that even seeing what's happening today throughout the WEST, people STILL deep down think, yes, it's horrible, but it's a perversion; these horrors just couldn't be part of "our" true culture? Even with Aldous Huxley. Have people delved into his life at all (and his family's)? Despite "Brave New World," I suspect he practically supported transhumanist developments. Do people think what's going on globally, and particularly, in the U.S., right now would NOT have happened if it weren't for "Marxism?" Not me.

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I am a subscriber, and glad to be. But I disagree on Ukraine. I live here. We are in an existential fight against Russia. Have been fighting for centuries against our aggressive big brother, much like Vietnam against the Chinese.

There are two evils here. First, as you correctly note, is the CIA, the American deep state, the perpetual war machine, etc. etc. See my reviews of "Deadly Deceits" and "Legacy of Lies" on Amazon.

Second is Russia itself. Aggression is in its DNA. CF it eastward expansion (Tatarstan, Tula, Siberia, then Russo-japanese war, 1939 winter war with Finland, suppression of the satellites, Chechnya (2x), Georgia, Transniestra, Ukraine (2014) and Ukraine (2022).

Ukraine is fighting for our existence. Our NATO neighbors like Poland and the Baltics have recently been under the Russian yoke. They enthusiastically support us. We are not and vehemently do not want to be Russian.

To ask whether the Ukraine war is worth America's treasure is an honest question - like Lindburgh's in World War II. To claim that Russia is in any way morally justified is just plain wrong.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response, Graham, and I appreciate your nuanced perspective, especially given that you are living in the midst of this unfolding tragedy.

Understand that I am not saying Russia is innocent, only that the reality is far messier and more complex than the media portrays, and, as usual, there are greater forces at play than the individual nations ostensibly involved (which you perceptively noted in mentioning the CIA, perpetual war machine, etc.).

“We are not and vehemently do not want to be Russian.”

I realize that is the case for the majority of Ukrainians, and unless I missed something, I don’t think Russia has ever expressed a desire to annex all of Ukraine but only the portions with a majority of ethnic Russians such as the Donbass.

I would be very curious to hear your thoughts on this interview with a translator whose perspective completely changed after she spent time speaking with the people living in the Donbass:


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YouTube gives me the message "VIDEO UNAVAILABLE - This content is not available on this country domain due to a legal complaint". Censorship in wartime. Standard practice.

I'm pretty sure I can compose an adequate answer without having watched it. Meanwhile, if you can send me a screen capture or an alternate source I'll be glad to look.

Addendum: There are so many topics to address:

Russia's history in general

Russia's history with Ukraine

Language issue vs ethnicity

Sunk costs of war

Interests of America and NATO countries

Also, it is rare on the Internet to have a respectful difference of opinion such as this. Let's cherish the moment if only for that. I'll write a full-length blog covering the above and post the link here. I have a number of intelligent Ukrainian subscribers who can offer their own comments.

You are in the company of many others with whom I agree on most topics. Most important, I respect your integrity. Your opinions are your own. The list, starting with you, Margaret Anna Alice, includes Celia Farber, Robert Malone, Amy Sukwan, Linh Dinh... goes on at some length. It will be a worthwhile use of my time, and I hope will offer some civil and intelligent exchange of comments among our intelligent, well-informed subscribers.

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Fascinating and yet more evidence of the suppression of information that exposes regime lies—standard wartime censorship, as you noted. I very much want you to watch this interview if you are able. Here it is on bitchute—hopefully, this one works:


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It works. I'll watch it this morning. Yes, all regimes lie. We are groping our way through the fog of lies blown by the five-eyes spy and propaganda apparatus, Ukraine and Russia. I'm going into this with the assumption that your source has been influenced by artful Russian propaganda, of which there is a great abundance. Also with the knowledge that there will be many conflicting points of view that cannot be resolved. Fear, doubt and uncertainty is a primary objective of propaganda. Both sides. Look forward to it nonetheless.

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Thanks, Graham, I appreciate your willingness to watch it. As for your assumption, it’s actually the opposite—the translator was completely ensconced in Western propaganda and was strongly against Russia, which is why her eyewitness testimony and perspective after interacting with so many people in the Donbass over an extended period of time is so compelling.

💯 re: propaganda. That is why I never trust news outlets and instead form my opinions based on primary evidence, eyewitness testimonies, interviews, and the findings of independent reporters who have demonstrated a history of integrity, as I did with the Canadian truckers:

• “Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian)

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Willing and glad. It provided the meat for this very lengthy blog. I await your rebuttal.


This is a rich topic. I'll have more to say later.

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This Thomas Röper is an interesting character. Turns out to be an avid fan of Russia's Sputnik vaccine program. Search for him in this illuminating article by Edward Slavsquat.


Yes, he is Putin's propagandist. Don't get taken in.

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Thanks for the heads-up, Graham!

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I stumble on this YouTube piece about Roeper on the German ZDF station. You have to discount it - the German government certainly issues its own propaganda - but it seems like a pretty clear take on who the guy is.


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Never stop writing. I love it every time

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