God bless you Dr Yeadon 🙏🏽❤️, I follow you & appreciate you

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Wow. Just incredible, Margaret. I'm constantly blown away by your diligence and fearlessness. Creds for the amazing Mike Yeadon. Many blessings... Happy New Year.

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Bless Dr Yeadon, beautifully read, beautifully powerful poem. WE WILL NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!

Happy new year fellow dissidents!

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Happy new year MAA. Enjoy the coffee...:)

Thank you for being a leader and setting an example during these troubling times.


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Aww, that was you? Thank you so much for the thoughtful New Year’s gift and your steadfast support, Ryan, and happy 2024 to you as well!

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Watch out for him Madame! He is why we have the recurring news story "Florida Man."

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There's more than one?!

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The fake pandemic tried to reshape our reality, they manipulated the susceptible masses to not only fear the virus but each other where humans were viewed as a threat to their fellow humans, despicable. I remember a young woman who became very angry with me because she insisted I was standing too close to her. There is nothing more warped than creating us as the enemy to each other in the service of a virus we have probably always lived with. Thank you Dr Yeadon for fighting the good fight.

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INSIGHTFUL OBSERVATIONS - - t. y. Amat and blessings to u .

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You nailed it.

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Never forgive.

Never forget.

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I already told you in private correspondence that I got goose bumps all over, but I thought it worth repeating publicly. It’s a very powerful rendition. Both Tess and Mike hold such authentic presence. I will try and boost this on my end too. Hoping it gets seen and heard by many.

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I listened twice and had a second case. Quick! We need an mRNA transfection for GoOsEbUmPs! 🤦‍♀️

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Yes, yes.

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And now we have millions of adverse reactions/deaths and a virus (because we vaccinated during a pandemic) that is on an evolutionary trajectory to make it into a killer. We either have Moe, Larry and Curly dreaming up this “vaccine” or we have a mass extinction tool designed by psychopaths.

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I seem to remember many excellent virologists saying the biggest mistake you can make in a pandemic is mass vaccination. And what's worse, is it never really was a vaccine. It was a gene therapy concoction we were led to believe was a vaccine. I remember when WHO changed the definition of vaccine and natural immunity. And now we have billions of people, worldwide, who have allowed this substance to be injected into them.

I believe your second option " a mass extinction tool designed by psychopaths" is most likely the right choice.

Mistakes weren't made. It was deliberate and calculated. If this theory is right, then we have a major problem for humanity. A mistake could possibly be forgiven, but a deliberate and calculated effort to harm the population is unforgivable.

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You are correct Helen. At this point it really doesn’t matter anymore. The deed is done. Perhaps the truth will be found and sorted out by people now or in the future. Perhaps future history books will tell the story of what happened and why it happened. Perhaps in the chaos and death that is to come, everything about it will be lost and then forgotten. So for us the unvaccinated, the only missions that we need to have now is first survival and then the rebuilding of our world. And of course, the forever commitment to making sure this never happens again.

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The vaccines are the things that harm and kill along with other nasty big pharma products but there is no such thing as an evolving virus, this is evolutionary theory nonsense.

I really hoped by now everybody would have a handle on this. As long as the viral deceit nonsense continues people will be scare of their own shadows.

The so called virus is the 'flu and 'flu is essentially a detoxing process.


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I block all virus deniers. Here is why

I want everyone to realize that the virus deniers on this thread and in other places are serving a master. They are doing the bidding of the Globalists by spreading disinformation or doing their own bidding to promote themselves and/or make money. Many are just clueless losers who want to enhance their own confirmation bias by spreading the total denial of hundreds of years of science. They don’t understand that it is not science that is the problem. On the contrary, we are where we are today because “the real science” was ignored or censored. They want to throw the baby out with the bath water. So ignore them or block them like I do. You can’t reason with them. They want to crawl in some medieval hole and sprinkle magic dust on illnesses.

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Dear Lawrence

I used to believe vaguely in viruses as causes of disease and vaguely in vaccines as useful for restricting disease. Except for the 'flu as I saw people who had such vaccines fall ill anyway so what was the point.

But then I had never bothered to think about it much as my health was generally good and I never liked going to the doctors or to hospitals much.

I do point out in my link and associated links that the so-called virus seen under the electron microscope is the exosome, part of the body's defense system or at least cellular debris, but not something attacking the body.


As to your comment re "...total denial of hundreds of years of science." what a load of bollox! Do you not know your history? Germ/viral theory is no more than 150 years in its current form and is the reason that vaccines have been successfully pushed along with other big pharma nasty products.

And it is still a THEORY Lawrence, not settled.

When the germ/viral theory is finally destroyed as the lies it is people will realise they need no be afraid any more of a supposedly random mutating bug. They can in the meantime learn how to actually manage their health by not poisoning themselves with big pharma chemicals.

Anyway, you have blocked me from commenting on your site because you are an intellectual coward with no argument.

You block all virus deniers because you are afraid of engaging with them.

You are the one doing the globalists' bidding and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself.

Judging by your gravatar you are longer in the tooth than I am and therefore old enough to know better.

And you may not have noticed but Mike Yeadon has liked my comment. I know he questions all that he was told including germ/viral theory.

So I guess you would block him too. You are a fraud and no mistake.

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The virus beLIEvers need no proof of the existence of the alleged virus. No need for controlled studies. Heck, a scary story satisfies them. No need to question, you silly critical thinkers. After all, if you are of a mindset that illness has only one cause because you prefer “settled science” explanations, you have no need for truth in your world. Line up and get your reward jabbed into your arm. It’s sCiEnCE!

The STORY is the virus. The story is the means to the end. After all, we are controlled through language. It’s why propaganda is so effective.

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Amen to that!

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Thanks. I have been away for a break with my wife so am still catching up!

Re "we are controlled through language."

Absolutely, I go further to say we ARE language, it forms our spirits or souls and even the basis of our bodies.

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Interesting, I’d not thought of it that way. Thank you.

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I believe it is the latter..... psychopaths

I am not a human that wants to hurt any creature, human or otherwise; however, I pray every night that God will destroy each person who had any part in helping to destroy humans intentionally with the scamdemic or vax. I know they will be punished. I may not see it, but God will attend to it. His punishment will be an eternal punishment; one much worse than I could imagine. It is stated many times that there is a Lake of Fire where evil souls will burn eternally. That will be a very hot, horrific place to end up. I must admit that knowledge gives my soul great peace. God will NOT let them get away with it. I thank God for His righteous justice to all mankind. In God’s world, there are unspeakable consequences -without serious repentance and forever devotion to Almighty God. Many who do not know God become greedy and give their souls to Satan, and Narcissism takes hold with lust for power and money. They then in turn become their own God, caring for nothing but themselves. We see it throughout history as civilizations fall. Beware, always guard your soul and your children’s souls. Teach them well every day about our God and His love.

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I am with you completely on this Susan. I am going to send you to a post I did a couple years ago that has a poem that I know you will like and appreciate. "To Defeat the Beast" https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/the-tick-tick-tick-of-the-vaccine?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The Virus is a chimera which has never been shown to exist.

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I block all virus deniers: Here is why….

I want everyone to realize that the virus deniers on this thread and in other places are serving a master. They are doing the bidding of the Globalists by spreading disinformation or doing their own bidding to promote themselves and/or make money. Many are just clueless losers who want to enhance their own confirmation bias by spreading the total denial of hundreds of years of science. They don’t understand that it is not science that is the problem. On the contrary, we are where we are today because “the real science” was ignored or censored. They want to throw the baby out with the bath water. So ignore them or block them like I do. You can’t reason with them. They want to crawl in some medieval hole and sprinkle magic dust on illnesses.

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Sending limitless LOVE & LIGHT to you Margaret!!💖🥰Thank you for all your INSPIRED efforts over the last (nearly) 4 years!!🙏 Your courage, wisdom, intellect, compassion and integrity are touchstones for humanity during this most auspicious of times in the human story! May you and yours have a blessed and beautiful, happy and healthy 2024!!🤗

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Stone Petoskey. Loved your comments, particularly the reference to nearly 4 years! I can't believe we are still in this quagmire.

Your reference to auspicious times in our history really resonated with me. My hope is that Margaret makes it into the historical records as a " Joan Of Arc", so to speak.

One thing that helps me to stay sane and cope with all that goes on is history. And my time in it. This is the Era that I was born into and like all generations before me, going back for eons, I'm just a tiny cog in the wheel of history and have to deal with whatever comes my way.

We live in fascinating historical times right now. Let's just hope that those of us who vhose chose not to follow the narrative get our place in history.

It's highly unlikely, but one can always dream.

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I love this piece and share it whenever appropriate.

Everyone should have a chance to watch because truth resonates.

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The video impactful, powerful and moving. I have now seen the videos with both Tess Lawrie and Mike Yeadon reading Mistakes Were Not Made. My wish for 2024 is to stop the totalitarian takeover. I hope that people realize that working together can make a powerful and meaniful positive change. We are all sliding quicker into the monster of corporate, bankers, ngos, and elite rule. It could be a bumpy 2024 but resistance with an organized plan to fight is one of the better options. A time of reckoning will likely come.

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I mean the video is ...

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The brainwashing is still in place with many. But I am guessing in the U.S that only about 20% in U.S. The last statistic on mainstream said 15% , in mid-November had received the current deplorable injectable. I upped that 5% for those suddenly fearful as flu season set in. A recent text conversation with my sister and presentation of this estimate did not touch her brainwashed state.

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Oh how I understand that comment.

Some persons within the family often have a very serious virus entitle DBD. Deaf, Blind and Dumb. It is often too fatal to cure.

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Yes, I totally agree with you... all my family members here in the UK are unfortunately suffering from 'DBD', despite my having provided them with so much information re. what's really going on, ever since this started in early 2020 (I'd also been providing them with similar information re. how this world is ACTUALLY run/controlled, and by whom, for many decades... I having been 'awake' for 40-45 years).

Some of my family members suffering from DBD have had serious health issues as a result of their gullibly complying with the injections.

Well, I did warn them, both prior to the 'roll out' of the jabs, and through the last 3 years, too. My sister (62) is STILL adamant that the injections are 'safe', despite all the evidences I've given them which demonstrate their very dangerous nature...

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When all has been said that can be said, the question remains. What will we do about what has been done by these genocidal psychopaths and their apparatchiks?

The answer, I fear, is nothing. Nevermind retribution, the mere mention of which will get you "deplatformed" from society more effectively than any social media could ever have managed. Mankind will quite happily line up for more of the same when next mandated to do so. I can already hear them shuffling to get in line. Mark my words.

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There will never be an end of many fools upon the Earth.....

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Two years ago this month in an introductory nursing pharmacology course, beginning of term, at a major US researching institution, I raised the question with reference to the newly released covid injection, "is it safe and does it work?" This question raised in chapter 1 of the textbook we had used for years was key to all future considerations of pharmaceuticals. In light of not knowing the answer to those questions I encouraged caution, I cited a blog/survey by Dr. Mike Yeadon. It was a leap of faith, I had little idea who he was. Within 36 hours I was challenged by supervisors for not using credible, scientific literature in class (there was scarcely any scholarly, peer reviewed research available.) I was shortly pressured toward early retirement from an award winning career that I loved. It was not a mistake. I am blessed that my confidence in Dr. Yeadon has never been misplaced. Thank you for offering the poem in another format.

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That is heartbreaking.. You were benefited in the blessing of “seeing the light”.

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999 likes on the original poem. Let's bump it to 1000!

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Thank you for your work. You were my first introduction to Substack. I enjoy many of Robert Malone's many articles but I think sometimes he has a problem with his ego. He has contributed much to our fight for truth but also has issues with anyone that disagrees with what he has said (he takes it personally which is very bad for any man of science).

As to the topic of was this a mistake or was this an accident: I see so much evidence that proves beyond a doubt that this was intentional. You have to see the big picture to realize this. It can't be with a microscope. I wrote an article regarding this that I think shows the big picture.


In short, there are many PsyOps going on at once and this is just one of them.

Enjoy the Coffee(s) and have a happy new year!

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Robert Malone certainly got people thinking but he should not be trusted as he leads people down blind alleyways.

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Sometimes. Trust but verify. Then hope you don't need to change his mind. ;-)

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Hmm...I go for scan, check, double check, triple check. Trust is a longer process. I also look at people's names. You see Robert Wallace Malone has some interesting anagrams.

A a male web controller

Aaren ace womble troll

mRNA ABC aloe troll wee

bartonellaceae is the longest one word anagram from his full name.

"Bartonella species can infect healthy people, but are considered especially important as opportunistic pathogens." from


I find this very enlightening and very funny.

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