Margaret I commend you for this post. Unfortunately even some of the responses to it made me quite disheartened. I think you are totally on the right track and I have been reading your posts for months. I think each and every post you do strikes a nerve in the most amazing places. Please continue the path you have chosen. I am one of the lucky ones right now. I am into week four of a four month sabbatical in our trailer. But I continue to look forward to your posts. There are times though when an internet connection may not always be available. During that downtime I will be sure to keep my eye open for whales, seals, eagles and various birds, otters and minks. Nature is truly my bliss but realistically when I can achieve an internet connection I hope to see you on there
Thank you for your buoying words, Helen 🤗 I share your feelings, but the love and light of people like you help offset the darkness. It sounds like you are enjoying the healing beauty of nature—thank you for sharing a glimpse of that with us 🌳
This article reminds me of a Donovan song "Catch the wind".
It is absolutely true well researched and well written.
However it is fundamentally wrong... and please let me explain.
You see they are acting illegally... what they do is an open crime that can be punished.
By opposing them or worse... writing to your legislators... you give value to a thing that is fundamentally wrong.
The root problem that we are facing is not one... it is manifold ... and while we are occupied by defeating this one problem they create others... and others...
And soon everyone is fighting their own little problems and the root problem gets ignored or worse forgotten.
It is a system of psychological slavery... very clever... evil genius.
The only way to defeat the system is to deny the system the power.
Everyone has to detach themselves from the system.
We have to empower the individual with the authority of the self.
Then they can't do anything...
Declaration of Individual Rights
I am the sole authority over my self.
I am the sole responsibility over my self.
I am responsible for my own actions.
I am responsible for my Future.
Truth shall be my Guidance.
Nobody shall have authority over my self but I
No Person.
No Government.
No Company.
Not by Force.
Not by coercion.
Not by threat.
Not by Violence.
I am born Free and I shall be until the day I die.
I appreciate the idea of a Declaration of Individual Rights and agree that people need to reclaim their own autonomy and rediscover the power of “NO” (as I outlined in my second essay:, but that system of power is going to continue running roughshod over the people, despite our idealistic individual declarations, if we don’t attempt to hold them accountable by the mechanisms currently in place. People are making their voices heard in the hundreds of millions, and it *is* having an impact as the recent victories over the IHR amendments and Disinformation Governance Board demonstrate. These actions have immediate, real-world implications and are necessary pragmatic steps if we wish to halt the juggernaut before it overtakes us.
Thanks, Fritz, and great idea re: the WEF. I have said several times that the WEF needs to have the same toxic stigma as the Nazi Party. People should feel the same sense of revulsion toward it and shame if they were ever associated with it.
I have called them out on my blog several times... Klaus Schwab and his Family had a company Escher Wyss who was decorated by Adolf Hitler and had a private concentration camp on their Grounds in Ravensburg Germany.
Hansjörg Wyss (same Family) founded the Harvard Wyss foundation.
There together with Elon Musk they created "Neural Lace" technology which are self assembling Graphene Nanoparticles...
The whole covid scam is to connect the Human to AI.
They really are Nazis... and the Nazis originate in the Jewish Occult and for that they are protected...
You cannot make this shit up.
Truth is stranger than fiction... but fascinating...
Strange world that radical libertarianism leads one to...and one in which something beautiful and true like this essay must be pooh-poohed. Try the first three chapters of Genesis, or the first two chapters of Aristotle's Politics to get you back to some semblance of reality. You might also take a look at a key attack on the apolitical and unscientific fantasy embedded in state of nature thinking by reading one of the main essays in The Legacy of Rousseau. You might also take a look at Vaclav Havel's writings, as the Czech dissidents actually did a version of your "detach from the system" recommendation, but without falling into libertarian fantasy-talk.
Beautifully written. Hard to believe all the work and research you put into these revealing essays. For all the tragedies averted due to free speech, there are ongoing Medical and Pharmaceutical tragedies and catastrophes documented in Robert F Kennedy Junior's book The Real Anthony Fauci.
I'm sure you are well aware of them. It appears they hardly need to legislate more censorship to sweep their crimes under the rug. I'm not at my computer only eliciting stream of consciousness into cell phone. A couple more thoughts. Regarding d d t, it happens I worked for Montrose chemical in Torrance in 1965 as a lab technician at the d d t plant. Regardless of that casual familiarity, informed arguments have advanced the theory, DDT was not necessarily the culprit for alleged environmental damage. Far as I know, no one died from DDT poisoning. Workers at Montrose were tested and found to have DDT artifacts in their tissues, yet they had no demonstrable health issues. In fact, I heard they had a lower incidence of cancer. Of course this was decades ago, and may have been company BS. Moreover, since the ban, Millions have died of malaria which was nearly eradicated in some thanks to d d t. Bangladesh comes to mind. The other epiphany I recently had concerns the argument that because Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and the like, are private companies, they are therefore not required to comply with the First Amendment, regarding free speech. Maybe I have this all wrong, but since when are private companies allowed to violate the law of the land? Anti-discrimination laws immediately come to mind. Anyway that's all thank you for the good work, happy Memorial Day everybody and good night.
Thank you, Steve! Interesting details re: DDT. I have heard that its impact on the environment may have been a myth, but I treat that with the same grain of salt I now treat the vaccine manufacturers’ propaganda discrediting the link between autism and their products—I know the power of the corporations to control the narrative and am thus skeptical of any “fact-checking” rebuttals engineered to exonerate them. That said, I haven’t heavily researched DDT’s impact on the environment so can’t speak to that specifically, but I do think Forrest Maready makes an extremely compelling case for its risks to human health in “The Moth in the Iron Lung,” which is well-worth a read.
Your statement about private companies having to abide by the First Amendment makes perfect sense to me! If only logic had something to do with it ;-)
thanks for your eternal vigilance. i hope when this is all over you make a book out of this.
ignac semmelweis died of an untreated bacterial infection in the mental hospital after he'd been involuntarily committed. just about the cruelest irony i've ever heard of.
Feel the same as Dissident on the topic of Dr Malone . When educated people on the topic of creating this injection juice insert their allbeing adult/Dr power over children and encourage them to take injection of other non human species and harvested children ingredients to me... it is a box of darkness delivered. If he had given ALL funds from such darkness over to standing up I might feel differently. By the way I wonder if Doktor Malone lights up the bluetooth numbers thingy or Not....
I understand your perspective, Gail, and I, too, am appalled by anyone who would advocate injecting children, but Dissident is not accurately representing Malone’s current views, and indeed, he has become the most vocal opponent of injections for children.
Toward the end of his Rogan podcast, for example, Dr. Malone stated emphatically:
“There’s two hills that I’m willing to die on: one is stopping the jabs in the children, and one is resisting the erosion of free speech, which is the fundamental principle on which our democracy, our society, civilized Western culture is built on.”
He has compiled a growing collection of research documenting the hazards of injections to children:
He has acknowledged that he was previously mistaken and has thrown his entire life upside-down to fight the injection and tyranny with everything at his disposal. Malone describes his experience as being “multidimensionally red-pilled.” He says it was like backing up into a light switch and not being able to unsee what he has now woken up to. He admits that he had fallen prey to groupthink and was mistaken about the injection, but now he is awake and committed to exposing the dangers of both the jab and totalitarianism.
Malone has done more than anyone else to bring attention to the eye-opening phenomenon of mass formation (which he wholly credits Mattias Desmet for), and he continues to shed light on the Great Reset, the WEF, and the failure of the largest experiment in human history (
The fact that the smear machine is going so ferociously after Malone suggests he is a threat to the BigPharma/Big Brother/Big Media complex. I find it sad that people claiming to be on the side of the Resistance would spend their time ankle-biting its most effective voices. Whether intentionally or not, they are draining energy from the Resistance and serving the tyrants by doing so.
I’m not claiming those who insist on purity tests and build their own reputations by attacking others fighting tyranny and democide are controlled opposition. I don’t know that and wouldn’t make that claim. I can only point to the effects of their attacks and see that their bitter attitude harms the Resistance while benefiting the pharmaceutical corporations, governments, and entities like the WEF, so effectually they serve that role.
But I’m not asking you to take my word for it. All of the evidence is available for you to evaluate for yourself, as is the substantial proof of his efficacy at awakening others. I encourage you to read his blog posts ( charting his growth over time. 2021 Malone is not the same as 2022 Malone, who is unabashedly exposing the hazards of the injections.
All I’m saying is that when you look at the net good coming out of Malone’s words and actions, it is astoundingly positive. I happen to believe in redemption, and I believe human beings are capable of making mistakes and then recanting those errors, which is in itself commendable as a sign of wisdom and humility.
When evaluating certain voices against their detractors, ask yourself, which uplifts, and which tears down? Which inspires, and which deflates? Which unites, and which divides?
Dear MAA, I am very moved by your return comment. I will take some time and review the links you have made the time to share for unity . Net good coming from the power of now action is the fabric of forward ho. Thank you eh.
Thank you MAA! What does it take to motivated our elected representatives to work for the interest of "We the People"? The statement of JFK about Freedom of Information says it all!
WE should copy and paste this article to our Congressman!
You're hitting the bad nails on the head, Margaret. Too many problems are besetting us all at once but without the fundamental respect for the rights of the individual as opposed to the rights of groups and platforms, we will never defeat them. Keep on fighting, girl!
Another information packed writing that is screaming truth while most just turn their heads to abide by whatever Fauci says. The blindness of the majority to the truth right in front of them is one of the most painful adult experiences I have had. I now completely understand how Nazi Germany was able to successfully kill so many. We’re watching the same thing happen right now as the sheep line up for their boosters. I pray daily we can wake up enough, just enough to be a force for change. A revolution for truth!!
I'm sure all of those horrible things sound features rather than bugs to the pathocrats who have captured the halls of power.
“… who have been elected to the halls of power by a de-educated population” - fixed.
The pathocrats who have the power are the ones who dictate to the ones ''(s)elected.''
Make Pharma Liable Again
Margaret I commend you for this post. Unfortunately even some of the responses to it made me quite disheartened. I think you are totally on the right track and I have been reading your posts for months. I think each and every post you do strikes a nerve in the most amazing places. Please continue the path you have chosen. I am one of the lucky ones right now. I am into week four of a four month sabbatical in our trailer. But I continue to look forward to your posts. There are times though when an internet connection may not always be available. During that downtime I will be sure to keep my eye open for whales, seals, eagles and various birds, otters and minks. Nature is truly my bliss but realistically when I can achieve an internet connection I hope to see you on there
Thank you for your buoying words, Helen 🤗 I share your feelings, but the love and light of people like you help offset the darkness. It sounds like you are enjoying the healing beauty of nature—thank you for sharing a glimpse of that with us 🌳
This article reminds me of a Donovan song "Catch the wind".
It is absolutely true well researched and well written.
However it is fundamentally wrong... and please let me explain.
You see they are acting illegally... what they do is an open crime that can be punished.
By opposing them or worse... writing to your legislators... you give value to a thing that is fundamentally wrong.
The root problem that we are facing is not one... it is manifold ... and while we are occupied by defeating this one problem they create others... and others...
And soon everyone is fighting their own little problems and the root problem gets ignored or worse forgotten.
It is a system of psychological slavery... very clever... evil genius.
The only way to defeat the system is to deny the system the power.
Everyone has to detach themselves from the system.
We have to empower the individual with the authority of the self.
Then they can't do anything...
Declaration of Individual Rights
I am the sole authority over my self.
I am the sole responsibility over my self.
I am responsible for my own actions.
I am responsible for my Future.
Truth shall be my Guidance.
Nobody shall have authority over my self but I
No Person.
No Government.
No Company.
Not by Force.
Not by coercion.
Not by threat.
Not by Violence.
I am born Free and I shall be until the day I die.
No Government has Authority but I
No Company has Authority but I
Those who Lie have no Authority at all.
I appreciate the idea of a Declaration of Individual Rights and agree that people need to reclaim their own autonomy and rediscover the power of “NO” (as I outlined in my second essay:, but that system of power is going to continue running roughshod over the people, despite our idealistic individual declarations, if we don’t attempt to hold them accountable by the mechanisms currently in place. People are making their voices heard in the hundreds of millions, and it *is* having an impact as the recent victories over the IHR amendments and Disinformation Governance Board demonstrate. These actions have immediate, real-world implications and are necessary pragmatic steps if we wish to halt the juggernaut before it overtakes us.
I agree wholeheartedly...
I try to rally the people behind one Idea... the one that is freedom... the only thing worth fighting...
I wrote a declaration of no confidence in the Government, something that many people share and If more do it it can become a legal document.
I also write about the Chain of command and how the WEF and the WHO are outside this chain of command and as such to follow their orders are illegal.
People need to be educated about the nature of democracy and how to take it back.
Because everything they do is illegal.
Declare the WEF a Terror Organization (which it is ) and it is over.
War is over if you want it... but you have to want it.
I actually used John Lennon's original poster to create this one.
Keep it up, we need to stop this.
Thanks, Fritz, and great idea re: the WEF. I have said several times that the WEF needs to have the same toxic stigma as the Nazi Party. People should feel the same sense of revulsion toward it and shame if they were ever associated with it.
I absolutely agree...
I have called them out on my blog several times... Klaus Schwab and his Family had a company Escher Wyss who was decorated by Adolf Hitler and had a private concentration camp on their Grounds in Ravensburg Germany.
Hansjörg Wyss (same Family) founded the Harvard Wyss foundation.
There together with Elon Musk they created "Neural Lace" technology which are self assembling Graphene Nanoparticles...
The whole covid scam is to connect the Human to AI.
They really are Nazis... and the Nazis originate in the Jewish Occult and for that they are protected...
You cannot make this shit up.
Truth is stranger than fiction... but fascinating...
Truth is indeed stranger than fiction!
This Unlimited Hangout article does a pretty deep dive into the Schwab family history if you haven’t seen it:
• “Schwab Family Values” (
Seen it... James Corbett also did a good thing on it...
Have a look at the Wyss Foundation
It is directly related to Klaus schwab through Hansjörg Wyss.
And it is the point of connection between DARPA CIA Elon Musk Neural Lace Neural Link Biometric Id+++++
But so long I was the only one reporting about that.
Maybe you should have a look at the connections yourself...
Harvard is also where Kissinger recruited Schwab...
Strange world that radical libertarianism leads one to...and one in which something beautiful and true like this essay must be pooh-poohed. Try the first three chapters of Genesis, or the first two chapters of Aristotle's Politics to get you back to some semblance of reality. You might also take a look at a key attack on the apolitical and unscientific fantasy embedded in state of nature thinking by reading one of the main essays in The Legacy of Rousseau. You might also take a look at Vaclav Havel's writings, as the Czech dissidents actually did a version of your "detach from the system" recommendation, but without falling into libertarian fantasy-talk.
What are you trying to sell?
Who are you anyway?
So well researched, so well written. This a picture of the Simulation, that has seduced people into believing that this world is normal. Thank you.
Thank you, Ed, and I have been enjoying your series on the Simulation!
Thank you in return. You are doing important writing. Your are putting words into action. Best to you.
Bless you, Ed. You are a true mensch and doing good work in the world 🤗
Email me your mailing address. I have something I want to send you.
Brilliant! Margaret, you are what our state controlled media won't hire- a real, investigative journalist.
Thank you, Donald, and bless you for your own relentless investigative journalism!
Beautifully written. Hard to believe all the work and research you put into these revealing essays. For all the tragedies averted due to free speech, there are ongoing Medical and Pharmaceutical tragedies and catastrophes documented in Robert F Kennedy Junior's book The Real Anthony Fauci.
I'm sure you are well aware of them. It appears they hardly need to legislate more censorship to sweep their crimes under the rug. I'm not at my computer only eliciting stream of consciousness into cell phone. A couple more thoughts. Regarding d d t, it happens I worked for Montrose chemical in Torrance in 1965 as a lab technician at the d d t plant. Regardless of that casual familiarity, informed arguments have advanced the theory, DDT was not necessarily the culprit for alleged environmental damage. Far as I know, no one died from DDT poisoning. Workers at Montrose were tested and found to have DDT artifacts in their tissues, yet they had no demonstrable health issues. In fact, I heard they had a lower incidence of cancer. Of course this was decades ago, and may have been company BS. Moreover, since the ban, Millions have died of malaria which was nearly eradicated in some thanks to d d t. Bangladesh comes to mind. The other epiphany I recently had concerns the argument that because Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and the like, are private companies, they are therefore not required to comply with the First Amendment, regarding free speech. Maybe I have this all wrong, but since when are private companies allowed to violate the law of the land? Anti-discrimination laws immediately come to mind. Anyway that's all thank you for the good work, happy Memorial Day everybody and good night.
Thank you, Steve! Interesting details re: DDT. I have heard that its impact on the environment may have been a myth, but I treat that with the same grain of salt I now treat the vaccine manufacturers’ propaganda discrediting the link between autism and their products—I know the power of the corporations to control the narrative and am thus skeptical of any “fact-checking” rebuttals engineered to exonerate them. That said, I haven’t heavily researched DDT’s impact on the environment so can’t speak to that specifically, but I do think Forrest Maready makes an extremely compelling case for its risks to human health in “The Moth in the Iron Lung,” which is well-worth a read.
Your statement about private companies having to abide by the First Amendment makes perfect sense to me! If only logic had something to do with it ;-)
Thank you for taking the time to reply and the referral to the moth in the iron lung.
I will just share a couple of links regarding DDT
Thanks, Steve! It is interesting that the article opens with one of the globalists’ previous failed attempts to create a pseudo-pandemic (Zika).
thanks for your eternal vigilance. i hope when this is all over you make a book out of this.
ignac semmelweis died of an untreated bacterial infection in the mental hospital after he'd been involuntarily committed. just about the cruelest irony i've ever heard of.
now coming to every california town
Thank you, nymusicdaily, and I do see a book on the horizon :-)
Thanks for reminding me of that excruciating irony—it’s been several years since I read “The Doctors’ Plague,” and I had forgotten that detail!
I weep for California :-(
heartbreaking - anybody who can get out is getting out
Another favorite of mine and all-too prescient!
Was glad to see the Exploding Gas Tank Pinto get a mention.
(epic article as always, MAA)
Haha, I was so tempted to link to Episode 1 for that reference 🤣
Oh my Margaret Anna Alice. Sensible reality is spiffy I must say. Very moving. Pip-Pip
Feel the same as Dissident on the topic of Dr Malone . When educated people on the topic of creating this injection juice insert their allbeing adult/Dr power over children and encourage them to take injection of other non human species and harvested children ingredients to me... it is a box of darkness delivered. If he had given ALL funds from such darkness over to standing up I might feel differently. By the way I wonder if Doktor Malone lights up the bluetooth numbers thingy or Not....
I understand your perspective, Gail, and I, too, am appalled by anyone who would advocate injecting children, but Dissident is not accurately representing Malone’s current views, and indeed, he has become the most vocal opponent of injections for children.
Toward the end of his Rogan podcast, for example, Dr. Malone stated emphatically:
“There’s two hills that I’m willing to die on: one is stopping the jabs in the children, and one is resisting the erosion of free speech, which is the fundamental principle on which our democracy, our society, civilized Western culture is built on.”
He has compiled a growing collection of research documenting the hazards of injections to children:
Malone made a specific, urgent plea to parents not to inject their kids and repeatedly hammers home that message every opportunity he gets:
He has acknowledged that he was previously mistaken and has thrown his entire life upside-down to fight the injection and tyranny with everything at his disposal. Malone describes his experience as being “multidimensionally red-pilled.” He says it was like backing up into a light switch and not being able to unsee what he has now woken up to. He admits that he had fallen prey to groupthink and was mistaken about the injection, but now he is awake and committed to exposing the dangers of both the jab and totalitarianism.
Malone has done more than anyone else to bring attention to the eye-opening phenomenon of mass formation (which he wholly credits Mattias Desmet for), and he continues to shed light on the Great Reset, the WEF, and the failure of the largest experiment in human history (
The fact that the smear machine is going so ferociously after Malone suggests he is a threat to the BigPharma/Big Brother/Big Media complex. I find it sad that people claiming to be on the side of the Resistance would spend their time ankle-biting its most effective voices. Whether intentionally or not, they are draining energy from the Resistance and serving the tyrants by doing so.
I’m not claiming those who insist on purity tests and build their own reputations by attacking others fighting tyranny and democide are controlled opposition. I don’t know that and wouldn’t make that claim. I can only point to the effects of their attacks and see that their bitter attitude harms the Resistance while benefiting the pharmaceutical corporations, governments, and entities like the WEF, so effectually they serve that role.
But I’m not asking you to take my word for it. All of the evidence is available for you to evaluate for yourself, as is the substantial proof of his efficacy at awakening others. I encourage you to read his blog posts ( charting his growth over time. 2021 Malone is not the same as 2022 Malone, who is unabashedly exposing the hazards of the injections.
I’m not saying Malone is perfect. None of us are. We are all on journeys of discovery and at different points along the path. I have previously called out Malone in his comments for not going far enough in his demands to halt the injection, and now he has arrived at that position himself (
I also agree wholeheartedly with Leslie Manookian’s critique ( of his quote, “If there is risk, there must be choice,” which I believe is well-meaning but misguided and self-defeating.
All I’m saying is that when you look at the net good coming out of Malone’s words and actions, it is astoundingly positive. I happen to believe in redemption, and I believe human beings are capable of making mistakes and then recanting those errors, which is in itself commendable as a sign of wisdom and humility.
When evaluating certain voices against their detractors, ask yourself, which uplifts, and which tears down? Which inspires, and which deflates? Which unites, and which divides?
I think the answer is obvious.
Dear MAA, I am very moved by your return comment. I will take some time and review the links you have made the time to share for unity . Net good coming from the power of now action is the fabric of forward ho. Thank you eh.
P.S. Today is the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.
I hadn’t realized—thank you for that poignant reminder of why we are doing what we’re doing 💔🛡
Thank you for your open-minded and open-hearted response, Gail. What a beautiful way of putting it 🙌💗🔥
Thank you MAA! What does it take to motivated our elected representatives to work for the interest of "We the People"? The statement of JFK about Freedom of Information says it all!
WE should copy and paste this article to our Congressman!
Great question, Thomas, and I wish I knew the answer! Thank you so much for your enthusiastic action.
You're hitting the bad nails on the head, Margaret. Too many problems are besetting us all at once but without the fundamental respect for the rights of the individual as opposed to the rights of groups and platforms, we will never defeat them. Keep on fighting, girl!
Thank you, Monika, and will do! 🙌
Another tour de force Margaret. Good to hear your hard work is paying off.
Thank you, Kyle, and thanks also for planting your own seeds—literally and figuratively!
And once again, I've added multiple entries into my commonplace after reading one of your superbly well-written and researched articles. Thank you!
I’m honored to hear it, Jo, and thank you for reading and appreciating!
Margaret Anna Alice , awesome 👏🏻 !
Thanks so much, Brandon is not your Bro!
Another information packed writing that is screaming truth while most just turn their heads to abide by whatever Fauci says. The blindness of the majority to the truth right in front of them is one of the most painful adult experiences I have had. I now completely understand how Nazi Germany was able to successfully kill so many. We’re watching the same thing happen right now as the sheep line up for their boosters. I pray daily we can wake up enough, just enough to be a force for change. A revolution for truth!!
Thank you, Jessica, and I am ready for a revolution for truth!! I do believe it is well underway already.