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Feel the same as Dissident on the topic of Dr Malone . When educated people on the topic of creating this injection juice insert their allbeing adult/Dr power over children and encourage them to take injection of other non human species and harvested children ingredients to me... it is a box of darkness delivered. If he had given ALL funds from such darkness over to standing up I might feel differently. By the way I wonder if Doktor Malone lights up the bluetooth numbers thingy or Not....

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I understand your perspective, Gail, and I, too, am appalled by anyone who would advocate injecting children, but Dissident is not accurately representing Malone’s current views, and indeed, he has become the most vocal opponent of injections for children.

Toward the end of his Rogan podcast, for example, Dr. Malone stated emphatically:

“There’s two hills that I’m willing to die on: one is stopping the jabs in the children, and one is resisting the erosion of free speech, which is the fundamental principle on which our democracy, our society, civilized Western culture is built on.”

He has compiled a growing collection of research documenting the hazards of injections to children:


Malone made a specific, urgent plea to parents not to inject their kids and repeatedly hammers home that message every opportunity he gets:




He has acknowledged that he was previously mistaken and has thrown his entire life upside-down to fight the injection and tyranny with everything at his disposal. Malone describes his experience as being “multidimensionally red-pilled.” He says it was like backing up into a light switch and not being able to unsee what he has now woken up to. He admits that he had fallen prey to groupthink and was mistaken about the injection, but now he is awake and committed to exposing the dangers of both the jab and totalitarianism.

Malone has done more than anyone else to bring attention to the eye-opening phenomenon of mass formation (which he wholly credits Mattias Desmet for), and he continues to shed light on the Great Reset, the WEF, and the failure of the largest experiment in human history (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/what-if-the-largest-experiment-on).

The fact that the smear machine is going so ferociously after Malone suggests he is a threat to the BigPharma/Big Brother/Big Media complex. I find it sad that people claiming to be on the side of the Resistance would spend their time ankle-biting its most effective voices. Whether intentionally or not, they are draining energy from the Resistance and serving the tyrants by doing so.

I’m not claiming those who insist on purity tests and build their own reputations by attacking others fighting tyranny and democide are controlled opposition. I don’t know that and wouldn’t make that claim. I can only point to the effects of their attacks and see that their bitter attitude harms the Resistance while benefiting the pharmaceutical corporations, governments, and entities like the WEF, so effectually they serve that role.

But I’m not asking you to take my word for it. All of the evidence is available for you to evaluate for yourself, as is the substantial proof of his efficacy at awakening others. I encourage you to read his blog posts (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/archive) charting his growth over time. 2021 Malone is not the same as 2022 Malone, who is unabashedly exposing the hazards of the injections.

I’m not saying Malone is perfect. None of us are. We are all on journeys of discovery and at different points along the path. I have previously called out Malone in his comments for not going far enough in his demands to halt the injection, and now he has arrived at that position himself (https://rumble.com/v16f84s-two-shots-worse-than-one-three-shots-worse-than-two-even-against-hospitaliz.html).

I also agree wholeheartedly with Leslie Manookian’s critique (https://lesliemanookian.substack.com/p/where-there-is-risk-there-must-be) of his quote, “If there is risk, there must be choice,” which I believe is well-meaning but misguided and self-defeating.

All I’m saying is that when you look at the net good coming out of Malone’s words and actions, it is astoundingly positive. I happen to believe in redemption, and I believe human beings are capable of making mistakes and then recanting those errors, which is in itself commendable as a sign of wisdom and humility.

When evaluating certain voices against their detractors, ask yourself, which uplifts, and which tears down? Which inspires, and which deflates? Which unites, and which divides?

I think the answer is obvious.

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Dear MAA, I am very moved by your return comment. I will take some time and review the links you have made the time to share for unity . Net good coming from the power of now action is the fabric of forward ho. Thank you eh.

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P.S. Today is the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.

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I hadn’t realized—thank you for that poignant reminder of why we are doing what we’re doing 💔🛡

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Thank you for your open-minded and open-hearted response, Gail. What a beautiful way of putting it 🙌💗🔥

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