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George Bernard Shaw was a eugenicist. But I sure do love Major Barbara. You’re gonna have to stop with all the theatre references or I’ll always show up in your comments. 😂

That train video out a knot in my stomach. I can’t believe hours the conductor reached out for the drink. I’m surprised she didn’t get popped sooner.

The Lauterbach-Hitler comparisons are so damming. Can he not see himself? Someone photoshop a little moustache on that man so he can stop being so daft.

Thanks for including all the White Rose leaflets. I had never read them before. I’ve always been so moved by Sophie’s story.

Make waves we will. The tsunami is coming.

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Haha, you’ve just given me incentive to include more theater references as I always appreciate your thoughtful and informative comments, Visceral Adventure!

And wow, I knew Shaw was a socialist but didn’t realize he was a eugenicist—yikes. It is still a great quote, though :-)

Yes, I have CJ to thank for sharing that train conductor video with me as he knew it would be harrowingly perfect for my article, which it was.

I, too, had always been moved by Sophie’s story but had never read the White Rose leaflets until writing this article, and I found them absolutely electrifying. They would make amazing material for a theatrical happening if you have the opportunity to arrange something :-)

*lol* That is a great idea re: the mustache! I’m surprised I didn’t think of that ;-)

We are indeed making waves, VA, and the tsunami is achieving irreversible momentum 🌊

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Oh man, that’s such a grant idea about the leaflets! You had a big lightbulb about the readings of the VAERS reports too... outside of the fact that my pariah status has become pretty limiting in the theatre community, I’m having a hard time getting back to creating theatrical content because my recent conflicts are so raw and personal. I know I just have to get over it. Or maybe get my kids to perform... 🤔 actually...🥹

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What a fantabulous idea, VA! Keep me posted! If you do video, I can share it with my readers :-)

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🙏 missed this comment, MAA! But I’ve been noodling on the idea!

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Wow, that’s so brilliant an idea.

I’ve banged on about this concept: the perpetrators have taken years to prepare this coup. They will have thought about the kinds of resistance expected & I don’t believe they won’t in each case have worked out multiple counters to each & every one of them.

I don’t mean to be discouraging.

But I do believe if we only do what they expect some people to do, we’ll merely be playing out a drama who’s final act is the digital gulag.

What is the answer. Well, I do think we should do all the things that are right, the above notwithstanding.

But we should wrack our brains for ideas which “have a chance of working out AND are not obvious”.

The perpetrators aren’t perfect. They can only think of things they can think of.

Good luck!

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I think Lauterbach-mini-wanna-be-Hitler can not help himself, even if he can see himself. It's just in him.

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