Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Wow! WTF Margaret? You've unleashed the titanic turbulence of your uterine power onto us humble readers leaving us shaking in awe and admiration. Again, you let us know that truth is stronger than fiction. That tyranny is a vacuous leech. And that The Lighthouse is a must-see.

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Navyo, *LOL* What an exhilarating comment, and I must admit this letter was terrifically fun to write! And a BIG YES to “The Lighthouse” being a must-see. It restored my belief that great, mythic films can still be created, astonishingly.

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

:-) I will watch it tonight. I'm a fan of both actors. BTW, I sent you a msg w a journalist recommendation on the Messenger app.

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How exciting to hear, and you are in for such a treat!

Oh my, I’m glad you let me know about the Messenger app. I assume you mean Facebook? I did recently discover a message someone had sent me months ago, so it’s probably not the best way to communicate with me 😆 I just checked Messenger, though, and I don’t see anything from you :-( Best way to reach me is via email, so just reply to any of my newsletters to do that.

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Watched The Lighthouse. Words fail me, but I'll try a few. A true actor's movie. Dafoe is a genius. Pattinson has increased his creds brilliantly. And now I get why you used that quote from the film!

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Yes!! So glad you appreciated it (you might enjoy Eggers’s previous film, “The Witch,” too—he is amazing at capturing the ethos of past eras in a visually and emotionally riveting way). “The Lighthouse” is a cinematic masterpiece and gave Dafoe and Pattinson the roles of a lifetime—and they rose to the challenge with every atom of their being.

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Then I must recommend another film, A Field In England, dir. Ben Wheatley. Also shot in b&w it's a must-see, set in the 17th century and called 'an occult classic'. I will check out The Witch.

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OK. Just sent.

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Just replied :-) As I mentioned in my email, Cory Morningstar tweeted about my fairy tale (https://twitter.com/elleprovocateur/status/1425854482357817346), and I included her quote in the Reader Responses section of my book! I do appreciate your alerting me to her significant work, though, as I haven’t had a chance to delve into her reporting.

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Cory is good value.

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

A well-written, and well-read article.

One would have thought that trying to "enshroud" the Sun at a Sun-drenched place is more logical than in Sweden.

I love this catty line:

"You are a foul, fetid, festering, fiendish, fear-fomenting fecker devoid of soul, purpose, and meaning."

I think I know whom you pointed the bone at....

("Pointing the bone" is an Australian Aboriginal practice of cursing someone. It literally involves pointing a small bone at someone!)

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Barry, fun to see you here, and glad you enjoyed that line! (And yes, I’m sure I know whom you’re thinking of, and he is certainly one of the prospective audiences, although I actually had a more abstract Mr. Global/GloboCap amorphous presence in mind while writing it.)

How fascinating to learn about “pointing the bone”—I’ll definitely tuck that in my back pocket!

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deletedNov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Not exactly sure what pointing the bone is all about as i have not read into it. I knew of it when one abo woman pointed the bone at John Howard - I was surprised to see it was a teeny tiny thing in her hand - and he lost both the election and his seat. The Liberal Party has regained it since. Interesting....

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Was it Howard or Keating/Hawke who tried to bring in the ID card? Was discussing it last night and we couldn't remember.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You made it to zerohedge this morning. Congratulations!

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I was delighted to see that, and thanks so much for the congrats!

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I used to pride myself on being able to write scathing letters. And then I discovered Margaret. Another BRILLIANT use of language to make a poignant point. WOW.

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*lol* That means a great deal to me coming from someone who practices the art of searing correspondence himself! Thank you for the powerful comment, Rob, and happy to have you here.

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Nice work Margaret, as always. Like Biderman's chart - I only downloaded his paper, from where the chart originated, just the other day - I must have come across it in undergraduate studies but need to review!

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Thank you, Winston, and I’m not surprised you’re attuned to Biderman’s Chart! You may learn a great deal about that in Room 101, someday, although I certainly hope not ;-)

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Let's hope not too - as the threat of something like 101 comes into focus in Australia - maybe still a little time away but gathering form - I'd much rather learn from papers and books rather than experientially... but that's just me.

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Winston, 💯!!

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thought I'd share my experience since it's so different than what so many others are up against. I live in rural Iowa. Life here is mostly pre-pandemic normal. Our local hospital mandated the shot and a few employers are threatening, but our county attorney made a public stand against it. There was some opposition, but it came off as shrill ideology and not coherent. We have our share of those folks here, but they are less than 5% of the population. Unemployment is basically zero, so companies that mandate now are only hurting themselves. My wife works for such a company. Their EH&S guy is a card carrying socialist and this is a religious mission to him. Just comply. I know best. That kind of guy. I think he's getting guidance from HQ though, because even he's backing off now. They know they won't have the people they need to function and people out here have long memories when someone does them wrong. Feels like we've won this round, but I think most of us know that even if we have they'll be back again. They're sociopaths. They will never leave us alone.

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Wow, Unpaved Man, thank you for sharing that inspiring and heartening example! We need some positive stories of courage and successful resistance for a change :-)

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

And I should have said thank you for your piece, Margaret Anna Alice. It's no small thing and I really appreciate you for having the courage and vision to share it with us.

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It is my honor, and I am grateful to have you here.

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I just drove thru the sad state of New Mexico. I am pretty sure from the vacant looks in their eyes, their nearly universal masking even outdoors, and the listeless staggering around of their public that the coercion worked there. It is complete. I don't think they want anything but to be safe from the covid monster. I should have video taped it. Shocking.

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Wow, what a tragic report from the frontlines. Reminds me of the scene I described in COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it):

“Are we living in Concentration Camp 2.0? In the updated version, psychologically battered inmates amble around in a state of permanent learned helplessness, a brigade of Karens standing guard, eager to inform on anyone who demonstrates a faint alertness.

“When they reach the invisible boundaries of their self-constructed walls, they stop. When the atmosphere grants permission to proceed, they tiptoe tentatively forward, cringing in anticipation of the thunderclap order to halt and reverse. And it comes. It almost always comes—but at random intervals, nerves fraying as they remain suspended in a state of perpetual tension, anxiety, and terror until the next shock.

“After enough waves of dread, they forget. They forget what it was like before, and they forget what it was like ahead. They forget there is an outside. They forget they have the capacity to stride through those phantom walls. They forget they have agency over their own lives. They forget they possess the power of a collective, resounding ‘NO!’”

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You hit the nail on the head lady. Keep it up.

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Thanks, Raptor, and I certainly will!

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Well, I live in Southern NM and I can tell you it is completely different from the North. So yes it is a sad blue state but the southern half is ready to disobey. FJB. They will fail!

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margaret, I neglected to say that this piece is amazing. I especially liked the Dr. Bush vid... All should watch it. Thanks

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Many thanks, SoDeeplyConcerned, and so glad you appreciated the Dr. Bush video! I remembered it from watching it ages ago and was so relieved when I managed to find it.

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That's a relief. We drove/stayed along I40. Sad. AR, AL, FL seem back to normalish. Woo. FJB!

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Hi there Alice, this piece should be used as an example of brilliant, scathing language in all classes of rhetoric...if they existed. And thanks for that chart; never seen it before, and so...apt. Nice work!

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Lovely to welcome you here, Monika, and what an extraordinary compliment! (Good point—most students wouldn’t even know what “rhetoric” means, let alone be able to practice it ;-)

Yes, everyone needs to be aware of Biderman’s Chart of Coercion—once they realize how that formula has been followed to a ‘T’ from the outset of this manufactured emergency, they may begin to understand that they’ve been subjected to psychological torture to extract their freedoms, rights, and assets.

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Another beautifully conceived and written tour de force Margaret. Thank you.

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Many thanks, Kyle, and grateful to have you as part of the resistance to tyrants!

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Ahhh, you have unleashed a storm of scathing truth that is music to our ears and a searing stake through the hearts of those of the tyrant persuasion - not that their minds will be changed because their minds have been seized by malignant evil. Thank you. The videos are excellent illustrations of your points.

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Haha, beautifully stated, HUMDEEDEE, and so happy to hear you enjoyed it! And yes, you’re so right—even though this letter is addressed to the tyrants, I have no illusion of reaching them and am really obliquely sending a rallying cry for resistance to We the People.

An added benefit to this (and all of my letters, really), is people can now tweet it at the tyrants, which they’ve been doing with Letter to a Colluder (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and Letter to a Covidian (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel), much to my glee.

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As always, love your work!

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Thanks so much, Dennis! 🤗

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Great article. I'd never seen Biderman's chart...surely, great minds have devised a formula for ACTIVELY defending yourself against these tactics. Does anyone know where to find such information?

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That is an excellent question and would that I knew the answer! I will definitely keep an eye out, though, and please let me know if you come across any strategies for resisting those tactics! I do think being aware of them and being able to see the mechanisms at work is the first step, however, so hopefully, this will help equip people to resist the coercion.

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Biderman's chart???? If you understand it isn't it understood what you should do?

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Oh and Good morning 🌞

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Brilliant,best article about this topic I have ever read.thank you!

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Mimi60, thank you for your delightful note, and good morning (night for me ;-) back!

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You are very welcome ♥️

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"As more and more children fall prey to your Mephistophelian machinations, you will unleash the Mama and Papa Bears—and then you will see a mass upheaval like you’ve never imagined." Great piece, spot on and random feedback from NYC event today at Pfizer HQ.. For the first time in the months I've been at weekly events around NYC today I saw signs to the effect Mama Bears are here, engaged and outraged.. exact words change up but the Mama Bear theme was new.

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Thank you, Pamela, for that rousing report from the frontlines as well as your wonderful comment! Happy to welcome the Queen of Quotations here :-)

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Good to hear.

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Hi Margaret! W.O.W. That was brilliantly written!! Seriously amazing girl!! I've been wanting to get over to your work for a while now. Maybe, just maybe, youR words will be the tipping point needed to FInally open my family's eyes to the truth of this madness surrounding us, and God willing... prevent them from doing any fuRther harm to their bodies.

ThAnk you, so much, for your dedication and honest work!! Lots of Love & Hugs!! : )

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Naunie4TrthXpsd, thank you for your invigorating comment, and I would be THRILLED if my writing could in some way help open your family’s eyes to what is occurring! I’ve had others tell me the fictional format of my fairy tale (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-vapor-the-hot-hat-and-the-witches) was helpful in penetrating Covidians’ innate defenses against ideas that threaten their catechisms, so that may be a good place to start. “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded) is also a gentle introduction to BigPharma disinformation and may help fracture their faith in pharma-funded propaganda.

Please keep me posted on your family, and thanks again for your cheering words!

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