It is total hyperbole. A concentration camp is where people are kept imprisoned by a military force, i.e. Gaza in this age. A quarantine facility is something which has long existed in various forms in many nations, particularly Western. People were isolated/quarantined during the 1950's Polio epidemic but that was sensible because they …
It is total hyperbole. A concentration camp is where people are kept imprisoned by a military force, i.e. Gaza in this age. A quarantine facility is something which has long existed in various forms in many nations, particularly Western. People were isolated/quarantined during the 1950's Polio epidemic but that was sensible because they only quarantined people who were sick and not healthy people who had just returned from overseas.
You are correct, anything can become anything else, but one thing I do know is that hysteria and hyperbole help no-one. Referring to Australian quarantine facilities as concentration camps is as dishonest as Governments referring to Covid as a Pandemic.
Yes, I understand some people who are fearful have vivid imaginations. I also understand it is important to be aware of potential outcomes but that requires calm, considered, clear reason and not emotional hyperbole.
And yet the Australian army is part of the hotel operation which in the NT already includes a camp where videos have surfaced from inside showing the unpleasantness. And a viral video of a hotel in Sydney where the guy next door was not allowed to leave on his completion of servitude.
Polio was likely caused by DDT or even possibly by Penicillin. Those inflicted with the poisons of biological warfare (most likely the Americans) were no danger to anyone in Australia.
My wife's grandfather suffered horribly in WW2. But one has to be grateful to the Australian authorities that he did not suffer more. I'm not sure that independence and empathy still exists in the upper echelons of an Australia that has given us Turnbull, Rudd & Morrison in the last decade or so.
The use of the ADF to help support quarantine facilities is because Australia, a huge country, the same size physically as the US, has only 26 million people and a police force too small to cope.
I am not saying I agree with it but simply saying the use of the ADF in this way does not equate with the US bringing in the military. You will also find that they used the military in the UK.
I never saw the video of the man prevented from leaving although many people cite it so it may be an urban myth. I know people who have done quarantine and there was never an issue with them leaving at the end of 14 days. Since the 'viral video' cannot be found I have no idea what it was about.
The origins of Polio are not the point. I cited the use of quarantine. And yes, I know the DDT theory for the epidemic of Severe Paralytic Polio in the 1950's but more likely triggers were the practice of removing tonsils and adenoids, common from the early 20th century when doctors could not understand what they did (immune system) and decided they could make a fortune cutting them out because antibiotics made surgery safer. Which they did.
The other trigger was vaccinating kids against Diptheria/Whooping Cough. An Australian doctor in charge of the vax programme for the State of Victoria, Bernard McCloskey first made this link and wrote a paper for The Lancet. Other UK doctors later made the same connection. It has come to be called Polio Provocation.
I think our standard of politician is appalling and Government parlous but that applies to most Western nations and is hardly particular to Australian. One would not count Biden or Johnson as exemplary leaders.
I don't really understand your reference to your wife's grandfather but glad it worked out well.
I have seen the video, I will track it down for you. The guy who was filming it was a little frantic himself. And the officer who was not letting the neighbour leave (you only hear them in the video, you don't see them) threatened at one stage to have him gassed, whatever that might mean.
Re 'working out well' I was just comparing what Australia used to be with what it is now.
Thanks. It gets mentioned but I could never find it.
And yes, Australia today compared to what it was. Although having lived in Canada and the UK and spent very long periods in the US with friends and family, I think that applies to most Western nations.
Perhaps we notice it more in Australia because it was so much better as a place to live than most others.
But also opportunities to learn and grow. Even with Covid a lot of Australia has gone on pretty much as normal. But I agree, troubling if not potentially dangerous times for and in the Western world.
It is total hyperbole. A concentration camp is where people are kept imprisoned by a military force, i.e. Gaza in this age. A quarantine facility is something which has long existed in various forms in many nations, particularly Western. People were isolated/quarantined during the 1950's Polio epidemic but that was sensible because they only quarantined people who were sick and not healthy people who had just returned from overseas.
You are correct, anything can become anything else, but one thing I do know is that hysteria and hyperbole help no-one. Referring to Australian quarantine facilities as concentration camps is as dishonest as Governments referring to Covid as a Pandemic.
Yes, I understand some people who are fearful have vivid imaginations. I also understand it is important to be aware of potential outcomes but that requires calm, considered, clear reason and not emotional hyperbole.
And yet the Australian army is part of the hotel operation which in the NT already includes a camp where videos have surfaced from inside showing the unpleasantness. And a viral video of a hotel in Sydney where the guy next door was not allowed to leave on his completion of servitude.
Polio was likely caused by DDT or even possibly by Penicillin. Those inflicted with the poisons of biological warfare (most likely the Americans) were no danger to anyone in Australia.
My wife's grandfather suffered horribly in WW2. But one has to be grateful to the Australian authorities that he did not suffer more. I'm not sure that independence and empathy still exists in the upper echelons of an Australia that has given us Turnbull, Rudd & Morrison in the last decade or so.
The use of the ADF to help support quarantine facilities is because Australia, a huge country, the same size physically as the US, has only 26 million people and a police force too small to cope.
I am not saying I agree with it but simply saying the use of the ADF in this way does not equate with the US bringing in the military. You will also find that they used the military in the UK.
I never saw the video of the man prevented from leaving although many people cite it so it may be an urban myth. I know people who have done quarantine and there was never an issue with them leaving at the end of 14 days. Since the 'viral video' cannot be found I have no idea what it was about.
The origins of Polio are not the point. I cited the use of quarantine. And yes, I know the DDT theory for the epidemic of Severe Paralytic Polio in the 1950's but more likely triggers were the practice of removing tonsils and adenoids, common from the early 20th century when doctors could not understand what they did (immune system) and decided they could make a fortune cutting them out because antibiotics made surgery safer. Which they did.
The other trigger was vaccinating kids against Diptheria/Whooping Cough. An Australian doctor in charge of the vax programme for the State of Victoria, Bernard McCloskey first made this link and wrote a paper for The Lancet. Other UK doctors later made the same connection. It has come to be called Polio Provocation.
I think our standard of politician is appalling and Government parlous but that applies to most Western nations and is hardly particular to Australian. One would not count Biden or Johnson as exemplary leaders.
I don't really understand your reference to your wife's grandfather but glad it worked out well.
I have seen the video, I will track it down for you. The guy who was filming it was a little frantic himself. And the officer who was not letting the neighbour leave (you only hear them in the video, you don't see them) threatened at one stage to have him gassed, whatever that might mean.
Re 'working out well' I was just comparing what Australia used to be with what it is now.
Rich, please share the link if you do find it.
Thanks. It gets mentioned but I could never find it.
And yes, Australia today compared to what it was. Although having lived in Canada and the UK and spent very long periods in the US with friends and family, I think that applies to most Western nations.
Perhaps we notice it more in Australia because it was so much better as a place to live than most others.
But also opportunities to learn and grow. Even with Covid a lot of Australia has gone on pretty much as normal. But I agree, troubling if not potentially dangerous times for and in the Western world.
Thanks so much, Melanie!
Even more info:
Thanks. that's the one.
Even more info --
likely by the Americans