
Hey MAA, I hope you don't mind me making this comment (not directed at anyone in particular) about a general trend I'm observing in the comments: I really want people to understand that what S is doing is more than just ~gossip~ -- it's slander. It's illegal. It's a criminal offense.

She's not just talking crap behind MAA's back She's actively, enthusiastically spreading the baseless rumor that MAA is a spy, and this has caused demonstrable harm to MAA's reputation. If MAA were to sue S about this, MAA would likely win, because of that demonstrated damage (and we don't even know yet how far this rumor has spread & how much damage has actually been done). That's how serious this behavior is.

So it's really concerning, that so many people are writing this off as ~just drama~ that MAA should ignore or forget about. That attitude of passivity & confrontation-avoidance is what enables people like S to ruin innocent people's lives. If it were happening to you, you wouldn't want all your friends telling you to just let it go, would you? No. You would want someone to stand up for you. That's what MAA is inspiring people to do, with this post.

If being asked to be an Upstander makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself -- honestly -- if you're triggered because you know that you're failing to show up for your own maligned friends.

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While I realize it is tempting to speculate regarding the identity of S, I ask that you resist the temptation to do so in the comments as I do not want innocent individuals to get caught in the cross-fire, nor do I want S’s identity to become evident by the process of elimination were I to defend the innocent. If you know her identity or have been whispered to yourself, feel free to contact me privately by responding to this or any of my other newsletters via email.

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As I stated in my email to you, this is quite unexpected. I'm glad I was able to offer some clarity and peace and I certainly don't deserve even 1/10th of the credit you give me. Thank you, MAA...may this message be received in the spirit you delivered it. 🙏

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Though these circumstances were distressing and hurtful to you, I'm truly inspired by how you chose to weave these events into a poetic, heartfelt, thought-provoking teaching moment for all of us. 💕 And the silver lining is that it connected us! It's been a pleasure to get to know you better & see you putting your values into action. 😊

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Always be careful of anyone who “love bombs” you for a while, during the “honeymoon” phase of a budding relationship or friendship. These types soon turn on you with a coldness and vitriol that is hard to beat, not to mention confusing and wounding. You’re a good egg, MAA. I’m familiar with this type of behavior and I bet many of us are. Hang in there. Place her on ignore. Permanently. She’s ill and/or emotionally stunted.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This is weird. I conversed with someone on this platform. Seemed nice enough and I asked a question about one of her posts. I immediately got slapped with you are censoring me, telling me what to write, etc. I replied that was not what I said I was immediately blocked from her acct, my messages deleted, and what was left on my subscription was refunded.it took me time to recover. It was like your nice acquaintance turning on you. I then sat back for a couple of days, I realized she has burned through various platforms, other people have been blocked as well.She has gone quiet saying that it is too rough a place to be. I am slowly realizing that her problems are significant and it is best to simply walk away. Lesson learned.

I am not joking when I ask respectfully, the shot some of us got, could it be affecting our brains? Can it be a couple of things, social media, stress, and whatever was in that shot that is making everything seem like a constant attack? I feel like I am (humanity?) a rope being tightly twisted more and more everyday. I know I can’t be alone in this new world.

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Dear Margaret AA. I also have dropped off your substack several months ago, but it was not due to disliking what I read there. You are a gifted writer and poet but, being on a fixed income, I have had to share my money around and lately I am very intent on putting it toward a Bobby Kennedy Presidency. I have also been just run down by the amount of information that I have been consuming and have simply had to pull back. I am not proud of this need as I see you Truth Lions out there continuing to beat the drums. But it is what I must do to keep my balance and my sanity. Do not take any of this personally. You are loved and appreciated. Keep up the good fight. :)

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This was so good and so timely for me....we had pink shirt day at the school I work at and I don't partake in the wearing of the pink shirt but I did wear a button this year that said, "I am an UPSTANDER"..... so, I had kids ask me what that word meant and then they put it on their pink shirt drawings and they ended up in the school hallways....I love this...never really heard that word before, too much, before this spring.......

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice, Alicen Grey

There's a concept/term that's used to describe what happens in all resistance movements - "horizontal hostility". It's a common and recognizable phenomenon that appears in almost all resistance groups the more stress the resistance activists are experiencing.

The primary driving reason behind it is the simple fact of human nature. It's easier to find fault with and lash out at fellow activists even if they're fighting the same battle because they're safer to vent with and rage at than the real enemy who is formidable, appears invincible and has access to many more resources.

Effective activist groups make a point of being aware of this tendency to attack others in our kin group and to nip it in the bud. They find ways of working through the trauma that often triggers the various types of aggression and attacks that are coming from within.

I've learned that it's incredibly important to work on our own spiritual and emotional evolution as activists because this is actually a global spiritual war we're all fighting. It's the oligarchs against the rest of us and right now they're winning because they've successfully divided us, exhausted us, stolen our wealth, distracted us to the point that we're giving up hope. But I'm a firm believer that where there's life there's always hope.

And make no mistake - we ARE gloriously alive here in this moment able to witness what will be seen as a momentous turning point for our species. We get to take part in that process and that's exhilarating! How cool is that? So what if person A or B or a thousand people turn their back on you. YOU know your work is critical to this evolution! Hooray for you!

Thank you for all the work that you do Margaret and rest easy. Your tender heart will heal the moment you refocus on your work. Be at peace with who you are no matter if you have nobody willing to associate with you because you know that you're doing God's work. ❤🙏 Here's an amazing meditation that keeps me both grounded AND inspired: "Who Are You...Really? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUtH0DDJorM

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Sorry this has happened to you MAA , shows your kindness and caring nature . 😘

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice, Alicen Grey

First, please let me say that I began reading your excellent work on LewRockwell.com some while back. It was immediately clear that you write well, Margaret Anna Alice, and that you are of a very high moral character. So I am not surprised that you have been a success. My friend Lew doesn't repeatedly post the work of people who are not worthy of the attention of the audience he has built.

Second, although "paranoia" is a reasonable diagnosis, I think you should consider the possibility that "S" may be possessed by a demon. I mention it because I am not very good at guessing games. So {"malevolent entity"} is not exactly clear. But people who start whisper campaigns often accuse others of the very things that are most significant about themselves. And demons are known to lie, flatter, focus on ego, and attack the good people they encounter.

When I first started reading this post, I was inclined to write a simple thought like "people are going crazy because the way we are being treated is insane." But the further I read, the more guided I felt by the Holy Spirit to say, "this is demonic possession."

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I was close to someone who I had been in a prayer group with. She used to make a lot of YouTube videos. About being a targeted individual. She ended up slandering me and 2 other people.

Over time, the ( most of them) viewers figured out she has a pattern of being close to someone and then dropping them & accusing them of being “ the enemy “ or an “infiltrator. “

It was painful when it happened. I cried more than once. Many people who initially shied away from me are supportive again.

I’m seeing people finally realizing how a certain Leader in the medical freedom movement community is not authentic. It’s interesting to watch. & I try not to hold it against his supporters, I just point things out that show the hypocrisy.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Oh dear. Whisper Campaigns are so destructive. Isn't this the story of the human race and why we are sooooo easy to control. We have been culturally conditioned into one very very foolish behaviour. We try to believe in people (or God or anyone or anything else). The problem is in the need to believe and to "believe in" the totality of some other being, 100%. I don't believe in any one individual. I may like someone, I may respect someone, I may enjoy their mental acuity, but I would never "believe in" that person, and I would always critique every word they say no matter how much I like them. That means that I do not need to understand everything that person does, and believe everything they say, in order to keep believing in them - because I don't believe in them. They cannot let me down because they do not owe me anything.

So I read CJ Hopkins, and Robert Malone, and David Martin even though their arrogance and anger (and litigious stupidity in the case of RM) at times offends me. They offer too much valuable insight for me to blacklist them because other people suspect them of something. I take what I want from what they are saying and discard the rest. I like some of the information from all those love and light female healer types, so I take some of what they are saying on board without having to convert to their version of "love and light". I like some of what the god bothering doctors are saying, so I take from them what is important and ignore their god bothering. I enjoy most of what Brett and Heather do even though I perceive their intellectual prison, and I find myself hugely stimulated out of my current mystical lethargy by Clif High, sexist paranoid though he is. I am able to see that all these people might have some good ideas that are valuable to the growing and developing me, WITHOUT them having to take on the status of my guru or my god head. I don't own them. They don't control me.

This is where the multiple Substack whisper campaigns, not just the one involving Margaret Anna Alice, are taking us down increasingly wasteful blind alleys. I can never know if you or anyone else is controlled opposition. And frankly, it just doesn't matter as long as I take personal responsibility for my own learning and critique every single word all of you write to ensure that what I learn conforms to my prior knowledge and my personal ethical stance. Beyond that, you are free to be whatever and whoever you want to be.

This is where Americans and lots of the rest of western culture have gone seriously off the rails. Human beings are demanding gods and gurus, and then they get to demand compliance from those apparent gods and gurus. Even the paid Substack system feeds into that, with the demand that once a person has paid for a subscription they deserve a certain rate of publication and can demand a level of intellectual compliance from their new guru. After all, that's what they have paid for.

I hope you are not some kind of double agent, and I seriously doubt you are, but I don't much care either way. When you write valuable stuff (to me) I read it. I use my intuition. I like how you feel. I have banned a few verbally violent men because I don't like how they feel - even though they may have great ideas, I simply don't like them and don't want them coming at me via my computer monitor. That's my choice. You owe me nothing. And I owe you nothing.

So let's get on with fixing this horrible mess we find ourselves in - without asking for deities in godly or human form, to fix it all for us.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice, Alicen Grey

I'm very wary of people who come on too strong, too soon. Too friendly, too much camaraderie, too much love, too much admiration before investing the time to develop a relationship naturally.

That's different from showing a healthy respect, being gracious and even complementary.

The former sends out signals that the person doesn't have boundaries (which means you don't get to have boundaries without incurring their wrath). That's a big red flag.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice, Alicen Grey

(Among the many pieces of wisdom my mother imparted to me was this pearl…”your opinion of me is none of my business!”. While that has been the single hardest piece of her advice to implement in my life, the message in many ways, is helpful. When I can’t apply that to a situation, I revert to my favorite piece of wisdom from my dad…”This too shall pass”. One way or another I always make it through.) I’m so sorry this happened to you and appreciate your sharing this with us. You may not feel this, but to those of us who read your substack, you are incredibly brave. Thank you for sharing this and I believe for you that “this too has passed”.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice, Alicen Grey

You nailed it right at the top: “What A says about B says a lot about A and little about B.”

I have a personal mantra: It's all about me. Always.

That doesn't necessarily extend to the physical and material, but it covers the thinking, the feeling, so forth. I watch the psychopaths, the narcissists and the parasites do their thing and my mantra reminds me sometimes to stand up, sometimes to tell them to go f themselves, my response varies; that's what I mean by "about me". I choose the response. And that drops me back to "What A says...." Integrity is wholeness and that is health.

There is a big sickness, perhaps wetiko. Yes, that I see it that way is also about me. I focus on that because it's message sent <=>message received sort of thing. Clarity, clarity, clarity. Where being nice gets in the way, I might say exactly that. Once again, necessary for me, even if the Other isn't going to engage. Over the Covid era, I've left behind many so-called friends, kept a few real ones, and made new ones. Walking away is something this Hermit is good at.

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