Dear MMA: Thank you for this profound and in-depth discussion, most of which I will need to read a bit later and over some time. I got hung up on your early comment:

"Special request to my readers: In my reply to David below, I build the case that Stage #4, Dehumanization, of the 10 Stages of Genocide did indeed occur during COVID. I’d like to crowd-source supplementary evidence from you, whether it be your own personal experiences, those of people you know, or additional source material (e.g., videos, articles, tweets) demonstrating dehumanization of the unvaccinated. Thank you for helping me document yet another aspect of COVID tyranny for our growing dossier."

The 10 Stages of Genocide author, Dr. Stanton, states for #4:

"➔ 4. DEHUMANIZATION: One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on hate radios is used to vilify the victim group. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human, and even alien to their society. They are indoctrinated to believe that “We are better off without them.” The powerless group can become so depersonalized that they are actually given numbers rather than names, as Jews were in the death camps. They are equated with filth, impurity, and immorality. Hate speech fills the propaganda of official radio, newspapers, and speeches."

:::I believe we need to expand the frame a bit at this point to appreciate the full magnitude of what we face at this point in time. We are NOT in a situation where a majority rule in a nation is denigrating and dehumanizing a minority population. The classic modern example (and probably the model for Dr. Stanton's description of dehumanization) of this behavior was the dehumanization of the Jews in Germany during WWII.:::

What we have, now, is a MINORITY seizing control of all the levers of power in the world and dehumanizing the MAJORITY of human beings as superfluous and destructive to the wellbeing and survival and flourishing of Earth.

From this expanded view, most of what we have witnessed and continue to witness to this day through the COVID catastrophe is dehumanization and is part of the road to genocide of the human species. Chief among these circumstances is the forcing of the deadly COVID mRNA/DNA vaccines upon humans. The force includes the terror tactics concerning the pandemic and COVID-19, the punishments including being fired from work our ejected from school or dismissed from the military if refusing the vaccines. The falsifying of statistics, the propaganda and the censorship, the stealing of personal sovereignty, the shaming of those who refuse to cooperate, the refusal to treat those who are sick (turned away from hospital if sick with "COVID" until turning blue), and so forth. The many United Nation and World Economic Forum and WHO declarations as well as many declarations and "goals" being set in relationship to so-called "climate change emergencies" is another example of dehumanization of humankind. Promised restrictions on travel (while the rule makers are flying about in jets), enforcing smart meters, EV vehicles, wind turbines, 5G, elimination of cattle, pork, fowl production and replacement with "lab meat," or bugs, stolen privacy-- stolen not "lost"--the subtle promises that you will own nothing and be happy.... As well as the flagrant anti-human programs of euthanasia, abortion, infanticide, forced sterilization, and so forth.

There is a dehumanization of the entire human race, of all of humankind, occurring. A tiny minority has isolated them so thoroughly from the human race that they consider themselves both above and separate from we humans. And they have begun the genocide with promises of depopulating the world of approximately 7.5 billion souls.

Those of us unvaccinated? We are especially and separately targeted, of course, as we lead the resistance and offer inspiration to others. We are just targeted first. We won't be last. In the category of the unvaccinated some of the most awful instances of "discrimination" include denial of transplants to dying patients or denial of surgery to sick patients until they agree to be vaccinated.

I'd better stop here for now. Thank you so much for your contributions.

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Thank you so much, Peter and Ginger, for weighing in with this thoughtful and important nuance. I appreciate your birds’-eye view of the grander scheme at play, and you make an excellent point about this ultimately being about a minority of narcissistic psychopaths persecuting a majority of human beings. Many of the points you raise tie in with my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series as well as my Corona Investigative Committee presentation where I discuss that series and the depopulation agenda:





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Ginger here, Margaret-- I appreciate the additional links. There is much to consider and think through here and I value adding all your thoughts and observations to the mix!

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People suck I'm beyond angry at this point. 4+ years of relentless propaganda and hate is too much. I’ve lost friends and family over my choices. The guilty haven’t had to pay for what they have done. I don’t trust anyone anymore. Justice is too slow and I’m afraid those criminals will be getting away with the crimes just like they always do. I watched all the conferences, etc and we are preaching to the choir. Those in charge will never let it out the crimes they’ve committed and the general public still trusts the MSM and their government and Drs. and behaves like ignorant sheep. I feel like I’m living in a separate reality. God bless you both 🙏

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It has ever been so Ajoy throughout history. Even after WW2 and the Nuremberg farce, most of the Nazis, industrialists, banksters, and scientists were supported to escape and continue their nefarious works of evil by the likes of Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles - their progeny continue today. Read the synopsis: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brothers-Stephen-Kinzer/dp/0805094970

"Don't get angry - get even"



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I think the way it will eventually end is that people will no longer be able to ignore all the deaths, disabilities, adverse events. Especially when it happens to you or your loved ones. This is how the smallpox mandates ended in 1890's. (See Suzanne Humpreys, "Dissolving Illusions")

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My 80 yo next door neighbor got turbo cancer 6 weeks after her booster. She died at home with her daughter questioning her sudden death as she was at the dr 6 mos prior and clean bill of health. My friends husband age 54 got colon cancer after his booster also previously healthy with a healthy wife who said she should get the next booster to protect her husband. My 65 SIL in Arizona got brain seizures after her booster and had to be put in a coma and ventilator for 10 days while we sat by her side and questioned every young doctor in this teaching hospital. They had no clue what happened to her. Did every test etc. Since then she’s been in and out of 6 hospitals and rehab dealing with all the infections she’s gotten from being in the hospital. She also now has memory issues and needs help. No one is questioning the jabs and the side effects. No one in my family, not my neighbors or friends that have been ill and no one I meet. I have another neighbor jabbed and boosted constantly sick. She just laughs it off. Another collects PCR tests just in case, she’s jabbed and boosted. I feel like I’m living amongst the walking dead and/or an alternative reality. If it wasn’t for my immediate family and a like minded group I joined, I think I would be going nuts. The state I live in is still sponsoring bills for mandates and shots and the gov is advocating for quarantine camps. It ain’t over sadly.

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AJoy, though it feels like you're alone (I've felt the same way over these last 4 years), there are millions of awakened people who stand with you in this fight. Worldwide. It is more than any one human being should have to bear - to learn how we, as a society, have been so utterly deceived and manipulated and violated for so long - generations. Having escaped Communist CA recently myself, I truly empathize with your experiences. I was so done with living in a location so filled with sheep. I just want to encourage you to hang in there...and know that you have the support of a huge group of people who are awakened to the truth and grasp the atrocities being commmited around the enitre world. We fight back by staying informed. We fight back by sharing our knowledge as best we can. We fight back by documenting truth for history to get right when we're long gone. We fight to preserve human dignity and freedom for generations yet to be born. When needed, we step away from it all, for a few days, to refresh and recharge, then we get back into the fight, because our fight is not only worth fighting, it is it is worth winning, however long it may take. So, please hang in there and know you have a community of support out there!

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"I don’t trust anyone anymore."

Oh this! THIS! A THOUSAND TIMES this!!

Even acquaintances I've known for decades suddenly get a harder second look! (A client who attended Davos one year, a decade or so ago? Well, once that I know of? Daren't follow-up, our businesses are interlinked; and I love him and his wife... My best friend: a just-retired hospital pharmacist -- who refuses to look at *anything* about "the oncoming end of the world" (grasshopper dancing and the snow is starting!), still completely plans to vote (if there IS an election). But she does NOT want to know anything about what is going on in the world or our country! My sisters and cousin (ALL my family left) will not speak to me...

Fauci-Mengele gets to retire from, the highest salary in the history of the U.S., PLUS massive massive "royalties" on "patents" that should not have been allowed. EVEN IF he were to be finally charged, convicted and hung from the neck until dead for intentionally and actively KILLING MILLIONS... all that money will NOT be drawn back! (His wife too MUST be charged for active participation in mass murder -- since HER job in the govt was supposed to be a STOP to his active murders!) STILL all that money will not be drawn back.

"Oh, what? You were badly badly injured by the mass murder program? Well, no money for YOUR medical and living care... Buh-bye good luck!"

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This response is amazing, Dr. Breggin. Thank you for all you and your wife do to fight this battle. I often continue learning from reading the comments on Substack articles, and this one is one of the best I have read to date.

I bought your book, COVID 19 and The Global Predators, early on when you were providing updated manuscripts by email, because the publication date kept changing. It's an incredible book and you and Ginger will have an indelible legacy for humanity.

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Dear Bianca. Thank you so much. We’re working on our next book on the global issues.

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The Nuremberg 2.0 "soap opera" is already being lined up. It will be a year-long, 24 hour, live, execution extravoganza for the covid criminals. The advertisers are already being scheduled, that won't include Walmart, Ford, VW or Pfizer. Lots of Germans up in there... Bullet-proof Cybertruck, Solar Power (that makes energy, hydrogen and water from the air), Machine Guns, Guillotine, Wood Chippers, Steam Rollers and the optional Covid Vaccine as the lethal injection. "Safe And Effective" will be written right on it. In the mean time, we need to print out the Top 100 Wanted for covid crimes against humanity, publish them every place where it's legal and lawful. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-public-trial-begins Then, contact the local district attorney and ask for subpoena's of discovery for your Grand Jury for said criminal. "The Jury, being Earth" - Elon Musk. December 3rd 2023 MEL K | WE WILL NOT GO SILENTLY: A RIVER OF TEARS! HOLDING COVID CRIMINALS ACCOUNTABLE WITH A GRAND JURY https://www.bitchute.com/video/GlKRNwvYjVNF/ -- Elon Musk tells advertisers who boycott X over free speech on social media to "Go Fuck Themselves" https://www.bitchute.com/video/rklDQ5IWc99W/

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Where I live, British Columbia, Canada, pets were allowed to travel with their owners, but I wasn't allowed to set foot on a train, bus or airplane.

Dogs were also allowed on the outdoor patios of restaurants, but I wasn't.

So, in Canada during the vaccine passport era, I was less welcome than a dog.

But did I still have to pay taxes? You bet!

Dehumanizing? Not if you're the dog in this story ...

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Exactly. All you need to know. It was also widely reported at the time that dogs could get Covid!!!

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Dear MAA,

Mine is personal. I won't dwell on the small details of my experience with dehumanization as I have finally forgiven my mum for all the horrific, nasty, and hurtful things she called me in September/October, 2021. I, of course chose (wisely) to opt out of the injectable bioweapon. My mum lived in Toronto and I couldn't travel to see her because the Nazi named Turd-deau shutdown all travel to unvaxxed 'cockroaches' such as moi. This incensed my mum to the point that the barrage of disparaging comments began on a phone call in late September, 2021. You know the drill--you're an idiot, you don't love me, you aren't doing your part for the greater good, etc., blah, blah, blah, blah! I calmly ended the call with, "I can no longer have you speak to me this way. I made a decision to opt out and I am sticking with it come hell or high water." Click. Dial tone. Almost exactly a month later, I receive a text from mum, "Darlin, I haven't heard from you in so long....give your mum a call."

I hesitated to dial the number, but thought that she might have changed her discourse?! Things went well, and she apologized for the phone call in late September. I accepted the apology and within a split second, the nasty, nasty train was barreling down the tracks again. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're an idiot..." This time I did try to tell her in a rational tone (big mistake) that I am a very healthy person, I had something 'like' Covid-19 (which I don't believe even existed) and I have natural immunity, etc. The egregious barrage of disrespectful bullshit was completely out of control and I calmly (again) said I will not tolerate this behavior.

That was the last time I spoke to my mum. I think it was October 21, 2021.

She passed away in a hospital in Scarborough, Ontario alone on September 8, 2022. Some bullshit about 'heart failure.' Sure, whatever! The fucking poison bioweapon(s) killed her--I will spare you all her ailments (on steroids) after taking the poison and then the booster.

I have asked myself hundreds (if not thousands) of times, would you change your decision regarding the bioweapon? Hell, NO! That doesn't mean that I wish things had been different.

Is this an example of a mum dehumanizing a daughter? Perhaps. You decide.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.


Katherine Strange

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I am so sorry you had to endure that cruel treatment compounded by your subsequent loss, Katherine 😢💔🤗

Not knowing what your mom was like before COVID, I can’t assess how much of her behavior was propaganda-induced, but what you described sounds identical to the narcissist’s playbook, so it’s likely the propaganda kindled her innate tendency toward narcissism. Your response was perfect and is exactly what is recommended for dealing with a narcissistic/toxic personality. You may find these books useful as you struggle to make sense of and heal from your experience:

• In Sheep’s Clothing

• 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life

• The Narcissist’s Playbook

• The Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissist

• The Sociopath Next Door

• Don’t You Know Who I Am?

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I have yet to meet a vaccinated person that I find interesting. Or at least intellectually challenging. The dead ones are of interest to me. But they are not interesting.

Plus they’re dead.

So there’s that.

That the vaccinated ...

Don’t find their own dead interesting

... I do find interesting.


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For the vaccinated to find the dead interesting means looking into the grave knowing that they the living vaccinated helped put the dead in the grave and they may have moved themselves closer to the grave too. It is a very bitter pill to swallow. It is admitting that their fear over science was deadly. That shame does not wash-off easily and everyday they continue in disinterest compounds the deadly consequence.

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Agreed! Hence why physicians still promote the vax... because they cannot square their consciousness with the fact that they took and promoted such harmful and deadly therapies to their families, patients, and friends.

Admitting their participation in this farce means the pillars of their profession (first do no harm, trust the science, FDA approval is supreme, herd immunity reigns supreme, etc) are now shattered heaps of rubble. Most egos cannot survive that degree of introspection.

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You're right. The problem is much like Germans post WW2 walking through the concentration camps or Rwandans making peace with each other. Most egos can't survive it.

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Madame, the embrace of the "Culture of the Expert" has created a climate where people outsource their critical thinking to others based on a perception of expertise. It is easy to not do any research or thinking on your own. All you need to do is find someone in a white coat with glasses to tell you what to think and do. Then you can smugly claim knowledge that you did not earn, and a moral stance that you cannot support.

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"Do we tolerate these people?"

Adolf Trudeau.

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Yes and he also said "It's a very small group of people but that doesn't shy away from the fact that they take up some space."

Like how old tires take up some space in the garage or a box of junk takes up some space in the closet.

At least only some of us were misogynists and racists!

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Thank you for this exhaustive compilation of all the shaming and dehumanization we were subjected to. I have two jabbed friends who accept me despite my unjabbed status, but they have no no real understanding of what it was like for us.

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My psychotherapist was terrified of Covid. He rushed to get vaccinated and denied any chance of injury. 6000 deaths reported in VAERS? No, this didn't happen according to the CDC that had time to examine all of these deaths in only a couple of weeks. (NOTE: Pfizer said it would take them 75 years to release FOIA data. Seems that it's a hundred times harder to admit wrong doing) Ivermectin can help cure Covid--NO Merck said it was probably ineffective.

He did agree with my lengthy history of drug side effects, it was better for me to avoid mRNA vaccination. He offered to write me a medical exemption (which he can't do since a)Only medical doctors can write these and b)My city, New York, doesn't accept any type of exemption.

We're equal, he tells me. We each have our own vaccine policies. He can't understand why I'm still upset. "I told you that I believe you are free to do whatever you want." Here's the problem. I am NOT free to do whatever I want. I CAN'T eat out in restaurants with my friends--or see movies with them. Or play tennis in private clubs.

"What do you care?" replies my primary care doctor. You're too tired now to socialize, anyway.

I'm feeling so ungrateful that .

WE ARE NOT EQUAL. He is part of the consensus medical majority. (And proud, indeed, to be working with them.) Unvaccinated physicians, on the other hand, are losing their licenses.

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I’ve found it difficult to accept people’s lack of curiosity about what it has been like. Reading this montage of hate was hard. What has been the hardest to swallow besides the actual hateful things people say is that most people don’t seem to want to use any energy to understand this more, it’s like it didn’t and doesn’t matter. Moving on...

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I have observed this lack of curiosity in the two friends I mentioned. They complied early on, so never had to deal with being shamed or excluded. One of these friends asked me to go with her to a couple of concerts in our town, and when I reminded her I was not allowed to enter the building, she went anyway, as if the apartheid didn't seem to bother her.

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I’m sorry to hear that. How do you reconcile it? It makes me want to avoid those people which I want to move past. When some of my friends who are vaccinated parents offered to bring the kids of unvaccinated parents to a holiday show I had to speak up. My in-laws said we could just find another place to go and that because we’re self-employed it doesn’t affect us. I don’t know to be in relation with them anymore.

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I can't really reconcile it. I think these friends know deep down that something is not right with what happened these last 3+ years, but are unable to face the real meaning of it all. Family are worse: most are full Covidian Cult members, so I get what you said: " I don’t know [how] to be in relation with them anymore."

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Combine that with the lack of curiosity and where is the starting off point for rebuilding trust? It’s hard to know. For now, I’m keeping my distance. What is family without a genuine sense of belonging?

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I mentioned that 3 years ago you could be arrested for eating with your family and no one cared. NO ONE CARED. Like ‘thats fine’. It is NOT fine. People can’t face their complicity because they would not feel the burn of a thousand eyes on their back when they refused to wear a mask. They know it took THEM for this shit show to happen. Them and the military

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I'm a free speech absolutist. I believe the free market would sort out the good bad and too ugly to read.

The white light we're all waiting for is composed of all spectra, and all the colors we may or may not like.

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Thank you so much MAA - you introduced me to Substack for which I am eternally grateful - we have come a long way.

I am 3/4 through 'The Tower of Basel' https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tower-Basel-Shadowy-History-Secret/dp/1610393813 and it clear to me beyond and doubt that the BIS and former Nazis after WW2 are the heads of the snake. Many escaped to South America others to Switzerland and thence to USA. They know that the Bretton Woods 1 through 3 have failed and are desperate to engineer a replacement Global Financial System which is why they are pushing CBDCs so hard. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/cash-use-or-lose-boc-cbdc-loss-of?r=hkcp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I work with a team of financial dissidents around the world and believe that CBDCs will indeed fail. This is the root from which all our troubles flow. The Fourth Turning will resolve in the way nature intended. In the meantime the elite banksters are using every possible silent weapon in their quiet war but not one-in-a-thousand know of it. The fanatical cult of Nazism prevails today, which I exemplified long ago in my Covidian Cult discourse: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-covidian-cult-is-global-453

"Finally, go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. Put on the complete suit of armour from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil; because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. For this reason take up the complete suit of armour from God, so that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm." [Ephesians 6:10-15]

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Thank you Margaret Anna for another wonderful resource. I still hope for the day that many around me might appreciate this as much as I do. Most I know are beyond having more shots and most, not everyone, acknowledges the shots are not good. (Adding: most I know are not many).

Only one relative would shiver if I was near, hand out (keep away), moved chair further away, passive aggressive remarks.

Also, I dropped my doctor (and her PA) after last visit in 2022. They still require masking, I was seeing PA for routine bloodwork. She told me she had covid, I said, I too came down with covid after a trip. She said, so you were spreading covid. Yea, that was me.

Another note, covid death seems to trumps all still. And many I know have a covid death to tell. (I always assume the patients were neglected) like my 91 yr old uncle, living in assisted living with the onset of dementia. His dog and daughter stopped visiting. He stopped eating, he was diagnosed with covid w/o symptoms, he was hospiced and passed away.

Not to be too political but I think the Babylon Bee have a point here (circa 7/29/21) “ Liberal Feels Sad For Man Dying of COVID, Then Happy After Hearing He Wasn’t Vaccinated, Then Sad Again Because He Was An Illegal Alien.”

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Didn’t Joe Biden publicly announce that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated? What more proof is there that the government was denigrating the unvaxed? Perhaps I was/am hypersensitive to the continual banging of the drums about the dangerous position of the unvaxed. I’m still hearing it constantly in some form or another in spite of the overwhelming evidence of the vaccine’s intent to damage. I was never intimidated by the vaccine pushers and have been proudly refusing vaccines for my adult life. But I always encourage the vaccine pushers to make sure they are up on all their boosters.

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Thanks for your comment, Charles. I agree with you that the government denigrated unvaccinated individuals. My point is simply that the government did not meet Gregory H. Stanton's definition of "dehumanization."

His definition means to dehumanize a target group in a literal, official manner that paves the way for sanctioned incitement to genocide. According to him, this stage has two features: 1. It is practiced by official government sanction, a majority of the public, or both, and 2. it includes the literal denial that the target group is human, such as by calling them cockroaches or rats to the degree that it "overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder."

That last part is important because that is the difference between denigrating people, dehumanizing them, and specifically dehumanizing them in such a way that it qualifies as a stage toward genocide. This means that the government and the public see the target group as so despicable that killing them becomes openly justified.

So however denigrating the U.S. government may have been toward unvaccinated individuals, it did not literally deny that they are human, nor did Trump or Biden give speeches calling for the murder of unvaccinated people, nor did such rhetoric appear in any of our major newspapers.

In fact, not only did this not happen, but in the United States it is illegal. You simply cannot dehumanize in the way that Stanton describes. One of the few but very clear restrictions on freedom of speech in the United States concerns "incitement to violence." And yes, it was due to free speech concerns that the United States was initially reluctant to criminalize genocide incitement by signing the Genocide Convention, but we did eventually sign in 1948 and ratify in 1988.

In fact, Congress paved the way for ratification with the Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987, or Proxmire Act, codified in section 1091 of title 18 of the U.S. Code, making it a federal crime to commit genocide, attempt to commit genocide, or to directly and publicly incite others to commit genocide.

As Stanton explains, genocidal dehumanization not only includes individual acts of genocide incitement but on official radio, in newspapers, in political speeches, in school textbooks, and so on. Imagine Biden saying on live news that unvaccinated individuals are not the same species, that they are a disease, and that we must literally exterminate them. That would be genocidal dehumanization. That's a very high bar, and we did not see such a thing in our country, thank God. What we saw, to use your more precise language, was denigration.

One might even argue that the denigration reached a point of dehumanization in the sense that people's human dignity was being trampled upon. And I agree. But it was not literal dehumanization in the sense of denying that unvaccinated people are actually the same species. And it did not overcome our opposition to murder. And genocide incitement was not being pushed by Biden, The New York Times, nor put in school textbooks.

So yes, there was denigration as well as dehumanization, but not genocidal dehumanization as Stanton defines it. I could have made that clearer in my letter, but perhaps this explanation helps.

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Thanks for responding David. I’m always prone to follow a series of events to what I perceive to be their logical conclusion. My gut feelings, essentially. I think the end game is selective population culling, and I see the denigration and dehumanization as milestones marking their progress towards that end. If that’s the case, history seems to tell us that government- sanctioned incitement to violence is not too far off. I believe that was JB’s plan when he called it a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it continues to progress from my perspective, and this “progress” is what concerns me. Exactly where we currently are on this tumble into hell is hard to know, but the trajectory is not encouraging. Like skydivers with faulty parachutes debating their current altitude.

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A most engaging intellectual exchange, sir. You seem to make arguments the way I play a game of chess. We must be mental brethren. Good to meet you then.

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I’m still waiting on myself for an original thought. It’s fun for guys like me to have an opportunity to shoehorn an opinion into a well thought out conversation between groups of true thinkers.

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You make great points but simply around ONE persons definition. STANTON may be your ‘expert’ or trusted source of info but he sure as shit ain’t mine. These thresholds are arbitrary in my opinion, however they would be useful in a court which is probably the calculation of why Gov did not go there but endorsed and nudged every other incentive to dehumanise.

Thanks for your work though much appreciated and you to MAA.

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Thank you MAA. Mum was indeed a full blown narcissist. Do I believe it was ignited by the non-stop, 24/7/365 propaganda? Most certainly. Thank you for the list of books. I devour books when I need to make sense of the irrational. I am grateful for my insatiable curiosity at times like these and, love and passion for reading and writing.

Forgiveness is tough, but necessary to begin the process of healing.

I am grateful for you and your beautiful prose. It's an honor and a pleasure.

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Encyclopedic as always, and beyond persuasive. The final exclamation point ... Rick Battams ... no words, but if there were they'd be "My God!". What say you Mr. Volodzko?

A few random observations:

Could the Rasmussen poll's Democratic voters really have been that malevolent and/or unaware?!

If Wendy Molyneux (assuming she's still alive) doesn't have writer's remorse, then writer's remorse is likely not a thing.

That Sean Penn said the sick things he did, was perfectly in line with someone who'd later make a trip with Oscar to visit his penis-pianist doppelganger in Kiev, in furtherance of the slaughter of hundreds of thousands on the altar of the Empire of Lies.

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Regarding stage 4: I would argue that people underestimate how far certain places got. While one may be somewhere where it felt calm, Canada like other countries had it quite harshly.

What makes me believe stage for was absolutely crossed, especially in Canada is that much of what I had witnessed would be a criminal offense if it was targeted at nearly any other identifiable group.

I'll have to cross check many of the examples you've listed with the campfire wiki, so that I may include missing ones. I would also submit it as a list of examples.


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All those self righteous liberal lunatic celebs, actors, writers, doctors, editors, politicians that pushed this garbage and propaganda on humanity can go pound sand. I will never forget nor forgive what they said and what they did. No one who was injured or had family who died from the jabs or was refused medical treatment should either. People suck and I wish there was another planet I could live on.

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I found it dehumanizing to be required to prove I’m not infected before entering a place of business or being with friends or family members simply based on my vax status, while those who are vaxxed were considered uninfected and clean without any proof, even though both the vaxed and unvaxed can be infected and transmit the disease.

I found it dehumanizing that up until one randomly-picked day (Oct 18, 2021), I was considered safe to be on campus and in a classroom, and then the next day (Oct 19) I was considered unsafe unless I was vaxed OR would wear an additional face shield (singling out my status) and submit to extra testing and harsher quarantine requirements than those who were vaxed.

I found it dehumanizing that people would refuse to be with anyone unvaxed, that friendships were terminated and family members were shunned (all of which I experienced).

Perhaps “dehumanized” is not the correct term, but when these acts of superiority and separation are happening to you, it leaves one feeling disrespected and “less than.” Not equal. And it is wrong.

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