Thank you, Margaret Anna, for making use of our exchange, which has as I mentioned, was helpful in evolving my own understanding about this topic.

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And thank you, Mike, for being open to exploring this topic together and sharing the resulting exchange. I am grateful for your steadfast integrity and earnest commitment to seeking the truth 🤗

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The seasonality and origins of a cold or respiratory dis-ease are easily understood.

Hydration equals salt plus water. The lungs are responsible for rehydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds with salt water. An IV saline infusion does the same thing. Hydration NOT oxygenation underpins mammalian physiology.

Dehydration is the insult that drives colds/flu. Cold air holds the least moisture and heated homes can dry air. The mucosa is responding to dehydration and adding moisture and salt to compensate.

To aid recovery, salt water gargles and irrigations, dry salt inhalations.

Salty broths.

The old remedies were based on COMMON science/sense.

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen is calibrated by its DRYNESS in parts per million of water contamination.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

The lungs require the air reaching the alveoli to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point.

Can you see the mis-match?

Oxygen is manufactured from air by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is man made. It does not naturally occur.

Air and oxygen can not co-exist.

Oxygen toxicity is due to its power to dehydrate.

Oxygen is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill NOT for breathlessness. Palliative care is not kind.

Please read my article:

We breathe air not oxygen

The COMMON science/sense of hydration puts you back in control of your health.

Learn all the symptoms of low salt or dehydration so you can stay salty.

I list the symptoms in my article:

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Eg A headache is NOT a sign to fetch Panadol. The brain is extremely sensitive to dehydration.

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I would staunchly disagree with this statement. It is the opposite. That’s why so many people, including the healthy and the young die from the complications of influenza-like illnesses every year, including people living in all kinds of climates from hot to cold and humid to dry.

If it were that easy to treat influenza-like illnesses, as you claim, billions of antibiotic prescriptions would have never been filled each year…

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When people have a low status it is a huge problem for the body to find the salt, hence the body aches as salt is pulled from any reserves, including muscle, bones, joints.

Colds become flu due to low salt status.

A body existing in chronic dehydration will not have the salt resources to recover well.

Just under half the people admitted to hospital are in this state.

The IV saline drip, is the hospital’s life saving remedy.

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It’s all fine and dandy but when you have living human beings gasping for breath because their o2 stat is dropping below 70 %, your imaginable solutions won’t work.

“Colds become flu due to low salt status?”

I’m afraid Jane you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about..

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There is zero oxygen required in mammalian physiology Tomas.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration NOT oxygenation.

Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air.

Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness in parts per million.

Oxygen toxicity is due to its power to dehydrate.

ROS reactive oxygen species is describing the effects of dehydration.

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Truly brilliant exchange to clear-ify MAA and Mike! : )

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I love you both.

PS I still have fresh, maybe not so much, lol, frozen pineapple in my freezer from 4 years ago! but all my free doc obvious meds have expired.

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Meds don't expire that quickly if kept in right conditions.

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None of what we've seen is confusing when you realize they really don't mind killing us.

Thanks Dr. Yeadon for having the character to speak out in the face of unrelenting social tyranny.

You sir are force for freedom. I would take you in a foxhole any day.

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Well said, Ryan, I agree completely!

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Agree RG

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Dear Dr. Mike, despite our current differences on the risks of Gain-Of-Function, DURC & Bio-weapons, and the existence of Sars-cov-2, you will always remain my personal favorite and brightest light of 2020 & 2021. Without you I would have felt completely alone because you were the only one seeing & saying the same things as I was.

Everything the Government did made the situation worse and got more people harmed or killed.

That must be intentional.

This appears planned to me, and the dangers to the future of Humanity are extreme. On this we do agree.

Thank you, Sir, for all you have done to wake up the world; it is greatly appreciated!

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Thank you, Katherine. That’s generous of you.

Let us get on with our lives & decline to cooperate with absurd new instructions.

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Yes, the genuine "Resistance" should table the things we differ on & get busy pushing hard on all the things we DO agree on!

As an American I am heartedly tired of my tax dollars going into the maw of the war machine, into NIH, CDC, FDA, & NIAID, when they keep promoting technologies/treatments that harm & kill, to psychological operations programs to force me and my family into genetic transfection experiments, & to subsidize corrupt Corporations as well.

To Lock us Down.

Bankrupt our Businesses, & then take 40% -50% in capital gains & income taxes from the forced sales.

To isolate & murder the elderly.

To force mask children! And take their education from

them too.

Damn them to Hell, as Spartacus said. We need the Perps in the Gallows-

then I'll get on with my life, lol!

PS- I do mean it when I said you kept me sane during Covid.

Blessings, Dr. Mike, may you and all your loved ones live long and prosper!

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This is the kind of discussion I've been sorely missing since the narrative cannons opened fire. Thank you both for doing this publicly — hopefully your example will set a precedent and lead to factual discourse regaining the upper hand over ideological bickering and propagandistic drivel.

As far as my own opinion on "early treatment" of influenza-like illnesses (ILIs) is concerned, I agree with my mother, who always told me: "If your throat starts to scratch, have a hot cup of tea with lemon and then go to bed." It always helped - even though I was rarely ill. There seems to be something to the idea of a functioning immune system...

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I have to agree with Dr Yeadon's argument in discussing the "early treatment" issue, especially when we are forced to face so much evidence that there was no Covid to be treated in the first place; of course, treatment protocols for real diagnosed other infections and/or diseases should always be available and a viable choice; it now seems obvious that the term is being misunderstood(deliberately) and misused to sell all kinds of so-called treatment protocols (far beyond what Dr Zelenco originally initiated); these products are being touted to treat and/or cure a host of ailments, including those which have yet to be proven to be a real problem; one example only is McCullough's Wellness Company pushing the sales of "emergency kits" or "contagion kits" to PREPARE for the next PLANDEMIC such as birdflu; and all of this under the guise of promoting alternative health choices and opposition to Big Pharma which it certainly isn't(TWC charges hundreds of dollars and is a for-profit business!)IMO McCullough and many others who still pass themselves off as part of the "resistance" and believers in truth, have now entered the "dark side" where we find the usual charlatans and Big Pharma shills .

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The existence of corrupt doctors profiteering from what ails us (what's new?), in no way either proves or disproves that there really is something making us ill. Those of us who have been made ill have had ZERO help dealing with what ails us and have been abandoned to save our own lives, while "doctors" bicker and tear one another to shreds, and most importantly, do NOT listen to the afflicted.

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I, too have struggled with these concepts snd actions.

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...especially the inclusion of oseltamivir in this emergency kit.

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'oseltamivir' anagrams to 'serial vomit'. As a side effect of taking it is vomiting this is obviously a warning to avoid like the plague.

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I'm with Mike. Only the jabbed are dropping dead. 'Long Covid' my foot!

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I'm not jabbed. That makes your statement wrong. So if unvaxxed are also dropping dead - as we are - then what has caused that? Any theory, to be true, must accommodate all variations.

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I think you may have misunderstood me? Before Covid was declared, many people were treated for flu with steroids and antibiotics and did fine (my sister was one of them). When the murder ‘protocols’ were deployed, that’s when so many died of/with ‘Covid.’ I Contracted ‘Covid’ in late 2019 in Spain and nebulized colloidal silver, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and DMSO. I slept for a month but recovered fine. I have no doubt that had I presented with the same symptoms later in the US, I would have been murdered by ‘modern’ medicine. Is shedding real? Possibly… Is it killing millions, no.

Treatment of smoke-induced pulmonary injury with nebulized dimethylsulfoxide

R Kimura 1, L D Traber, D N Herndon, G D Neuhaus, D L Traber

Affiliations expand

PMID: 2458858


Inhalation injury was produced in sheep that were chronically prepared for study. The injury was induced by insufflating them with smoke from burning cotton cloth. One group of animals was treated with the oxygen-free radical scavenger dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and heparin. Another group received heparin treatment alone, and a third was untreated. The drugs were nebulized into the tracheostomy at 4-hr intervals beginning 1 hr after injury. Following the inhalation injury, lung lymph flow and extravascular lung water measured by thermal-dye dilution technique were both increased. These elevations were associated with minor increases in pulmonary artery pressure, and, thus, since the lymph to plasma protein ratio was unchanged, this increased extravascular fluid formation was probably the result of an elevated microvascular permeability. These changes were associated with a reduction in alpha 2 macroglobulin antiprotease activity. The treated groups showed much smaller responses to the inhalation insult. This was especially true in the animals that received the DMSO. These findings support the concept that oxygen free radicals are responsible for the pulmonary edema associated with inhalation injury.

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None of this explains the health issues that happened to me during the covid era. I re-iterate that, until you explain what happened to me, your theory cannot be right.

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I need to know what happened to you in order to respond.

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I have a whole stack on it. But really, I have read several stories like mine just in the comments here, and I have read hundreds of them over the last few years. It is just that a particular story is being ignored by many because it does not fit with your view of the universe. Critically, we are NOT VAXXED, we got sick and were seriously enough ill to be hospitalised (in my case, in ICU), we were not further jeopardized by our hospitalisation, after recovery we rolled on into long covid that bore no relationship to covid or anything else anyone had ever experienced, and which seems to be very long term. Most unvaxxed, to my observation, did not go down the with heart diseases, but we are going down with the multiple and turbo cancers.

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Awkward question. Could you have been jabbed without your knowledge or consent while in the hospital?

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Are you taking Ivermectin?

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People die for lots of reasons but jabbing with toxic substances is a major cause. I prefer Long Stupid to Long Covid as a term!


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It’s a good one. Harsh but not inaccurate.

“Long stupid” has a certain brutal honesty about it.

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Thanks Mike. Before 2020 I would have been more gentle I think, but sadly a brutal honesty seems to be very necessary.

I may have said, but when I was in the steam room at my local spa as I sought to detox for my health issues I was asked if I was anti-vaccine.

I said in effect, no, I was anti-stupid as I don't believe in having toxic substances injected into me for my good health!

But I do also say that I was somewhat stupid myself for many years, vaguely believing that vaccines were of some use, just not for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway so what was the point.

I had to be 60 years old and with health issues and undergoing treatment in NHS during lockdown to question the whole paradigm. I am sorry I was so slow, but better late than never.

I don't suffer fools gladly and that includes myself!

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Pretty much the same story, here. My one episode of medical problem severe enough that my prognosis was uncertain was in 2016. As a surgical case, I didn’t have to give much thought to medication, or vaccines.

Proximity to the field & some subject matter expertise is of little help, if you’ve believed the lies for decades, as I did.

It took 2020 to shake me awake.

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Sadly, not true Timothy. My sister (unvaxxed and prior to this healthy and barely 60 years old) developed and died of turbo cancer shortly after both having that thing which we call "COVID" and being in a gathering with many highly vaxxed individuals.

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So are do you suspect shedding or a combination of infection and shedding?

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Timothy, that's a good and fair question. Thank you for asking. I suspect both. While she initially had very mild symptoms from that thing which we call COVID, she just didn't get her energy back and felt worse as time went on. My suspicion is that it impacted her immune system, especially her gut microbiome, making her susceptible to the shedding exposure which came 3 months thereafter. Her cancer symptoms started the very night after she came home from the gathering and within a short time was diagnosed with full blown cancer and had a belly full of ascites. To note, at the same time she had that thing which we call "COVID," our whole family had it also; one right after the other. Some worse, some better. None vaxxed. My 92 year old mother had it the least, and my suspicion is that given her age and d/t the fact that she did not have any of the childhood vaccines that we all had, her immune system even at her age is naturally more robust than any of ours. Interestingly, however, for a full year and a half after this incident, my mother's lymphocyte count was seriously lowered. We do bloodwork on her regularly as part of her staying healthy, fit, and strong, so we know what is normal and what is not normal for her. And even though the lymphocytes are looking better, they have still not come back up to full normal previous levels.

Another interesting bloodwork finding, if you are interested. Again, I'm not claiming that COVID was a real novel virus or a real pandemic, but the bloodwork results are nonetheless interesting and possibly informative, and at the very least cannot be ignored. After having this illnesss which we call "COVID" we did COVID antibody bloodwork to look for spike. At that time, vaxx mandates were in place and we wanted to document antibody levels in case they were later called for. Some family members had positive levels, some had negative levels, but none were over 5 U/mL. Correspondingly, a coworker of my husband, who also never received the C19 vaxx had antibody levels in the thousands (over 3000, if I recall correctly) after having "it." She initially had "it" before the vaxx came out; we had ours after the vaxx came out. A year and a half after she had her first bought, she got "it" a second time and it went into "long COVID." She was so severely ill, she could not get out of bed physically and without having severe tachycardia, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. (POTS maybe but also something autoimmune?). Again, she was never vaxxed. Another year later, she can barely work a part-time position.

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Thank you. As you can see from my comment, below, (above?), I am a doctor and I had lingering debilitating effects after Covid infection, and I am not vaxxed. I am just now, months later, clearing a terrible rash which is actually a vasculitis.

I was very slow to accept the idea of "long Covid," but that is as good a thing to call it as anything. As the treating physician AND the patient in my case, it has been very easy for me to second guess myself. I really could not get a second opinion here because every doctor in our area was in line with the mainstream mindset. I used bootleg ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine plus herbs. I believed I treated my condition appropriately, and I am improving now. But hearing your experience backs up my self-diagnosis. Thank you!

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What herbs did you use? Very interested in learning all I can about herbal therapies. I've found herbs to be useful in the treatment of Lyme. Thank you in advance, and I hope that your vasculitis resolves completely! I agree-- even if COVID was not a novel virus (it could have been LNPs, Graphene oxide, some other bioweapon or poisoning, or ?), it is useful to have an umbrella term to describe the illness, symptoms, and lingering effects that people collectively experienced during the 2020-2023 time frame.

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Hello, Sassy! I did some research on Lyme for a friend who has been badly affected by chronic Lyme. I concluded that most likely Lyme is an early bioweapon. I suggested she treat herself as if she were vaxx-injured. She reports that ivermectin helps some. I have found that the combination of ivm plus hydroxychloroquine seems to had sped resolution of my rash/vasculitis problem. As you know, probably, for vaxx-injured people there seem to be a lot of things that help but there are no cases that i know of where somebody with a serious vaxx injury has recovered completely. I think that when you have an alien molecule, call it artificial if you will, the body has a terrible time coming to grips with it. I actually can still feel the spike protein in my body, though its "vibration" is much weaker now, with treatment, than it was a few months ago. I have tried to think of it as purelu an immune overreaction to a virus that has left my body, but when I go deep within, it does not feel that way, though immune overreaction is certainly part of the picture. Anyway, there are some herbs in the FLCCC vaxx-injured protocol. Because clotting and inflammation fo blood vessels is part of my picture, I have been talking nattokinase and aspirin. I take vitamin D. During Covid, 2020, I took quercetin (which is a B-vitamin derivative and which, according to FLCCC, has some of the properties of ivermectin) and black cumin oil. Anyway, here is a link to the FLCCC protocol. I think that thinking of your self as being in the came category as vaxx injured might be helpful. Let me know! Best wishes! Haru


You might be interested in tis as well. They talk about several herbs:


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Not true. And the unvaxxed are also getting sick repeatedly... there's plenty of researchers you can find showing how the immune system is being attacked in both.

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Mike continues to be spot on.

Calm, clear, concise.

It's easy in the midst of the propaganda to focus on our last cold or chest infection as being something different. maybe it was, just like the others we have had which were not analysed and picked apart with the background of the psyop. Maintaining the illusion of early treatment for covid 19 helps fuel that psyop.

Had I not been fortunate to hear a very short interview segment with Mike on radio two - probably the only one aired on that station - I could also have been lost to the psyop. Listening to Mike made me look up from the brainwashing and question. I heard both him and John Lee, and to both of them I give heartfelt thanks and gratitude almost every day. I have in turn saved quite a few from the nonsense, alas, too few. Like Mike and John I will keep going, and though I am no match for Mike, I try and be calm, clear and concise in my message.

Thank you.

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You doctors can come to whatever civilised agreements you like, but while your theories do not fit what happened to me, and many thousands like me, they must, by definition, be wrong. You are both still wrong. I needed early treatment, not for a virus, but for a parasitic explosion brought on by 5G being switched on around me. I needed the early treatment that was capable of knocking back the bacteria and parasites, while I worked out how to protect my body from the 5G. The disease was very REAL. The potentially terminal nature of what happened to me was REAL. I personally don't give a damn if there are or are not viruses. I do give a damn that no-one was able to help me when I was dying of "covid", no-one was able to help me when I was disabled with "long-covid" (I am unvaxxed), and I was not able to help myself until I got not one but two cancers so that I, at last, starting treating myself with heavy duty anti-parasitic protocols, that should have been offered to me two years earlier to treat the parasitic disease called "covid". While you guys have been alternating between happy families and murderous siblings, WE have been dying! And we STILL are.

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I’m very sorry to hear of your experience. I’ve said before that physics is not only my weakest area, it’s one in which I am arguably less knowledgeable about than many other people. I know we’re electrical creatures. Every cell has an internal voltage that is negative relative to their outsides and ion channels in their surfaces regulate flux of charged ions. But that’s about all I know. I can well believe that electromagnetic fields at sufficient strength could disrupt normal functions. I have no way to know or evaluate what is dangerous vs what isn’t. As a result, I don’t comment on the area. I’ve nothing useful to add. Saying all that, I don’t doubt that the perpetrators would have no compunction about unleashing violence on us by any means possible.

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While my reaction to 5G is not like Christine's, every tower I pass my Heavy Duty (Flight Deck level) hearing aids Squeal. Not very pleasant. Two Meniere's attacks treatment STOLE/DESTROYED MY HEARING. Pharma and under-educated doctors need to be stopped from damaging patients. And patients need to do more research on any drug they take before they take it. If you see Homicide/Suicide in the side effects, RUN, don't walk away from it.

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I have seen research that attributes the double pneumonia and hypoxia that many of us were hospitalised for (that was called covid) to EMFs.

I have been thinking about the term "side effects" when it comes to drugs. They imply that what the drugs do to us other than their allotted function, are just "asides". The term should be toxic effects, or damaging effects, not side effects. All "side effects" are symptoms of damage being done to the body. When I was put on metformin, I had the "side effect" of excruciating leg pain that prevented me from sleeping. When I asked doctors what was causing the pain, the question made no sense to them and they could not answer. These "side effects" are treated like a harmless little package that we can carry around with little concern, rather than a symptom of something really bad happening to the body.

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The Same with Statins. I have a full 10-font typed-out sheet of them. BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE, PHARMA, AND GOVERNMENT, BY ROBERT YOHO, RET. MD. $5 ON KINDLE. When the first Neurologist ran his full spine MRI, he was shocked about the spinal degeneration. He advised a lumbar brace, NO SURGERY, IT WILL MAKE IT WORSE. It got worse with every Physio trip as another disc popped, slipped, or fractured. The only thing that gives relief is 7.5 Mg of Oxycontin, but I refuse to be treated like a criminal. A Thoracic Brace is next, as the last trip revealed a left-side hernia and Gallstones on the right side. Hormones ruined my entire GI tract.

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That is most interesting. My daughter lives near airforce base that has a 5g contract for testing various military uses(I didn't read it cuz I don't think they tell you but a fraction of what they're really doing). I was there recently when they warned the community they were going to be doing war games and to expect loud war like noises all day.

There were zero noises but my ears did their tinnitus thing along with fast vibrational fluttering.. which made me think perhaps their war games were actually electronic.

I often feel high speed fluttering when I'm there and it can be so intense I have the impulse to run, to escape... almost like a panic attack but without the heart and breath issues. I can't recall his name but one researcher said 3, 4, 5g affects the brain so much he's afraid we will not be able to think our way out of the problems they've made. Permanently dumbed down.

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Mike, you are still avoiding abject truths about 5g and THERE IS NO VIRUS not just a novel virus.



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No viruses at all.


Please continue to campaign.

Thank you.

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Regret I’m ignorant about 5G indeed any G.

You must carry the torch on this.

I lack any grounding in the topic and rate my chances of correctly understanding in this area as low.

“A man’s got to know his limitations”.

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This person is pulling a mystification trick on you. Taking you well outside of your field of knowledge and expertise so that can then mystify, bamboozle and control you.

It's a well-known communist trick.

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Thanks, agreed.

I have learned to disregard the vast majority of comments which are oddball.

Because they never have good intentions.

I am winking at them: “I’ve seen you”.

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Do you plan to respond to my unequivocal comment?


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I’m sorry you have suffered so terribly, Christine. Congratulations on taking your health into your own hands, which is exactly the point I was making in this discussion. I don’t speculate as to the cause of the symptoms but do believe what you experienced was REAL and why I am a proponent of early treatment protocols as they have a demonstrable record of success in treating those symptoms.

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They were treating diseases, not symptoms. Symptoms can be psycho-somatic, and let's make this very clear, they are NOT placebos. This is not in our minds. As soon as you admit the treatments are doing something REAL, then you have to see the pattern that all the effective early treatments are anti-parasitics (that also operate as anti bacterials and in some cases, anti-fungals) so you know they are killing some invasive biological entity. Why did the front line doctors not establish the anti-parasitic protocols that would have saved us all from a great deal of misery - the protocols that are out there now that we are having to self-administer without support as victims of this epidemic of cancers? If anyone had told us we were treating parasites, natural healing modalities are spoilt for choice - we would have had a huge range of cost effective options. But we were never told we were treating parasites. Now I am treating parasites, I have prevented metastases from the two different cancers, (I had them each excised), I have pretty much knocked out most of the long covid symptoms and am just left with the worsened Fibromyalgia that I have had all my adult life. We are treating an explosion of parasites. Bryan Ardis is a bit right in that nicotine is an effective treatment, Lee Merritt is very right, and the rest of you are still arguing about stuff that just doesn't matter to those of us who are the walking dead.

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Dr Lee Merritt has so much good info to share. And she’s been working/researching the parasite angle for years. I routinely have my husband and children take IVC or zeolite, among other anti-parasitic protocols. We do it all at about the same time.

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Yes, I think her take on it all is the closest to the truth.

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Sorry to hear of your terrible plight with illness.

Questions: How did you determine this was parasitic in nature? Stool tests? Was testing or whatever you did allow definitive ID of WHICH parasite? Did you use Metronidazole to treat? Are you now back to 100% function? Having had parasitic infection; I KNOW it is damn bad.

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Old guy, it's actually not that terrible. Dying has given me a reason for living.

There is no way for mere mortals to get doctors to test for even intestinal parasites, let alone the hidden ones. No, I realised that all the repurposed drugs treating first covid and then long covid were anti-parasitics. I also knew from Hulda Clarke in the 90s that cancer is parasitic in nature. In my own case, I have never been able to identify which parasites I am treating. This is leaving the many thousands of people self-medicating for cancer, like myself, using guesswork or intuition to determine which anti-parasitics to use. I did two rounds of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, but then customs kept intercepting Ivermectin parcels from America and India, so I switched to three rounds of Artemisinin which, at the time, was more reliably available. I also bought a backup supply of apricot kernels, in case I lost supply of everything else. Now I have no detectable cancer left in my body, but could still have remnant stray cancer cells waiting to set up house again, and still have serious FMS - so still relatively disabled. I am now trying to work out what protocols I should use to prevent metastases, keep the "spike", whatever it is, under control, and knock the FMS back to manageable levels - but I am still presuming these are all parasitic diseases that can be treated with anti-parasitics. Time will tell if I pick the right ones. Like, Lee Merritt I suspect we will have to take anti-parasitics for the rest of our lives to combat the horrible man-made life forms that are now invading our bodies.

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Love to see that you've combined forces here. As more cell towers sprout up, so will the flu, as influenza gets its name from the electromagnetic "influence" of the stars:


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Roman, that looks like an article I need to look at future. I work in early learning and see many children with these symptoms.

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Thanks for sharing this Lisa. Here's another one you may want to take a look at re: children::


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I am squarely on Mike Yeadon's side on this.

Thank God Mike Yeadon has that ability to cut through the crap. His incisive criticisms are gifts. We need these jolts because ignorance on health is HUGE, and is maintained by all the garbage that is continuously advanced on all sides. We should not tolerate little pieces we cling to as "helpful", while drowning in the said ignorance.

I think I was the first to show on 2 June 2020 that all-cause mortality proved that this was not a pandemic: Rancourt, D.G. /// All-cause mortality during COVID-19 — No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response /// ResearchGate, 2 June 2020. Now at:


Then this: https://correlation-canada.org/research/

Nothing was spreading and there was no special pathogen.

This is my starting critique about ignorance in health and medicine: https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/fundamental-nature-of-health

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"I think I was the first to show on 2 June 2020 that all-cause mortality proved that this was not a pandemic" — Here's another first: your “Masks Don’t Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy” from April 2020 was a first for myself and so many others. Thanks!

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Nothing was spreading and there was no special pathogen.


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5g and chemtrails spread across places under attack.

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This is a quote from this article..... and I agree.......

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MAA, great article articulating the fine line between belief there was a virus (or some flu-like symptom causer). Possibly the following was left unaddressed and, in fact, is almost impossible to address-- thus, reflecting my own difficulty to articulate. . .

I KNOW I contracted "something", my wife also. Symptoms were a bit different for both of us but they were also different than we had had in our 7 decade liftetimes, it seemed. Wife had horrible headache like never before and I had heard this same symptom from others, I had a headache too but not THAT bad. Both had fever, wife had respiratory symptoms, me-- not so much. BUT, All of us are in different states of immune readiness when we contract something, so the severity of effects can be different. Neither of us were tested for C19 with PSA and neither went to a doctor. From the context of the dialogue about this fake pandemic I concluded we had: "it". Regardless of what "it" was, and I was NOT about to go to a "doctor". I had a cache of IVM and used it. It worked. I believe in treatment and believe this helped. I believe the lack of it caused the deaths of people I know of. I believe that Dr Tyson and other good docs around the world DID, in fact, stop 10,000+ deaths(Tyson alone) by using THEIR early treatments.

Likewise, I believe that "C19" really was a bioweapon developed using GOF to facilitate this; don't care if was a viral entity or whatever. THAT is not relevant. It's true deadliness, whether that be via lack of early treatment or its own poisons, is not really relevant to this argument. "It" was the fake run-around-the-end diverting us from the end game. I believe it WAS purposeful and the genocide was perpetrated by a malign force of evil using the same methods of previous genocides. The game plan was a fake as described by MAA's strategy session above to make the populous believe in a horrible pandemic so that they could institute REAL, FINAL solution-- the vaccines.

The pandemic was real but ONLY to the extent that it propagated as a result of preventing early treatment and normal health.

I also believe: There would have quite likely been NO major increase in All cause mortality if the world populous had the alternate narrative of increasing Vitamins C, D, K, zinc + lots of water and use early treatments w/ HCQ + IVM + certain anti-biotics + nebulizers. (FLCCC, et al)

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I’m honoured to have been in the bullshit detection zone long enough to have individual communications (through comments and sometimes emails) with Margaret, Mike, Sasha, Igor and numerous other thinkers. I took Ivermectin once - to fight a mind virus. I was afraid, but that was the con. I’m much more focused on money and force than sickness and health although I believe the jabs make sick, injure and harm. Nothing kills people faster than economics.

It’s why I wrote this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mmAhPm8deMs&pp=ygUfTW9jayB0aGUgc2V0IHVwIHRodW1ibmFpbCBncmVlbg%3D%3D

And why I think the tyranny will really bite when they force digital compliance. We need to build our personal infrastructure to withstand the biggest virus of no money.

For now keep trying to wake people.

There is safety in numbers. God bless you all.

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Thank you for your courage, endurance, tenacity, integrity, compassion and determination. Woodstock generation granny *Not jabbed

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Wow..I can’t wait to read this stack and watch the videos!

I absolutely trust Dr. Yeadon too! Only one!

Thank you!

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Crikey, no pressure, then!

Honestly, I remind people that I don’t have a copy of the script, either.

Weather modification has been very obvious to me for the past year or two, across several countries. But I don’t know why they’re doing that. Is it solely to damage farming and food production? Or psychological warfare? Other?

Then there is a huge number of weird aerials which have been put up everywhere, including close to peoples houses. We’re told they’re 5G masts. But what does this mean?

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Work out how to stop the disease that ails us or you will have no human population left to worry about. The genocide has only just started. The excess death rate is set to explode from here on to the point where it will be impossible to attribute it to individual disease names like heart failure, or stroke or cancer. If we cannot save those already slated for death - which is most of us - including me - the rest is irrelevant. But I can't do it alone.

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Thanks for this article MAA.

Long Covid: we have endured 4 years of this and it is still live and well in the conditioned minds of everyone = those that believed the official narratives, and those who opposed those narratives. Whether Covid or the Flu, whether it was an escape from the lab in Wuhan or and escape from the media with its origin from dingbats, it has captured us and changed the world. Next we were to worry about Monkey Pox but that was too outrageous for the people to buy. OK: BIRD FLU everybody run! Kill all the cattle, kill all the chickens and turkeys. A human got it and it resulted in conjunctivitis. Oh shit oh dear! So, at the same time we are losing our economy - everything that we built our lives, our civilization on. We (all of the Western nations) are being invaded by people from other cultures who can not or will not acculturate into the countries they have come to. Economic takeover by the elite self anointed "masters of the universe." Oh ya, more forever wars. and in the 1st time in my life World War Three is discussed as a probable and acceptable option. We got way bigger problems than the Jabs injurious and fatal effects and the lack of accountability of the pharmaceutical companies CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID + assorted other alphabet agencies, and the medical system. As a final thought way too many of us are pinning all our hopes on a single person's return to the White House , or a third party person being elected that will fix everything. That is one tall order! We are all connected and we must all do what we can on every front.

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It is totalitarianism 101.

This is mockery and our minds are to be shock absorbers.

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Here, here!

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'The perpetrators would not have resorted to such elaborate and costly machinations if ivermectin didn’t pose such a threat to the pandemic narrative and proffered “solution.” '

I would like to disagree.

It was inevitable and to be expected that there would come a point in the production where people would look for alternatives that would supposedly provide the solution. The organisers foresaw this, after all they had years to plan and masses of capital.

In a process design, you run through all possible narrative strands to the end, and alternative forms of treatment are one strand. The main thing is not to shake the basis of the narrative, namely that there is 'something' to treat, and that is exactly what ivermectin maintains. It doesn't touch covid as a real disease, it leaves it as it is. Protecting the lie at all costs.

It's like the second bomb in Bali. The first is the ventilation, the bomb that was detonated inside, and as soon as the extent of the damage is realised, people flee outside where the second bomb is waiting to detonate. Double strategies, as in terrorism.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective, follow the silenced. While I acknowledge the scenario you paint is a possibility, here are some of the reasons I do not find the idea (whether voiced by you or others) compelling:

1) I have seen no evidence to support this hypothesis other than speculation, and pursuing this line of thought requires ignoring a massive amount of contrary evidence documenting the corruption of scientists, scientific studies, doctors, academic journals, “experts,” and other colluders all aimed at ridiculing anyone who encouraged the use of early treatment; exorbitant ad/marketing/PR spends to promote disinformation campaigns mocking early treatment and by association those who dared promote an alternative to the injections; and the case histories of millions of people who benefited from early treatment as well as those who suffered due to being unable to access it.

2) It is easy to draw such conclusions in retrospect, but that is a cognitive bias known as hindsight bias, which “involves the tendency to see events, even random ones, as more predictable than they are. It’s also commonly referred to as the ‘I knew it all along’ phenomenon” (https://www.verywellmind.com/cognitive-biases-distort-thinking-2794763#toc-the-hindsight-bias).

3) As I stated in my discussion with Mike, saying there is “‘something’ to treat” does not require the existence of SARS-CoV-2, and denying that people experienced symptoms and doctors observed those symptoms is, as Sassy Goatherd pointed out, “just another form of gaslighting vulnerable humans who are truly the victims of this evil global scheme” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-mike-yeadon-about-early/comment/57023735). Mike has classified these experiences of illness as ILIs and acknowledges early treatment may help mitigate the symptoms.

4) The hypothesis fails Occam’s razor and has too many negative consequences for the perpetrators. Empowering people with cheap, effective tools they can use to treat their symptoms at home eliminates their fearful reliance on injections and the sickcare system. Supplements and off-patent medications cost pennies and cut into the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical and medical industries, both of which profit lavishly off of vaxx-injured victims for the rest of what remains of their lives.

5) The existence of scammers in an arena does not mean the entire industry or all of the products the scammer profits off of are innately harmful. You find shysters in every area of life, especially when it comes to health, including those with beneficial offerings and professionals who genuinely wish to help people. Holistic medicine, alternative health, vitamins, organic products, diets, exercise—all of these are infected by a small percentage of swindlers exploiting people’s desire to be healthy, but that does not mean the practices and products should be written off entirely.

6) This theory gives the perpetrators too much credit. Although Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem) in that the COVID psyop was orchestrated to usher in totalitarianism and democide, they have gravely miscalculated critical thinkers’ willingness to trust, believe, and comply and in the process have sparked the awakening of millions if not billions (2.5 billion refused the shots). By resorting to brazen coercion, they have destroyed trust in the government, media, agencies, $cience™, the sickcare system, and every other mechanism of thought control. We are able to expose their machinations in real-time thanks to the Internet (hence their efforts to lock down the narrative through censorship, disinformation, smearing, name-calling, and other Ministry of Truth tactics), and many people have reached their fool-me-twice limit and are far less likely to comply when the next pandemic psyop is launched.

I understand it is tempting to believe the approach to early treatment was a long con, but I see far more evidence for its threat to the vaccine industry and entities (e.g., governments, NGOs, agencies, and philanthropaths) using the fear of pandemics to terrorize the public into accepting harmful products and tyrannical measures.

I appreciate your helping me to further refine my thoughts on this :-)

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I love that you could discuss perceived differences and find agreement, as is often the case. Too bad so few can manage the civilized dialogue needed to get to that place.

My daughter, who's in her 30s, tested positive for Covid after co-workers came to work sick. I'm a staunch believer in "early treatment". If you can reduce the viral load early, you ease the strain on your immune system.

By early treatment, I mean high-quality zinc, vitamin C in high doses, lemon balm, cat's claw, thyme, garlic, turmeric and ginger. We don't take pharmaceuticals unless absolutely everything else fails. On day 2 she developed a wicked headache, fever and chills, took the supplements and teas religiously and by day 3, the headache was improved and the other symptoms were gone. She developed a cough, so took fresh mullein, thyme and lemon balm tea throughout the day. By day 4 she was back on her feet, though the cough lingered for a week or two as did malaise.

I would have offered the same early treatment to her regardless of what she had. It's a great way to help prevent "long covid" or long flu, which some research suggests may be reactivated Ebstein Barr virus praying on a weakened immune system.

It's worth noting that there are few people now who don't have at least one chronic illness whether diabetes, chronic fatigue, sinusitis, thyroiditis, etc. Many have a list of them. That means most of us are working with a weakened immune system and tend to get sicker when we catch the latest virus going around.

I don't see the trend towards frequent viral incursions changing anytime soon. I highly recommend growing some basic healing herbs in your garden, if you're so inclined. It's a safe form of early treatment you'll always have free access to.

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I respect Dr Yeadon for his courage and love of humanity in warning the public about the dangers of the m-rna, lipid nanoparticle, and unknown adjuvants platform.

But his broad brushing away of gain of function work on viruses of different kinds is to deny the thousands of people involved in this research, the billions spent by governments to engage in bio-warfare to secure resources by killing people and not by destroying the resources, the talents of a Ralph Baric in this field (no see sequence), Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier seeing an HIV sequence spliced in the virus, the enhanced ability to bind to the ACE2 receptor, and the very reality of viruses themselves and the fields of virology and immunology, and bird flu, marburg, ebola, zika, nipah, etc.

Kary Mullis said all along the PCR test was designed for DNA amplification not for diagnosing infectious diseases so I agree with him on the misuse of this test all along. Furthermore, I agree with your explanations for what primarily killed people ( hospicide etc).

Lastly, early treatment will be required for the bird flu they are steamrolling us with now as well as for the prvention of turbo cancers etc. So, MAA, you are spot on in my opinion for recommending people get Ivermectin ( known to be effective against bird flu ) but they are not giving it to the 70 exposed farm workers but are watching them??? They will wait for the H5N1 vaccines purchased in the last budget.

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