Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
Great post and compilation, thank you Margaret.
My Catholic childhood in the 1950's and early 1960's comes to mind as I contemplate the unfolding madness. It strikes me as both ironic and important to note, that the major Bronze Age religions fashioned a concept of "God" as an invisible, all knowing, all powerful entity, even to be able to know what one is thinking, making "escape" from "his" ultimate control quite impossible. Inculcating this "image" of God into humanity has been used for literally thousands of years now to control our collective thoughts, perceptions and behavior.
And now, low and behold, with AI and ever more invasive surveillance technology a "mechanical" or "machine" version of that all knowing, all powerful, invisible "God" is being born, and seems poised to give global oligarchy just the tool it needs to attempt to enslave humanity in ways it could only dream of doing with that "faith dependent" version of an all powerful Bronze Age conception of god. It appears that the new "AI god" is just what the perverted minds of control freak oligarchs have always dreamed of over many millennia. Their new God will "know our thoughts" perhaps before we are even consciously aware of them ourselves. And no need to wait for death, and hell-fire for our divine punishment, as it will simply deny us all access to our own bank accounts and thus our food and shelter. Of this new AI god of global oligarchy we might ask - "what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
The evil that hates mankind has existed since Creation. We liked to think the Nazis were defeated, but the demons have just been waiting, waiting for the technology to reach this level. Even still, at times, Harari sounds conflicted: "But in ten years, the future Stalins of the twenty-first century, they could be watching the minds, the brains, of all the population all the time and also, they will have the computing power to analyze all it.…Now you don’t need human agents, you don’t need human analyzers. You just have a lot of sensors and an AI which analyzes it, and that’s it, you have the worst totalitarian regime in history..."
It seems we are watching Harari evolve into one predestined role as time quickly moves toward the climax of history. He is, like so many these days, evil personified.
DR. CARRIE MADEJ INVOLVED IN PLANE CRASH - PRAY Sending healing light to her and her friend.
¨Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, and attending an event with likeminded people, she took off in a private plane with her partner Billy. Shortly after take off the engine malfunctioned, and they crash landed in a nearby field.
Dr. Madej has several fractures, for which she received surgery today, and Billy has skull, facial and back fractures. Praise God they are both alive, but I am asking all of you for prayers. Especially for Billy, who is injured severely on his head.
Here is a screenshot of Carries personal message to me, with more details about what happened:¨
harari is not a double agent. he is the personification of pure evil. here's why.
in one of the intvus that's been making the rounds - maybe even one you posted, you have a stronger stomach than i do for watching his antics - he says that the worst thing that humanity ever created was agriculture. that's actually 180 degrees from the truth: agriculture was the single best development in human history. why? because you can't sing while you're hunting.
generations of tired old men have been getting all grumpy about how the world went to hell the second that people realized that we could have a peaceful, thriving civilization without killing everything in sight. and now those tired old men - some of them old and tired before their time - are freaking out because we see through their bs.
Totally agree—definitely not a double agent. He zealously believes what he believes.
Amazing and distressing to hear there is yet more footage of him saying incredible things that I missed. To be fair, I let myself off the hook once I’d surpassed 7,000 words because I was afraid if I watched any more, I’d be forced to write another part.
thanks for taking one for the team and watching all that! harari's brazenness is beyond the pale. he's left hours and hours of videotaped confessions. serial killers like to brag, i guess - son of sam, gacy, dennis rader the btk killer...
What "good" is he? Of course this is using the standard that humans have no intrinsic value.
But I look at his proposed economic model and ask, "Why?"
A giant corporation will mine ore and other minerals to sell to another giant corporation that produces robots in an automated factory. To do more mining and manufacturing?
There will only be a few people left alive and unenslaved to own many products or require robot services. Why bother with all the large-scale mining and manufacturing? And it's not as if the elitists will be earning anything once they own everything.
What's the point? Of course they've shown a curious lack of efficiency in this takedown of civilization. My hypothetical plan is evil--but less cruel since it would be over sooner. And save time.
My guess is they enjoy the process. Once humanity is destroyed, they'll have nothing left to dream about. Plus they are sadists and the damaged, numb lab rats that they plan on keeping will provide less fun.
Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
These worshipers of death for the majority of people sooner than later, are perfectly-willing to die for "saving the planet" and the elitists. They so strongly believe that seven billion human beings "must be exterminated", that if they aren't chosen to be part of the former, but instead to be part of the latter and die for their false gods, so-be-it, "if that is what 'must happen', let it be, for it 'must be' for the 'greater good'". That is the level of the delusion (God said he sends such people, and all unrepentant sinners, "a strong delusion to believe a lie (or the Great Big Lie made up of many lies)", of these totalitarian-socialists (aka, corporate-fascists/communists). Satanists, those who have Satan as their lord and master, trust their fellow-Satanists, especially their Satanic leaders, aka "Pied Pipers", leading most people to their engineered doom.
Of course, these "underling" servants of the elitist minions of Satan and of Satan himself, would rather be part of the elitist cabal, and be part of those chosen to survive "the final, 'final (so-called) solution'", about 300 to 500 million people [sic(k)!]. So, they will of course seek to be part of the Satanic survivors.
That's why we must pray as never before, not only for True Discernment, etc., but also pray the prayer of Revelation 22:20, the final prayer of the Scriptures:
"...Even so, (return very quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Id.; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
Thank you for this lucid analysis of Harari. I have never been able to figure this guy out because at first he actually warned us about AI that can hack our bodies. I guess that was before he realized what a juicy gig this is. Since it's not a secret anymore, what next? I find that talking to people who are so happy to have their bodies hacked via Fitbit etc is a slog...they don't understand what's going on. And don't really want to, either. This is an excellent post, thank you!
Thank you, Monika, and I, too, found Harari increasingly puzzling the more clips I viewed of him—he seems to be simultaneously warning against and embracing the very technology he knows is capable of locking us into a totalitarian nightmare! I address these contradictions in Part 3 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd).
I think the ones who are truly behind it are ones whose names we have never known. The philanthropaths in the spotlight are merely front men for the shadow puppeteers.
Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
I agree, the one's behind it don't want exposure. How many know that Dustin Moskovitz the co-founder of Facebook funds most of the table top simulations like Event 201, the Monkeypox and the Polio? I only know his name because I follow Dr. David Martin. It is interesting too when Amazing Polly pointed out in one of her videos that the young leaders, graduates from WEF (Klaus Schwab's minions) have now been planted into powerful positions all over the world. I'm sure most of you already know that Trudeau is a graduate.
Reminds me of a Chris Rock joke......." That’s what they do at restaurants. They put the ugliest people in the back, so if you don’t like the people in the front, you don’t wanna see the people in the back. "
Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
Much more trusting then, it’s so disturbing to find advertising on the computer for things discussed in house. Is it coincidence?
I liked to tinker with virtual reality app, second life, trying to learn to code. Learned about certain case studies where addiction would put people in debt while buying up digital property. While the flip side, I can imagine, 12 yr old entrepreneurs selling unique NFTs (nonfungible tokens?).
Not necessarily trusting as I know the surveillance mechanisms built into smart phones, computers, etc., but I think the communication capabilities offset those right now as it is what is enabling us to mobilize a massive Resistance before they are able to clamp down the handcuffs.
Yeah, the Meta/VR addiction is likely the next big epidemic, but they’ll encourage it, so people won’t realize how destructive it is.
Hi Margaret. Once again, great article. I think you've really tapped into something with this philanthropath series. It's the same pattern repeating that we can trace back now over the last century, to the Fords and Morgans of the early 20th C. Something has been broken with our society for a long time, but the populace is blinded to it by political squabbling which tells us we're either for the capitalists of for the communists. Well, I'm for neither. How about being for the average citizen?
On another related note, is there any way I can get in contact with you? I've recently launched the Isaiah 62 Declaration, a warning from the Jews that the events leading to the Holocaust are being repeated. (See isaiah62declaration.com to read and sign it). I'd love to send you the press release. Thanks!
Thank you, Donna, and those are excellent additions to the philanthropath record!
Thanks for letting me know about the Isaiah 62 Declaration—what a great idea! You can get in touch by responding to any of my newsletters, the Welcome email, or maybe even this comment notification.
I am thrilled to see Vera Sharav is involved. I included her Reiner Fuellmich interview in the following piece:
You may also appreciate this passage from that letter (feel free to quote it in your materials if desired):
“I realize we had relatives at Auschwitz, and some people think it’s insensitive to draw comparisons between the World War II Holocaust and the New Holocaust.
“I, however, consider it a contemptuous insult to the memories of those who endured discrimination, incarceration, starvation, torture, and slaughter to fail to heed the burning message of ‘Never again!’ And Holocaust survivors like Marianne von Rosen, Marian Turski, and Vera Sharav agree.”
Thanks Margaret. I sent an email by replying to one of your posts in my inbox, but if you don't get it, perhaps you'd be kind enough to drop me your email address via hello@isaiah62declaration.com
i'll keep repeating it till it sinks in to the masses. there will come a critical point in time when we have to burn the internet down, all your local telephone exchanges all over the world. its their weak point
Actually, the Internet and telephone exchanges are what are enabling ordinary people like us to connect around the world and grow the Resistance, much to their chagrin.
I much prefer the solution implemented in “They Live” as that would detonate their primary means of mass hypnosis:
well i have no problem with dealing with the media in this way but they will creep in the digital id/pass thing incrementally and before you know it we will be in the united planet of slavery. i see removing the internet as a 'final solution' if you will pardon the pun
Only allow access to those connected to the IoB. The internet can be a great way to keep people "together apart" in the technocrats' system. They hate people being together.
What is a Philanthropath - I'm sorry, know I should read this whole thing, but what is that?
Is it somebody who uses philanthropy as a guise for pathology?
Oh, if it is that, then let me say - tell me about it - it is rampant.
Now let me go read the rest and I know my payment is due, and that is sort of a rabbit-hole joke I hope you get because I'm happy to pay for somebody who helps me understand the truth as we all strive to reach it.....you know?
Just today I jarred two 16-ounch jars using cabbage that will soon be sauerkraut as only a kick-ass german sort can do....or maybe just any ole dirt farmer. Not only cabbage is growing there, but let me tell you I have some serious pepper plants and I plan on telling you about this in the future - so, I hope the moment presents itself and meanwhile, you must know I support you and I will support you in the future.
I feel like my gut has been punched so many times, mostly by my own self, that unlike Houdini, if I got punched in the gut it would not affect me and then the one who punched me better have already run for cover, because you try to harm me I will respond with force.
These days of mental violence have tired me so, I have decided to strike out with Justified Retribution. I hope I can count you on my side and vice-versa.
I think that’s good advice for all of us if we start to feel overwhelmed by the barrage of philanthropathic attacks. I will say Ken is actually a lot better about making time for gardening and time in nature than I am!
You can't pretend to have a soul - you either have one or you don't.....man am I confused with this article just now, but whatever - you either have a soul or you have forsaken the one you were given.
I think you made the common mistake of assuming a comment was directed at you rather than the audience at large. So really - I appreciated what you said and there is no reason to go all offensive on me.
Excellent review here of Sapiens by Sri Lankan native Mr Indi. Ca. His blog is well worth subscribing to. All this future fantasy of nightmares in binary green is most upsetting. Collectively I wish we would all just turn away and celebrate beauty and happiness, peace and contentment. What more are they hoping to find in a world already bursting with mystery and wonder? https://indi.ca/why-sapiens-is-a-hate-crime/
Great post and compilation, thank you Margaret.
My Catholic childhood in the 1950's and early 1960's comes to mind as I contemplate the unfolding madness. It strikes me as both ironic and important to note, that the major Bronze Age religions fashioned a concept of "God" as an invisible, all knowing, all powerful entity, even to be able to know what one is thinking, making "escape" from "his" ultimate control quite impossible. Inculcating this "image" of God into humanity has been used for literally thousands of years now to control our collective thoughts, perceptions and behavior.
And now, low and behold, with AI and ever more invasive surveillance technology a "mechanical" or "machine" version of that all knowing, all powerful, invisible "God" is being born, and seems poised to give global oligarchy just the tool it needs to attempt to enslave humanity in ways it could only dream of doing with that "faith dependent" version of an all powerful Bronze Age conception of god. It appears that the new "AI god" is just what the perverted minds of control freak oligarchs have always dreamed of over many millennia. Their new God will "know our thoughts" perhaps before we are even consciously aware of them ourselves. And no need to wait for death, and hell-fire for our divine punishment, as it will simply deny us all access to our own bank accounts and thus our food and shelter. Of this new AI god of global oligarchy we might ask - "what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
Fascinating analysis, Gary, and Harari’s statements deifying AI engineers as the new gods appear to support your hypothesis.
“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
The evil that hates mankind has existed since Creation. We liked to think the Nazis were defeated, but the demons have just been waiting, waiting for the technology to reach this level. Even still, at times, Harari sounds conflicted: "But in ten years, the future Stalins of the twenty-first century, they could be watching the minds, the brains, of all the population all the time and also, they will have the computing power to analyze all it.…Now you don’t need human agents, you don’t need human analyzers. You just have a lot of sensors and an AI which analyzes it, and that’s it, you have the worst totalitarian regime in history..."
It seems we are watching Harari evolve into one predestined role as time quickly moves toward the climax of history. He is, like so many these days, evil personified.
Great points, DogsLife, and I agree Harari sounds conflicted. Wait till you get to my more nuanced take on him in Part 3 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd).
DR. CARRIE MADEJ INVOLVED IN PLANE CRASH - PRAY Sending healing light to her and her friend.
¨Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, and attending an event with likeminded people, she took off in a private plane with her partner Billy. Shortly after take off the engine malfunctioned, and they crash landed in a nearby field.
Dr. Madej has several fractures, for which she received surgery today, and Billy has skull, facial and back fractures. Praise God they are both alive, but I am asking all of you for prayers. Especially for Billy, who is injured severely on his head.
Here is a screenshot of Carries personal message to me, with more details about what happened:¨
Read More https://stopworldcontrol.com/crash/
harari is not a double agent. he is the personification of pure evil. here's why.
in one of the intvus that's been making the rounds - maybe even one you posted, you have a stronger stomach than i do for watching his antics - he says that the worst thing that humanity ever created was agriculture. that's actually 180 degrees from the truth: agriculture was the single best development in human history. why? because you can't sing while you're hunting.
generations of tired old men have been getting all grumpy about how the world went to hell the second that people realized that we could have a peaceful, thriving civilization without killing everything in sight. and now those tired old men - some of them old and tired before their time - are freaking out because we see through their bs.
Totally agree—definitely not a double agent. He zealously believes what he believes.
Amazing and distressing to hear there is yet more footage of him saying incredible things that I missed. To be fair, I let myself off the hook once I’d surpassed 7,000 words because I was afraid if I watched any more, I’d be forced to write another part.
Good point re: singing 😹
thanks for taking one for the team and watching all that! harari's brazenness is beyond the pale. he's left hours and hours of videotaped confessions. serial killers like to brag, i guess - son of sam, gacy, dennis rader the btk killer...
Hunting troupes sing when they enter the bush for protection and enthrallment of game. Most farmers aren't singin' in the rain.
by his own logic, Harari himself is an expendable. what an idiot.
the Harlot to be consumed by the Beast.
What "good" is he? Of course this is using the standard that humans have no intrinsic value.
But I look at his proposed economic model and ask, "Why?"
A giant corporation will mine ore and other minerals to sell to another giant corporation that produces robots in an automated factory. To do more mining and manufacturing?
There will only be a few people left alive and unenslaved to own many products or require robot services. Why bother with all the large-scale mining and manufacturing? And it's not as if the elitists will be earning anything once they own everything.
What's the point? Of course they've shown a curious lack of efficiency in this takedown of civilization. My hypothetical plan is evil--but less cruel since it would be over sooner. And save time.
My guess is they enjoy the process. Once humanity is destroyed, they'll have nothing left to dream about. Plus they are sadists and the damaged, numb lab rats that they plan on keeping will provide less fun.
These worshipers of death for the majority of people sooner than later, are perfectly-willing to die for "saving the planet" and the elitists. They so strongly believe that seven billion human beings "must be exterminated", that if they aren't chosen to be part of the former, but instead to be part of the latter and die for their false gods, so-be-it, "if that is what 'must happen', let it be, for it 'must be' for the 'greater good'". That is the level of the delusion (God said he sends such people, and all unrepentant sinners, "a strong delusion to believe a lie (or the Great Big Lie made up of many lies)", of these totalitarian-socialists (aka, corporate-fascists/communists). Satanists, those who have Satan as their lord and master, trust their fellow-Satanists, especially their Satanic leaders, aka "Pied Pipers", leading most people to their engineered doom.
Of course, these "underling" servants of the elitist minions of Satan and of Satan himself, would rather be part of the elitist cabal, and be part of those chosen to survive "the final, 'final (so-called) solution'", about 300 to 500 million people [sic(k)!]. So, they will of course seek to be part of the Satanic survivors.
That's why we must pray as never before, not only for True Discernment, etc., but also pray the prayer of Revelation 22:20, the final prayer of the Scriptures:
"...Even so, (return very quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Id.; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
💕Jesus can’t return soon enough 💕
Thank you for this lucid analysis of Harari. I have never been able to figure this guy out because at first he actually warned us about AI that can hack our bodies. I guess that was before he realized what a juicy gig this is. Since it's not a secret anymore, what next? I find that talking to people who are so happy to have their bodies hacked via Fitbit etc is a slog...they don't understand what's going on. And don't really want to, either. This is an excellent post, thank you!
Thank you, Monika, and I, too, found Harari increasingly puzzling the more clips I viewed of him—he seems to be simultaneously warning against and embracing the very technology he knows is capable of locking us into a totalitarian nightmare! I address these contradictions in Part 3 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd).
I feel the same away about micro soft teams. We are training the ai as we go. I use teams at work and the suggested quick responses are pretty exact.
AGAIN... who is behind this madness? who are you saying is running this Frankenstein??
some of these organizations are hiding...
I think the ones who are truly behind it are ones whose names we have never known. The philanthropaths in the spotlight are merely front men for the shadow puppeteers.
I agree, the one's behind it don't want exposure. How many know that Dustin Moskovitz the co-founder of Facebook funds most of the table top simulations like Event 201, the Monkeypox and the Polio? I only know his name because I follow Dr. David Martin. It is interesting too when Amazing Polly pointed out in one of her videos that the young leaders, graduates from WEF (Klaus Schwab's minions) have now been planted into powerful positions all over the world. I'm sure most of you already know that Trudeau is a graduate.
Good to know about Dustin Moskovitz!
Speaking of Amazing Polly, I was pretty stoked when I discovered Part 1 of this series under “Polly’s Picks” (https://amazingpolly.net/) today 😃
Thanks I'll watch!
Yes, we are very proud up here in Canada...👨🎓
as in the controlled media ignored GLOBAL GROUPS...
btw... interesting how the politician GUN GRAB is now too ignored..
Reminds me of a Chris Rock joke......." That’s what they do at restaurants. They put the ugliest people in the back, so if you don’t like the people in the front, you don’t wanna see the people in the back. "
Council On Foreign Relations - The New American
Thank you for pulling back the layers of an onion here.
I find it hard to believe meta has taken this long, I demo’d a virtual headset and boxed virtually in 1999 or so.
Ps. I like the idea of parallel society a lot better.
Thanks for the reminder about how long VR tech has been around! Interesting flashback to more innocent times.
And yes, I, too, prefer the parallel society idea and will be touching on it in an upcoming article.
Much more trusting then, it’s so disturbing to find advertising on the computer for things discussed in house. Is it coincidence?
I liked to tinker with virtual reality app, second life, trying to learn to code. Learned about certain case studies where addiction would put people in debt while buying up digital property. While the flip side, I can imagine, 12 yr old entrepreneurs selling unique NFTs (nonfungible tokens?).
Not necessarily trusting as I know the surveillance mechanisms built into smart phones, computers, etc., but I think the communication capabilities offset those right now as it is what is enabling us to mobilize a massive Resistance before they are able to clamp down the handcuffs.
Yeah, the Meta/VR addiction is likely the next big epidemic, but they’ll encourage it, so people won’t realize how destructive it is.
All the shiny objects!!
You have outdone yourself once again. 🌈🌷🌟
Chilling post, chilling times.
I love the interspersed humor, my favorite: "Nazi adjacent Klaus Schwab". 😄🙏
Aww, thanks, Nova123!
Hi Margaret. Once again, great article. I think you've really tapped into something with this philanthropath series. It's the same pattern repeating that we can trace back now over the last century, to the Fords and Morgans of the early 20th C. Something has been broken with our society for a long time, but the populace is blinded to it by political squabbling which tells us we're either for the capitalists of for the communists. Well, I'm for neither. How about being for the average citizen?
On another related note, is there any way I can get in contact with you? I've recently launched the Isaiah 62 Declaration, a warning from the Jews that the events leading to the Holocaust are being repeated. (See isaiah62declaration.com to read and sign it). I'd love to send you the press release. Thanks!
Thank you, Donna, and those are excellent additions to the philanthropath record!
Thanks for letting me know about the Isaiah 62 Declaration—what a great idea! You can get in touch by responding to any of my newsletters, the Welcome email, or maybe even this comment notification.
I am thrilled to see Vera Sharav is involved. I included her Reiner Fuellmich interview in the following piece:
• “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative)
You may also appreciate this passage from that letter (feel free to quote it in your materials if desired):
“I realize we had relatives at Auschwitz, and some people think it’s insensitive to draw comparisons between the World War II Holocaust and the New Holocaust.
“I, however, consider it a contemptuous insult to the memories of those who endured discrimination, incarceration, starvation, torture, and slaughter to fail to heed the burning message of ‘Never again!’ And Holocaust survivors like Marianne von Rosen, Marian Turski, and Vera Sharav agree.”
Thanks Margaret. I sent an email by replying to one of your posts in my inbox, but if you don't get it, perhaps you'd be kind enough to drop me your email address via hello@isaiah62declaration.com
Thank you and gottit! Feel free to edit this comment if you don’t want your email address public.
i'll keep repeating it till it sinks in to the masses. there will come a critical point in time when we have to burn the internet down, all your local telephone exchanges all over the world. its their weak point
Actually, the Internet and telephone exchanges are what are enabling ordinary people like us to connect around the world and grow the Resistance, much to their chagrin.
I much prefer the solution implemented in “They Live” as that would detonate their primary means of mass hypnosis:
well i have no problem with dealing with the media in this way but they will creep in the digital id/pass thing incrementally and before you know it we will be in the united planet of slavery. i see removing the internet as a 'final solution' if you will pardon the pun
Only allow access to those connected to the IoB. The internet can be a great way to keep people "together apart" in the technocrats' system. They hate people being together.
They've brainwashed a lot of Boomers who are computer illiterate or nearly so with the MSM on TV and ads everywhere.
Quite a dissertation Margaret, on the evil that is infesting humanity.
What is a Philanthropath - I'm sorry, know I should read this whole thing, but what is that?
Is it somebody who uses philanthropy as a guise for pathology?
Oh, if it is that, then let me say - tell me about it - it is rampant.
Now let me go read the rest and I know my payment is due, and that is sort of a rabbit-hole joke I hope you get because I'm happy to pay for somebody who helps me understand the truth as we all strive to reach it.....you know?
Just today I jarred two 16-ounch jars using cabbage that will soon be sauerkraut as only a kick-ass german sort can do....or maybe just any ole dirt farmer. Not only cabbage is growing there, but let me tell you I have some serious pepper plants and I plan on telling you about this in the future - so, I hope the moment presents itself and meanwhile, you must know I support you and I will support you in the future.
Haha, good question in case anyone missed the definition in Part 1 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams):
A philanthropath is a socio/psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist—and yes, they are rampant :-)
Haha, I always appreciate your humor and your faithful support, Ken 🤗
Brilliant idea to ferment sauerkraut—Izabella Wentz considers fermented food *the* most important key to gut health.
She also likes bone stock, which largely healed me of IBS.
Yes, it is wonderful for helping to heal leaky gut syndrome, which contributes to autoimmune disorders.
I feel like my gut has been punched so many times, mostly by my own self, that unlike Houdini, if I got punched in the gut it would not affect me and then the one who punched me better have already run for cover, because you try to harm me I will respond with force.
These days of mental violence have tired me so, I have decided to strike out with Justified Retribution. I hope I can count you on my side and vice-versa.
I think that’s good advice for all of us if we start to feel overwhelmed by the barrage of philanthropathic attacks. I will say Ken is actually a lot better about making time for gardening and time in nature than I am!
I agree with Margaret.
Plus, I think you should take your own advice.
You can't pretend to have a soul - you either have one or you don't.....man am I confused with this article just now, but whatever - you either have a soul or you have forsaken the one you were given.
I think you made the common mistake of assuming a comment was directed at you rather than the audience at large. So really - I appreciated what you said and there is no reason to go all offensive on me.
Yep, we’re all on the same side here, so hugs and peace to both of you 🤗✌️
I wasn't trying to buffalo you... but if you want me to I will...Jeesh.
Plus, don't tell me what to do.
and likewise to you.
Very clever :-)
Yuval Harari finds human beings to be extremely hackable. So did Norman Bates.
This is a work of art. Why I say don't waste your time on debating trolls.
Haha, thank you, Stephen, and don’t worry, I’m done with all that :-)
Excellent review here of Sapiens by Sri Lankan native Mr Indi. Ca. His blog is well worth subscribing to. All this future fantasy of nightmares in binary green is most upsetting. Collectively I wish we would all just turn away and celebrate beauty and happiness, peace and contentment. What more are they hoping to find in a world already bursting with mystery and wonder? https://indi.ca/why-sapiens-is-a-hate-crime/