"Take a naturally occurring phenomenon, say a seasonal virus, and exaggerate its threat far beyond every imagining—despite exhaustive evidence to the contrary. Suppress, silence, ostracize, and demonize every individual who dares present facts that expose the false mono-narrative."

This is the vertical integration of government, media, and health care and is absolutely their plan.

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Excellent point, Iconoclast, and that dangerous convergence is what has enabled such a swift and effective global implementation of medical tyranny.

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this is w@r... this 5th generation warfare discussing from "S2 Underground" may be enlightening to some...


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This is a terrific article, thanks!

One idea I have been experimenting with to wake people up one person at a time is to use paradoxical interventions It is important to note that you should not try and beat the enemy because you cannot. You cannot reach them logically or rationally. . Some years ago, we used to intervene with families by using this technique. In one sense it is prescribing the symptom. For example, if working with a couple who are fighting all the time you might suggest they do more of the same because surely the fighting is a sign that they love one another, and more fighting will bring them closer together. In fact, you would suggest that they schedule their fights on alternative nights at a particular time, say 7-8 pm and keep notes of the issue raised. Of course, this seems absurd but in fact it makes the fighting conscious and something they now choose to do rather than do it automatically. It brings an awareness to the conflict in a way no rational approach would be able to, and because of this awareness it changes the dynamic of their fighting.

I think the same thing might work with those who are enthralled by mass formation. Let me give you an example. In an opinion piece in the NYT a commentator said that parents who do not vaccinate their young children are not responsible people nor are they good parents. Here’s my ‘paradoxical’ reply.

I totally agree with you! At our elementary school there is a proposal (widely supported) to make unvaxxed children wear yellow (for caution) wrist bracelets to distinguish them from the vaxxed kids. The unvaxxed will watch the classroom over closed circuit television from another room. At recess the unvaxxed must remain segregated and not play with the vaxxed kids and at lunch the unvaxxed kids must eat together outside. We think the school board will pass this proposal and most of the teachers are all for it.

Now maybe one person or some people who support vaccination policies will read this and think, “My god that’s extreme or even crazy.” Now once they have that thought you have broken through their hypnotized state and a possibility exists for them to re-examine their own bat-shit crazy behavior.

Wherever you see pro-vax comments posted denigrating the unvaxxed or the un-boosted take it further and use paradox to first agree with them and then take it a step(s) further. You will be surprised that nothing is too crazy to say. Moreover, try it in conversation with someone who is ranting about the unvaxxed. First, always agree with them and then offer some more extreme measure of dealing with the unvaxxed using their comments as the springboard. See how clever you can be. Please post you interventions at the site below and the results so I can keep track of what is working.

Here’s the full article


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Em, what a brilliant tactic! The problem is, when it comes to Covidians, I don’t think you *can* go too far. Suggest the unvaxxed wear yellow stars to distinguish them (or your yellow bracelets—very clever), and their eyes light up. Propose throwing them into solitary confinement until they comply, and they’re all for it. Add in the idea of gassing the vermin, and they’re first in line to flip the switch 😆🤦‍♀️

They have been nudged into ever-escalating levels of fear, hatred, rage, resentment, and dehumanizing propaganda that they are willing to accept and even advocate increasingly extreme treatment of the defined enemy.

That said, I do believe your approach could work with the middle 40% swing thinkers who still have a sliver of rationality remaining. I’ll try to remember to give it a shot when the opportunity arises :-)

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the 30% that are true covidians can be regarded as being lost to never come back.

it is the 40 % that are in the middle that can be converted..

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That is precisely what I have been saying ever since I learned about Professor Desmet’s hypothesis. I call the middle 40% the “swing thinkers.” Desmet breaks down the 30% believers even further and says 14% will never be persuadable, so there may be an element (16%) who could be converted to reason, but it is much more effective to focus our efforts on the middle 40% as well as the 30% resistant to propaganda who have been too cowed to speak out.

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I think it could work better if turned into a gentle question, “what do you think of that idea?“. The extra benefit is then you may also quietly discover the extent of their insanity.

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Are you kidding! I think they will be all for the yellow segregation and ask you to participate in the policy development, implementation & further measures. In fact, havent extreme policies like this already been seriously floated and similar behaviors enacted? No, You cant come inside. No, you cant come see your parents. Youre cancelled. You're fired. Weve revoked your medical license. Youre bank account is frozen. Arrrested for your reposting. Quarantined, Internment camps. Your children removed from your custody . . . oh yea and yellow arm bands. Really? Your hearts in the right place but this anemic paradoxical intervention needs a gargantuan B12 injection.

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Love this! Anything to crack the cosmic eggheads.

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You know how powerful propaganda is when Noam Chomsky himself is calling for starving the unvaxxed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w00Z--m9fMU

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Yes!!! I referenced that appalling clip in “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

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It also shows what a fascist Noam Chomsky is at heart.

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True, Truthbird 😣

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Apr 26, 2022
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Good job on that wakeup call! Chomsky has become a victim of his own cognitive biases. It goes to show that simply being aware of the mechanisms of mass hypnosis and manufactured consent isn’t enough—we must constantly guard against psychological manipulations of our cognitive vulnerabilities.

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Icon’s change like Musk and his democratic platform Twitter/X . I used to admire Chomsky but when he started spouting government rhetoric umm that changed things unfortunately forever.

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Do you think Chomsky is "controlled opposition" or just simply a fascist at heart?

I find him to be revolting, hideous, horrifying.

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I think he genuinely believes what he believes, and his elitism makes him certain he is right.

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Do you notice that Chomsky now has long hair and a long beard? He is terrified of Covid infection and avoids having his hair cut for fear of contacting Covid.

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Do you happen to have a source for that? I might be able to use that in a piece I’m working on that references Chomsky :-)

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Please reread my comment. I see Noam Chomsky as yet another victim of propaganda - neither innately evil nor good. Just a victim. I believe that our circumstances influence us more than we'd like to admit and we could very well have chose to go along with the crowd had we been slightly more insecure, slightly less confident, slightly more trusting. "There, but for the grace of God go I." is an expression that comes to mind.

The thing is, we as humans tend to love duality, dichotomy. We love to simplify these issues into right/wrong, left/right, liberal/conservative. THAT is how the oligarchs, who themselves are equally subject to influence and propaganda, manage to be so effective. By demonizing each other - those who believed the lies and those who didn't - we serve the goals of those who've learned how to divide us by setting us up to go to war with each other instead of dismantling the entire system. Noam Chomsky is an elderly man. Feeble of mind and utterly incapable of discerning just how powerful he has been influenced. Don't throw his excellent work in the dustbin because he's lost his mind. That would be deeply wrong.

Instead, we need to expand our minds and hearts and consider the possibility that we ALL could've chosen differently and then set about holding those truly responsible accountable - the leaders, the propagandists, the oligarchs - so that we can move forward and learn from our collective mistakes, once and for all.

Just my thoughts.

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You articulated precisely what I tried to capture in this piece:

• "What Noam Chomsky Can Teach Us About Freedom of Speech" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-noam-chomsky-can-teach-us-about)

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Over my career I have noticed a common thread increasing in my patients diagnosis upon admission. Besides the trifecta of HTN, DM, and hyperlipidemia, I noticed a common addition of an anxiety/depression diagnosis. Not on just a few patients, but on the majority, so much so, that I would comment on it regularly. (Antidepressants also can lead to heart arrhythmias so that was also on my radar working in a busy CCU in NYC). Of course along with that diagnosis came treatments in the form of prescriptions…first it was MAOI’s, then Tricyclics, and now SSRI’s. I had a hard time understanding why so many people suffered from anxiety/depression while I seemed to be relatively happy, and anxiety free, despite working in a highly intensive (life and death) environment. Were all these people clinically depressed and in need of pharmaceuticals or was this another opioid scam? Fast forward into my 40’s after having 3 children, and still feeling like a happy person, I met with my OB/GYN for a routine visit. I like her both personally and professionally, I respect her as a doctor; she delivered one of my children. We often have long talks at my visits about all sorts of things; however, at one visit, she was asking me how I was doing. I’m sure I responded tired, busy, run down. At the time I was working, going back to school, raising 3 kids, and running a household …who wouldn’t feel tired and rundown. Oddly she offered to prescribe me an SSRI! To say my reaction was shock and awe was an understatement! Why was an OB/GYN offering me an SSRI? Note, I was many years postpartum. I kindly declined and left shaking my head and immediately contacted my nurse best friend about it! How simply and quickly we can fall victim to a diagnosis that we don’t have, and be prescribed a pill we don’t need. This is mass psychosis and it’s been going on a long time. Pharmaceutical companies, with the cooperation of physicians, have been priming humans to believe they are more ill than well. It’s no wonder we’re in the predicament we are in now.

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This is an extraordinarily astute comment, Jean, and I appreciate your clinical perspective on the matter. I have long been aware of this growing phenomenon of people succumbing to anxiety/depression, and I believe it is a complex convergence of intentional propaganda (advertising, media, television shows, etc.) designed to create the free-floating anxiety and similar conditions that lead them to become dependent on BigPharma (soma) while also making them more manipulable by TPTB. So many people lack a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, which they try to fill with unending stretches of propagandizing entertainment, thus winding up feeling anxious and depressed. The pace of modern life and constant distracting demands also cause additional stress, which prevents people from reflecting on their lives and making changes that would give them a deeper sense of fulfillment.

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Thank you! Yes, well put, “complex convergence of intentional propaganda….” Society seems to always be on edge…what’s the next crisis, death count, viral video, riot, or variant !! It’s like being a permanent ticket holder at the coliseum! We’ve lost sight of humanity. I do enjoy your writing!

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*lol* re: the coliseum. Too true and thanks, Jean!

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Jan 11, 2022
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WOW, what an amazing story, heretic bohemian. I am *so* glad you were smart enough to get off those neurotoxins, and going cold turkey—yikes! Thank goodness you survived both the dependency and the withdrawal and you’re back to your normal self.

BigPharma wants to get people hooked on these poisons for life, and when one pill causes side effects, they treat it with another pill, and another, and another. Just like Pfizer is now making a fortune off of its pill for treating cardiac conditions 🤦‍♀️

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Jan 13, 2022
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Aww, what a beautiful comment. Thank you 🤗

After I responded to your last comment, I was reminded of what had happened to my mother’s best friend. She lost her job as a court reporter due to carpal tunnel syndrome and then a long-time relationship ended, and she fell into a bit of a depression. She was put on a cocktail of drugs and became completely, horrifically dead inside and incapable of caring for herself, almost in a comatose state. Her family had to start caring for her because she wouldn’t eat, get dressed, or do anything to survive. She couldn’t talk on the phone or respond to a letter or email. This lasted a few years, and finally, she managed to get off the drugs, and she gradually returned to her old self. I wonder how many people have been zombified by neurotoxins without even realizing it.

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Jan 13, 2022
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Amen!! That is a positive, empowering response to your experience and a far healthier way to live (and die). This is a pretty beautiful option for the latter if you’re anywhere near Oregon: https://theforestconservationburial.org/

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Margaret Anna Alice..I just followed you on Gab and then found you here. I read your comments on another Substack and can't tell you how much I admire what you are doing and your writing is epic. Thank you.

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What an extraordinarily heartening and inspiring comment! Thank you so much for your kind words, and I am grateful to welcome you to this special community of independent thinkers and resisters to tyranny!

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Hi Margaret, I wrote this a few weeks ago - it fits here. Thanks, Tim

Adolf Hitler would have planned a great pandemic. He wrote in Mein Kampf, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

A big enough lie is, ‘this corona virus will kill you and you all need to be vaccinated to stop it.’

Hitler wrote, “ The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

You can’t give the masses all the information; in fact you keep it very small so that they can retain the main points. Don’t give many details about the virus and don’t say much about the vaccine so people won’t be confused. Make sure the Medical Establishment gives as little information as possible and never let them answer questions. Make sure the virus does not kill that many people otherwise you won’t be able to sell the vaccine.

The masses will forget what was said a few weeks ago like, “We will flatten the curve in two weeks.” “We will not implement a vaccine passport.” “The vaccine is totally safe.” “Two shots are all that is necessary.” “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Make sure your slogans harp on the dangers of the virus and the effective vaccine. Harp on about wearing masks and being afraid of contact with others.

Hitler wrote, “All Propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”

It will be popular if people think that the virus is dangerous and vaccines and mask wearing and being afraid of contact is the right and proper thing to do for your-self and to protect others. That is simple enough that all can understand it.

Hitler wrote, “As soon as by one’s own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one’s own right is laid.”

Broadcast your slogans constantly on the TV, radio, newspaper, and the Internet but don’t allow any opposing idea to appear in broadcast on the same. Make sure that all your doctors; health professionals, politicians, tech community, and media people do not question your propaganda so that there is no doubt laid onto the people.

Fire any doctor or media person who speaks against your slogans. Cancel any information on the Internet that doesn’t support your message.

Hitler said, “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.”

When you get all the propaganda in place everyone will fall in line, as they will not be able to think outside of what you have presented. They will talk amongst themselves and debate a little about the things the doctors, health professionals, politicians, tech community, and media people are doing to protect the nation from this virus’s terrible threat. They won’t be able to think of any reason to question this belief and they won’t get any good feedback from another non-thinker on any virus issue. Those who are carrying the message properly will shun anyone who questions the propaganda.

Hitler wrote, “It Is Always More Difficult To Fight Against Faith Than Against Knowledge.”

After the masses believe your propaganda they will carry the message forward and your job is much easier. You just have to instil more fear with each succeeding variation of your virus and the people will respond exactly like you want them to. With their faith they will not be able to learn any new knowledge that they see if any has been able to get past your censure. The masses will censure themselves.


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Wow, Nikontim, thank you for sharing this thoughtful and spot-on piece!!

It’s funny because I was browsing Hitler quotes recently to sling at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and resident trolls for introducing Untermenschen policies, and I used the “How fortunate” quote myself. The other quotes you shared are especially pertinent to our situation as well.

Goebbels would have conquered the world if he’d had access to the tentacles of propaganda available today. Seems his ideological descendants are carrying out the implementation of the New World Reich for him.

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Thanks Margaret. I am glad I ran into your blog. Please share my post if you feel it will benefit somewhere.

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Continuing to appreciate your incisive clarity of thought in writing, Margaret. Thank you for this piece which resonates now more than ever, and will keep resonating until the frequency of its message takes hold in the 'mass formation' as a 'mass vibration'. At this point, we are talking about energetic frequencies of thought and ideas. At its basest, fear and murder are low vibration, love and truth are high vibration. This vibrational shift occurs by resonance, as we can see in the effects of coordinated mass media on the public lowering vibration into that base state. Maintaining a low-frequency public mind is a necessity for the globalist elite to succeed, hence their desperation as we begin to rise into truth, love and togetherness. And oh, look! They've cooked up a new variant! It's just Greek to me.

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Navyo, fun to see you at my first post! Intriguing metaphysical interpretation. I do appreciate your distillation of the human condition into fear vs. love as ultimately, it does come down to that polarity. People can either choose to live in a state of fearful compliance, anxiously seeking safety from those who promise it but in reality are doing them grave harm, or they can choose to live in an embracing state of love, which engenders courage, grace, and harmony and liberates us from dependency on those who wish to control us through the worst of ourselves.

*lol* If they’re cooking up Greek, I’d prefer spanakopita or baklava ;-)

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“If you let the government break the law because of an ‘emergency’, they will always create an ‘emergency’ to break the law”

...was posted on Facebook by Jess Ica on November 26, 2020.

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Thanks, CharlieSeattle! That goes well with the epigraph I used in my Letter to Ron DeSantis (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis):

“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”

—F. A. Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty

I also wish to apologize for the delay in posting your comment. I was testing out a new beta feature that allows approval of comments by new commenters, but I didn’t realize I wouldn’t receive notifications for them so just discovered this waiting in my queue for approval 😬

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DeSantis is drinking the Anti-2020 Election Fraud Koolaid now I suspect to attract large RINO donors after his campaign drive lost energy. DeSantis is JEB2!

DeSantis Finally Admits Trump’s Election Fraud Claims Are BS

After repeatedly defending the former president, the Florida governor now says many of his rival’s theories are “did not prove to be true”


AUGUST 4, 2023


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Yes, very disappointing :-(

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We're 💯 in violent agreement. I'd add one more cautionary tale, — The Wizard of Oz.

I will quibble about the term "democratic republic." We've been an outright oligarchy since the 1913 Banker's Coup d'Etat: the FED, income tax, the IRS & popular election of senators.

Keep up the great work, the #PulpitBox is one of the few stools left for little people to stand up to #Faucism.

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Haha, “violent agreement”—I like that 😆

“The Wizard of Oz” does indeed feature as an underlying influence in my work as I draw back the curtain on totalitarianism, hypocrisy, propaganda, and democide.

Good point re: the oligarchy. We’ve had the delusion of a democratic republic since then, but now the brick wall has been revealed, as Frank Zappa says (speaking of pulling back the curtains):

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

Thank you for standing up to #Faucism, Captain Malagon! We need all hands on deck to defeat the medical tyranny now enveloping the globe.

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Eli Wiesel’s excellent book Night describes how people ignored the ones excitedly trying to warn them what was about to happen. Even when armed with good intentions, no one took them seriously and thought them a bit crazy. Today we call them Conspiracy Theorists.

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“They intend to win! Rise up oh people of God’s nation and “Don’t let them destroy America”. Read 2Chronicles 7-14, and do what it says -

Every single day. Our only hope, and I believe the Almighty can and will save us, if enough Americans do our part as a nation. 🙏

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2 Chronicles 7:14

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Agree with Dr Bell, Dr McCollough and Margaret!

The fascists have already undermined societies globally. If the propaganda media would allow Yuval Noah Harari more uncensored airtime, a lot of the people who are addicted to the propaganda might just wake up and see that these people are truly evil!

Share the link below for starters:


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P.S. Great point about YNH! I covered him in Part 3 of my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

“Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

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Thank you, Westwin, and apologies for the delay! I was testing out a new beta feature that allows approval of comments by new commenters, but I didn't realize I wouldn't receive notifications for them so just discovered this waiting in my queue for approval!

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In the first video there is a description of psychotic paranoia: the feeling that you are constantly being tracked, observed, surveilled. Hmmmm That doesn't seem like psychosis to me--what do you think?

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Interesting question, Diana! TBH, I haven’t watched the video in over two years so don’t remember that specifically. Academy of Ideas is on Substack now if you want to ask them :-)


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Actually the feeling of being scrutinized, followed, etc. can be a sign of paranoia. I was remarking that our society is enabling more and more surveillance of its citizens. So if we think we are being constantly tracked or viewed--we are not paranoid. That's our reality.

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That’s a great point, actually. The irony is the propagandists have made the public terrified of phantoms while painting people who are concerned about legitimate threats as “conspiracy theorists”—wholly intentionally, of course.

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I have another thought concerning "conspiracy theorists." The government and hospitals and large pharmaceutical companies care for us. In that way they are like surrogate parents. It's comforting to feel that these organizations, like our parents, are older, wiser, and have resources to make our lives better and keep us secure. What if this is not the case? In that case we are like abused children. Those we counted on to cherish us and keep us safe are actually harming us. But this insight destroys our trust in the authorities. And displaying any sign of distrust may incur their wrath and retaliation. Safer, by far, not to question anything and just live in denial rather than experience painful negative affect. As the psychoanalyst Ronald Fairbairn stated: “it is better to be a sinner in a world ruled by God than to live in a world ruled by the Devil” Because the Devil's world is Hell, and you don't want to experience yourself living in Hell.

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Yes, people have been socialized into an infantilized view of government so they will give up agency over their own lives and become dependent on Big Mother.

Living in denial is certainly easier—in the short-term. Ultimately, however, it is suicidal, and it prevents people from taking actions that could potentially save them from the consequences of having trusted psychopathic entities.

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What are the actions that can save us? By the way, I have a friend who recovered from Covid in 2021. He trusted his kindly doctor who advised him to get vaccinated. He did so, suffered a heart stoppage 3 months later that ended up with a sudden fall to the floor of his bathroom with a severe concussion that required hospitalization. Eventually a heart pacemaker was placed. Too bad it's the latest model that doesn't allow a readout to determine whether it's working. He fainted again--but, hey, it can't be a failure of the pacemaker. We have to trust in the devices of big Pharma. This pacemaker, a tiny capsule, will survive inside his heart until it needs replacement. (How will we know? He drops dead?) When it needs replacement in about 10 years, we can then deliver a 2nd small pacemaker into the heart--leaving the first one in place since it can't be retrieved without open heart surgery. Say he lives until age 85. He will have 3 of these capsules inside his heart. Is there a limit to how many pacemakers he can live with? We don't ask--and his doctors don't tell. Oh. He also developed a turbo cancer inside his gut. Inoperable because to remove it would cause extensive bleeding and require a colonectomy. Watchful waiting is again the recommendation. The tumor turns out to be "benign", but it's growing. When it gets big enough, it will close off his small intestine and cause him to die. The doctors recommend chemotherapy and radiation along with the watchful waiting. He also has severe joint pain, extreme fatigue, brain fog, essential tremor, alternate sweating/shivering. Who knew you could get long Covid symptoms without Covid? Is it possible to have watchful waiting without chronic anxiety? He tells me he doesn't think about it. Takes a lot of energy not to think about it. I'm thinking about it a lot. I'm thinking for two.

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Your comment has stimulated me to modify my insight. Yes, paranoia IS a reaction to lack of connection and attachment issues and constant threats (whether real or imagined) If you read memoirs of drug addicts or mafia people or people in gangs/jails etc. who are constantly fighting each other, you will see signs of paranoia. In many cases the paranoia is legitimate: YES, gangs do fight and kill each other. But also PTSD will cause people to have sudden surges of adrenalin/cortisol making them hyper sensitive and difficult to soothe. They may take the shortcut to soothing which is react with anger to fight back against perceived threats. Nasty unvaccinated people--go to your quarantine jails and stay out of our hospitals! So, YES, paranoia can simultaneously be an indicator of mental health problems AND a legitimate indicator of threat. Perhaps there is a mentally healthy way of reacting to vaccine mandates that might kill you or government restrictions that might limit your access to food/travel/etc. I'm trying. Because if I'm "concerned," that suggests rationality--which I often lack. Gee. I understand why late night comedians are mocking the unvaccinated and people are cheering them. I'm a bit concerned. (Actually I'm scared, distressed, angry, morally outraged--calm down, Diana) I'm so grateful for this substack community and others like it that keep me from foaming at the mouth and able to perform my daily tasks of living.

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Intriguing observations! I would say there’s a difference between legitimate fears substantiated by evidence (in which case it is perfectly rational to be concerned about those) and phantom fears instilled by fear-mongering propaganda. As long as you examine your fears and find they are based in reality, you can then take precautions to mitigate the causes to the extent of your ability. The book “The Gift of Fear” shows that fear is a tool that can save our life if it is not artificially embedded by nudge units and the like.

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I think there may be times when fear is legitimate but one is also more frightened than necessary--if that makes sense. I am an 80 year old widow. I don't work, and don't travel (so no vaccine mandates). I'm not pressured by my doctors to take vaccines. I'm fairly healthy so I don't anticipate hospitalization or nursing home in my near future (both sources of vaccines) My friends haven't rejected me totally. Many friends are also opposed to vaccines, some prefer to ignore all evidence about vaccines, and others just tell me I should get vaccinated, shut up about the dangers of vaccines, and be prepared to get rejected--as is right and proper.

Despite threatening to lock us up or send "minions" to our doors to forcibly vaccinate us, our governor, so far, has done nothing to follow up these promises to "keep us safe." Of course her statements trigger my spidey senses (Oh NO oh NO they're coming to get me!) So, rationally, it makes sense to feel a controlled moral outrage at the perpetrators, grief over all those grievously injured by vaccines and vaccine policies, and take steps to resist and help others to resist this threat to our health and well-being. Make donations to CHD who are sponsoring lawsuits against big pharma and hospitals that would deny life-saving protocols. Stockpile Ivermectin in case of infection. Speak out on forums, share emails with friends who might be responsive to their message. Sign letters to representatives opposing bills to strip away more of our rights to resist medical tyranny. Pray for acceptance and peace. Meanwhile, realize that loneliness and lack of connection (most of my friends are only on the internet) make me feel isolated and abandoned which leads to chronic depression/anxiety. But, hey, therapy is always good. (Except my therapist is deathly afraid of Covid and has gotten injected and boosted 5 times and gotten Covid twice--which makes me fear for his life. We have tacitly agreed not to speak of vaccines--although recently I think I have found a safe way to bring it into therapy without triggering either of us.)

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The post disappeared, but you just got started. It served its purpose. Beautifully analyzed and summarized.

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Thank you, Steve, and this is a perfect example of the cliché about a window opening when a door closes!

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Today in Articles that DID Age Well.

Wow. Magnifique.

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*lol* I know what high standards you have for integrity/anti-hypocrisy, Sage, so that means *a lot* to me! 🙏

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A poignant and beautiful reminder of where we are and where we are going if good people stand by and do nothing.

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Beautifully stated, and thank you, Chicken Little!

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