Another gut wrenching comment I have received upon posting this article. ~25 % of the people in Alexandria VA are on anti depressants. An amazing success story for Big Pharma, and a total collapse of society on the other hand. We have been conditioned since TV arrived to think all women should look like Playboy centerfolds, all men should be star athletes, and social media has made all this logarithmically worse. Not to seem simplistic, but it really is, almost all disease, and mental issues, are lifestyle, specifically diet related. I know. My wife was diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer in July . 2021. Through the grace of God, and some amazing light warriors, self discipline, and gaining real knowledge, we cured it holistically, with no oncologist, no slash burn poison. I am confident you can help your, and your daughter's depression with some of the things I listed in a series of posts on Coffee and Covid. Mark G. has complied them into a single post, which I will give you the link to here. Please read the books, so you will know it is not just me saying this. Knowledge is power. I have Zero fear of cancer now. Know anyone else who can say that?

Good luck, and God bless you for your heartfelt post.


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Just wanted to let you know women are preventing and curing breast cysts, cancer, and other reproductive organ issues with iodine. All of our reproductive organs (men as well) are filled with iodine receptors and without iodine the receptors take up toxic halides such as fluoride, chlorine, and bromine. Check out Lynne Farrow's book The Iodine Crisis; Dr Brownstein also has videos if youtube hasn't deleted them.

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iodine is one of the 4 most crucial vitamins. They used to put it in baked goods, but took it out in the '90's and replaced it with toxic bromine. As you said, all of the halides knock iodine off the thyroid, with inevetialby bad health consequences .

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My understanding is that it was removed from bread (as a dough conditioner) in 1970 after some "researcher" decided it was poison. Yes, everyone, do not take the iodine that comes in a little bottle internally (but you can put it on your skin and your body will absorb it). 1970 was when breast cancer and diabetes rates started shooting through the roof (iodine also lowers blood sugar). One of Dr Brownstein's most amazing stories was giving iodine to an extremely hyperactive little boy (in appropriate body weight dose) and his parents were amazed. It was the first time he had ever sat at the table and eaten his meal without jumping around, and the effect was immediate.

And when I started taking iodine in 2015, ALL cravings for sugar disappeared.

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You are talking about tincture of iodine being for topical use only. Mom used it all the time on cuts when I was a kid. Turns the skin yellow. Heck , everyone used it back then. It is a good test for iodine deficiency. If you paint it on your skin, and the yellow disappears in less than a day, you are very deficient. If it lasts 2 days, you are OK.

As far as iodine supplements, I have liquid nascent iodine from Health Ranger, but usually take Dr. Tennants Lugol's iodine plus. The plus also has zinc and selenium. Don't take it at the same time as a probiotic, as the latter neutralizes the former.

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My deepest sympathies to those here who have lost a loved one, in any manner but especially in the raw and violent event of suicide. My husband Peter Breggin MD, has extensively studied psychiatric drugs and their influence and causation of suicide, murder and other violence in his book: Medication Madness. The book is described here and perhaps can give some comfort to those who have lost family or a friend:

"Medication Madness reads like a medical thriller, true crime story, and courtroom drama; but it is firmly based in the latest scientific research and dozens of case studies. The lives of the children and adults in these stories, as well as the lives of their families and their victims, were thrown into turmoil and sometimes destroyed by the unanticipated effects of psychiatric drugs. In some cases our entire society was transformed by the tragic outcomes.

Many categories of psychiatric drugs can cause potentially horrendous reactions. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Xanax, lithium, Zyprexa and other psychiatric medications may spellbind patients into believing they are improved when too often they are becoming worse. Psychiatric drugs drive some people into psychosis, mania, depression, suicide, agitation, compulsive violence and loss of self-control without the individuals realizing that their medications have deformed their way of thinking and feeling...." read more here: https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/medication-madness

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I can sadly attest to what you have said, as this is what happened to our daughter

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These matters are more than merely sad. There is a pattern of criminality in the medical and pharmaceutical activities that involves cartels operating in restraint of trade and criminal conspiracies involving racketeering, regulatory capture, murders of whistleblowers, and prescriptions for profit. It is not a few isolated cases but tens of thousands over a period of years.

To resolve these matters, the American Medical Association must be destroyed financially with class action lawsuits until it ceases to exist, the medical schools which limit the number of possible new doctors must be sued out of existence, the pharmaceutical industry must be sued out of existence, and several dozen hospital systems must be sued into bankruptcy. Every college and every university and every company that mandated the vaxxajabs must be sued into bankruptcy, including all their endowments and every executive and all their personal assets. Many thousands of doctors have first done harm for profit and must not only be sued into poverty but forbidden from any future contact with patients in any capacity.

Mistakes were not made. Amnesty is not possible. There must be justice. And the people who have profited must pay compensation to all their victims.

None of the people in the legal profession want to do what is needed. None of the people in government want to do what is needed. But it still must be done.

God willing, it will be. Amen.

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You're right, no one in the legal profession will take this on, those in the legal profession on the other side are too numerous and the funds limitless. The truth is that the legal system is a designed tool of the moral enemy(ies) of humanity.

But much like homeschooling, people can choose to realize that it's an INDUSTRY (Medical/Pharma and "Education") and not participate. But they must first understand that.

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I haven't lost someone to SSRIs, but a former best friend of mine did try to kill herself while she was on Prozac. This was way back in the 90s. I met her about six months after it happened. (She was a co-worker at a software company, brilliant at math and programming.) She said the Prozac had revealed to her how miserable her life was, and that was why she tried to kill herself. That sounds like an an excuse for the horrible effects of that drug, but I didn't try to argue with her about this. She believes in psychiatry and psych drugs, and there isn't anything I can do about that.

So I suppose it shouldn't be too surprising that this friend, whom I loved dearly, called me a murderer for not taking the mRNA clot shots. So while my friend hasn't died, that friendship is pretty much gone, and I do grieve for that.

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The 4 stupidest words in the English language are "I trust my doctor." Want to know the difference between a doctor, a lawyer, and a stock broker? the doctor wears a lab coat over his suit. I'm sorry about your friend, but It is probably impossible to find someone wha has not lost friends of family over the jabs. Good friends mother stopped baby sitting his kids because they did not wear masks. Had the Thanksgiving invite recinded when a cousin complained he would be there. He doubts he will see his mother again.

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A few years back, while enjoying a meal at a wedding, a friend-since-childhood called me selfish for avoiding the jab. I take consolation in knowing that wasn't even really his thought. He was merely parroting the narrative being promoted.

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I agree with you: they're just repeating the message they were hypnotized into accepting. This is why I can't really stay angry with my friends and family who are full-on Branch Covidians; just sad about the situation.

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One of the side-effects of many drugs is the HYPNOSIS - that comes along with drugs - so do NOT wonder if patients like your friend turn into living ZOMBIES . . . !

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Wow, a tremendous collection of awesome music! 🫶. It will take me days to watch all that, but it will be good.

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I have spent many hours finding just the right songs to math my mood and emotions. I compiled a similar double CD when my beloved dog Jee Jee died, called "Requiem for Jee Jee. I made a copy for Wookie Bear , and she loved it. I sent a copy to my friend/ landlady in Maine, and she said she was crying after the third song., I think all of the songs are different from the list I compiled here. Music touches my soul like nothing else.

Here's a gem for you. Arvo Parts' (he is Estonian) "Spiegel im Spiegel". I spent an hour reading the comments, and I have never seen anything like it. Two said they would give everything they had to listen to this song again for the first time. There is an hour version of it looped together I play when I just want soothing, soul searching music. I stumbles upon it whole staying at our favorite place on the beach, and I was absolutely mesmerized.

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this is a bee-u-tee-FULL tribute--full in the best sense, filled with song, memories, an' sadly...regrets. SSRIs are literally the "devil" an' they are ruthlessly & relentlessly pushed by "der dokturds" as the solution to all problems... long 'fore the "truth" came out that there exists nothing called a "chemical imbalance" ergo nothing SSRIs could treat--meanin' they were a costly hoax--that cost lives--many've us mamas with kids on the spectrum (ASD/Aspergers incl.) felt the push, the shove, the threats re SSRIs. I had folks threaten to call ACS on us (in NYC that's yer CPS) on me if I didn't medicate my child (now a young adult)--one did, I've been thru quite a few hells--for not cavin' in... I knew enuf ta say no to all meds even if we had to listen to hours of screamin' tantrums daily. I had one former friend "dump" us b/c her son was fully on SSRIs an' was so... placid an' compliant at the time an' my girl remained both wild & tamed dependin' on the day--totally undependable but also unmedicated (once for a month in her 22 years -- when she was 6 an' her baby sister had just been born an' I was a bit "taxed" fer patience--we tried one non-SSRI that had such horrible side effects -- thankfully none permanent!-I still don't fergive myself for that moment of weakness).

Endin' with this--my deepest sadness for your loss--an' if your dear daughter had her own "demons" ta fight with--I don't doubt it was the Big Pharma "Devilry" in the SSRIs AND the rotten dok-turds, greedy an' callous, who prescribed 'em--that were to blame. May your dear girl RIP ❤️

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Bless you for your soothing comments, and the resolve you had to protect your daughter from the Rockefeller Medical Murder Mafia. I have undying contempt for all of them. You are a wonderful mother, and it just saddens me our daughter somehow got in in her head we were the enemy. The power of peer pressure and the noose of the mind controlling deep state. it's not in vain if I can help save others from Wookie Bear's fate.

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aw, many blessin's back--I can tell you guys were wonderful parents an' "there" for your girl--sometimes all the love in the world won't help when competin' with "BigPharma Psycopaths" and yup, peer pressure which can be toxic in/of itself... It truly ain't fair (ah yup, life seems not to work that way when it deals us a lousy "hand" in the game...) but if we can pick up the pieces somehow--like you're doin' celebratin' your beloved Wookie Bear's memory via song, writing, etc--and by seriously warning others 'bout the SSRI dangers--there's indeed some solace to mix with all the pain... I know Margaret here too is sorting through such pain... loss IS so hard. Keep speakin' out--your words WILL touch others, your voice will be heard!

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All of my her life she would wail "that's not fair", to which I always replied "life is not fair. Get used to it. Get over it". Came back to bite me in the ass, didn't it?

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lol but really no--if you had opted ta go the other route an' "indulge the wailin' " or encourage a softer seat on the "pity pot"--I think ya know this--it would not have gone any better...possibly worse (sigh)... Truth is that bite likely came yer way in spite've all yer best efforts... cuz we cannot control what others may do... of COURSE we all mess up some--but even when we DO manage ta convey some gen-u-ine wisdom /whizzdum! it may not take hold due to those outside factors... (peer, medi-cull, etc...) half the time I like ta think that there's some order to this chaos in the universe we encounter (an' some divine karma or justice... that at very least will happen eventually when the world gives us the short straw...) but the other half'a me sez nope-- it's all kinda random but every so often we DO make a difference!

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How Intertwined in Depth and Width is that which we experience in Life & Death.

Is our Love for another so wide and deep we would give our own lives for that individual? An Agape Love of an innocent Son, named Jesus Christ, who God the Father allowed to pay the full price for anyone who chooses to follow him...

As a Father who lost a daughter in 2016 at the age of 22. Who was living a life full of adventure and love for others but passed into the arms of Jesus and was caught by his Nail Scarred Hands. I have Faith in that she was taken directly into Heaven before she ever reached the ground because her injuries were to extensive. Just my beliefs as a Christian, she was home for Christmas vacation while getting her Masters in Criminal Justice and passed accidentally in a hiking accident after falling some 200 feet. I don't think I could handle the trauma of a suicide and I thank God he sparred me that.

I still have an amazing son but like I mentioned there is no way I would sacrifice my son for someone else like God did for me but I would definitely give my life for my daughters life but I know I'll get to see her again...

Aloha, God Bless & Hugs from Hawaii, kyle ⚘️💞🌹

Yesterday was a gift...

Today is an opportunity...

Tomorrow never promised...

Live Life, Love Others and Leave no regrets...

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Beautiful words to live by. Thank you for that. The one massive takeaway I had from that terrible day was there are no do overs in life. If you have something to say, something to do, then do it. Tomorrow is never promised as you so sagely said.

So very sorry for the loss of your daughter. As oft said, children aren’t supposed to die before their parents, and having no legacy is tough to swallow.

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Thank You Rolandttg for your kind and heartfelt words. My daughter from the early age of 5 already understood injustice and had a heart to protect those in need.

When she was in the first grade I was called to the principals office to sign her out because she pushed a boy down in the lunch line but knowing my daughter I knew she would "Never" instigate trouble. After she explained standing in the line to eat lunch a bully boy pushed his way in and her friend a small Asian boy explained they were already in line like the teacher explained. After the bully cut in line and then also proceeded to push her friend out of line and to the ground.

My daughter responded "No you don't that's my friend" and responded by shoving the bully to the ground. In the Principals office she was worried she would be in big trouble but after I heard the explanation I said "No" you did exactly what Dad would have wanted you to do. Then proceeded to take her to get ice cream instead, while looking in my mirror and looking at her somewhat dumbfounded expression.

Maybe thats why after her HS & College soccer career, her HS & College actually retired her jersey #. Then she continued working for her Masters in Criminal Justice...

And why I feel she left me those powerful words which I try to live by today, because...

Yesterday was a gift...!

Aloha & God bless Rolandttg

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Brought a tear to my eye. Like flowers, life can be such a beautiful, but fleeting gift.

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Amen... Yes Rolandttg Real Love is the Biggest Blessing but may also Create the Biggest Wound. Cherish each day my Brother. Love Destroys Hate, Love will illuminate the Darkness, Love will Expose the Evil 1%. We are each a lil flickering candle but if 8billion of us are together... We can Burn the Evil and Warm the World and no where can Darkness hide...💞💯

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So true. In this epic fight to the death of Good vs. Evil, satan vs. God, Humanity vs. the Monsters, I wryly respond to all of the "what can I do, I'm only one person? " defeatists, by adding "said 8 billion people. "

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To all and everyone who have lost a loved one... my condolences.

Especially to you Margaret.

I have been driven to the edge of suicide as a young boy by a pretentious mother and a careless society.

And as you know my father died in 2021 at the proud age of 102.

But that isn't why I comment...


First is the "Blue Whale Challenge" every parent should be aware of...

Every parent should know because it will help us watch for signs not only in our own children, but our friend’s children, kids we are teaching at school or church and so many more. The original tasks we have listed below were reported on Russian and Lithuanian websites known to be associated with the challenge. Media reports have said that participants are required to send photos to a “whale” or “curator” to prove they completed the tasks. The “whale” is usually an older person manipulating them and does not complete the tasks themselves.


Second is this: Character AI

I have recently written two articles on the AI war we are living in



One reason is this:


14-Year-Old Killed Himself After Becoming Obsessed with Roleplaying AI

Megan Garcia sued Character.AI, arguing it has "targeted the most vulnerable members of society – our children"

A Florida mom has sued a popular, lifelike AI chat service that she blames for the suicide of her 14-year-old son, whom she believes developed such a “harmful dependency” on the allegedly exploitative program that he no longer wanted to “live outside” of the fictional relationships it created.


Google... the most evil company... Microsoft and Amazon have similar AI bots that do the same...

Driving children and vulnerable people into suicide.

Same as the Blue whale challenge.

Google paid 2.5 Billion to the CEO of Character AI

People must understand how evil these scumbags are... beyond evil.

And AI is their tool...

And this is the beginning just.

People must be aware of this.

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Reading through tears, so poignant, so heartbreaking, and in some sad ways, so familiar.

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Same for me, Ned. Couldn't stop reading until the end. It was so powerful.

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Thanks for sharing your music and your deepest heart-mind (as the Buddhists say) memories and reflections.

I will chime in briefly. I was on Sertraline for 3 years. It made me slightly more aggressive and agitated toward the end. So docs increased the dose, giving me, I believe, Serotonin Shock and/or psychosis and hypomania. That short episode led me into a six-year disintegration of my career, marriage and relationship with my children as I also withdraw from the SSRIs. After 2 years, I was making suicide attempts or thinking of suicide every day, despite love from my parents, children, friends. The pain of the severe anxiety I had developed during withdrawal is hard to describe; I only wanted to die. If you have seen “a man called Otto”, you can see what I did - same methods except for the gun. 8 years on from the episode and I am all recovered. I refused every attempt to re-drug me, and the docs and psychs made many. I am grateful to Peter Breggin who I see has commented as he was one of the people who gave me that resolve. In 2020, I joined a Buddhist group and in about 7 months of really going at meditation, my anxiety was gone. By mid 2020, I had got back to a high-level job after three years of pacing around my small flat (unable even to cook or shop or make any decision). By 2022, I had won a court case to get proper access to my kids back.

My mum, who is 80, has just been in hospital for low mood, and despite telling all this about me, they still repeatedly tried to give her SSRIs! She is very educated about it all, as a lay person, having read, Breggin, Davies, Gotzsche, and many more, and being a strong woman she has come out having refused all. We live on.

Love everyone every day. Fuck AI. Fuck the government. And Fuck SSRIs! L o v e !

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Thank you for sharing your heart rending story. I can really identify with what you went through having witnessed our daughter In the same situation. Kudos for you persevering , and getting it right, Nice start on your FU recipients, but you left off shrinks, pediatricians, oncologists, and endocrinologists. All money grubbing pseudo intellectual. posers.

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Thank you. I agree with the FUs I missed out! A good side effect from my descent from SSRI dependence/"side effects", and then withdrawal hell, was that I was ready when Covid hit, and did a lot to resist (quite publicly) including resigning from a job that was implicitly mandating jabs. FAR MORE importantly: when I went back to court for child access I also had to fight for my kids' right to refuse schools "offering" the jab, against the wishes of my ex- who wanted the children to have the death-shots(!), and I WON (possibly the first such win in a UK family court)! This is perhaps the greatest victory/achievement of my life, but I know I have to remain vigilant as the schools continue to push the poison on and on... Psychopaths!

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All of my relatives except my sister were English. What they have done to that country is unimaginable. Dad would probably have dropped his bombs on the Financial City of London instead of Germany had he known. I am so proud of what you did. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Other than the mask compliance, the thing that shocked me the most about the scamdemic was how so many mothers became blind cowardly sheep when it came to not protecting their children. Shame on every last one of them. And kudos to you quitting your job. 20 years ago, I walked away from a 6 figure + salary and an eventual 6 figure retirement in 5 years because I would not be a whore singing the corporate BS woke songs. So , I know what it took for you to do that.

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My deepest sympathy to the parents of Wookie Bear - such a beautiful person looking for her path/direction. It's tragic when your adult child is a victim of psychiatry. This field of medicine simply piles on more trauma, stress and damage to someone who is already struggling. Pills are not the answer - my son being a victim of psychiatry as well. There is no recourse for the malpractice that occurs every single day because pills are considered standard of care. Many lives have been ruined, sadly. Dr. Breggin (and wife Ginger) are a small percentage of people that say the truth and we can only hope that more become aware so we can help those like Wookie Bear find their way in our beautiful world. May God bless you and your family and may you find solace in all the beautiful music.

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I truly appreciate your heartfelt words. Nothing prepares you for this

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I read thru the comments and send condolences but this can be a dangerous road to travel...

Alex Jones and infowars has been going after consequences for these drugs for years - yes INFOWARS.

Always remember the state could ILLEGALLY come after the millions on these psychotrpic drugs could happen!


Psychotropic drugs are big business: in 2009, roughly 300,000,000 prescriptions were written for these agents. Psychotropic drugs are big business: in 2009, roughly 300,000,000 prescriptions were written for these agents. Duff Wilson of The New York Times recently reported that the newer generation of antipsychotics has become the country’s best selling medications.

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I agree with you, but I have no intention of changing the way I live. I started down the rabbit hole 17 years ago, and daily forward articles to people . There was a simple twist of fate that put my daughter together with the daughter of one of the most powerful people in the world, so I have no illusion I wasn't, and aren't still under that microscope. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

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It’s D-Day In The State Of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has called a special session of the Tennessee legislature to persuade them to pass a horribly egregious Red Flag gun confiscation law. Bill Lee is not a conservative; he is not a constitutionalist; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. ANYONE who promotes or endorses Red Flag gun confiscation laws is no friend of Liberty—regardless of his party affiliation—and that includes Donald Trump. I have covered this story before, and now the D-Day hour is almost here. Lee’s special session is scheduled to commence on August 21.

For those who may have missed my previous warning, I quote myself here:

Right now, Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee is calling a special session of the legislature to take up a Red Flag gun confiscation bill. But Lee’s proposal goes further than any previous Red Flag law: It actually includes many prescription drugs that a person is taking as a cause to confiscate their guns.

Here is a short list of some of the medical disorders that could disqualify a Tennessee citizen from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, depending on the medication they take:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (which targets veterans, of course)


Premenstrual Syndrome

Eating Disorders

Nerve Pain

Male Sexual Problems


Postpartum Depression



Chronic Headaches

Attention Deficit Disorder

Sleep Disorders

Personality Disorders


Under Governor Lee’s proposed gun confiscation bill, laws protecting medical privacy, such as HIPAA and others, would be suspended, and physicians or pharmacists would be required by law to report the use of medications used to treat the above disorders to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation—which could trigger the confiscation of the person’s firearms.


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Roland, my deepest condolences on the loss of your beautiful daughter. Thank you for such an honest & heartbreaking account of her descent into mental illness, caused /helped by the terrible doctors, quacks, who prescribe such dangerous medications. It couldn’t have been easy for you. You may have helped others who are dealing with the same nightmare. Blessings & peace.

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Thank you for your kind words.

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Absolutely gutted by this. I used to say that the only thing worse than losing a child is to lose them to suicide. But losing them to suicide because of SSRIs, the very things meant to prevent tragedy from striking is in its own league.

Perhaps we don’t meet our loved ones in the way our limited understanding of death can explain, but I do believe that energy cannot be created or destroyed so it lives on forever. The reunion after the we leave our meat suites behind is no doubt rely glorious.

Cold Little Hard is one of the first songs I learned to play on the ukelele and sing it often. It’s haunting and beautiful. All the music shared here is.

Thank you for this beautiful post. Hard to read, but profoundly moving.

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Truly moved by your response. Very impressed you are already a fan of Cold Little Heart . I agree we are all energy beings, which is why frequencies are so healing. Clif High has posted numerous podcasts about consciousness, frequency, time, the soul, and the afterlife. Can't say as I understand it all, but the more I read and hear about it, the more it makes much more sense than the crap we have been programmed with by these ghouls who think they own us. Thank you again for your heartfelt response.

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Thank you for sharing your story, Roland. 😔

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When parents provide "everything" but forget about GOD, life without God and spirituality cant be fulfilling or meaningfull as this life is a preparation for the real life before this earthly one.

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We never figured it out, but she was not just an athiiest, but a militant atheist. Yet when she spent a semester abroad in Sevilla and visited many places while there, her favorite was the Vatican . Go figure.

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I truly speak from my experience, my parents, when I was little they almost never spoke about God, or anything of spirituality, my father said this was so "you could choose when you were older", a kid does not know any better by themselves, I had suicide ideation by 10, 11 years old. I was very confused and thought life as meaningless, my life changed when I started therapy by Norberto Keppe's method (Integral Psychoanalysis) which embraced spirituality as a integral part of human being.

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If you don't already practice gratitude , try it. it will transform your life.

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I do, that is one of the reasons I am alive, I'm very grateful to be alive, grateful for my mom seeking help for all of my imediate family (her, my dad, my sisters, we all started psychoanalysis within the Integral Psychoanalisys method www.trilogiaanalitica.org), grateful for reconnecting with spirituality (and knowing who God really is, only Goodness, not a perversion of His image as a lot of people view.

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Analytical Trilogy is the development of Integral Psychoanalysis, created by Norberto R. Keppe who unified science, philosophy and theology. Keppe named his method Trilogy, based on the result of a study Of the Human Being: Feelings (Love), Thought (reason) and Aesthetics Of Society: Theology, Philosophy and Science (and the Arts) Of God: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost (The Holy Trinity) And Analytical, due to the fact that it is an experimental science and accomplishes an analytical scientific work.

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Albert Einstein famously said: “We Cannot Solve Our Problems with the Same Thinking We Used When We Created Them”


So the real question is: WHAT was the thinking we used, that led us into this general addiction to drugs, that has led America into this situation - where the NON VACCINATED CHILDREN OF THE "AMISH"- ARE AMERICA'S MOST HEALTHY CHILDREN ?



The REAL but carefully hidden HISTORY of SSRI-suicides starts in 1766 - when Thomas Robert Malthus was born in Great Britain - who created that world famous "Malthusian Trap", that has been taught ever since to the English speaking Establishment in American Universities.




This British Psychopath has infected the thinking of American leaders for more than 200 years with his psychotic FAKE-idea that "OVERPOPULATION" is the greatest problem of all problems for the survival of humanity. As GENOCIDE is not very popular - intelligent people like Bill Gates have come up with FAKE-solutions to this FAKE-problem - and so he must, must, must "vaccinate" 7 billion people into stealth infertility to curb "overpopulation" . . .


With the latest Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 STEALTH Bio Terrorism - many people have started to wake up to that reality - that many of our global leaders have been brainwashed with Malthusian FAKE Psychosis about alleged "OVERPOPULATION".


The American beginning of that descend into that hell of an over-vaccinated & over-drugged population was the year 1910 - when the German Rockefeller-Clan took over the entire field of Medicine in America - as you may study by carefully reading the original "Flexner-Report".



Slowly but surely ALL ANCIENT MEDICAL HISTORY was erased - especially the most important MENTAL relation to PHYSICAL suffering was eradicated - and allegedly "modern" drugs replaced MENTAL competence & care by cheap but highly profitable drugs - that ALL HAVE HEAVY SIDE-EFFECTS, so the patients automatically enter a "DEATH-SPIRAL" of more & more profitable drugs until the end . . .


The worst of all are alleged "modern" SSRI-drugs - that are unable to heal anything, not unlike the Covid-SCAM-Vaxx- but keep the patient sedated and switched off from his unsolvable problems - until in a rare moment because of some "forgotten" pills, thy realize the hopelessness of their situation, and kill themselves or even kill their friends too . . .


REAL escape from depression is simple & cheap - that's why BIG-PHARMA hates & suppresses it - as all you need is to reckon your MENTAL navigation error, and correct your false life, as you correct any other navigation-error with your car, your plane, your boat or your BODY.

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HERE you have a great entry into that satanic "ROCKEFELLER-MEDICINE" - that has been destroying all ancient wisdom on NATURAL HEALING - in order to push cheap but lucrative drugs, from which Americans & others are dying slowly but surely, as it is basically "SLOW KILL BIO WEAPONS" to handle that American "OVERPOPULATION-PSYCHOSIS", created by Thomas Robert Malthus more than 200 years ago.


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