Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am jet-lagged as all hell! I traveled from Nice, France yesterday with one of my dogs for 21 hours, door-to-door. I love to travel, however it's never fun or a simple process. Clearing US Customs and Border control in Montreal was easy peasy. Border agent asks me what I was doing in Nice, how long and present my dogs paperwork. So far, so good-right? Then said Border Agent asks me for my picture with the biometrics camera. I am and getting a bit testy because I have to refuse every single time.

I take a few seconds to compose myself and say, no thanks, I opt out. You have proof because I presented my valid USA passport.

DO NOT EVER COMPLY with that biometrics camera. All you have to say is I opt out! Think about it...you get your passport picture which isn't taken with a biometrics camera. Those bastards have no right to be taking your biometrics. PERIOD.

So, yes I will be writing and sending a letter regarding the bullshit REAL ID. Thanks for the heads-ups, MAA.

I’m tired; I’m grumpy; I’m grieving; I’m sick of watching people die and get hurt; I’m fed-the-sh*tf*ck-up with your dystopian sh*tf*ckery; and I’m saying NO.





Shall, I copy and paste the above? It's certainly how I feel!

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

So I have a Passport, so don’t I already have basically digital ID? I can use that to travel correct? I find it interesting they want to do this and you would have to prove yourself with a birth-certificate I am guessing, but I had to do that to get my DL anyway so what is this accomplishing? Or are these new ID’s able to be tracked like my phone? None of this makes sense anyway when we already have an ID system in place. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You don’t need this for anything,

The perpetrators of this global crime NEED you to have it, so that they can control everything you do. They can even force you to get jabbed else restrict its validity with predictable consequences.

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Hi, Mike! ^_^ xo xo

In case one of us doesn't make it, Love Ya!

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Reread your comment. That's what they're counting on. 98% of people would respond the same way....with the same questions...including myself.

That's what they're relying on.

What are they trying to accomplish?

Neo-feudal technocratic biosecurity state.

In my mind we're in the beginning stages of platationeering.

What's the ultimate goal?

For the state to shape the future so you have no past; to eliminate our history and our agency by eliminating reference through the manipulation of language; to bestow upon the state the status of the unmoved-mover...free of external agency, ergo COMPLETE CONTROL.


What's scary is that most people would line you up for a firing squad if you get between their 3 meals and 4 manacles.

And that is why we must stand up and say no. If not us, who?

"The general public is being reduced to a state where people not only are unable to find out about the truth, but also become unable to search for the truth because they are satisfied with deception and trickery that have determined their convictions, satisfied with a fictitious reality created by design through the abuse of language."

- Joseph Piper

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I agree they should not be able to do it. I will not comply! Or, like I said, does the passport I already have already include me in their horrific plan? That is what I am saying, how do we know we aren’t already in their evil matrix??? Ugh!

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Maybe our gooey gray CPUs are AI GOF?!...LOL..;]

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Then we UNDO their plan. Let's git 'em.

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Agree RG 🙌🏼⚔️

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

We the People are disgusted with the actions and attiltudes of the Federal Government intrusions and over-reaches into the rights of our everyday activities. Back off, get out and trash-can this "REAL ID" enslavement protocall. submitted and yes, I forgot to spell check - only one l in protocal :(

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

LOL. But seriously, I'm with you and you can use as many "l's" as you want because I can still hear you.

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If the word you're intending is 'protoCOL', then what I've just typed is its correct spelling... and not 'protocall/protocal'...

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I second that.

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom: it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - William Pitt, speech to House of Commons (UK), 18 November 1783

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Just wait until your digital ID is stolen and someone who is digitally you commits a crime. That will be fun

Better yet, just wait digital ID is hacked and info is placed that portends a negative impact. Im sure the digital ID cloud will be hack proof.

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So, go along to get along? Is that your point?

If the Nasties want you, they'll come and GET YOU. What's the point of fear trips like yours?

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I think you may have misunderstood Primum non nocere's comment as it was addressing the very legitimate concern about identity theft should your digital ID get targeted by hackers, hence another reason to oppose digital ID. This came up in several of the reports and articles I linked to on the security concerns associated with REAL ID such as this one:

• "Paving a Road to Digital Hell?": https://chrgj.org/2022-06-paving-digital-road-to-hell/

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12 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

This is what happened in India with the Bill Gates backed digital ID pendant in India. The RFID pendant was marketed as a way for Indian's to have all of their biometric data, identification, medical records, etc. available at all times, because "You know, those poor Indians are to stupid to obtain a simple photo ID". Unfortunately the RFID chips were easy to scan and steal. I can't find the article about it that I read during Covid (I swear shit is getting deleted from the web), but here is another article regarding identity theft of the Indian digital ID system, Asdhaar. https://cybernews.com/news/800-million-indians-data-breach/

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3 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Well, maybe I did. If so, apologies to Pnn.

It did come off more harsh than I intended... I'm pretty stressed out, but I won't use that as an excuse. Sorry.

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Your heart was in the right place 💖 I'm guessing you didn't pick up on his sarcasm (guess that's why they do /sarc ;-)

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

my new theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpF5b8k-hzg " just say no when u gotta say yes ...be a pain in the ass

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for this article & information, Margaret Anna Alice!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

The Constitution of the United States of America was constructed to limit the power of the government; specifically a federal government that would try to exert control of the citizens of each of the united-states. The Tenth Amendment limits the power of the federal government, and delegates any authority that is not specifically given to it to the states. It is unconstitutional to coerce the states, and the citizens within the states, under threat of punishment, to obtain what amounts to a national identification that restricts their right to travel, especially between the states. Freedom of movement is a right, not a privilege. Restricting the ability to travel under the guise that they are combating terrorism is about as reasonable as restricting the right to drive a car because a driver three states away killed someone in a traffic accident. The TSA has no reasonable suspicion or probable cause that millions of U.S. citizens will commit an act of terrorism, or any other crime, when they travel. Therefore, restricting their ability to travel freely by whatever means they choose is a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. Restriction of movement is a seizure if it is due to government action. The most common example is the police commanding you to pull over by activating their lights and siren. Violations of civil rights are defined in Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law under U.S. Code 18, subsection 242. However, good luck getting any Federal U.S. Attorney to file a complaint against the DHS and TSA.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Hi Margaret Anna Alice, I can't begin to feel the pain you are going through after losing your Soulmate, your "Moon and Stars". You are a courageous lady to continue the fight against the evil that continues to erode our freedom and humanity; I can see the smile on your face as you write your beautiful prose knowing that your Beloved is beside you.

The totalitarian nightmare now befalling us is mirrored throughout the collective West, the monster has now born its teeth for all to see (that is the awakened ones). I can only pray that we will reach the critical mass that will institute change for the better, and rid humanity of the psychopaths who have infested the seats of power (although the real seat of power lay with We the People)

I like many others am the victim of this relentless assault upon our freedoms; I lost my career as a Registered nurse due to the illegal mandates that broke the Law of Informed Consent and now find myself 'homeless'. I have accepted this as I made an Informed Decision and now ride the resulting storm. Currently I am providing care for a friend who is dying from Pancreatic Cancer; I also have lost many loved ones over the last two years - both parents, two close friends from lung cancer and my beloved dog Kato who died in my arms - this has given me much insight into the nature and impermanence of what life has to offer us. When this chapter of caring for my friend comes to a conclusion I must make a decision on my next move. This will be to face my fears and break from the fetters of this totalitarian nightmare, grab my Backpack and just walk into the unknown maybe to Cambodia to help those less fortunate (teaching English) or end up in a Buddhist monastery or both.

Sorry about the ramble but sometimes we need to get things 'off our chest'.

Keep fighting with your beloved by your side.

Namaste 🙏 🌻 🐝 🌈 ❤️

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Thank you MAA. As always your posts come with so many creative, reverberating ways to wrap around the essential message.

I'm with you on letting go political solutions and political personalities but surely not people. It will all come down to us.

I'm good with a clear NO.

No is not a problem

No is not a stretch

No is not an inconvenience

No is a massive YES!


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I always appreciate your take on the tyranny of the 'technocratic/pharma/huge government/media/entertainment cartel. We're choking on what they're developing and we need more 'pungent prose' from writers like yourself.

I did buy you 5 coffees just now, Margaret Anna Alice.....enjoy!!


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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It's disgusting. It's like saying "Papers, please"

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It's like saying "Papers, life, info, address, face..."

HELL, no.

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for this excellent compendium.

I have not used a cell phone x 12 years; I used to think of them as a leash, I now know they are a noose.

It is easier for someone in my position to refuse digital ID, but for those whose phone is more of an appendage of their being, it is a much bigger jump.

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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I remember when I respected Etienne, and then I learned first hand his writing does not align with his actions. My personal story exposes he doesn’t care to help expose digital tyranny because he should be helping to share my whistleblower story. I’m the one guy exposing the WEFs Digital IDs and telecommunications company.

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This is his namesake, who lived from 1530–1563 and can't very well weigh in on digital ID now but would not be surprised, I'm sure ;-)


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Oct 10Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Ahhh - you’re so right. I’m a big dumb dumb and forgetting he’s not the real guy. My bad! I was referring to Art of Liberty.

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Oct 11Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Canadians are going to be surprised, once they understand they were never offered a choice about any of it. I fully expect our 'government' will ratify the WHO Pandemic Treaty too.

Canada's / Alberta's progress on Digital ID rollout.

$15 Billion Reasons Driving the Adoption of Digital Identity - https://tinyurl.com/4s7947hu

ATB Ventures' Oliu™ Partners with Government of Alberta for Seamless Digital ID Verification -https://atbventures.com/news/atb-ventures-oliu-partners-with-government-of-alberta-for-seamless-digital-id-verification

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Oct 11Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"I don’t believe in politicians, I don’t believe in political parties, and I don’t believe in any other aspect of the political clownsh*t show we are commanded to fix our eyes, minds, and hearts on..."

I respect and appreciate your words, but with all do respect, we are witnessing nazism or communism repeating itself on a global scale. This time there will be no place to run to. You think you are being virtuous by pretending to above it all ("I am not political", "I will not comply"), but the democrat globalists are not going to leave you alone. Just because you say "I will not comply" how will that protect you? You are pushing yourself into a tight corner that would require an effort like the John Connor in Terminator 3 ('so i live off the grid, nothing can find me'). Very few have the willingness and capacity to do so. They are coming for you just like the rest of us deplorables. Margaret, I suggest you need to go full time into creating a global movement that ultimately must as large as, and that has as much firepower as the enemies of personal liberty and freedom do.

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