
In the year 2020, a PSYOP was staged,

By the code name of COVID-19.

And a narrative spread ’round the earth like a plague;

’Twas like nothing the world’s ever seen.


It was said that a virus emerged from the wild;

Countless millions were soon to be dead.

’Twas a peril to every man, woman and child—

An apocalypse lay dead ahead.


From the U of NC, FDA, CDC,

And the CCP’s WIV,

To the WEF, NSC, DoD,

And the WHO, there was glee.


Doctored death-counts and case-counts fomented despair,

Stoking fear of the novel disease,

So a state of emergency could be declared,

And imposed with the greatest of ease.


Then the Global Elites put their plan into play;

Constitutional rights were annulled.

Oligarchical despots bore down on their prey,

As humanity was to be culled.


In defiance of science, the masses were masked;

They resembled expressionless sheep.

Then they “socially distanced”—whatever was asked—

For their critical minds were asleep.


By executive fiat, the lockdowns occurred;

The economy crashed to the ground.

It was just for two weeks, just to “flatten the curve”—

A year later, things still were locked down.


Teachers’ unions demanded the closure of schools,

And the children were hobbled for life.

’Twas a lesson in just what it costs to be cruel—

But the innocent kids paid the price.


Social media fact-checkers promptly appeared;

They suppressed any troublesome facts.

Even world-renowned doctors were censored and smeared

As conspiracy-theorist quacks.


The American Mengele first made his bones

With the murderous drug AZT.

For an encore, he truly came into his own:

A remdesivir-drenched killing spree.


By official decree, vital treatments were banned;

In the medical sense, this was odd.

Human sacrifice now was the law of the land,

To appease the Covidian god.


Vaccination salvation was preached from on high;

True believers fell right into line.

Then the mandates compelled millions more to comply;

It went smoothly, as if by design.


At Event 201, it had all been rehearsed;

Every aspect was planned in advance.

The “unvaxxed” would be demonized, banished and cursed;

All the rest would be kept in a trance.


A conniving philanthropath bankrolled the scheme;

His foundation would grease every wheel.

To depopulate Earth was his undying dream;

With “vaccines,” he would make the dream real.


Pharmaceutical firms had the vials prepared,

And the needles were ready to go.

Any adverse effects would be “mild and rare”—

All the experts agreed this was so.


“They are safe and effective,” the media said,

With their voices insistent and shrill,

And they hammered this line into everyone’s head,

’Till the masses lined up for the kill.


PEG, nano-lipids and mRNA

Were injected a few billion times,

And the dutiful media shilled night and day

To enable this nightmarish crime.


A precipitous surfeit of illness occurred,

But the cause of it couldn’t be seen.

Though the doctors were baffled, of this they were sure:

It was certainly not the vaccines.


For the victims with heart disease, cancer and stroke,

And the legions who “suddenly died,”

No condolence was offered, no pity evoked—

With their very existence denied.


So, with state propagandists producing the news,

The Great PSYOP continues apace.

If the Globalists finally tighten the screws,

Say a prayer for the lost human race.


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MAHALO MAA, Yes Mistakes were Not Made...!

TRUMPS New Ai Trilogy, What could go Wrong...?

Japanese giant Softbank "Masayoshi Son" pledging 500 billion in 4 years, cloud giant Oracle "Larry Ellison" and ChatGPT-creator OpenAI 'Sam Altman". Also Meetings with New Best Buddies, El Elyon or "Elon" and Billy Boy "Gates".

Good thing The Trump Trio are integrating all this Ai stuff to help us in deciphering that 1=A and 9=i like that "Bioweapon" thing called C19 the "HealthShots" or "Wacksceens" called...

"COVID-19" aka...





1=(A) & 9=(I).

Who Runs this World...? Satan was allowed to...

Luke 4:6‭-‬7

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Matthew 7:15-16

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 🍇




As always sending only Love, Hugs & Aloha from the Islands, what's left anyway.

God bless you ❤️ MAA, kyle

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A truly monumental collection! Thank you.

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This part is of huge interest as no one like people messing with their minds

'Military/IC-affiliated groups involved in messaging/propaganda/censorship'

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Instant restack.

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In case people want a deeper look at the mind-f!ck techniques/policy etc at uk gov - they are pretty transparent about how they do it


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In a word: HERDING

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https://x.com/mikebenzcyber/status/1838448979799085456?s=46&t=lOxFHd1GWmiKpRMIn4DnIg If you have 40 minutes this is eye popping regarding the history of the intelligence department of state industrial complex since WWII. It gives you an understanding of how this could happen in the United States. It’s also on Rumble if you don’t have X.

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Read: The Devil's Chessboard. By Talbott.

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COVID is a myth. There was no lab leak. There is not a virus called COVID-19. That is a myth. It was a 'pandemic' based on 'case-count' when no diagnostic test has EVER existed - including as of today! Let me be clear: THERE WAS NOTHING TO BE CONCERNED WITH! There was NO pandemic, there was NO novel new pathogen, and there is not a going forward virus to be concerned with. All of COVID was a 100% lie. The goal was to make humanity to take a dangerous and deadly DNA viral vector platform gene-based injection. Now people are attempting to confuse and point fingers to make the lie linger. Arguing where an unproven virus came from or that it is to blame for other things only ensures that humanity believes there is something out there to be concerned with. That there is SOME NEW DISEASE. But there wasn’t/isn't. There is no evidence anywhere of “something new that requires attention”. Both proponents of zoonotic and lab-leak theories share one outcome: To profit off of persuasion convincing people that there was something new & frightening moving among us. The notion that something had spread during the “pandemic phase” was not driven by person-to-person pathogenic spread but by an extremely rapid ramp-up of PCR testing finding increasing numbers of “positive cases”. The best way of insulating us from these is to show that the pandemic was, essentially, a conjuring trick – once the methods of the magicians are revealed, the power of the illusion is lost forever. All one has to do is ask oneself why after 5 years of the COVID narrative is there still not a diagnostic test for the purported virus. The answer of course is that the is no such virus. All there is thousands of sequences thrown up by the Deep Metagenomic Sequencing Assembling program - that's it. Many benefited financially, politically and in other ways from the pandemic narrative. Do not trust people that discuss COVID as a new disease, a disease that needs to be dealt with, or push any lies surrounding around the psyop. Quit allowing the lie to linger. Fight the lie every single time it is presented.

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I’ve been saying COVID was a propaganda and psychological terror campaign since my first two essays in 2021:

• “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” : https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it

See also this Note, which links to Denis Rancourt’s important research on this topic:


In case there’s any confusion, I want to clarify that Debbie and Sasha are presenting facts without commentary so people can assess the evidence and decide for themselves. Any references to SARS-2 or the like are merely reporting what was said in meetings or documents and are not reflections of Debbie’s, Sasha’s, or my views. I personally do not take any official statements at face value as they are typically cover for ulterior motives later revealed by their actions.

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Never mind "no new virus", "no old viruses" and no contagion either. At all.

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This fact was new to me:

March 13, 2020: Stafford Act in all states simultaneously (first time in history)

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Proof that mistakes were NOT made!! Let’s hope 2025 is when we the narrative finally turns around!

A humble thanks for including our Kill Box video! 🙏

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Thanks for the dedication and dilligence in obtaining and sharing all of this information. All the deception is mind numbing. We've been betrayed by our institutions so many times and in so many ways.

There are no national leaders who will protect us, just minions of the Great Evil Deceiver who will remain in the shadows. If you think you find a great savior, they are probably the anti-christ. Technoneofeudalism appears to be the plan. Resist the slave mentality.

Try to live without fear, love and help your neighbor and trust in God alone.

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The February 4 date in the U.S. explains why my posts a bit later in the month about a Chinese doctor using vitamin C to treat a respiratory illness were censored on Facebook.

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Thank you. This is really a great service to the public. We have some hope for more transparency now. Maybe including: “how much did Trump know and when did he know it?”

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Great post. Will try to share with my Rip Van Winkle friends and family. Thanks to Latypova, Lerman and Alice.

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MAA, just curious about your thoughts on “Stargate” in light of the above.

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Do you mean Stargate? Seems like OWS 2.0 to me and may be why the PREP Act is in effect through December 31, 2029 … just before 2030, weird.

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thanks (tired) yes Stargate “custom cancer vaccines”

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I haven't spent any real thought on that yet. However, my initial reaction is that they are individual focused for a particular condition. It is a decision that an individual will make for themselves, hopefully with actual and full disclosure. That is a wildly different than pumping out an Insta-vaxx and then FORCING the entire population to take it - or else. I am far more concerned about the ongoing efforts to mrna vaxx cows and pigs and other related possibilities like putting it in manufactured foods. Then we are eating it without even being informed.

Remember how the left forever has been screeching about GMO corn and other foods that they will kill you and the earth? Then this same group are the most vocal tyrants about FORCING us all to take a GMO vaxx without questioning anything.

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another quick question, are you Clare Craig? I subscribe to her also and her picture is also on your bio page.

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No, that's bizarre. I recommend her Stack if that's what you're seeing?

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go to your profile page and Dr. Clare Craig’s photo is your avatar photo

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You mean this? https://substack.com/@margaretannaalice

I just see my usual Alice in Wonderland avatar. I wonder if there's some kind of glitch in your browser? Maybe try using a different browser or quitting the Substack app and restarting to see if it's fixed?

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yes, photo by # subs

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Catherine Austin Fitts says it all very clearly: https://rumble.com/v6dp1cj-catherine-austin-fitts-stargate-is-operation-warp-speed-2.0.html

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darpa jabs

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