Sep 9, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What a wonderful post. May I suggest one more little-know Australian series: Mr Inbetween. A vision of an Australian criminal who has leanings towards being a decent human being in the midst of being a hit man. Its not a big show, just a little gem.

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Cripes I'm half Australian half NZr and I don't think I know of about half of the above.

Dr Sam is definitely a NZr by the way rather than an Aussie.

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*lol* Glad I could introduce you!

And, oh my—thank you for the catch on Dr. Sam! Corrected accordingly. Is there a word that refers to both Aussies and Kiwis? I made up “Downunderers” for now ;-)

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It is said here in Oz that Nzers are Australians until they behave badly at which point they become NZers again - case in point, Russell Crowe. So in actual fact, any NZer who has lived in Australia is an Australian unless demoted.

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That's not actually true. There are many NZrs who live in Australia who are not entitled to citizenship because they're on 50k or less a year. And therefore not entitled to benefits and if they come into some sort of disaster any disaster support.

I'm quite proud of my Australian side, but not if I have to include allegiance to the likes of Dan Andrews or Scott Morrison.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Dear Richard, this is not about citizenship it is about the tendency of Australians to offer the honour of conditional identity to NZers who seem to be worthy of it. And how they will remove this honour quite arbitrarily. PS...I was not born in Australia.

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Dear Isha, I love Australia. But not the Australia of Dan Andrews & Scott Morrison. And identities are worthless if they're conditional.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This is a text that I sent to an Australian friend (an immigrant to Australia) a few days ago.

"NZ is 4x more woke than Oz"

BTW his wife is not an immigrant nor are his kids. And my friend has citizenship (which is far more important than 'identity') of Australia just as I do have. On ya mate.

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Not really. And we can't get out of NZ or get back at the moment so we're moving apart.

We were in Melbourne in May (before the current insane period) and a friend told me that NZrs had to stand up to China more. Seems to me both Victoria & NZ have swallowed that red pill.

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Antipodeans used to be one word I guess.

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Antipodeans! Thanks for the tip—added :-)

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Sad to see the two countries moving apart even as they are both simultaneously escalating the tyranny.

Hmm, I’m not aware of the influence/role of China in NZ so can’t speak to that specifically, although it appears both countries have readily copied the totalitarian surveillance state ingredients, which frankly are getting replicated worldwide so are no longer unique to China.

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I don't know where China sits in this hierarchy as well. They're certainly acting like arrogant little twerps though.

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Haha, nothing new there ;-)

Deagel knows something, though, because China is only projected to have a -1.6% population reduction by 2025, whereas the UK is at the top with a 77.1% reduction, followed by Ireland at 72.4% and the US at 68.5%. Pretty daunting figures if you haven’t already seen the report:


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Yes have been on archive.org and downloaded Deagel. Not sure where Deagel sits in the hierarchy either.

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And the Norwegian guy, says you can get everything in the woods and then 'just wait while I put my coffee onto boil'. Yes no problems, where's the coffee from? A fjord?

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Haha—he would probably be the first to acknowledge that would be a sacrifice he’d be forced to make if it comes to a SHTF scenario, and it would be a tough one, admittedly ;-)

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I thought he was having a bit of a laugh.

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Haha, making coffee is a bit of a beloved routine for him—usually part of every video :-)

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He might have little access to it in jail. So I suggest that he becomes part of the 2/3% needed to overthrow this tyranny rather than the guy encouraging everyone to give up and go 'bush'.

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I assure you he is at the forefront of the battle to defeat the tyrants. I have never once heard him encourage people to “give up”—absolutely the opposite, in fact. He is just prepared in case civilization collapses regardless. Doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan.

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We had a rather more dystopian presentation of the city of slaves vs the outsiders in a course I did in the middle of the year. Certainly nature version wasn't presented as 'idyllic'.

I just wondered as well, those slaves making their drones with loaded AK47s on them, they're not going to send those out into the woods when they get hungry are they?

The Norwegian guy is part of the dystopia. He can piss off.

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Granted, life in the woods wouldn’t be idyllic, and there are certainly risks wherever one goes in the surveillance world we live in and the worse one to come. That said, if you are equipped with survival skills and the right tools, the chances of making it in the woods are higher than in an urban center, especially when you have a breakdown in supplies, electricity, water/sewage, and the like. This became clear in the Balkan War (e.g., see Selco Begovic’s “SHTF Survival Stories: Memories from the Balkan War”), for example.

We’ve had this discussion before regarding Melissa Ciummei (https://www.bitchute.com/video/IpxYz8q3wwTM/), but you sometimes jump to conclusions about people based on a nuance or detail taken out of context. I would caution you against immediately dismissing people based on a knee-jerk reaction.

Bjorn, for example, has been speaking out against COVID tyranny since the outset, and he is a great ally in this battle for truth, liberty, and resistance to totalitarianism. I encourage you to watch more of his videos to get a broader sense of his perspective (https://www.youtube.com/c/TheVikingBushcrafter/videos). Here are a couple examples (I don’t recall the details of these but am just picking based on the titles):

• Have courage. Do not obey the tyrants. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH-oZcD11Ro)

• Will you fight? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5mDL47sUnk)

In another thread, I noticed you similarly dismissed Prof. Mattias Desmet based on your interpretation of a statement he made about the middle/working classes. I would like to see the clip you are referring to for context, but I find it difficult to believe he would denigrate those groups as he has passionately advocated on their behalf and is doing everything possible to help awaken them. I could see him maybe saying those who watch television (often middle/working classes) are more susceptible to mass hypnosis, but that’s not a statement about them as a group but rather about people who believe the MSM.

Desmet has been one of the clearest and most potent voices when it comes to awakening people to the mechanisms of mass formation and totalitarianism, and we are fortunate to have him in the resistance. All that to say, I encourage you to not let your preconceived notions color your perceptions of others as it can result in the rejection of people who are pivotal in helping us defeat tyranny :-)

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They may be pivotal but they also need to stop wavering.

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I have only seen evidence of unwavering courage and honesty when it comes to both Bjorn and Desmet. They are doing good work and waking up a LOT of people.

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Essentially if you're already advocating for what has been planned, and you and me both know that the cities and the wilds are two different parts of this dystopia, then you've either always been part of the problem or you're giving up far too soon.

When looking through the law cases here yesterday I could see that NZDSOS a group of doctors was doing their level best to try and end this tyranny. But on the other hand Voices for Freedom a group of lawyers originally, with a 100k following, was not to be seen. I'm not going to give my support to what looks like a religious fellowship for the new tyranny over someone like NZDSOS who are doing a lot of good. Also Dr Sam lost her case but at least she fought back.

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That’s awesome to hear about NDSOS and definitely give them your support! Please share a link so we can let others know.

So sorry to learn about Dr. Sam’s case. I hadn’t heard.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

wow, what a post, I will have to dedicate more time to it. I have a few suggestions for movies that you may not have heard of yet. First of all, the Piano is totally NZ although there are a couple of Aussies involved. But anyway, try anything by Rolf de Heer, the Tracker is a masterpiece, and "10 Canoes" for example. (but literally any other as well) Don't forget Peter Weir and his "Picnic at Hanging Rock". "Japanese Story" with Toni Collete, "Dogs in Space" with Michael Hutchence, "On any Sunday" or "Breaker Morant" and wow so many more. But thanks for the selections anyway.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I just realised that you were including New Zealand from the start, so forget what I said about the piano. But in that case you need to see "Once were Warriors" if you haven't yet.

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Lovely to welcome you here, el bicho palo, and thank you for the recs! And yes, I have seen some of those, albeit several aeons ago. I had 3 by Peter Weir already so didn’t include Picnic, although that wouldn’t have made my top 10 (it’s certainly unique but just got edged out by the others). I don’t know Rolf de Heer, “Dogs in Space,” or “On Any Sunday” so will have to add those to my list, although, honestly, I haven’t had time to watch movies, shows, or anything that falls outside my all-consuming mission of unmasking totalitarianism ever since starting this blog, so I can’t promise I’ll get to them anytime soon. Maybe once we defeat tyranny ;-)

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This looks like a good one if you can make time for it. They removed my review for it from about a month ago but I had fun while it lasted there.


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Here was my review


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“The November 2021 remake is a little moronic” 🤣🤣🤣

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It's kind of like the Scots and British identities I guess, Isha (reply to a missing post)

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