Excellent post. I jujst spent two hours of my life going over it - instead of doing the things I "should" be doing. It's moved me more than I can say as I am an old peerson and Jewish (and even worse these days - a woman). I remember that war and it has shaped my life and my beliefs even though I was very young at the time. I remember the pictures on the first page of alll the papers after the war - the pictures of piles of emaciated dead, the pictures of Mussolini and his mistress hanging by their feet in Italy - but no Hitler who had supposedly committed suicide - supposedly. From all I've read over the years, I've come to the conclusion that the real perpetrator of the Third Reich was the American so-called "elite". American men died fighting that war, many killed by bullets supplied to nazi Germany by American rich. It was financed by the American rich, the holocaust was credited with being as successful as it was in killing half the Jewish population due to the efforts of IBM, the organization which coincidentally made Bill Gates, the entitled heir to a banking fortune as well as a high school grad with delusions of exceptionalism,, a billionaire and now at the forefront of the creation of the Fourth Reich with the hope of fulfilling their goal of creating a regime that lasts a thousand years. His parents, also entitled heirs, were at the forefront of both Planned Parenthood and the Eugenics Society, as far as I could determine, from the 20's to the 50's, including those pesky Hitler years in the middle when Hitler himself wrote a letter to the American Eugenics Society thanking them for all their good ideas on how to get rid of "unwanted populations". Although I do not know the entire makeup of the conspiracy FACT WEF, those I am aware of, many do have discoverable roots in a nazi heritage. I have lived through WW2, through HUAC and the so-called cold war and Vietnam, but this is without doubt, the worst period I've lived in . If their lips are moving, they're lying - that's both government and the billionaire pscyhopathic conspiracists they actually represent. How do we get out of this one? I so admire your courage in both seeing and telling the truth in this dark time for us all.

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So grateful for your astute observations and appreciative words! And might as well add Operation Paperclip to your docket sheet.

I have a number of pieces that delve into this topic in greater detail if you want to explore more:

• “Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel)

• “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

• “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative)

• “Letter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board)

• “Letter to the New York State Department of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department)

• “Letter to the German Bundestag” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag)

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Margaret, I love these quotes so much from the interviews with the Germans. You pulled out so many fantastic passages. The similarities between now & then are uncanny; the implications, downright horrifying.

I do wish you would consider creating a separate post just on this topic where you include the same quotes from history. Often times I have felt inclined to send the URL to my friends, but I fear their short attention spans will not allow them to scroll far enough down the page.

It is an uphill battle with them, since they are rapidly pro-vax. I am not trying to turn them against the vaccine-- I am just trying to open their minds to the societal implications of mandates & passports

Thank you for all your excellent posts on substack. I always smile when I see your name in the comments of the other blogs I read here. Appreciate the wisdom you are publishing on this platform, and your ability to reach out to others in comments and strengthen our connection here.

I hope someday I can donate to your writing efforts, but I need to secure a new job first. <3

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Thank you for your sweet note, MN, and yes, aren’t the parallels chilling?! You’ll find the same if you read “Ordinary Men” and “Defying Hitler.” And people think we’re exaggerating when we draw comparisons. Same recipe, different era.

If you haven’t already read it, my “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” cites both “They Thought They Were Free” and “Ordinary Men” extensively, and many people have enthusiastically shared that as it encapsulates the process by which the cowardly and complicity enable tyranny to rise.

You can also retweet these threads where I’ve shared a ton of pertinent quotes from each book in reaction to the Illinois Holocaust Museum’s decision to introduce Nuremberg Laws for the unvaxxed (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-immersive-education/):



You may have seen me post about this elsewhere, but they blocked comments on the original post about their new policy, so I had to tweet to their New Year’s Eve post (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476934101420716034) and then their New Year’s post (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1477293543060230144). We need to keep the pressure on them until they reverse this Gestapo policy, but they’ve been cleverly retweeting other articles instead of posting new ones of their own to avoid further backlash.

Best wishes with the job hunt! Why don’t you try starting a Substack and see if that can provide a source of revenue for you while you’re looking?

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I don't know if this comment will get through, given the timeline (do you go back and look for comments on older articles?), but I want to recommend another book for you and your readers, about Nazis. It's entitled, "Ordinary Men." It describes the actions of Reserve battalions brought to Poland behind German lines to "manage" the conquered populations. Chilling.

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Joe, I get notifications about the comments, fortunately :-) Thank you so much for the book rec—I’ve already purchased the audiobook as it looks fascinating! I am currently listening to Harold Burson’s “Report from Nuremberg” but will queue it up after that. I think one of the most illuminating and disturbing areas of study is how ordinary people can be transformed into monsters without their even realizing it—as we are watching unfold all around us today. It is blood-chilling that otherwise “nice” people (including doctors!) are screaming for the unvaccinated to be denied medical service and saying they deserve to die—and they have convinced themselves that they are in the right and doing what’s best for the community. Same formula, different century.

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Agreed; perhaps that is the most exasperating aspect of this entire episode. Also, for what it's worth, and not knowing if you have an opinion about Dr. Jordan Peterson, or not, I wanted to mention that he was the one who pointed me to the book. In his university classes, he asks his students to think about the horrors of Nazi Germany while asking thmselves whether or not each would have been a good guy and resisted the edicts, or if they would have gone along with the crowd and participated in the atrocities. Basically, he believes we all harbor the opinion of ourselves that there is no way we could do such bad things, but we may have a misconception of our own ability to rationalize bad behavior just to remain in good standing with their neighbors.

Sorry for the rant; sometimes I get carried away. Appreciate everything you do; please keep it coming.

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Joe, no need to apologize—I appreciate and resonate with your comments! Knowing the recommendation comes from Jordan Peterson lends it even greater credibility—he shares my passion for truth-tellers like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Dostoyevsky, and Orwell. His insightful observations about human nature, myth, storytelling, psychology, and totalitarianism are well-informed by data, and I have enjoyed many of his lectures over the years. I know he has been smeared by the press, but these days, that’s a badge of honor ;-) Anyone who pushes past the propaganda and actually listens to his heartfelt words realizes the characterizations are inaccurate, and he has helped countless individuals through his wisdom and dire warnings about the nature of tyranny.

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But why? Why do they want the all power over us? I ask this because it seems we are overlooking the real reasons why? Earth is deteriorating and going through its natural renewal stage. They are saving themselves

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