Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Martin Luther King

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I'm remembering the words of a friend who became an enemy: "don't send me any more of that fake news or I won't be your friend any longer." Possibly the spike protein went to his head.

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I am sorry to hear that, Peter, although it sounds like your “friend” did you a favor and helped clarify whom your true friends, truth-seekers, and courageous kindreds really are.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

quite so. not a great loss under the circumstances, we had already encountered some disagreements about building 7 and associated topics... never had the courage to ask him whether he thought Oswald was a crack shot, but his current convictions signal that it was probably better not to ask. ;>)

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The funny thing is, in my case anyway, you realise you don't actually miss them, as you have been putting up with them for years, just to have a 'friend'

Better off without them.

Most of them were somewhat bearable until brexit and DJT but them it was all toxic shit from then on in, until the final jettisoning.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

and kudos for your choice of hero number one!

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Thank you for the vote of affirmation, Peter, and glad you appreciate Dr. Lawrie as much as I do!

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

yes, a very good choice.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

His loss was greater than yours. I think that there are some that fear the truth.

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

yeah, fuck 'em. They all fall by the wayside over stupid shit that only somebody who has never looked into it on their own could believe. If it was on the tele there's no hope.

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

the words that broke me were "you need to watch the ABC" (Australian Broadcasting Corporation a quasi governmental organisation, akin to the BBC) after telling him that Derick Chauvin and George the saint Floyd worked together for many years. Just a simple fact.

Why wouldn't the news have told him that? Since the news didn't mention it I must be lying. I must be a white supremacist too!!

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Been there, seen it, done it ... as they say. I've had 2 friends tell me they do not want to hear from me any more and that's ok. What does bother me however, is that I had a British public school education which hammered home critical thinking skills. All the friends I have in the UK had the same education and have gone on to become successful business owners. You would think they would be impervious to all this nonsense, but NO, they have bought into it hook, line, and sinker!

One example that astounds me is my best friend, a solicitor who owns a chain of branches across the south of England. When discussing the matter with him recently, he told me he had no time to listen to conspiracy theories and warned that I would likely die if I didn't get vaccinated.

We just exchanged New Year niceties and he asked "Have you been vaccinated yet, or are you still holding onto your belief that this is all about a cull of the global population?"

I replied, "The fact that the vaccines prevent neither infection or propagation is now commonly admitted by both the government and the so-called 'Health Experts'. That being the case, what possible motive can there be for forcing the jabs on people using ostracization of the unvaccinated and loss of employment as their tools?"

As an aside, in Italy, a family petitioned a court for a hearing over the loss of their daughter immediately following vaccination. The court replied that the case would not be heard because the vaccinations are not compulsory... Say what!!

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You have something that the most elitist and expensive educations in the world cannot buy, clearly.


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Amen! 👏

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you Tim.

I have to admit, the thing I miss most today is the ability to hold an intelligent conversation. It is no longer possible with any of my friends or family. Local business owners all go along with the mandates and restrictions to remain included in society. And those at the reins of power locally, refuse to evaluate the damage they are doing, nor the effects it will have on their own families and offspring.

I am desperate for new friends able to use their brain...

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You’ve found the right community for engaging in intelligent discussions with those who have a brain—and a heart! I know it’s not the same as in-person conversations, but we’re grateful to have you as part of this brave and brilliant community and hope we can satisfy that need to some degree.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The family thing will hurt and wound especially deeply.

My Mum and Dad are both dead, but I'm sure both would have been covid resisters!

Brother and sister have long since been cast off; both described me as "mad", so I thought there is no real point in continuing a relationship where there is no respect.

This appellation was not applied in recent times, but more than ten years ago.

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Great response to your friend! I don’t suppose he bothered to answer—they rarely can or do.

I had not heard about that case in Italy—that is both unconscionable and a blatant lie. I hope they can appeal it! Do you have a link to that article?

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It is not an article. I have a copy of the court's letter which an Italian friend sent me by mail. If you can read Italian and still want a copy, let me know how I can get it to you.

You're right, my ex-friend's answer was nonsense. He did reply but he limited it to "That's hardly the same thing."

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022Author

Ah, in that case, never mind, I can’t read Italian ;-) Interesting to know you have the court letter, though. Good to keep documentation of these injustices.

Re: your friend—why am I not surprised 🙄

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Nonetheless, given that people are being menaced with job loss and ostracization from society, I am shocked that they would dare to claim the vaccines are not compulsory. To make matters 100x worse, there is zero informed consent. Heck, even the vaccine inserts are totally blank!

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This sounds like narcissistic abuse to me.

Flee from such - and never go back.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

🙌 Amen!

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

that's a brilliant quote from a man who has so many.

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Thanks, MAA; an excellent essay. Rarely do I click thru all the links in any essay I'm reading, but I did yours, and watched every video. Great choices to educate and inspire. It's a 'pot of coffee' read.

Dr Lawrie has been a heroine for me thru this whole thing. Her commitment to her oath is very compelling. I know nothing about her personally, nor her private life, but she is inspirational in her willingness to speak out and to fight back. And, she is formidable, apparently fearless, though I suspect she is a little thing in person.

Your slog is heroic, also. I can't imagine the workload you have taken on just to gather information, sort thru the lies and the truths, and sift the authentic ones from the merely ambitious or exploitative. They exist on our side, too, so thank you. You're active in our community and we're better for it.

The Apostle James reminds us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. We could all bring whatever our talents to the fight and be more Dr Lawrie-like. Or, MAA-like, for that matter.

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What an extraordinary response, Dana, and I am glad you found the links and videos valuable. The videos of Dr. Lawrie further underscore her rare integrity, authenticity, passion for science, and beautiful love of humanity. She is such an amazing human being. (And yes, she packs a lot of might into that petite frame, doesn’t she? :-)

“Pot of coffee” read—love that! (Of course, I love anything with coffee ;-)

Thank you for appreciating the work that goes into this blog—blessedly, it is an absolute labor of love!

Your kind words touch me deeply, Dana, and spur me on in my all-consuming endeavors to resist tyranny 🤲

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Although I wish I hadn't watched the clip from the insider. As I can see I want to watch the film and I think it was a little to full of spoilers. I am sure I will still enjoy the film.

Lucky for me if I put it off for a little while I will forget everything.

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*lol* Sorry about that, el bicho palo! Good idea to put it off and hope you do enjoy it :-)

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

too* as well. I have a long list of movies on the line up so will be right

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Yes !!!!!!! What a great idea! There are many, many heroes throughout this whole thing and there will continue to be more. Future human history will remember well those who spoke out, some at great cost, to do the right thing. Those who rise above fear will long be remembered. Courage is a virtue. What will get us through the dark tunnel are those holding the lanterns. Today's heroes will impact future generations. Just as a pebble cast into a pond creates ripples that spread into wider circles, today's heroes are creating waves and those waves gather together until they become a tsunami that can not be stopped.

Thank you for making waves! You too are a hero!

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Aww, Professor, what you wrote gave me chills! You beautifully articulated my precise feelings.

And then your closing statement—*wow*, thank you. I can’t find an emoji for humbled-happy-grateful-touched-crying ;-) 😌🌊🙏

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I'm a lover of poetry and lyrics and I sincerely mean this --- Ode to a Whistleblower --- is one of the best poems I've read over the past decade. It speaks truth, it flows, it is beautiful. You are gifted. Thank you for sharing your gift.

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You’ve left me speechless, Professor. As a lover of poetry myself, I cannot tell you how much that means to me.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The excerpt of the meeting Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Andrew Hill was jaw dropping. Not just because she confronted the beast head on, but the naked truth he so innocently (because it was early on?) revealed about himself, his bosses, their manipulated fake studies...

The denial of ivermectin is criminal. An aside: Did you see the 2 major Indian papers talked about the wiping out of COVID in Uttar Pradesh? NO MENTION OF THE REASON. Ivermectin.

The power of evil is strong. I am so grateful to Dr. Lawrie. So. Thank you for the profile.

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Raptor, I 100% agree with your analysis of that confrontation, and I, too, found his mealy-mouthed complicity highly disgusting and revealing. Definitely read the RFK book to get the full context as it is even more mind-blowing.

And yes, I have come across the compelling Uttar Pradesh data in Mary Beth Pfeiffer’s phenomenal coverage of the ivermectin disinformation campaign, which I myself examined in “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)!

Yes, the power of evil is strong, but the power of good, truth, and light is stronger!!

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Excellent series idea. Brave and courageous people are everywhere and we need to amplify their courage so it becomes contagious. Our new liberating contagion.

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Delighted to welcome you here, Good Citizen, and I’m thrilled to hear you like the idea of this series. I wholeheartedly concur that courage is contagious—and liberating!

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

LOVE this.

We definitely need to celebrate the brave people speaking out as it gives courage, hope, created community, strength = solidarity❤️🙏💪🏼

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Sirka, I am so happy to hear your enthusiastic feedback! I agree, and you stated exactly the reasons I wanted to create this series 🙌

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margaret, I’ve had a couple of beautiful experiences this week that I want to share:

1. I met a woman at work who is on team freedom and she told me of 3 others!

We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we exchanged #s.

2. I overheard my daughter talking till 2am about the tyranny and I could hear her finally be able to point out the obvious propaganda going on. The person was convinced.

So we are growing!

We can NEVER stop!


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Stories like this make my heart sing, Sirka! Thank you for sharing these ordinary moments of profound connection between kindred freedom fighters and truth-seekers. I do believe there are more of us out there than we realize, and we are gradually discovering each other through secret signs, intonations, and subtle cues that we do not comply with tyranny.

Almost every time I have reconnected with an old friend and revealed my perspective, I have been deeply relieved to discover they share my feelings and in some cases are playing their own vital role in the resistance!

The only time it hasn’t happened is with a friend who visited recently, but even that was an amazing experience because she opened her heart to me and was willing to listen to the stories I shared of the vaxx-injured victims and to hear out my nearly infinite list of questions about the holes in the narrative. I will be sharing the letter I wrote her following that visit soon.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I look forward to reading your letter. I can only imagine how great it is. You have the most wonderful writing style, smooth, easy to read, and extremely compelling. You are a gift to the world as large and wonderful as Dr. Lawrie.

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Wow, Bandit. Wow. I am going to borrow a term from one of Allan See’s past comments and say you’ve left me “writeless.” I honestly cannot express how deeply your words have touched me. Thank you, truly, Bandit.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I see, you are now quoting Allan as well....

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I've had a similar experience. I didn't really say much until the mandates came at work, and looking at posts on the company blog, felt I needed to post something. A couple people contacted me that I never would have really talked to otherwise. One told me he feels like he has no one to talk to on this topic at work. It was comforting to know, I'm not alone.

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Gbucks, I’m sorry you’re having to suffer oppression and discrimination at work, but I am happy you’ve found some allies! Like Sirka says, this is how revolution starts—people feel more confident speaking up once they see examples of others doing so, hence part of the inspiration behind my “Profiles in Courage” series.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks. I wouldn't say I'm feeling oppressed and discriminated against. I have a blessed life. Someone once asked for Covid blessings early in the "pandemic". If I could go back in time I'd add this page and interactions with people on it. There are people out there experiencing real severe discrimination and oppression not me not yet. Over the past few months, right now, I feel like I'm just pushing back against idiocy. I'm sick of the BS. And want to call people out on it. But difficult for me to do it without hurting feelings right now. Sorry if some times my posts turn into rants...but Natural immunity....The entire premise of a vaccine is based on natural immunity. The body naturally responds to what gets injected into it. If natural immunity doesn't work, shots don't work. Who fires health care workers during a pandemic? People like Fauci....

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I’m relieved to hear that, Gbucks—thank you for clarifying :-)

I would join you in counting this page, these interactions, and the extraordinary community that has blossomed at this blog among the greatest blessings of this experience and really of my life. I am grateful and honored to know you and others here share those feelings.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I want to point out that hurting feelings is becoming very necessary in this moment of time.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Baby Steps….and then we march to OUR drum!

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

That’s exactly how it happens though…Revolution that is.

Little mouths here, there, people are starting to question things.

We need to plant seeds in any way we can. I never wear my mask at work at MY station and slowly people are starting to doff their masks when they visit me and you know what I’ve noticed? I’ve been getting more and more visitors and they choose to hang out at my station! (Which kind of annoys me as I’m not a people person -seriously, I’m a chef- but I’m willing to sacrifice😜)

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*lol* Being an introvert, I know what you mean ;-) But, as you say, the joy of connecting with kindred resisters overshadows the desire for quiet :-)

How fun to know you’re a chef! I love to cook and probably would be doing a cooking/health blog if the world hadn’t been plunged into democidal tyranny!

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It funny how most of those opposed to all of this tyranny are really just people who want to be left alone. We’re not “social” types which is partly why we never fell for this narrative as we were not GLUED to propagandist media (I don’t do social media either) and therefore not influenced.

But yeah, I got my degree in Bio.Sci.Nutrition (at the now Facist University of Guelph) hated lab work and decided to do what I love, went to Chef School in Germany (I’m half German half Chinese) and have been cooking ever since (30 yrs).

I also wanted to add that my parents went through WWII, my father was alive ,until this September and even he said “the media is lying, this is WWII all over again” AND he never took the shot, he died of cancer, at home, in my arms. It was beautiful.❤️

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You, an introvert, Margaret? I am INFP according to Myers Briggs.

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Dec 19, 2021·edited Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for putting yourself out there...The masks bug me especially since they reinstated it Denver county...Pushed back on management have to wear in office telling them don't want to wear it any more. Office is 70% vaccinated and everyone's wearing a mask. Why would I get the shots, masks work better....anyway it was interesting keep hearing must comply must comply its to stop the transmission, transmission rates are high now....LOL..... to keep job/maintain integrity/not be a trouble maker/deemed unstable said I'd wear one. Ugh do feel like a coward and a bit of my soul slips away every time I put it on. Boss actually stops by my desk and says glad you decided to keep wearing mask. I think people out there like following rules, think they're being a good citizen or something. Anyway, thank you. When I walk to into a restaurant or any place and the people working aren't wearing masks it feels more welcoming, comforting Just a much more pleasant experience. But crazy cross into a different county few masks in businesses. I asked neighborhood bartender if anyone from city has ever shown up to enforce. They said no but the city issues threats to enforce, I didn't pry anymore than that.

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I understand your dilemma, and sometimes lesser concessions are necessary as not everyone is in a position to practice noncompliance with every edict. What you’ve described about feeling your soul slip away each time is worrisome, though, as you are not living in alignment with your values, and this takes a toll on your mental health over time. It’s not my place to advise you what to do as I don’t want to jeopardize your job/financial security, but I do wonder what would happen if you just stopped wearing your mask. Others might be encouraged to follow suit as well, and the company may not feel it’s worth messing with employees over. If you needed to, you could compile evidence of the inefficacy/risks of masks in advance (see the PDF of supplemental evidence on masks for the Queensland petition in the Down Under Edition of my Recommendations Roundup: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b).

I can’t help but think of the liberation Peter feels in “Office Space” post-hypnosis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM205iK6rlg

No pressure, of course. You have to do what you feel comfortable with and right about. Just food for thought :-)

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

People are scared and it’s not even their fault, they’re being hypnotized. I stopped watching MSM ages ago so I think when this Plandemic hit the propaganda wasn’t as influential (I also don’t do social media because it’s a waste of time). Don’t feel bad, we each do what we can. I still haven’t mustered up the courage to go shopping without a mask even though I always wear it under my nose 🤣🤣. TBH the jabbing terrifies me and I’m lucky my kids are like me so they are safe from getting jabbed or coerced into some other nonsense.

But in dealing with this shit I have been trying to be kind. I emit positive vibes and keep my angry rages for home, in the dark, screaming at the wall.

I’ll let you know when I start screaming at people.

Hold the Line❤️

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I also heard something like HR is being pressured to make sure people comply or HR is pressuring people to comply. Wish I would have asked follow questions similar to Dr. Lawrie (glad she didn't give up) but at times I'm worried I'll lose my composure. So just feel resigned into complying.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

God bless you and your daughter for moving forward in the fight for our freedom. 🙏

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I love this❤️thanks for sharing! It inspired me.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Woo hoo!

Starting my Sunday on a positive note…feels good!

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Sure does😁

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Trains not planes Plants not pills

Love not leaders Who sow derision

With their decisions

Collusion is collision We must choose

Fusion or fission What's our mission now?

Whether a life of clicks or plow

You can't live well beneath a cash cow!

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes Ode to a whistle blower took my breath away,in a good way. The entire article is so good and I loved how that Dr Laurie spoke the truth and never backed down.In the past few days,I realize I have stifled the truth by keeping silent,no more! I will rise up and speak the truth,because I cannot keep silent anymore.Thank you Margaret Anna,this made my day♥️ ps,I am recovering from hip replacement surgery, tomorrow will be one week,and Holy cow the pain is intense.I continue to keep my wicked sense of humor and know this too will pass and I will get better.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your writing,and getting me to think deeper!

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Oh my goodness, Mimi—you are making *me* tear up! What an inspiring response, and I am so proud of you for deciding to speak the truth!

Ouch, I am sorry to hear about your pain but am glad the surgery is over and all went smoothly. Humor is indeed the secret to resilience!

Sending you healing hugs 🤗

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I found this piece by Twain that matches the sentiment of your opening quote, but it doesn't contain the exact quote. Do you know the source of the one above?

"I do not remember my first lie, it is too far back; but I remember my

second one very well. I was nine days old at the time, and had noticed

that if a pin was sticking in me and I advertised it in the usual

fashion, I was lovingly petted and coddled and pitied in a most agreeable

way and got a ration between meals besides.

It was human nature to want to get these riches, and I fell. I lied

about the pin--advertising one when there wasn't any. You would have

done it; George Washington did it, anybody would have done it. During

the first half of my life I never knew a child that was able to rise

about that temptation and keep from telling that lie. Up to 1867 all the

civilised children that were ever born into the world were liars--

including George. Then the safety-pin came in and blocked the game. But

is that reform worth anything? No; for it is reform by force and has no

virtue in it; it merely stops that form of lying, it doesn't impair the

disposition to lie, by a shade. It is the cradle application of

conversion by fire and sword, or of the temperance principle through


To return to that early lie."


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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Found it.

"Observe, I do not mean to suggest that the custom of lying has suffered any decay or interruption—no, for the Lie, as a Virtue, A Principle, is eternal; the Lie, as a recreation, a solace, a refuge in time of need, the fourth Grace, the tenth Muse, man's best and surest friend, is immortal, and cannot perish from the earth while this club remains. My complaint simply concerns the decay of the art of lying. No high-minded man, no man of right feeling, can contemplate the lumbering and slovenly lying of the present day without grieving to see a noble art so prostituted. ..."


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Excellent sleuthing, S E, and extra-credit for providing the original citations as well as the source links! 🕵️‍♂️🙏🏅

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for the great piece. I'm glad she mentioned remdesivir (and is out there trying to save lives along with everyone else past and present). Covid is the 1st time I've ever heard of hydroxycholorquine, ivermectin, and remdesivir. Through my amateur research skills/covid hobby (is it an obsession?) I know hydroxychloriquine and Ivermection have been widely used for decades. The only other instance I'm aware where remdesivir has been widely used is during an Ebola outbreak in Africa (thanks to Dr. Bryan Ardis video). So TPTB poo poo ivermectin say it doesn't work. Reference the studies that show it doesn't work or say no studies show that it works. Where are the studies that show remdesivir works? Where's the safe and effective track record for remdesivir? I'd love to see a side by side comparison of HCQ IVM and remdeathivir. And then ask TPTB how it got approved for use in ALL hospitalizations. Same thing with the shots. They attacked HCQ early on saying not safe. So its not safe to give people who are sick and dying HCQ IVM, but it is safe to give them remdesivir? Its safe to give healthy people mRNA injections? but not safe to give dying people HCQ and IVM....clown world.

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Thank you, Gbucks, and yes, Remdesivir is one of the (many) atrocities in BigPharma’s multi-front murderfest. RFK explores the gritty details behind this $3,000 death pill in his book. In typical Dr. Mengelfauci style, the Remdeathivir “studies” were rushed, curtailed, manipulated, and corrupted to produce a particular outcome and ramrod it into use under an EUA (sound familiar?).

If you haven’t already read it, I explore the ivermectin disinformation campaign and peer-reviewed research on it in this piece: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded

And yes, the truly safe and effective medications (HCQ, IVM) with decades of scientific evidence proving such have been smeared and denied while brand-new, lucrative, and organ-obliterating drugs like Remdesivir are foisted on patients, thus almost guaranteeing their deaths. Clown World, indeed.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Ralph Baric's lab at UNC in 2018 was working with Gilead Sciences researchers on a possible "cure" (Remdisivir) for the problem viruses that his own lab helped to create. Problem, reaction, solution. And huge profits for Gilead. 


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Intriguing, Moonspinner, and thanks for the link! Problem-reaction-solution does certainly seem to be the formula they always reach for, and it hasn’t failed them yet. I talk about PRS in my first essay if you haven’t read that yet (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized).

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Julian Assange is not a hero. He is a limited hangout for the purpose of quelling the people, like that idiot who replied to greenwald (another one in a bubble).

Assange talked down about 911 truth and wikileaks reveals things that we know happen, without things that truly implicate the system.

I'm so sick of this false hero worship of overblown "whistleblowers" who never seem to perform or end up being fenced in.

Tess is a real hero to challenge the corruption in front of her. We need more doctors to be honest, instead of these cowards who hide in the shadows while they kill people with remdesevir and ventilators.

I hope that this GENOCIDAL medical system collapses and makes these useless zombie overeducated doctors and tech people who lack common sense end up sweeping the hallways, letting the wise and practical people with empathy to take the reigns of these critical fields.

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Thank you for your astute points, Robert, and while I agree we must always be alert to agents of controlled opposition, I think Assange’s lengthy tenure of suffering proves he sacrificed for what he did reveal, and wrongfully so given he did nothing illegal. I, too, am disappointed by some of his stances and would have loved to see more damning revelations come out, but that was also dependent on what the whistleblowers themselves provided.

For me, the most dangerous aspect of this case is that it had a chilling effect on whistleblowers and free speech, and protecting the right to expose corruption and the First Amendment is paramount to preserving our liberties.

You may appreciate Glenn Greenwald’s comprehensive dissection of the “Morning Joe” propaganda hit piece on Assange:


I wholly agree that Dr. Lawrie is the epitome of a hero and also that we absolutely need more doctors to heed their Hippocratic Oath and stop being colluders in medical tyranny and democide.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for this reply Maraget, you certainly have away with words!

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Margaret, ou know I love all your work. Well done, again! This short Ted talk explains what is the current problem! These comments in this video certainly deserve consideration. I believe that she has raised many questions that the pharmaceutical companies would have a difficult time answering truthfully.

And that was from 6 years ago. Check out what the US Feds did to her. She is one of the last actual journalists on the planet


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You are always a ray of sunshine, Dennis, and you are such a reservoir of compelling resources! Coincidentally, I have that TED talk in my to-watch queue, but you’ve inspired me to bump it up so I can get to it sooner :-)

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Just reading the transcript gave me chills. Her courage, brilliance and integrity was captivating 🏋️🏋️🏋️

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Yes, yes, and yes!! If you haven’t already, I strongly encourage you to read the transcript in its entirety: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-vaccine-gold-rush-and-the-damning-ivermectin-tape/

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This series is a wonderful idea! Looking forward to the next hero installment.

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Chuffed to hear that, Birdingmom, and I hope all is well with your kitties now! 😸

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Well, you added another word to my vocabulary! Had to look up "chuffed" and then corrected my husband b/c he thought it meant the opposite! 😸

Yes, thanks for asking. The toothless wonder's abscess that ruptured is completely healed. Now she has to grow all the fur back the vet shaved off! The black brother with the ear issue (and missing fur on his head) has ear drops which of course he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES!

I especially appreciated your list of heroes in this article. I don't know if Fuellmich got listed in the RFK Jr. book, but it was nice to see so many others I'm familiar with and it's so encouraging. Makes one feel like they are on the right track - either that or it's a bunch of confirmation bias.

A couple of weeks ago, I found a dead mouse in our basement laundry room - maybe I told you already? Miss Poofy Floofers (as our son calls her) who is in that room at night, obviously is NOT a mouser. I had been trying to track down the odor for several weeks. Well, a few minutes ago, I discovered we have another mouse visitor as the pistachio bag had been chewed open and there were a number of their empty shells lying on an oven mitt I use to dig in the freezer.🙄😒🤦‍♀️ Now I get to research my options as to how to live trap it as I WILL NOT kill it with any of the inhumane options I'm already aware of. Any ideas?

I'm 50 minutes into the Malone townhall in PR and while most of it has not been new info for me, some of what he shares especially about reproductive harms is very disturbing. I have a difficult time not being livid with my husband's siblings who obviously encouraged their young adult children (3 females, maybe 4 & 2 males) to get the jabs. They are so oblivious and so cocksure they did what was right.

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*lol* Happy to introduce you (and your husband ;-) to “chuffed!”

I’m delighted to hear your kitties are on the mend and hope your black panther won’t have to endure ear drops too much longer 😸

I don’t recall Reiner being mentioned in RFK’s book, either (I just searched the Kindle version and nada). Now that you’ve mentioned that, though, I’m surprised Reiner hasn’t interviewed RFK! Would be exciting to see that interview. And Dr. Lawrie, too! I need to figure out how to contact Reiner :-)

Sorry to hear about your uninvited visitors! Here is a link to a live trap (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07331WZ6G/) I got at one time, although we didn’t end up using it, so I’m not sure if it works ;-)

I have the Dr. Malone PR Town Hall in my queue! Good to know about the reproductive harms (I have heard much about that but am curious to hear Dr. Malone’s insights).

I am so sorry about your relatives succumbing to the propaganda. Tragically, they are far from alone 😥😣😢

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

He did interview RFK!

I watch Reiner every Friday, at work, in German😜

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Cool! I'm impressed. I can ID words but never put them all together, so I would be totally lost.

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OMG, how did I miss that?! Oh, I know how—working on this blog 24/7/365 and no longer having time to seek out content as I’m buried under five hundred bazillion recommendations and can’t seem to climb out from under the piles!

In any case, I’ll bump that toward the top of my list!

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Omg, I couldn’t do it. You must be very focused. It’s why I’m a chef, I can run around like a nutter and look normal. Aside from that the holes I would go through…hence your Blog name! I can be so dense at times🙄

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for the link Margaret Anna! The one pistachio I left on the shelf has been untouched since my discovery yesterday. Did it come and go?? I was curious if they made one sensitive enough to detect pressure of such a small creature but hadn't gone looking yet. We have a large one and I've live-trapped roaming cats (in our fenced yard) that the humane society has picked up. I cannot be attracting birds via feeders and ornamental stream and have irresponsible neighbors who let their cats roam. The accipiters (bird hawks) are bad enough!! I chase them out of our yard even if I'm in my pajamas!😹😹

This was a link posted on Dr. Malone's Twitter and it has quite the links to follow up with: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/gates-fauci-and-daszak-charged-with-genocide-in-court-filing/article_76c6081c-61b8-11ec-ae59-7718e6d063ed.html You may have seen it already. I noticed Dr. Yeadon was instrumental in providing testimony for this filing. Reiner Fuellmich is discussed in this article also.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Author

Haha, perhaps he let himself out 😆

Yes, the mechanism is very similar to humane traps for cats (I used one to trap the feral kitties we adopted).

We get the occasional raptor here, and I chase them off even though they are stunning and I know they need to survive, too!

And wow, thank you for sharing that exhilarating link. I took a peek at the filing and just seeing the names of so many villains in the list of Perpetrators was immensely satisfying (although I do wish they’d done a closer proofread as I noticed Klaus Schwab’s last name was misspelled—let’s hope he can’t get off on a technicality! 😂).

Dr. Yeadon is at the top of my heroes list and has become a dear friend as well. We are exceptionally blessed to have him as part of this epic battle to defeat tyranny.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I just don't want to find mouse parts anywhere, so I hope it's gone. Yes, proofreading is a lost art. It drives me kind of crazy. I find I have to go over things multiple times - must be an age thing.

Wait till you read the account Jill Malone gives of her husband's graduate school experience. Oh my. You can see my brief reply about my husband's grad school experience. I told him he could skip reading Dr. Malone's as it would be traumatic!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer are THE BOMB!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Clearly I will never jab.

My adult kids will never jab.

My brother and his wife are jabbed, and “as soon as the boys can get their vaccine they are getting it!”

He is GONE, lost to the mass hypnosis and I literally WEEP for his boys. They are 13 and 16, beautiful, healthy with bright futures until my asinine brother stepped in. He is in Australia, I’m in Canada AND he is a MSM kinda jerk-off. Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but he’s an idiot.

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So glad you and your kids are awake, and I’m dearly sorry about your brother, sister-in-law, and especially their kids.

Have your nephews already gotten injected? Even if they have, it’s worth trying to reach them to prevent further degradation of their immune system and myocarditis from future shots.

Do you think it’s worth sharing Dr. Malone’s recent statement (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/between-the-forceps-and-the-stone and https://rumble.com/vqw7et-dr.-robert-malone-inventor-of-mrna-vaccines-kids-should-not-get-covid-injec.html) about the dangers to kids?

And/or maybe let them know that an Oxford study recently found that “1 in 100 or 1% of all vaccinated individuals were admitted to the hospital or died with arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat” (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/oxford-study-shocker-1-100-vaccinated-individuals-admitted-hospital-died-arrhythmia-study-period/)?

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

My brother and his wife are GONE. They think I’m the one trying to kill their boys by asking them to question the narrative. That’s how bad it is😢

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I’m sorry 😿🤗

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Are you from the UK Margaret?

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Nope, the US, so we’re on the same continent :-)

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You used “chuffed”, when I lived in Libya my expat friends from England used that all the time. That and “faggs” for cigarettes, back when you were allowed to speak. And laugh, and make fun because it was in fun…these monsters never had fun did they? - late reply, I’m always too busy because of work at this time of year, but I don’t mind!

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Sirka, haha, yes, my husband and I are big fans of Britcoms so have adopted a lot of Britishisms over the years :-)

And I do believe you’ve put your finger on the heart of the problem—both the tyrants foisting the tyranny upon us and those lapping it up have lost (if they ever had it) all sense of humor. You see this happen with cult followers, so it’s no surprise it is a key marker of the Covidians as well.

No need to apologize about the delay—I am finding it near impossible to keep up with the flood of comments here and elsewhere myself, although I always appreciate them!

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

So good to hear your reply on every matter!

I always appreciate your input probably because we think alike (unlike some people who troll around these platforms…they are literally everywhere!)

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Birding mom I love your online name .2 years ago I became a lover of birds and all things 🕊️ bird.😊

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Awesome! I've been a birder for more than 30 years and there is always something more/new to learn. It's a very positive hobby and most birders are happy to help you ID something. There are always a few arrogant jerks, but fortunately, they are in the minority! A colleague of my husband's told me he's had 60 different species in his yard and I think he expected me to tell him what our "yard list" was, but I don't keep track except in little notebooks which would take forever to go through. We've not even kept up with our "life list" but maybe that can go on my husband's list of things to do once he retires at the end of the school year! He used to keep track on a spreadsheet, so now it's time to update. Being a birder is just one facet of loving the creation. I'm a Romans 8 girl, groaning with the creation and waiting for its redemption, but I thought Birdingmom was a better handle for Substack b/c I use Romans8girl a lot.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I love it!!!

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Dr Tess Lawrie is a babe!

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😆 She is indeed a cutiepie 😻

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

She could have warts all over her face, she’s a fucking ANGEL (my dad used to call me that when I took care of him)….Angel, not Fucking Angel🤣🤣

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From personal experience and personal acquaintances, I think things are turning around for the better. I know this is anecdotal, but enough anecdotes and then you have what? Well, a Movement I reckon!

Peace is easy and I'm hanging in there and hope the rest of you all are as well - permaculture is a topic of focus for me in 2022.


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I love your optimism and peaceful spirit, Ken, and here’s to a fruitful and triumphant 2022!

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