If there is any fairness in this world, and we know there isn't much, Dr. Malone would truly deserve to receive the Nobel Prize for his tireless work in saving lives at risk of death or disability from what amounts to a world wide medical experiment (if it's not something worse). He benefits greatly, and obviously knows it, from the brilliant spotlight your writing shines upon him. Two crusaders, working together, can make a huge difference. Thank you.
I always love to receive your kind and loving comments to my remarks, but please don't feel badly that your important research and writing must take precedence - your faithful supporters and readers know what we mean to you, and the gratitude that is in your heart. That is enough. 🤗
You are so right, HUMDEEDEE! We need to create a new Nobel for the *real* scientists, doctors, and other heroes brave enough to speak truths that expose corruption, propaganda, menticide, and tyranny! Maybe it can be called the Malone Prize ;-)
And thank you for your sweet P.S. and understanding 💗 As you can see, I haven’t been very disciplined and am still responding to all the comments ;-) I figured I’d answer the ones that came in before I crash (which I must do soon) and will likely need to delay responding to subsequent ones until after I finish the OHA letter given the urgency of the deadline.
As a swede, I approve most heartily with your idea of an alternative for the Nobel prize. It has been thoroughly politicised the past two decades, not only the peace prize (which is handled by the norwegians) but the entire spirit of the prize has been corrupted. The Nobel committe chooses who is allowed to nominate someone for the prize.
For the past 10 to 15 years, they have barred the leader of the only party opposing the rule of the socialist party, from participating. It has otherwise been tradition from the start that all party leaders of the parties in parliament be invited, even the communist party. But not the Sweden Democrats, as they are set against globalist agenda (and are as of now the second largest party). The excuse is they have "the wrong values". Meanwhile, representatives from countries like Iran, China and Saudi Arabia aparently have the right values seeing as they get to sit at the king's table.
The elevant passage of Alfred Nobel's lat will and testament can be read here:
I appreciate your perspective as a Swede and agree about the politicization of the Nobel Prize. It’s almost a badge of dishonor now as it means you are serving the Establishment if you get it ;-)
Might i suggest naming the new Nobel Prize after Kary Mullis. While this “pandemic” would not exist without his PCR, were he still alive he would have opposed using it for such. Just like he did with hiv. Have you seen Mullis interviewed by Gary Null or read the Rebel Genius article about Mullis written by Celia Farber?
I do agree Kary was a hero and was a serious threat to Dr. Mengelfauci and his agenda. I haven’t seen the interview or read the article, so please share the links when you get a chance. I do follow Celia on Substack and appreciate the brave reporting she has been doing on these matters for decades (as documented extensively in “The Real Anthony Fauci”).
Celia saved my life by introducing me to Dr Duesberg’s science, fact and verifiable data based dissent from the unproven but generally accepted as unquestionable hiv theory in 1987. Been searching since then for something/anything to prove the hiv theory true and explain why so many of my friends, heroes and loved ones are dead. The only explanation that makes sense is that the only thing they all have in common is that every single one of them followed prescribed treatment for an often undetectable phantom. The recommended treatment that i refused in 1987.
Robert Shetterly, a Maine artist, has been doing portraits (with short quotes) of "Americans Who Tell the Truth" since 9/11. He has done well over 100 (200?) and putting that phrase into a search engine will bring them up. The subjects are both historical and contemporary.
I do remember your recommending Robert’s work, and it is impressive! I was disappointed to see Noam Chomsky amongst his subjects, but as you mentioned, that was from before he became a bootlicking conformist ;-)
Right?! I have not spent a ton of time before on the comment section here but WTH, she can respond 3x faster and more poignantly than a legion of posters all the while writing some other voluminous piece. It’s like her version of whack-o-mole.
Thank you, a very appropriate tribute! If only we had more ppl like him, with some serious spine! Dr. Malone had been very cautious and politically correct initially, but with every hit against him he grew more pugnacious - just the opposite of what the mean attacks intended. Kudos to him and others like him that we all know. How about becoming the political leaders next? We need honesty up high, for a change.
Unfortunately, the best people are the least likely to desire political power, and I wouldn’t wish that misery on them! The eternal challenge of trying to find an honest, ethical politician who isn’t power-hungry …
Funny, I just posted that same observation about Malone being very reserved initially before reading yours. For those of us who went through "the awakening" many years ago, it's quite interesting to observe others come to the realization that the world is not what we previously believed to be.
*lol* I came up with that in an el gato malo post where he was asking for another term for fact-checking, and I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to use it 😆
If history is "allowed" to be written and taught correctly, Dr Malone will be one of those figures our great great great Grandchildren will be reading about. I truly believe he chose the right side of history and I have incredible respect for him. Your post only served to further my respect for this courageous and *real* Doctor.
Amazing write-up. This is a historic piece, documenting how the peaceful revolution took hold, thanks in large part to principled people like Dr. Malone. Thanks too to writer's like Margaret Anna who know how to put it all together in a coherent fashion..Early on, I perceived Dr. Malone as being rather reserved in his comments. But, as he himself noted, once you see through the lies and deception (I call, evil) there is no "un-seeing" it.
What a phenomenal comment, Scooter, and I, too, feel it has been extraordinary to behold the transformation of Dr. Malone’s thinking in under a year. His intellectual curiosity, humility, open mind, and willingness to trod the unbeaten path to make his own discoveries has resulted in ever-increasing levels of awakening. He had a lot of catching up to do, but he was a quick study and is now fully cognizant of the threats we face and willing to do everything necessary to fight them.
I just wrote a piece about the Great Barrington Declaration and I will share it here.
I thought I would re-visit the Great Barrington Declaration to see how the document holds after more than a year since it was published. I first read the document about 7 months ago.
The Great Barrington Declaration was authored and signed on October 4, 2020. The signers were Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. It laid out a plan for dealing with covid. If you have not read it here is a link.
From the declaration,
“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.”
We have seen all of these prediction come to pass. The working class and younger people we know are less prone to a harmful covid disease because of their age. However, they are the most affected by the massive shutdown of the economic drivers of our society. Service industries, food preparation, delivery, and transportation systems have been shut down affecting access to necessary goods to many more people. People are out of work; people are not able to get proper health care as hospitals are always waiting, waiting for the covid patients who may never arrive. So many of the deaths that had been attributed to covid were not caused by covid at all. Here is a report from England and Wales that says just 6,000 people died of covid instead of the 150,000 number reported earlier by the government.
Children have been out of school or in school wearing harmful masks and have an increasing level of mental health issues. Teacher Stacey Lance wrote,
“Our students were taught to think of their schools as hubs for infection and themselves as vectors of disease. This has fundamentally altered their understanding of themselves.”
The Declaration covered the likelihood of serious disease with this statement.
“We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.”
The Declaration continues,
“keeping these measures (containment) in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage”
We know now that the vaccine didn’t curtail government containment policies so they continued to cause untold damage.
The declaration said,
“We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine.”
We will never know what the overall effect of vaccines but now we know that they likely had little beneficial effects. James Stanbury talks about their “negative efficacy” and that,
“While you may get a benefit for earlier variants (from vaccines), the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.”
The Barrington declaration is correct in saying that health stability and immunity is not dependent on a vaccine.
It goes on to declare,
“The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk.”
We know that those who are not vulnerable recover quickly from covid and if they have not been vaccinated their immunity is better. If we had put most of our care and energy into protecting the vulnerable and not wasted so much money, energy and professional time and worry on the masses, then the vulnerable would have been better served. It is difficult to find information on Intensive care units filling up and overflowing. I have only heard of a few. I know in Canada the province of Saskatchewan did have an overflow in their ICU. They are a province of a million people and have only 79 ICU beds. I don’t think it is just covid that is causing trouble in our hospitals. I have been to the emergency ward of my hospital a number of times prior to covid where there had been 7 or 8 patients in beds or chairs in the hallway.
We also know now that if other low cost treatments, like ivermectin, had been used that hospitalizations would have been much less. Stephanie Brail found information about ivermectin use in India. India has had many fewer deaths that the first world countries.
The Barrington Declaration goes on to talk about ways to protect the vulnerable; one way is to use staff that has acquired immunity. As we know much of the North American way is to fire the unvaccinated workers, even though they are the ones who could naturally became immune with covid recovery.
The Declaration states that life should not have changed for those who are not vulnerable. If they are sick they stay home. Everything stays open; all business can continue to operate. People can work from home but non-risk people should continue to go to work. This is a wise, prudent, rational, and loving approach, an approach that wouldn’t have fear mongering attached to it, and it wouldn’t have sparked the terrible way the unvaccinated have been treated.
One thing I greatly admire Barrington approach is shown with this statement,
“People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”
The vulnerable may participate it they wish. They can decide for themselves whether to see their families and friends or not. They will not be at the mercy of the state deciding for them what the state thinks I the best course.
I don’t see anything in The Great Barrington Declaration that doesn’t hit the bull’s eye.
Our fascist PM is ramping it up here. All those things are being threatened. In the two years we've had as an underpopulated well endowed with fertile soils country there's been no effort to build up food resilience which is low currently. Too much food comes in by ship and we don't have a large enough navy to keep it that way.'
Criminals, her and her idiot bretheren. I think we should conduct the trials without them and then leave it to the people to enforce the penalties.
We'll be a little more resilient than most. Yes I have a garden and I've already commandeered part of the lawn. Having is one thing. You also need to defend.
It's perfectly clear where the courage and self-sacrifice lies at this moment. And Malone has embodied it, as have you. The only reward for truth at this moment is the knowledge you have spoken it, the felt experience of having uttered it, and the good it might do for the larger world. The cost is the vicious efforts to silence and to destroy you. Guess what most people choose? For what it's worth, I discuss mass formation psychosis from a psychologist's point of view here: https://wearyprof.substack.com/p/mass-formation-psychosis-a-psychologists
Thank you for your beautiful and poetic comment, Rotten in Denmark.
Your article looks fascinating—it may be a few days before I can get to it, but I look forward to reading once time permits. I appreciate your perspective as a psychology professor.
Okay. You're right. I was exaggerating. But far too many.
Where I live - in the San Francisco Bay Area - it's full-blown fascism. One can't participate in civic life at all unless one is not only double jabbed but also "boosted." Well-fitting masks are universally required. (Not just any mask, mind you. Well-fitting masks. None of this pull-a scarf-over-your-nose-and-mouth faux-compliance is tolerated around here.) People are terrified of one another. The level of hysteria and anti-sociality that people exhibit is horrifying. Young children have been ruined for life, I'm sure. They've been conditioned to be terrified of everything and everyone.
The craziness is at different levels in different places. None of it is based on science. People support it based on very low information and misinformation from MSM. They shut out other views because they can't concieve that the govt is as corrupt as it really is. People who think they already know aren't likely to seek out more information. The Party trained may be the most dangerous.
Sorry to be critical, because I applauded Malone and McCullough coming forward as loudly as anyone did.
But let's not start yet another cult.
I'm sorry to see Malone created a doctrine and named it for himself.
Recognize that Malone's long history with vaccines and experience with Fauci cuts both ways. Why didn't he expose Fauci decades ago, long before he came to personify "science"?
Malone is only BEGINNING his dive into the rabbit hole. He's way late to the game. He arrived on the scene a FULL YEAR too late to do anything for the millions of children and young people who have been chemically raped. Now, when it's been clear for months that those who were going to get vaxxed already have, he appears.
I'm not raising doubts about Malone -- not yet. But I'm saying straight up that a new hero is NOT what we need.
The heroes/leaders-followers model HAS FAILED.
HERE is where it ALWAYS leads.
Of the people, by the people, and for the people needs to become a reality and stop being a thought-terminating cliché.
We don't need big daddies, mommies, brothers or sisters. We need each other.
Better late than never. He is a hero but one of many. Some well known and some not known by many. Anyone who speaks out about what has happened and is still happening is a hero. Especially when there is a consequence to speaking up. We do need each other because the battle will not be won by any one individual.
No need to apologize, Millard—I appreciate your feedback!
I wholeheartedly agree that we don’t want another cult/cult leader :-) I consider Malone one of *many* heroic individuals speaking out, as I explain in the inspiration behind creating the “Profiles in Courage” series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) in response to a comment by someone saying, “these days, there [is] no bravery and there are no heroes”:
“I can name almost a million, including Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and everyone he and his Berlin Corona Investigative Committee have interviewed; all those I cited as examples in Letter to a Colluder; and RFK and everyone he listed in the Acknowledgments of The Real Anthony Fauci.…
“Plus every ordinary human being who chooses not to comply in the face of astronomical pressure and especially those who are brave enough to speak out against tyranny.”
To clarify, Malone did *not* create a doctrine and name it for himself. I’m glad you mentioned that as it made me realize not everyone will click the link I provided for that item, so I have revised that sentence accordingly:
“His approach to scientific integrity inspired Andrew Aken, Edward Dowd, Thomas Lewis, and Barry O’Keefe to formulate the Malone Doctrine.”
I also understand your questions regarding why Malone didn’t come out earlier about Fauci, et al. I am not excusing him, but if you have read “The Real Anthony Fauci,” you realize the entire scientific/medical research community was basically caught in a catch-22 where it was nearly impossible to expose corruption without destroying your career and everything you had studied and worked to achieve over decades. There is also a lot of groupthink that goes on, and it takes a concentrated effort to break out of that conformist thinking as well as to summon the courage to decry the corruption and lies once you do begin to realize the extent of it.
It is easy for me to sit on the sidelines saying scientists inside the system should have spoken out sooner, but I understand the forces that kept them from doing so and I applaud them for finally speaking out. You’re right in that Malone was late to the awakening, but he is making up for it by catching up at lightning speed and using his voice to help others awaken as well.
I am also in full agreement with this statement:
Indeed, one of the articles I have had in my queue to write for ages is, “We Don’t Need Another Hero.”
That said, I have found that profiling examples of courage in this series is incredibly inspiring, and I want to focus on positive examples that spark others to act as their own heroes, as you’ve stated here.
I'm all for showcasing honesty and how powerful it is. I back away from using words like "hero" and "courage" in connection with simple, unapologetic honesty, because in the situations where it counts it feels nothing like courage or heroism. It feels scary as shit.
*Everyone* I've ever known and admired for speaking up when it mattered felt the *opposite* of courageous and heroic when they did it as well as in retrospect. Instead, they felt like they did very poorly and should have been far more bold and confident and said far more.
I haven't read RFK's book yet, but when it comes to how a cult forms and operates -- which is what you're alluding to -- I'm well aware. 30 years ago I was excommunicated from a small but international Bible cult after 15 years a member. It cost me my marriage (they turned her against me) and my sons grew up in a broken home. I know exactly how cult is done.
So I well understand why Malone stayed trapped for so long and I'm glad he escaped. That does not excuse him for being complicit for so long. Nor would he as an honest, caring person wish to be excused. I can tell you that my sons do not excuse me for the fact that they were born into a cult and for my complicity in a situation that resulted our home getting turned into into a war zone. The fact that I never wanted what happened doesn't matter. The fact that I did everything possible to avoid and mitigate it doesn't matter. What mattered is what happened and the damage it caused and the pain and silent horror they lived through.
I definitely get and agree with much of what you’re saying and appreciate your perspective all the more given your harrowing personal experiences with cults. (Perhaps you have some ideas on how to crack the Covidian cult programming given that background? :-)
I understand why you’re hard on yourself and others for remaining complicit for so long, but I also understand the enormous pressure of conformity, groupthink, and other cognitive biases that can cause people to commit deeds against their own consciences. As you likely recall from reading my “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling), “Ordinary Men” reveals that *only 12* men out of 500 summoned the moral fortitude to resist the pressure to participate in the Józefów massacre. So when people who are part of the system finally harness the courage to speak out, I give them all the credit they are due because they are a rarity, and we need their voices in this fight, especially since they often have inside knowledge that can help bring down the tyrants.
Yes, actually, I do have ideas, tested and proven. Cultism, how to escape it and prevent it, is what my work is all about. It's actually not all that difficult. What's hard is getting people to let go of the taboos and dogmas and other superstitions they were raised on since infancy, and by that I don't mean religious stuff (although that's part of it.) But that, too, isn't the most difficult thing. The most difficult is that to get free from the programming we need to let go of our fear of social death, e.g., rejection, shunning, expulsion, abandonment, etc., because in a world this deeply lost in lying and liars, that is the first bit of terrorism people inflict on you the moment they realize you've chosen truth.
Either we make the decision to stand by the truth as we know it or we decide to corrupt the truth in exchange for fictions of friendship and community. If we utterly refuse to end up alone, we will eventually find ourselves utterly alone without remedy once the fictions fall apart. Just ask anyone who is rich who their real friends are. Most of them don't actually know, and that's the rare ones who still want to think they have any.
Sounds like you have incredibly valuable insights on cult deprogramming at a time when they are desperately needed the most! I’ll keep this in mind for my future efforts …
About Dr Malone, I agree. Fauci's been preying on innocents for decades. Malone had to have known it. He should've been screaming from the rooftops the day Pence ''chose'' Fauci to be the face of this murderous assault on humanity. Malone loves vaccines, which makes him suspect, to me. He almost always proclaims that the poison mRNA injections (that he invented!) should not be mandated for children, when in actuality there should be a total ban on them!! And, of course, he's always invested in some new, ''safe'' vaccine that will bear his name. Maybe he'll come around, but imo he's got a long, long way to go.
My understanding is Malone is now quite cynical about the vaccine industry and has called out regulatory capture and the pervasive corruption. As I mentioned elsewhere in these comments, he is exposing the dangers of the vaxxes to *all* ages and has even come to recognize the WEF/Davos depopulation/totalitarian agenda. You’re right in that he had a long way to go, but he is definitely coming around and is catching up quickly and using his voice to stop these crimes against humanity.
Thanks for your reply, and for the numerous other replies on this thread and others. You go above and beyond, in that respect and others, which is one of the reasons that I subscribed. Honestly, I really want to trust Malone, and others. Let's see where he goes from here. Starting today, in DC. Unfortunately, I am nearly deaf, so it's impossible for me to follow speeches, but I hope there will be comprehensive analysis of the happenings in DC today. If, e.g., Malone comes out and reveals the recent data, exposed by one of the big life insurance companies, that there was a 40% increase in mortality among 18-64 yr olds...based on claims....I'll be very pleased and give him a checkmark on the good side. I think it's great that he's ''cynical about the vaccine industry.....'' but my benchmark is to call out actual vaccines, all of them. I'm anti-all-vaccines. Until the vaccine makers and medical providers are stripped of their legal immunity, I will never change my mind. In addition, HHS, as part of the 1986 Vaccine Act that indemnified the poison shot makers, were charged with studying the safety and efficacy of vaccines, including comparing health outcomes of vaxxed vs unvaxxed people. The HHS has never done 1 study! Why not? I think I know the answers to that. Margaret, may I suggest Dr Paul Thomas as a candidate for your Profiles in Courage series? He actually did that study in his Pediatric practice. The unvaxxed children had somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% less office visits and health problems in comparison to the kids who were vaxxed!! No surprise to me. Also, unsurprisingly, the Medical Mafia Board suspended Dr Thomas within days of him publishing that study! Dr Thomas is a true, authentic hero, in my opinion. Like I said, Dr Malone has a long way to go. Thanks again.
I was not aware of Dr. Paul Thomas—thank you for alerting me! It amazes me that as many of these brave physicians and scientists as I’ve discovered over the past year, I am always learning about new ones! I have added him to my list, but it may be a while as I already have a couple hundred on there and only so much time ;-) It is great to know about another truth warrior, regardless.
Margaret, you are all over it. Great article, thanks! Checkmark in the good column for Dr Malone. I just went over to The Highwire. They have a new feature called Get Factscinated. There are a bunch of different articles, including a several minutes interview with Del and Dr Paul Thomas, discussing the above-mentioned study. I know that there's a LOT going on these days, but this is a must see when you get a moment. All the Best.
Haha, thanks, serafino! Glad you enjoyed the article. It has been exciting to watch Dr. Malone’s awareness grow over the course of his articles, and he’s not afraid to embrace the title “conspiracy theorist” now that he’s taken the time to investigate many of them himself and has seen how much corroborating evidence there is to support those postulations.
Thank you for mentioning “Get Factsinated”! I noticed it when I was there getting a link earlier but didn’t have time to see what it was about. Since you’ve recommended it, I’ll tab it off for later viewing if my schedule ever permits!
I agree. Anyone who still values vaccines of any kind is no hero to me. And the distinction between giving the mRNA poison to kids vs. adults is ridiculous. They should not be give to anyone, regardless of age, for any reason.
I agree, Truthbird, and Dr. Malone’s latest articles and interviews reflect his evolved thinking on these matters, as I’ve noted in my other responses to comments expressing similar concerns.
Serafino, I only theoretically publish a newsletter. Substack says I do, and I might, if I did not have to contend with destructive forces which severely limit my ability to function. Do you know what electronic harassment is? (Hint: it's not having people troll you on social media.) It's being subjected to stealth weaponry. I've contended with this for decades, and it has made me unable to accomplish tasks which demand sustained concentration for any significant length of time, which writing a newsletter requires. I wish I could, but the fact is, I can't.
Thank you for this and Letter to a Governing Body, both masterpieces in clarity, detail and documentation! I just told my wife yesterday that Dr. Malone was my sanest rock in the Covid storm so it was a joy to see this piece!
Also, pleasantly surprised Unreported Truths wasn’t among your 120 Substack authors unlike so many people I see on Substack.
Aww, thank you for the enthusiastic comment, TrackCat!
And yes, I jettisoned Alex after he blindsided Dr. Malone and echoed BigPharma disinformation talking points on ivermectin—and worse, he doubled-down and only issued a comment to “The Daily Beast” while ignoring the thousands of requests from his subscribers to acknowledge their concerns.
I considered adding a footnote about the kerfuffle but didn’t want to pollute Dr. Malone’s profile with the drama (although I did include a few related links).
If you’re interested in my comments on the matter, you can search for my name in these threads:
While I appreciate Dr. Malone's efforts to distance himself from his previous decades long work supporting the satanic, anti-life (allopathic) big pharma industry, we need to keep in mind that he remains an advocate of deadly vaccines. Are his recent losses due to a lot of accumulated bad karma?
The average lifespan of Americans has gone down in recent years, not up. 54% of Americans now suffer from chronic illness, up from 6% in 1960. In 1940 1 in 20,000 boys had autism. Today its 1 in 22. A lot of evidence points to vaccines being a primary culprit in these trends. Why does Dr. Malone not take the next step and acknowledge that the pharmaceutical system is a failed medical model?
I think his position on vaccines has changed and continues to evolve. He talks about how much he learned from serving as an advisor on RFK Jr.’s book. I think it opened his eyes to a *lot*, and he has talked about how his industry has been destroyed. The important thing is the scales have fallen from his eyes, and he is learning at an extraordinary rate. Most importantly, he is committed to fighting democide and tyranny, which to me override all other matters until we halt them.
I've been following him closely and I agree, he has come a very long way. Kudos to him for the having the honor and courage to do that. But the permanent injury and death toll from the jabs is now into the millions and will go much higher soon enough. In my mind, acknowledging the satanic mass-murder-by-jab program should be priority #1. Stop that and the tyranny and all other forms of democide will be exposed.
There may be no one in a better position to do that than Dr. Malone. He may be the brightest, most thoughtful and well spoken person I've come across. If he takes this step he will not only garner all the dignity and respect I can give him and I'm sure, that of millions more, he will also become a force to be reckoned with internationally. He could tip the scales if he makes the right moves.
Agreed, except I feel defeating tyranny needs equal weight because if they achieve full-blown totalitarianism, they will inflict the democide using any means at their disposal, and they won’t need our permission to do so.
I hope that when he discovers, as he is right now, just how bad and convoluted things really are, he doesn't choose to "go back into the 'Matrix'" like that character in the Matrix movies did, coming to prefer the artificial, fake "reality" over True Reality, seeing as how True Reality is surrounded by mostly evil, and we are up against it without let-up. One truly feels like a David up against a real Goliath, even someone as experienced as Dr. Malone.
The PTB will probably end up buying-off most of the truthtellers, or will eliminate them; and, with that threat hanging over his / their head(s), unless they TRULY have God through Jesus the Christ, the ONLY Way to God (John 14:6), many of them will likely capitulate rather than be willing to die, and end up being shill-supporters of the globalist-eugenicist agenda. Have you been threatened yet, M.A.? I hope you are taking precautions against same.
Dr. Malone has made it *very* clear in his writings, speeches, and interviews that there is NO going back for him now that he’s this deep into the rabbit-hole and is beginning to understand the depth and breadth of the corruption and genuine evil. He has embraced his mission to defeat tyranny and democide with all his being.
No threats for me, thankfully! I’m still pretty under the radar, intentionally so. My husband is a former Marine who takes his duty to protect me deadly seriously :-)
No one is under the radar in a police state, a.k.a. a national security state. You may think you are, but you're not. Nevertheless, you're probably relatively safe. I hope that remains the case.
If it's true, as some on this thread have reported, that Malone is working with the developers of the Novavax covid vaccine, I think we can safely assume he has not left the mainstream. It seems to me he's trying to have it both ways, but that's not going to work. Sooner or later he'll have to choose.
GoAlive already covered this, but Dr. Malone already exposed the fraudulent claims in that hit piece, very likely a BigPharma-funded endeavor intended to discredit him because he is such a big threat to the COVID narrative and tyranny:
I think some caution is warranted for coronating too quickly, because of the potential damage for disillusionment if things later begin to sour. I would like to mention that Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny has fought for medical freedom for decades, even much longer than my 2 decades - mostly with only our patients and their families at our sides during that time, because nobody but iatrogenically injured patients and their families had medical freedom on their radar yet. Drs Tenpenny, Blaylock, Humphries, Mercola have understood vaccine injury and lack of effectiveness or safety for decades each, adding up to more than a century among the five of us, and of course have spoken knowledgeably about all things COVID. America's Frontline Doctors were warning people not to take this vaccine while others were still rolling up the sleeve, although Robt Malone deserves enormous credit for telling so much truth on Joe Rogan that a public starved for truth appreciated that to the tune of 50 million listeners.
Now there is this out this morning from Health Freedom for Humanity:
I appreciate Robert Malone's honesty regarding medical freedom and bodily autonomy. I think he has stated those principles well and eloquently. However, I think some caution is warranted for coronating too quickly, because hero worship is enough of a human foible that there is the potential damage of deflated mojo in the medical freedom movement when new information arises, if it turns out that people find it to be disappointing. Perhaps a disclosure about whatever relationship exists with a competing product would be helpful when Dr. Malone discusses the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. This would readily clear up any concerns and would not detract from his very important message.
Excellent points, Colleen! Yes, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is on my list. I watched a great interview with her a while back. I thought it was “Planet Lockdown” but can’t find it in the interviews (https://planetlockdownfilm.com/full-interviews/). I’ve known about Mercola for years, of course, long before his brave work over the past two years. I don’t know Blaylock and Humphries, though, so feel free to point me to any links you feel are good representatives of their work.
I hope you saw Dr. Malone’s debunking of what was very likely a BigPharma-funded hit piece on him:
We need to be especially cautious of salacious hit pieces like these as their current strategy is to sow the seeds of doubt in the “anti-vax” community against the people who represent the biggest threats to the COVID narrative/tyranny, and right now, those people happen to be RFK Jr., Malone, Rogan, and McCullough to a lesser extent.
I just remembered to get back to your request, and please pardon the delay. Suzanne Humphries MD wrote an excellent and unforgettable history of vaccine injuries over the centuries of use, entitled Dissolving Illusions, dissolvingillusions.com She has spoken widely on the subject, both here and in Europe, both history and mechanisms, and has faced death threats for doing so.
Russell Blaylock MD has also discussed vaccine injury at times over the years. Specifically he urges patients and parents not to mindlessly accept any recommendation from their doctors, but rather to do some homework and learn about risks and benefits first, but that could be said about the entire naturopathic, chiropractic and acupuncture professions as well.
No worries—I’m still climbing out of the quicksand myself.
I learned about “Dissolving Illusions” from Anne Can’t Stand It (https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/eye-opener) and immediately got the audiobook! Now I just have to find time to listen to it along with a few thousand others ;-)
Thank you for the recommendations—good to know whom you respect.
I did see the response by Robert Malone, but not a debunking. Malone took offense over what Witzeman wrote. Jeff Witzeman had posted a video of Malone discussing his work with a COVID vaccine product that is not on the market, a product that may or may not be potential competition to the current vaccines. This was narrated in Malone's voice, not Witzeman's.
Jeff Witzeman is a very decent person whom I have known for years, an award-winning documentary maker dedicated to health freedom for at least several years, who himself has been the victim of Pharma-funded attacks. He started Health Freedom for Humanity, because that is his goal.
Instead of the feud that happened, what should have happened earlier, before this feud, is what normally happens at medical and scientific conferences: A speaker discloses at the beginning their consultancy and financial relationships, especially regarding competing products, even if no longer the case. This is standard and expected procedure at medical and scientific conferences. For Malone to do so would have surprised no one, and disappointed no one, because we know of Malone's history with mRNA product invention. Making such a disclosure would not have led to uncomfortable disclosures coming from others later on, and would not have damaged in any way, I believe, Malone's excellent message of bodily autonomy, health freedom and taking a cautious approach to new medical products, especially those that we know are causing injury. If Robert Malone had done this on the Rogan podcast and in other interviews, we would not have this very disappointing and unnecessary feud now. So I can assure you that this is not a big Pharma attack, but likely enough of a kerfuffle to have pharma chortling over it, which itself is a shame. I would say that Malone now likely knows to include such disclosures in the future, that neglecting to do so was likely an oversight in informal settings, such as on Rogan, where the conversation is fluid and spontaneous, and we should move forward together as much as we can.
I am not intending any of the above remarks as disparagement of either Malone or Witzeman. Both have much to offer, and I look forward to learning of both of their future contributions to the health freedom movement.
Wow, thank you for the additional details, Colleen, and it is helpful to hear your perspective on Jeff.
I understand the disclosure concerns, although Malone contends:
“This is not my vaccine, I am not engaged as a consultant by Reliance, and I have no financial interests in this vaccine.”
If that is the case, I’m not sure what he should have disclosed on Rogan. Regardless, I do hope the two of them can patch this up and come to an amicable resolution.
If there is any fairness in this world, and we know there isn't much, Dr. Malone would truly deserve to receive the Nobel Prize for his tireless work in saving lives at risk of death or disability from what amounts to a world wide medical experiment (if it's not something worse). He benefits greatly, and obviously knows it, from the brilliant spotlight your writing shines upon him. Two crusaders, working together, can make a huge difference. Thank you.
I always love to receive your kind and loving comments to my remarks, but please don't feel badly that your important research and writing must take precedence - your faithful supporters and readers know what we mean to you, and the gratitude that is in your heart. That is enough. 🤗
You are so right, HUMDEEDEE! We need to create a new Nobel for the *real* scientists, doctors, and other heroes brave enough to speak truths that expose corruption, propaganda, menticide, and tyranny! Maybe it can be called the Malone Prize ;-)
And thank you for your sweet P.S. and understanding 💗 As you can see, I haven’t been very disciplined and am still responding to all the comments ;-) I figured I’d answer the ones that came in before I crash (which I must do soon) and will likely need to delay responding to subsequent ones until after I finish the OHA letter given the urgency of the deadline.
As a swede, I approve most heartily with your idea of an alternative for the Nobel prize. It has been thoroughly politicised the past two decades, not only the peace prize (which is handled by the norwegians) but the entire spirit of the prize has been corrupted. The Nobel committe chooses who is allowed to nominate someone for the prize.
For the past 10 to 15 years, they have barred the leader of the only party opposing the rule of the socialist party, from participating. It has otherwise been tradition from the start that all party leaders of the parties in parliament be invited, even the communist party. But not the Sweden Democrats, as they are set against globalist agenda (and are as of now the second largest party). The excuse is they have "the wrong values". Meanwhile, representatives from countries like Iran, China and Saudi Arabia aparently have the right values seeing as they get to sit at the king's table.
The elevant passage of Alfred Nobel's lat will and testament can be read here:
"...distributed annually as prizes to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind."
If I could, I would nominate those brave doctors and nurses who in the US and other nations have upheld their Hippocratic oath.
I appreciate your perspective as a Swede and agree about the politicization of the Nobel Prize. It’s almost a badge of dishonor now as it means you are serving the Establishment if you get it ;-)
I also agree with your proposed nominees! 👏
Might i suggest naming the new Nobel Prize after Kary Mullis. While this “pandemic” would not exist without his PCR, were he still alive he would have opposed using it for such. Just like he did with hiv. Have you seen Mullis interviewed by Gary Null or read the Rebel Genius article about Mullis written by Celia Farber?
Great suggestion, Brother🍓 Strawberry!
I do agree Kary was a hero and was a serious threat to Dr. Mengelfauci and his agenda. I haven’t seen the interview or read the article, so please share the links when you get a chance. I do follow Celia on Substack and appreciate the brave reporting she has been doing on these matters for decades (as documented extensively in “The Real Anthony Fauci”).
Have You seen the excellent piece Celia published about David Crowe?
I do follow Celia but hadn’t seen that piece since it was before I signed up. Looks intriguing and thanks for the links!
Celia saved my life by introducing me to Dr Duesberg’s science, fact and verifiable data based dissent from the unproven but generally accepted as unquestionable hiv theory in 1987. Been searching since then for something/anything to prove the hiv theory true and explain why so many of my friends, heroes and loved ones are dead. The only explanation that makes sense is that the only thing they all have in common is that every single one of them followed prescribed treatment for an often undetectable phantom. The recommended treatment that i refused in 1987.
Kary Mullis the full interview by Gary Null https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nuWH1zFfX5A
Robert Shetterly, a Maine artist, has been doing portraits (with short quotes) of "Americans Who Tell the Truth" since 9/11. He has done well over 100 (200?) and putting that phrase into a search engine will bring them up. The subjects are both historical and contemporary.
I do remember your recommending Robert’s work, and it is impressive! I was disappointed to see Noam Chomsky amongst his subjects, but as you mentioned, that was from before he became a bootlicking conformist ;-)
Right?! I have not spent a ton of time before on the comment section here but WTH, she can respond 3x faster and more poignantly than a legion of posters all the while writing some other voluminous piece. It’s like her version of whack-o-mole.
Thank you, a very appropriate tribute! If only we had more ppl like him, with some serious spine! Dr. Malone had been very cautious and politically correct initially, but with every hit against him he grew more pugnacious - just the opposite of what the mean attacks intended. Kudos to him and others like him that we all know. How about becoming the political leaders next? We need honesty up high, for a change.
Well-stated, Andreas, and I wholeheartedly agree!
Unfortunately, the best people are the least likely to desire political power, and I wouldn’t wish that misery on them! The eternal challenge of trying to find an honest, ethical politician who isn’t power-hungry …
Yet, there is no alternative! Florida anyone?
Funny, I just posted that same observation about Malone being very reserved initially before reading yours. For those of us who went through "the awakening" many years ago, it's quite interesting to observe others come to the realization that the world is not what we previously believed to be.
excellent article thankyou, I'm going to have to steal 'fact chokers' :D
*lol* I came up with that in an el gato malo post where he was asking for another term for fact-checking, and I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to use it 😆
If history is "allowed" to be written and taught correctly, Dr Malone will be one of those figures our great great great Grandchildren will be reading about. I truly believe he chose the right side of history and I have incredible respect for him. Your post only served to further my respect for this courageous and *real* Doctor.
YES!! We are writing—and *making*—that history as we speak!
Amazing write-up. This is a historic piece, documenting how the peaceful revolution took hold, thanks in large part to principled people like Dr. Malone. Thanks too to writer's like Margaret Anna who know how to put it all together in a coherent fashion..Early on, I perceived Dr. Malone as being rather reserved in his comments. But, as he himself noted, once you see through the lies and deception (I call, evil) there is no "un-seeing" it.
What a phenomenal comment, Scooter, and I, too, feel it has been extraordinary to behold the transformation of Dr. Malone’s thinking in under a year. His intellectual curiosity, humility, open mind, and willingness to trod the unbeaten path to make his own discoveries has resulted in ever-increasing levels of awakening. He had a lot of catching up to do, but he was a quick study and is now fully cognizant of the threats we face and willing to do everything necessary to fight them.
An excellent recap of all that Dr. Malone has done to stand up against authoritarian. Thank you for highlighting him. Bravo.
So glad you appreciate both my profile and Dr. Malone, Johanna!
Oh Margaret, you are a shining light for all of us fighting tyranny at johannaneuman.substack.com
Aww, thanks for shining your light, too, Johanna 🙌
Bumper sticker (make your own) We reserve the right not to BARE arms! Injunctions, not injections!
I just wrote a piece about the Great Barrington Declaration and I will share it here.
I thought I would re-visit the Great Barrington Declaration to see how the document holds after more than a year since it was published. I first read the document about 7 months ago.
The Great Barrington Declaration was authored and signed on October 4, 2020. The signers were Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. It laid out a plan for dealing with covid. If you have not read it here is a link.
From the declaration,
“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.”
We have seen all of these prediction come to pass. The working class and younger people we know are less prone to a harmful covid disease because of their age. However, they are the most affected by the massive shutdown of the economic drivers of our society. Service industries, food preparation, delivery, and transportation systems have been shut down affecting access to necessary goods to many more people. People are out of work; people are not able to get proper health care as hospitals are always waiting, waiting for the covid patients who may never arrive. So many of the deaths that had been attributed to covid were not caused by covid at all. Here is a report from England and Wales that says just 6,000 people died of covid instead of the 150,000 number reported earlier by the government.
Children have been out of school or in school wearing harmful masks and have an increasing level of mental health issues. Teacher Stacey Lance wrote,
“Our students were taught to think of their schools as hubs for infection and themselves as vectors of disease. This has fundamentally altered their understanding of themselves.”
The Declaration covered the likelihood of serious disease with this statement.
“We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.”
The Declaration continues,
“keeping these measures (containment) in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage”
We know now that the vaccine didn’t curtail government containment policies so they continued to cause untold damage.
The declaration said,
“We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine.”
We will never know what the overall effect of vaccines but now we know that they likely had little beneficial effects. James Stanbury talks about their “negative efficacy” and that,
“While you may get a benefit for earlier variants (from vaccines), the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.”
The Barrington declaration is correct in saying that health stability and immunity is not dependent on a vaccine.
It goes on to declare,
“The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk.”
We know that those who are not vulnerable recover quickly from covid and if they have not been vaccinated their immunity is better. If we had put most of our care and energy into protecting the vulnerable and not wasted so much money, energy and professional time and worry on the masses, then the vulnerable would have been better served. It is difficult to find information on Intensive care units filling up and overflowing. I have only heard of a few. I know in Canada the province of Saskatchewan did have an overflow in their ICU. They are a province of a million people and have only 79 ICU beds. I don’t think it is just covid that is causing trouble in our hospitals. I have been to the emergency ward of my hospital a number of times prior to covid where there had been 7 or 8 patients in beds or chairs in the hallway.
We also know now that if other low cost treatments, like ivermectin, had been used that hospitalizations would have been much less. Stephanie Brail found information about ivermectin use in India. India has had many fewer deaths that the first world countries.
The Barrington Declaration goes on to talk about ways to protect the vulnerable; one way is to use staff that has acquired immunity. As we know much of the North American way is to fire the unvaccinated workers, even though they are the ones who could naturally became immune with covid recovery.
The Declaration states that life should not have changed for those who are not vulnerable. If they are sick they stay home. Everything stays open; all business can continue to operate. People can work from home but non-risk people should continue to go to work. This is a wise, prudent, rational, and loving approach, an approach that wouldn’t have fear mongering attached to it, and it wouldn’t have sparked the terrible way the unvaccinated have been treated.
One thing I greatly admire Barrington approach is shown with this statement,
“People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”
The vulnerable may participate it they wish. They can decide for themselves whether to see their families and friends or not. They will not be at the mercy of the state deciding for them what the state thinks I the best course.
I don’t see anything in The Great Barrington Declaration that doesn’t hit the bull’s eye.
What a great idea to revisit the Great Barrington Declaration and see how accurate its predictions were! Thank you for this comprehensive analysis.
Reminds me of my “A Very Boring Story About What Could Have Been in Under 200 Words” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/early-blooming-parentheses-a-very).
Our fascist PM is ramping it up here. All those things are being threatened. In the two years we've had as an underpopulated well endowed with fertile soils country there's been no effort to build up food resilience which is low currently. Too much food comes in by ship and we don't have a large enough navy to keep it that way.'
Criminals, her and her idiot bretheren. I think we should conduct the trials without them and then leave it to the people to enforce the penalties.
I’m so sorry, Rich. The food situation is particularly unnerving. Can you grow a garden or do whatever you can to become more self-sufficient?
I like your idea 😁
We'll be a little more resilient than most. Yes I have a garden and I've already commandeered part of the lawn. Having is one thing. You also need to defend.
Yes. It does not push the jabs on ANYONE...even those most at risk. It should be each individual's decision.
Wonderful article.Dr.Robert Malone is one of my heroes.Margaret Anna Alice,you are too.
Aww, your comments always bring a warm smile to my heart, dear Mimi 🤗
It's perfectly clear where the courage and self-sacrifice lies at this moment. And Malone has embodied it, as have you. The only reward for truth at this moment is the knowledge you have spoken it, the felt experience of having uttered it, and the good it might do for the larger world. The cost is the vicious efforts to silence and to destroy you. Guess what most people choose? For what it's worth, I discuss mass formation psychosis from a psychologist's point of view here: https://wearyprof.substack.com/p/mass-formation-psychosis-a-psychologists
Thank you for your beautiful and poetic comment, Rotten in Denmark.
Your article looks fascinating—it may be a few days before I can get to it, but I look forward to reading once time permits. I appreciate your perspective as a psychology professor.
Thank you for your powerful and moving Substack, Margaret Anna Alice.
Dr. Malone is a hero. He's so intelligent and articulate and highly qualified to discuss these sensitive topics. If only everyone would listen!
An American Hero! Still the home of the brave!
We live in "one empire, under surveillance, with deceit and oppression for all." Until (to be determined)
Evidently not. America is the home of the terrified, the cowardly, the psychotically brainwashed.
Not all. That's for sure.
Okay. You're right. I was exaggerating. But far too many.
Where I live - in the San Francisco Bay Area - it's full-blown fascism. One can't participate in civic life at all unless one is not only double jabbed but also "boosted." Well-fitting masks are universally required. (Not just any mask, mind you. Well-fitting masks. None of this pull-a scarf-over-your-nose-and-mouth faux-compliance is tolerated around here.) People are terrified of one another. The level of hysteria and anti-sociality that people exhibit is horrifying. Young children have been ruined for life, I'm sure. They've been conditioned to be terrified of everything and everyone.
The craziness is at different levels in different places. None of it is based on science. People support it based on very low information and misinformation from MSM. They shut out other views because they can't concieve that the govt is as corrupt as it really is. People who think they already know aren't likely to seek out more information. The Party trained may be the most dangerous.
Sorry to be critical, because I applauded Malone and McCullough coming forward as loudly as anyone did.
But let's not start yet another cult.
I'm sorry to see Malone created a doctrine and named it for himself.
Recognize that Malone's long history with vaccines and experience with Fauci cuts both ways. Why didn't he expose Fauci decades ago, long before he came to personify "science"?
Malone is only BEGINNING his dive into the rabbit hole. He's way late to the game. He arrived on the scene a FULL YEAR too late to do anything for the millions of children and young people who have been chemically raped. Now, when it's been clear for months that those who were going to get vaxxed already have, he appears.
I'm not raising doubts about Malone -- not yet. But I'm saying straight up that a new hero is NOT what we need.
The heroes/leaders-followers model HAS FAILED.
HERE is where it ALWAYS leads.
Of the people, by the people, and for the people needs to become a reality and stop being a thought-terminating cliché.
We don't need big daddies, mommies, brothers or sisters. We need each other.
Better late than never. He is a hero but one of many. Some well known and some not known by many. Anyone who speaks out about what has happened and is still happening is a hero. Especially when there is a consequence to speaking up. We do need each other because the battle will not be won by any one individual.
Amen, Professor!
No need to apologize, Millard—I appreciate your feedback!
I wholeheartedly agree that we don’t want another cult/cult leader :-) I consider Malone one of *many* heroic individuals speaking out, as I explain in the inspiration behind creating the “Profiles in Courage” series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) in response to a comment by someone saying, “these days, there [is] no bravery and there are no heroes”:
“I can name almost a million, including Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and everyone he and his Berlin Corona Investigative Committee have interviewed; all those I cited as examples in Letter to a Colluder; and RFK and everyone he listed in the Acknowledgments of The Real Anthony Fauci.…
“Plus every ordinary human being who chooses not to comply in the face of astronomical pressure and especially those who are brave enough to speak out against tyranny.”
To clarify, Malone did *not* create a doctrine and name it for himself. I’m glad you mentioned that as it made me realize not everyone will click the link I provided for that item, so I have revised that sentence accordingly:
“His approach to scientific integrity inspired Andrew Aken, Edward Dowd, Thomas Lewis, and Barry O’Keefe to formulate the Malone Doctrine.”
I also understand your questions regarding why Malone didn’t come out earlier about Fauci, et al. I am not excusing him, but if you have read “The Real Anthony Fauci,” you realize the entire scientific/medical research community was basically caught in a catch-22 where it was nearly impossible to expose corruption without destroying your career and everything you had studied and worked to achieve over decades. There is also a lot of groupthink that goes on, and it takes a concentrated effort to break out of that conformist thinking as well as to summon the courage to decry the corruption and lies once you do begin to realize the extent of it.
It is easy for me to sit on the sidelines saying scientists inside the system should have spoken out sooner, but I understand the forces that kept them from doing so and I applaud them for finally speaking out. You’re right in that Malone was late to the awakening, but he is making up for it by catching up at lightning speed and using his voice to help others awaken as well.
I am also in full agreement with this statement:
Indeed, one of the articles I have had in my queue to write for ages is, “We Don’t Need Another Hero.”
That said, I have found that profiling examples of courage in this series is incredibly inspiring, and I want to focus on positive examples that spark others to act as their own heroes, as you’ve stated here.
You're so graceful, I love it.
I'm all for showcasing honesty and how powerful it is. I back away from using words like "hero" and "courage" in connection with simple, unapologetic honesty, because in the situations where it counts it feels nothing like courage or heroism. It feels scary as shit.
*Everyone* I've ever known and admired for speaking up when it mattered felt the *opposite* of courageous and heroic when they did it as well as in retrospect. Instead, they felt like they did very poorly and should have been far more bold and confident and said far more.
I haven't read RFK's book yet, but when it comes to how a cult forms and operates -- which is what you're alluding to -- I'm well aware. 30 years ago I was excommunicated from a small but international Bible cult after 15 years a member. It cost me my marriage (they turned her against me) and my sons grew up in a broken home. I know exactly how cult is done.
So I well understand why Malone stayed trapped for so long and I'm glad he escaped. That does not excuse him for being complicit for so long. Nor would he as an honest, caring person wish to be excused. I can tell you that my sons do not excuse me for the fact that they were born into a cult and for my complicity in a situation that resulted our home getting turned into into a war zone. The fact that I never wanted what happened doesn't matter. The fact that I did everything possible to avoid and mitigate it doesn't matter. What mattered is what happened and the damage it caused and the pain and silent horror they lived through.
I'm listening to Malone now from the event in DC.
Thanks, Millard :-)
I definitely get and agree with much of what you’re saying and appreciate your perspective all the more given your harrowing personal experiences with cults. (Perhaps you have some ideas on how to crack the Covidian cult programming given that background? :-)
I understand why you’re hard on yourself and others for remaining complicit for so long, but I also understand the enormous pressure of conformity, groupthink, and other cognitive biases that can cause people to commit deeds against their own consciences. As you likely recall from reading my “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling), “Ordinary Men” reveals that *only 12* men out of 500 summoned the moral fortitude to resist the pressure to participate in the Józefów massacre. So when people who are part of the system finally harness the courage to speak out, I give them all the credit they are due because they are a rarity, and we need their voices in this fight, especially since they often have inside knowledge that can help bring down the tyrants.
Yes, actually, I do have ideas, tested and proven. Cultism, how to escape it and prevent it, is what my work is all about. It's actually not all that difficult. What's hard is getting people to let go of the taboos and dogmas and other superstitions they were raised on since infancy, and by that I don't mean religious stuff (although that's part of it.) But that, too, isn't the most difficult thing. The most difficult is that to get free from the programming we need to let go of our fear of social death, e.g., rejection, shunning, expulsion, abandonment, etc., because in a world this deeply lost in lying and liars, that is the first bit of terrorism people inflict on you the moment they realize you've chosen truth.
Either we make the decision to stand by the truth as we know it or we decide to corrupt the truth in exchange for fictions of friendship and community. If we utterly refuse to end up alone, we will eventually find ourselves utterly alone without remedy once the fictions fall apart. Just ask anyone who is rich who their real friends are. Most of them don't actually know, and that's the rare ones who still want to think they have any.
Sounds like you have incredibly valuable insights on cult deprogramming at a time when they are desperately needed the most! I’ll keep this in mind for my future efforts …
About Dr Malone, I agree. Fauci's been preying on innocents for decades. Malone had to have known it. He should've been screaming from the rooftops the day Pence ''chose'' Fauci to be the face of this murderous assault on humanity. Malone loves vaccines, which makes him suspect, to me. He almost always proclaims that the poison mRNA injections (that he invented!) should not be mandated for children, when in actuality there should be a total ban on them!! And, of course, he's always invested in some new, ''safe'' vaccine that will bear his name. Maybe he'll come around, but imo he's got a long, long way to go.
My understanding is Malone is now quite cynical about the vaccine industry and has called out regulatory capture and the pervasive corruption. As I mentioned elsewhere in these comments, he is exposing the dangers of the vaxxes to *all* ages and has even come to recognize the WEF/Davos depopulation/totalitarian agenda. You’re right in that he had a long way to go, but he is definitely coming around and is catching up quickly and using his voice to stop these crimes against humanity.
Thanks for your reply, and for the numerous other replies on this thread and others. You go above and beyond, in that respect and others, which is one of the reasons that I subscribed. Honestly, I really want to trust Malone, and others. Let's see where he goes from here. Starting today, in DC. Unfortunately, I am nearly deaf, so it's impossible for me to follow speeches, but I hope there will be comprehensive analysis of the happenings in DC today. If, e.g., Malone comes out and reveals the recent data, exposed by one of the big life insurance companies, that there was a 40% increase in mortality among 18-64 yr olds...based on claims....I'll be very pleased and give him a checkmark on the good side. I think it's great that he's ''cynical about the vaccine industry.....'' but my benchmark is to call out actual vaccines, all of them. I'm anti-all-vaccines. Until the vaccine makers and medical providers are stripped of their legal immunity, I will never change my mind. In addition, HHS, as part of the 1986 Vaccine Act that indemnified the poison shot makers, were charged with studying the safety and efficacy of vaccines, including comparing health outcomes of vaxxed vs unvaxxed people. The HHS has never done 1 study! Why not? I think I know the answers to that. Margaret, may I suggest Dr Paul Thomas as a candidate for your Profiles in Courage series? He actually did that study in his Pediatric practice. The unvaxxed children had somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% less office visits and health problems in comparison to the kids who were vaxxed!! No surprise to me. Also, unsurprisingly, the Medical Mafia Board suspended Dr Thomas within days of him publishing that study! Dr Thomas is a true, authentic hero, in my opinion. Like I said, Dr Malone has a long way to go. Thanks again.
Thanks for your kind words, serafino, and I hope you will be able to watch subtitled speeches later.
The good news is Malone already has covered that very story about the 40% increase in mortality in that age bracket:
I was not aware of Dr. Paul Thomas—thank you for alerting me! It amazes me that as many of these brave physicians and scientists as I’ve discovered over the past year, I am always learning about new ones! I have added him to my list, but it may be a while as I already have a couple hundred on there and only so much time ;-) It is great to know about another truth warrior, regardless.
Margaret, you are all over it. Great article, thanks! Checkmark in the good column for Dr Malone. I just went over to The Highwire. They have a new feature called Get Factscinated. There are a bunch of different articles, including a several minutes interview with Del and Dr Paul Thomas, discussing the above-mentioned study. I know that there's a LOT going on these days, but this is a must see when you get a moment. All the Best.
Haha, thanks, serafino! Glad you enjoyed the article. It has been exciting to watch Dr. Malone’s awareness grow over the course of his articles, and he’s not afraid to embrace the title “conspiracy theorist” now that he’s taken the time to investigate many of them himself and has seen how much corroborating evidence there is to support those postulations.
Thank you for mentioning “Get Factsinated”! I noticed it when I was there getting a link earlier but didn’t have time to see what it was about. Since you’ve recommended it, I’ll tab it off for later viewing if my schedule ever permits!
I agree. Anyone who still values vaccines of any kind is no hero to me. And the distinction between giving the mRNA poison to kids vs. adults is ridiculous. They should not be give to anyone, regardless of age, for any reason.
I agree, Truthbird, and Dr. Malone’s latest articles and interviews reflect his evolved thinking on these matters, as I’ve noted in my other responses to comments expressing similar concerns.
Where's your newsletter?
Serafino, I only theoretically publish a newsletter. Substack says I do, and I might, if I did not have to contend with destructive forces which severely limit my ability to function. Do you know what electronic harassment is? (Hint: it's not having people troll you on social media.) It's being subjected to stealth weaponry. I've contended with this for decades, and it has made me unable to accomplish tasks which demand sustained concentration for any significant length of time, which writing a newsletter requires. I wish I could, but the fact is, I can't.
Understood, thanks. We all have to do whatever we are able. Be well, first and foremost, and pitch in where you can.
Thank you for this and Letter to a Governing Body, both masterpieces in clarity, detail and documentation! I just told my wife yesterday that Dr. Malone was my sanest rock in the Covid storm so it was a joy to see this piece!
Also, pleasantly surprised Unreported Truths wasn’t among your 120 Substack authors unlike so many people I see on Substack.
Aww, thank you for the enthusiastic comment, TrackCat!
And yes, I jettisoned Alex after he blindsided Dr. Malone and echoed BigPharma disinformation talking points on ivermectin—and worse, he doubled-down and only issued a comment to “The Daily Beast” while ignoring the thousands of requests from his subscribers to acknowledge their concerns.
I considered adding a footnote about the kerfuffle but didn’t want to pollute Dr. Malone’s profile with the drama (although I did include a few related links).
If you’re interested in my comments on the matter, you can search for my name in these threads:
You are the greatest! Your new name is Alice Looking Through the Glass for Pertinent Links Fast as Hell.
While I appreciate Dr. Malone's efforts to distance himself from his previous decades long work supporting the satanic, anti-life (allopathic) big pharma industry, we need to keep in mind that he remains an advocate of deadly vaccines. Are his recent losses due to a lot of accumulated bad karma?
The average lifespan of Americans has gone down in recent years, not up. 54% of Americans now suffer from chronic illness, up from 6% in 1960. In 1940 1 in 20,000 boys had autism. Today its 1 in 22. A lot of evidence points to vaccines being a primary culprit in these trends. Why does Dr. Malone not take the next step and acknowledge that the pharmaceutical system is a failed medical model?
I think his position on vaccines has changed and continues to evolve. He talks about how much he learned from serving as an advisor on RFK Jr.’s book. I think it opened his eyes to a *lot*, and he has talked about how his industry has been destroyed. The important thing is the scales have fallen from his eyes, and he is learning at an extraordinary rate. Most importantly, he is committed to fighting democide and tyranny, which to me override all other matters until we halt them.
I've been following him closely and I agree, he has come a very long way. Kudos to him for the having the honor and courage to do that. But the permanent injury and death toll from the jabs is now into the millions and will go much higher soon enough. In my mind, acknowledging the satanic mass-murder-by-jab program should be priority #1. Stop that and the tyranny and all other forms of democide will be exposed.
There may be no one in a better position to do that than Dr. Malone. He may be the brightest, most thoughtful and well spoken person I've come across. If he takes this step he will not only garner all the dignity and respect I can give him and I'm sure, that of millions more, he will also become a force to be reckoned with internationally. He could tip the scales if he makes the right moves.
Agreed, except I feel defeating tyranny needs equal weight because if they achieve full-blown totalitarianism, they will inflict the democide using any means at their disposal, and they won’t need our permission to do so.
And I do believe Dr. Malone is moving in that direction as he has already talked about the depopulation agenda and called out the massively spiking fatality rates since the jab rollout (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/what-if-the-largest-experiment-on). He even discussed human augmentation in his latest article (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a). He’s deep into the rabbit-hole and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down ;-)
I hope that when he discovers, as he is right now, just how bad and convoluted things really are, he doesn't choose to "go back into the 'Matrix'" like that character in the Matrix movies did, coming to prefer the artificial, fake "reality" over True Reality, seeing as how True Reality is surrounded by mostly evil, and we are up against it without let-up. One truly feels like a David up against a real Goliath, even someone as experienced as Dr. Malone.
The PTB will probably end up buying-off most of the truthtellers, or will eliminate them; and, with that threat hanging over his / their head(s), unless they TRULY have God through Jesus the Christ, the ONLY Way to God (John 14:6), many of them will likely capitulate rather than be willing to die, and end up being shill-supporters of the globalist-eugenicist agenda. Have you been threatened yet, M.A.? I hope you are taking precautions against same.
Dr. Malone has made it *very* clear in his writings, speeches, and interviews that there is NO going back for him now that he’s this deep into the rabbit-hole and is beginning to understand the depth and breadth of the corruption and genuine evil. He has embraced his mission to defeat tyranny and democide with all his being.
No threats for me, thankfully! I’m still pretty under the radar, intentionally so. My husband is a former Marine who takes his duty to protect me deadly seriously :-)
No one is under the radar in a police state, a.k.a. a national security state. You may think you are, but you're not. Nevertheless, you're probably relatively safe. I hope that remains the case.
If it's true, as some on this thread have reported, that Malone is working with the developers of the Novavax covid vaccine, I think we can safely assume he has not left the mainstream. It seems to me he's trying to have it both ways, but that's not going to work. Sooner or later he'll have to choose.
GoAlive already covered this, but Dr. Malone already exposed the fraudulent claims in that hit piece, very likely a BigPharma-funded endeavor intended to discredit him because he is such a big threat to the COVID narrative and tyranny:
Another distraction / diversion? Malone, I mean.
Easy: one problem at a time.
We don't have that luxury.
I think some caution is warranted for coronating too quickly, because of the potential damage for disillusionment if things later begin to sour. I would like to mention that Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny has fought for medical freedom for decades, even much longer than my 2 decades - mostly with only our patients and their families at our sides during that time, because nobody but iatrogenically injured patients and their families had medical freedom on their radar yet. Drs Tenpenny, Blaylock, Humphries, Mercola have understood vaccine injury and lack of effectiveness or safety for decades each, adding up to more than a century among the five of us, and of course have spoken knowledgeably about all things COVID. America's Frontline Doctors were warning people not to take this vaccine while others were still rolling up the sleeve, although Robt Malone deserves enormous credit for telling so much truth on Joe Rogan that a public starved for truth appreciated that to the tune of 50 million listeners.
Now there is this out this morning from Health Freedom for Humanity:
"In a shocking development, we are discovering that Dr. Robert Malone, viewed by so many as a hero for saying nobody should get the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, is actually developing his OWN COVID VACCINE! https://www.unite4truth.com/post/what-is-relcovax-the-covid-19-vaccine-dr-robert-malone-pitched-at-summit-in-2021-nothing-good.... No mention of this vaccine was ever made on the Joe Rogan interview, bringing the question of conflict of interest. ...."
I appreciate Robert Malone's honesty regarding medical freedom and bodily autonomy. I think he has stated those principles well and eloquently. However, I think some caution is warranted for coronating too quickly, because hero worship is enough of a human foible that there is the potential damage of deflated mojo in the medical freedom movement when new information arises, if it turns out that people find it to be disappointing. Perhaps a disclosure about whatever relationship exists with a competing product would be helpful when Dr. Malone discusses the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. This would readily clear up any concerns and would not detract from his very important message.
Excellent points, Colleen! Yes, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is on my list. I watched a great interview with her a while back. I thought it was “Planet Lockdown” but can’t find it in the interviews (https://planetlockdownfilm.com/full-interviews/). I’ve known about Mercola for years, of course, long before his brave work over the past two years. I don’t know Blaylock and Humphries, though, so feel free to point me to any links you feel are good representatives of their work.
I hope you saw Dr. Malone’s debunking of what was very likely a BigPharma-funded hit piece on him:
They did a similar hit job on RFK Jr. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/robert-f-kennedy-releases-statement-medias-latest-hit-piece-organizations-christmas-party/) last month.
We need to be especially cautious of salacious hit pieces like these as their current strategy is to sow the seeds of doubt in the “anti-vax” community against the people who represent the biggest threats to the COVID narrative/tyranny, and right now, those people happen to be RFK Jr., Malone, Rogan, and McCullough to a lesser extent.
I just remembered to get back to your request, and please pardon the delay. Suzanne Humphries MD wrote an excellent and unforgettable history of vaccine injuries over the centuries of use, entitled Dissolving Illusions, dissolvingillusions.com She has spoken widely on the subject, both here and in Europe, both history and mechanisms, and has faced death threats for doing so.
Russell Blaylock MD has also discussed vaccine injury at times over the years. Specifically he urges patients and parents not to mindlessly accept any recommendation from their doctors, but rather to do some homework and learn about risks and benefits first, but that could be said about the entire naturopathic, chiropractic and acupuncture professions as well.
No worries—I’m still climbing out of the quicksand myself.
I learned about “Dissolving Illusions” from Anne Can’t Stand It (https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/eye-opener) and immediately got the audiobook! Now I just have to find time to listen to it along with a few thousand others ;-)
Thank you for the recommendations—good to know whom you respect.
I did see the response by Robert Malone, but not a debunking. Malone took offense over what Witzeman wrote. Jeff Witzeman had posted a video of Malone discussing his work with a COVID vaccine product that is not on the market, a product that may or may not be potential competition to the current vaccines. This was narrated in Malone's voice, not Witzeman's.
Jeff Witzeman is a very decent person whom I have known for years, an award-winning documentary maker dedicated to health freedom for at least several years, who himself has been the victim of Pharma-funded attacks. He started Health Freedom for Humanity, because that is his goal.
Instead of the feud that happened, what should have happened earlier, before this feud, is what normally happens at medical and scientific conferences: A speaker discloses at the beginning their consultancy and financial relationships, especially regarding competing products, even if no longer the case. This is standard and expected procedure at medical and scientific conferences. For Malone to do so would have surprised no one, and disappointed no one, because we know of Malone's history with mRNA product invention. Making such a disclosure would not have led to uncomfortable disclosures coming from others later on, and would not have damaged in any way, I believe, Malone's excellent message of bodily autonomy, health freedom and taking a cautious approach to new medical products, especially those that we know are causing injury. If Robert Malone had done this on the Rogan podcast and in other interviews, we would not have this very disappointing and unnecessary feud now. So I can assure you that this is not a big Pharma attack, but likely enough of a kerfuffle to have pharma chortling over it, which itself is a shame. I would say that Malone now likely knows to include such disclosures in the future, that neglecting to do so was likely an oversight in informal settings, such as on Rogan, where the conversation is fluid and spontaneous, and we should move forward together as much as we can.
I am not intending any of the above remarks as disparagement of either Malone or Witzeman. Both have much to offer, and I look forward to learning of both of their future contributions to the health freedom movement.
Wow, thank you for the additional details, Colleen, and it is helpful to hear your perspective on Jeff.
I understand the disclosure concerns, although Malone contends:
“This is not my vaccine, I am not engaged as a consultant by Reliance, and I have no financial interests in this vaccine.”
If that is the case, I’m not sure what he should have disclosed on Rogan. Regardless, I do hope the two of them can patch this up and come to an amicable resolution.
I would also like this division to heal as quickly as possible, because very unfortunately, Substack itself is threatened right now. That is the much bigger problem and bigger threat. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/quick-urgent-note/comments