Thank You Thank You Thank You.. Its the first time I saw this headline and your story.. I had said this when this Plandemic first started.. Writers, well intentioned though they were kept saying they made mistake, they made mistakes..

These people did not make any mistakes.. They tested and pre planned and planned and executed everything they did, and it was all on purpose, no mistakes were made.. We have to stop treating these LIARS and Evil murderers with civility, and talking about amnesty, not happening.. These people did it on purpose and will keep doing it on purpose if not stopped and jailed and executed.. You have to get the people at the top with all the money, you know the ones that say " We come In Peace" ' We want to save Humanity" The poster child would be Gates, but there are a bunch more.. They are all over the place, put in strategic positions to keep the LIE going and to get the approvals they needed and to censor truth and promote lies as truth.. They made no mistakes.. They tested the bioweapon to be ' Unsafe And Effective at Killing"

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You are absolutely correct. There were no mistakes . They are gearing up to do it again . They need to be stopped

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They ARE doing it again, present tense. Ongoing. On So Many Levels.

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becouse we did not hang them last time

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I remember first hearing this months ago. It's as bone chilling as ever, and always will be.

I wish my mother was alive to hear this. Her family survived the Nazis.

I hope my friends and family acquire the ears to really hear these words. Maybe this year.

I wish upon you, MAA, blessings, gratitude and love.

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October 7 and 9/11 weren't mistakes. They were false flags giving the Zionists and their US & Israeli military (which they control) the freedom to rape, pillage and murder millions while the world just watched and in most cases (especially Zionists and their duped Christian Zionist friends) cheered it on. Despicable creatures rule over us which is why all of this death and destruction is happening...and the only way it makes sense. They want us dead or enslaved.

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Craig you are on point with everything you said and I know you know it goes much deeper than that.. Every war we have ever had was started under false and false flag pretenses, it enables them to act like they are acting in self defense or LOL have the moral high ground LOL.. The USA took out the native American Indians this way, taking their gold, land and oil.. These people do this all over the world while the citizens of American shout USA USA USA!!!!

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not planes shot down on 911?

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Possibly. I just know that none were used to crash into buildings. We know they would have no problem shooting them down with innocent passengers on board.

Just in case you haven't seen this: https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/911suspects:f?&sunset=lbrytv

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Thank you for sharing this , bone chilling . They murdered my husband and many more .. they have to be held accountable. Never forget what they did .. all of them

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Thank you Margaret and Vera. Your voices and your artistry have provided comfort and wisdom to me again and again in the darkest days of the last five years. No justice, no learning, and no peace can occur without accountability. Each of us must look into our hearts and our souls and ask, “What more is required of me? How else can I be of service?” 💟

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From the very beginning I saw all the hallmarks of a very well oiled psyop that was multi stranded to suck in as much of the population as possible. The guilty parties in the running of this psyop go from politicians, unelected beurocrats, media, doctors, nurses, judges, but there's also many so called philanthropic organisations and individuals. The big problem is that the real culprits behind it all have hidden themselves and their entire families behind some of these philanthropic organisations and many of these are heavily involved with 99% of the multinational corporations behind the scenes often using multiple shell companies to amass power over every aspect of the supply chains while also controlling the entire banking system worldwide. These same families also have involved themselves to a quite deep level in multiple major world religions, in particular Judaism and the Catholic church but also many others as well. Some of the names most people have never even heard of yet they are the wealthiest families in the world. They all need to be routed out otherwise they will simply rebuild and start the entire process all over again for future generations to deal with all over again.

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They murdered my husband in the hospital . It was no mistake , it was intentional . I’m sick of hearing “we didn’t know what it was” . They knew! They denied lifesaving medications. They denied our rights, forced poison as a treatment. They knew remdesivir was poison killing over 50% of patients previously. The WHO said don’t use it . Fauci pushed it on everyone , so much blood 🩸 on his hands . He is no hero , he is evil personified .. we need Nuremberg trials and appropriate punishment. He destroyed so many families ..created so many widows, orphans. Parents lost children (adult children). My children lost their father, my 8 grandchildren lost their poppy, most of them to young to remember him , never got the chance to know him. My heart was broken, I lost my husband of almost 41 years . The doctors did not care , rarely called me .. nobody tried to heal him ..he was a cash cow to them , not someone to care about . He was important to us , his life mattered! I WILL NEVER FORGET! I WILL CONTINUE TO TELL OUR STORIES ! WE WILL CONTINUE TO SPEAK THEIR NAMES !


chbmp.org READ AND LISTEN TO OUR STORIES IF YOU DARE . SAY THEIR NAMES , KNOW THAT THEY WERE MURDERED FOR MONEY AND POWER. It’s still happening , and the gears are being greased to do it again. Remember !! DO NOT CONSENT , DO NOT COMPLY !

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I am so sorry for your loss. And appreciate your sharing the malfeasance & your grief. Do you mind if I repost?

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remdesiviuesed in uk too

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Where do Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck and others invest their dirty 'blood money', which they garnered from murdering millions in order to profit from their deliberately created diseases and 'vax-induced adverse human health issues' and 'VAX-RELATED DEATHS'.

They now invest their profits into the creation and marketing of the next disease and the useless and dangerous mRNA-injected cures that are guaranteed useless as well as to kill recipients or simply shorten human lives?

A new example of Big Pharma's criminal insanity; 'Bird Flu' could be even more serious than Gates's and Fauci's man-enhanced Covid was. They probably have a deadly 'vax' ready.

Gates won't be happy until he destroys all human life on our planet. He's so insane and wealthy that he could cause the next ICE AGE by playing with the weather. Then his diseases and poisonous injections will be irrelevant and meaningless!

He has heavily invested in preparatory poisonous mRNA 'Bird Flu' injections which are referred to as 'VACCINES', so we can anticipate them to be announced at the 'SPEED of Science' AGAIN!

No liability comes free with every jab - emphasizing the ridiculous nature of the next level of mRNA 'Death Shots'!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Avoid all contact with corrupt medics with deadly Bird Flu-loaded syringes.

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Pfizer now is ironically working on cancer drugs. Apparently injecting more mRNA is the solution. A steady profit stream of money over human life.

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Vax contaminant - SV40 creates Cancers and Turbo (Super Duper) Cancers.

Included FREE with every Pfizer & Moderna Death Shot!

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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not on the uktv.

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Every time GB News presenters stick their necks out by telling the truth about pathetic, lying, incompetent Starmer or Fauci's Covid or the DEADLY Vax, the left-wing WOKE authorities (Ofcom), fine or remind them that TRUTH is forbidden and regarded as 'undesirable Hate Speech'!

Then UKTV 'bottle it' by sacking the best, most truthful GB News presenters.

Unjabbed Mick (UK)

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I'm not much in to poetry, but this is perfect for describing the WEF's new World Order Covid & Vax depopulation scam. I'm a fan of Tess Lawrie and have my beeny hat to prove it!

Where else would Pfizer, Moderna and others invest their dirty money? They garnered from killing millions. They profited from their deliberately created 'vax-induced adverse human health issues'.

They now invest their profits into the creation and marketing of the next disease and the useless and dangerous mRNA-injected cures that are guaranteed useless as well as to kill recipients or simply shorten human lives?

A new example of Big Pharma's criminal insanity; 'Bird Flu' could be even more serious than Gates's and Fauci's man-enhanced Covid was. They probably have a deadly 'vax' ready.

Gates won't be happy until he destroys all human life on our planet. He's so insane and wealthy that he could cause the next ICE AGE by playing with the weather. Then his diseases and poisonous injections will be irrelevant and meaningless!

He has heavily invested in preparatory poisonous mRNA 'Bird Flu' injections which are referred to as 'VACCINES', so we can anticipate them to be announced at the 'SPEED of Science' AGAIN!

No liability comes free with every jab - emphasizing the ridiculous nature of the next level of mRNA 'Death Shots'!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Avoid all contact with corrupt medics with deadly Bird Flu-loaded syringes.

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Brilliant, powerful, BAM.

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I so wish I could send you a huge purse full of cash...

I'm sending a sort of Valentine instead. It's invisible, but this comment is its leash.

I'm telling you this so maybe you'll know what that warm moment was...

Thank you for the powerful beauty, the beautiful power...

Yes, make no mistake, there was No Mistake, and this is why, at least partly, that I've changed my mind about capital punishment, and Lethal Injection now seems apropos.

And in the end, Love.

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I hadn’t heard Vera’s reading.

Packs a punch.

Vera Sharav is kickass.

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Coming from an actual Holocaust survivor (not many of them are still around) makes these extremely powerful words sound truly eerie.

"History doesn't repeat…but it often rhymes."

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⚖️ No one more fitting, in my opinion. I posted the David Declaration (Australia) on Vera’s second last Facebook post earlier today, actually. The David Declaration: https://russellbroadbent.com.au/the-david-declaration/

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So thankful for everything you do! Blessings! What you are doing is among the best ways to fight THEM!

Can't say this often enough! MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE!

All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

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I want accountability like you all but until we get it then we have this very great, emotional, and clear summation of what had happened to us all.

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Beautifully said.

Nothing to add.

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