Now 4 years into ‘friendly neighbourly education chats’ I think we have a clear picture who is prepared to learn and who is completely lost in the weeds. +/- some stragglers. Otherwise, what is the appropriate ‘hopium time’? Agreed, some self-preserving minds may change once they finally feel a knife on their own throats. Meanwhile, how …
Now 4 years into ‘friendly neighbourly education chats’ I think we have a clear picture who is prepared to learn and who is completely lost in the weeds. +/- some stragglers. Otherwise, what is the appropriate ‘hopium time’? Agreed, some self-preserving minds may change once they finally feel a knife on their own throats. Meanwhile, how long do we lovingly present our other cheek while all of us are drug over the edge by the creep of apathy ? Just saying: we could have easily stepped out of this global war in 2020, without bloodshed, but people instead subscribed to the glitz of false virtue. For some it was fear, for many it wasn’t. Let me explain: I live in the country. Most knew that the risk of infection was minute compared to urban environments. No one died until the 2021 jab rollout. Yet the virtuous and celebratory pot banging and hand-clapping on porches and church-bell ringing for dancing ‘front-line heroes’ 4500 km away was a nightly spectacle for months on end. The socially accepted politeness to contest the thick government propaganda was for groups to stand in silence at street corners while holding hands. Most driving by had no idea what it was even about, since signs or chants were also discouraged as too ‘inflammatory’ for normie fear-conscience. Many who drove by grinning and idiot signaling. So, not much has changed in 4 years, yet many are still holding strong in protecting the normie fear-psyche, or apathy. How much virtue-fear is echoed by those in the awake spectrum? Has it been effective?
Now 4 years into ‘friendly neighbourly education chats’ I think we have a clear picture who is prepared to learn and who is completely lost in the weeds. +/- some stragglers. Otherwise, what is the appropriate ‘hopium time’? Agreed, some self-preserving minds may change once they finally feel a knife on their own throats. Meanwhile, how long do we lovingly present our other cheek while all of us are drug over the edge by the creep of apathy ? Just saying: we could have easily stepped out of this global war in 2020, without bloodshed, but people instead subscribed to the glitz of false virtue. For some it was fear, for many it wasn’t. Let me explain: I live in the country. Most knew that the risk of infection was minute compared to urban environments. No one died until the 2021 jab rollout. Yet the virtuous and celebratory pot banging and hand-clapping on porches and church-bell ringing for dancing ‘front-line heroes’ 4500 km away was a nightly spectacle for months on end. The socially accepted politeness to contest the thick government propaganda was for groups to stand in silence at street corners while holding hands. Most driving by had no idea what it was even about, since signs or chants were also discouraged as too ‘inflammatory’ for normie fear-conscience. Many who drove by grinning and idiot signaling. So, not much has changed in 4 years, yet many are still holding strong in protecting the normie fear-psyche, or apathy. How much virtue-fear is echoed by those in the awake spectrum? Has it been effective?