This was so deeply moving, it brought me to tears. The words, already so impactful, magnified by Tess’s delivery, and seeing their effect on her as she read them — beautiful! Thank you so much, Margaret Anna and Tess!
This was so deeply moving, it brought me to tears. The words, already so impactful, magnified by Tess’s delivery, and seeing their effect on her as she read them — beautiful! Thank you so much, Margaret Anna and Tess!
This was so deeply moving, it brought me to tears. The words, already so impactful, magnified by Tess’s delivery, and seeing their effect on her as she read them — beautiful! Thank you so much, Margaret Anna and Tess!
And let me say here how much your drawings, Anne, give me a sense of peace and solidarity.
Thank you so much, Tereza! That’s exactly what I want them to do!!!