I wanted to let everyone know I created a generic version of my letter that people can use for their own legislators, policymakers, boards, employers, or others involved in making decisions about mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, or related policies:


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Thank you so very much for this Margaret.❤️

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You are so deeply welcome, I Know Nothing.

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If you know nothing, do you know your own name?

I mean I know your name here. It is "I Know Nothing", so do you know that?

You must, so therefore, you do not know nothing, but I still like your name even though it isn't Sergeant Schultz!

Ha, ha.

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*lol* Very Socratic (“I know that I know nothing”).

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Thank you so much, Margaret! I really appreciate all you have done.

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It was my honor. You did a phenomenal job packing so much pivotal information into your tiny little minute during the public meeting!

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I just found this message at the Washington State Board of Health “Clarifying Online Misinformation about the Jan. 12 State Board of Health Public Meeting” and wanted to share it for clarification, although it seems to obfuscate rather than clarify:


“There has been a lot of interest in the Washington State Board of Health’s virtual public meeting on Jan. 12. Our staff is busy preparing meeting materials and public comments. Due to the large volume of questions we are receiving from interested folks, we want to clarify some misinformation that has circulated online regarding two topics on the agenda.

“The Washington State Board of Health (Board) is not voting to require a COVID-19 vaccine for school-aged children at its meeting on Jan. 12. The Board will receive a briefing on the progress of the technical advisory group (TAG), which is convened to consider COVID-19 for inclusion in chapter 246-105 WAC, at next week’s meeting (agenda item 8). The Board will not take action on this agenda item at the meeting. The purpose of the TAG is to evaluate a vaccine against the established criteria to develop and provide a recommendation. The recommendation is then presented to the Board at a future regularly scheduled meeting for consideration. The Board, at their discretion, may or may not approve the TAG’s recommendation. The exemption allowances currently listed in the state’s immunizations law would be available for families and their children who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. These exemptions include medical, religious, philosophical or personal exemptions. More information is available on the TAG meeting web page.

“The Board is not voting to change isolation or quarantine policies at its meeting on Jan. 12. The Board is continuing a November 2021 rules hearing on the proposed rule changes to chapter 246-100 WAC, Communicable and Certain Other Diseases, as published in WSR 21-20-127 at the meeting. The Board is proposing updating its rules to reflect current state law to align with Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1551. Agenda item 9, while related to rulemaking on chapter 246-100 WAC, is scoped only to the implementation of ESHB 1551 (Chapter 76, Laws of 2020) and does not include changes to isolation and quarantine policies nor does it suggest law enforcement be used to enforce any vaccination requirements. More information is available on the Communicable and Certain Other Diseases rule web page.”

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They’re exactly like the Marxist school boards; you cannot trust their stated agenda, but must plan for them to about-face at any moment. You really gave them a talking-to. What a stunning collection of points and so beautifully laid out! Someone WILL read it, hopefully many and hopefully decision-makers or influencers. Thank you for this EXCELLENT letter; it has truth and heart. Perfect!

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I appreciate that, Gaye. The last thing I want to be guilty of is spreading *actual* misinformation, so I wanted to share that clarification immediately, even if it just adds more confusion ;-)

Whatever the case, I think the *resoundingly* powerful response they’ve received will make them think long and hard before trying to implement any such policies in the future!

Regardless of this specific situation, I do hope the letter can be shared and repurposed as desired to help others facing similar situations elsewhere and to simply get the word out about the scientific data that has been suppressed.

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Your letter is truly amazing, thank you.

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Mega dankes, MOMinator!

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The key is in the photos of the kids as I doubt their 10 second attention span is long enough for your letter.

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Good point, Rich 🤦‍♀️

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Obfuscate is an understatement 🤨

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I’ve added a footnote with a letter from Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington clarifying some of the confusion around the proposed agenda items. Please see the footnote for details.

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This is the most compelling summary of the sinister absurdity that is the Covid19 vaccination policy and also a powerful call to arms.

Let us hope some of this reaches the decision makers and, if it does, that they have any autonomy. It’s in relation to the latter that my fears are sharpest. Regardless of who they are, those who’ve launched this relentless attack on liberal democracies everywhere clearly thinks it has a winning hand.

It’s yet to be shown whether or not that assessment is correct.

Thank you, Margaret Alice.

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WOW, Mike. You know how much I respect you and treasure your friendship, so I cherish your words all the more.

I would be grateful if you could share this on your Telegram channel (https://t.me/s/robinmg for those who aren’t aware of this must-subscribe channel) and help me get the word out.

Your new avatar is *adorable*, BTW!! 🤗

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I’ve out it out on Telegram, also.

The little guy is our youngest grandson, Raffy. I didn’t want him not to see me properly, so I took my specs off. He’s such a smiley baby.

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I see Barry shared the link—and WOW, again! *Thank* you for the magnificent introduction, Mike!

Raffy is absolutely precious!! 😍 We need all the smiles we can get, and you and I are working hard to ensure he can continue smiling long into the future 🙌

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Agreed - I can not believe this is happening - is it really true they have stated that they intend to detain individuals and families who will not comply with the C19 vaccination? If true this is hitting too close to home. We have spent a great deal of time in Washington State (being just across the border) and I have heard that this week our tyrant PM is holding a meeting with all the Premiers - it is speculated that the intent is to convince all the provinces to bring in mandatory vaccination or face 'consequences'. We feared that this could happen but convinced ourselves that we were 'over reacting' and needed to not extrapolate the evidence beyond the facts at hand. Now we are trapped and looking more and more to be sent to the slaughter.

In terms of their assumption of a 'winning hand' - the problem here is that ALL the decisions are being made by only a few appointed people. The bulk of our elected government is only consulted on decisions that will have 'economic' repercussions. Anything exclusively 'health' related they are not part of the process at all. The trickle down then occurs through technocrats within the institutions (often some of the worst totalitarians).

We are now left wondering how we get out before we are imprisoned and our families told we died of covid (this will be an easy way to keep their 'covid is dangerous and unvaxxed=covid spreaders" narrative alive). I still hope we are all reading too much into this and are all wrong.

Thank you Margaret for pulling together this powerful argument - I think we will be needing to bring it to our own agencies soon!

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Persephonia, the verbiage I shared came from Dr. Carver, and I am hoping she can follow up and clarify given the statement I just posted from the Washington State Board of Health “Clarifying Online Misinformation about the Jan. 12 State Board of Health Public Meeting” (https://sboh.wa.gov/News/Articles/ID/3050/Clarifying-Online-Misinformation-about-the-Jan-12-State-Board-of-Health-Public-Meeting) in this thread.

When I brought this up at Aaron Siri’s latest post (https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/update-judge-finds-that-during-appeal/comments), someone suggested writing to the representatives about WAC 246-100-040 since that is the root of the problem.

These are the applicable laws being invoked:






The good news is they have received a TRUCKLOAD of public comments and have posted the first packet here:


Keep an eye on the meeting info page for additional packets as they become available:


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Thank you for the information and all your efforts! It is much appreciated. I sincerely hope we can turn this around and if you are still in Washington one day perhaps get together to discuss these crazy times over a cup of coffee or something. My husband and I used to travel to Washington 2-3 times a year before covid, there are so many beautiful hiking areas all along the coast.

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Coffee someday sounds lovely, although I am not actually in Washington! Dr. Carver is there, so perhaps you can connect with her :-) ☕️

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There was a video of Pastor Dennis Cummins that went viral. Since then they have changed the agenda and are sneakily backing off. I apologize if my initial message seemed alarming but the truth is that much good came from many people getting involved and voicing their concerns. These significant concerns are both against adding the COVID jabs to the vaccine schedule for children and the usage of the quarantine camps.

The quarantine camps (at least in WA state) are not an immediate threat but here's what they are doing. It's an incremental push towards totalitarianism. We know there are at least 4 in the state, and that they hired a strike force to staff them but we don't know if they are being used yet. However, there are reports of the homeless in Seattle who test positive, being put in these facilities. The involuntary quarantine RCW was passed in 2003, so they are trying to make subtle changes without the public knowing. One way they are doing this is with HR 1551 to involuntarily detain someone with an STI who refuses testing or treatment for up to 365 days.

As far as the technical advisory group to review if the C19 shots should be added to the schedule for children, I don't have any faith in their ability to complete unbiased work. The best we can do is continue to voice our concerns to push back their agenda but I believe they will pass it before next fall. I think every parent should have a backup plan to educate their children in case they recommend adding it. There are private schools that will allow exemptions but homeschooling my be a great alternative to the craziness going on in schools right now.

Margaret, I truly appreciate everything you've done and want to thank everyone who's getting involved and voicing their concerns. There were 7700 people on the Zoom call and over 3500 people sent emails. They can't force us if we show them we're the majority and we do not comply.

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Thank you for clarifying what occurred and the source of the confusion, Zana! And a big yes to saying NO!

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Thank you!

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Reading your comment about "We are now left wondering how we get out before we are imprisoned and our families told we died of covid" gave me the chills because I hadn't thought of that chess move before. Sh**. I'm so stressed out about this all. Everything is happening so fast.

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I know many people who are experiencing this feeling all over the world, from Australia to New Zealand to Austria to Germany to the UK to Canada and beyond.

Those of us in the U.S. feel like we are in a relatively safe haven because of the Constitution, but as we’ve seen far too often, that hasn’t stopped Brandon from attempting to impose an unconstitutional mandate nor certain states from instituting draconian measures, so we must always remember, it *can* happen here.

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I am from Australia but am in an enviable position as I have a farm and my life has not really changed. Not so for many of my city friends (although many have been brainwashed to believe the vaccination will save them) who simply got jabbed so they could go to work or go to restaurants.

I do however feel that the tide is turning. In true Aussie fashion more and more people are literally telling the polictians to f*&^ off and take their jabs with them. We have a Federal election that has to be called between now and May and the backlash against our most horrible PM is at an all time high. Doesn't help that his latest faux pas was to try to deport Novak Djokovic even though our entry rules clearly state that unvaccinated individuals can apply under certain conditions. The level of our politicians' incompetence is incomprehensible. But guess you have the same over there.

Good luck for tomorrow! I really hope you can make a difference.

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What a relief to know you live on a farm and have been spared the brunt of the measures in Australia! I know many of my Australian subscribers are suffering, particularly those in Queensland.

That is awesome to hear you feel the tides are turning! The rest of the world has been watching and waiting for the Aussie spirit to rise up! Here’s wishing for the best possible outcome in the upcoming elections 🤞

ICYMI, I added a footnote clarifying some misunderstandings around the agenda items for the upcoming meeting. Turns out it’s not as bad as feared (thankfully). We’ll have to see how things turn out, but I’m hoping the *massive* response they got will deter them and other boards from trying any drastic measures in future.

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We have more homeland security and military than all of those combined, and the FEMA camps are already built. If they turn on us, it will make those places look easy in comparison.

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Exactly. The MSM has even admitted the concentration camps (but the one main short article concerning same appears to have been disappeared again).

As I recall, I think it was on businessinsider.com , but I just went there and searched for it, and it's gone, or archived. It was, as I said, a short article, actually I remember it was very short, which informed that Congress had allotted approximately 185 million dollars to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to build more camps, and the article first appeared ten or fifteen years ago, maybe a little longer ago, but definitely after 9/11. The totalitarian militarized police state that the U.S. government has become couldn't have that truth out there any longer for people to glom onto to definitively prove the camps existence though, so they disappeared the article.

I also recall that the article disappeared a number of years ago, but a few years ago it reappeared. Now it's disappeared again. But screenshots of it are probably available on truther websites about the camps.

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Correction? The figure 380-something million comes to mind. I may have had it correct in the first place, but I can't be sure. Anyway, the point is that a large sum of money WAS allotted for same, and that it was reported on in the MSM years ago. So, suffice it to say that by now the PTB are prepared for a very large influx of internees. That's the bottom line, there ARE concentration camps in the U.S., they've been expanded, and they're ready for locking up millions of innocent Americans and refugees, so it is NO "conspiracy theory", it is a conspiracy FACT.

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My apologies. I have a vivid imagination that sometimes gets the best of me. Since the summer we have been considering our 'options', and they are not looking great. If the argument is that we pose such a threat we would gladly leave for elsewhere. The Canada I thought I knew no longer exists so it make leaving it easier, but that is not what they want obviously, otherwise they would not block every possible means of leaving. Once you see that the argument for preventing mobility can not be due to 'health' (they let unvaxxed, untested foreign nationals - who may have covid - travel through our airports and by boat) the next question is why would they stop us from leaving if they believe we are a 'threat' (not that this is backed by actual science), since us leaving would eliminate that threat?

The truth is we are not a threat to the health of others, but if we continue to exist as C19 vaccine free people that can serve as a control group that will show over the next decade or two the differences in health outcomes between a large cohort that took the vax and a large one that didn't take it (there are about 4 million of us) this is a HUGE threat not only to their narrative, but also to every politician that promoted these vaccines. Any 'control group' will not only function as a spotlight on their failed policies (forever ending many political careers), but will also cement justified distrust in government, MSM, big Tech, etc. - the exact opposite of what these tyrants are after.

I believe at least in part this is why we are seeing a big push for 'mandatory' vaccination. The science does not support this measure, but the high level politicians know if they do not eliminate the control group they may find themselves facing firing squads. With the control group eliminated it will never be able to be proven.

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If you live in Canada you really are in trouble. Trudeau says the “unvaccinated” are “racist, vile, disgusting misogynists” and he can “barely tolerate (the unvaccinated) much longer”. Be prepared for lock down of the unvaccinated in Canada like they are doing in Austria and Australia. The tied is turning on the safety of the vaccines. MSM is slowly catching on that the vaccine is dangerous and hurting far more people than covid is. But arrogant politicians will do a lot more harm before this finally ends. I used to respect Canada. I have lots of amazing friends from Alberta. They have all decided to leave and move to North Dakota, Idaho, Flordia, Utah, Texas or Arizona.

You would be wise to do the same. Plus your money will go alot farther in America. You will feel wealthier and (if you come to the right state) you will be free.

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Wish we could but we have already been 'locked in' (unvaxxed are not free to travel). Also there is jobs and the ability to work (no work visas). We are looking at the possibility of taking a 'leave' for a year but would need a private boat/plane to get out.

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Couldn't you just drive over the US border if you had a US visa? Feeling things are ominous and that Canada is a precursor for what will happen here in the US by the end of 2022....

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That's hate speech!

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Yes, but are you aware that the vaccines all contain nano AI along with other toxic elements? See Corona2inspect (blogger site) for Mik Andersen's (pen name) research that is translated from Spanish into English by www.Orwell.city . Here are 2 related pieces: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FE7fC0KvdVjl/ and https://www.orwell.city/2021/12/nano-network.html The AI in the shots tracks you and can control your cells at a nano level, thus they can likely send the signal to kill you at any moment through a heart attack or by asking your cells to allow cancer to flourish, etc. It has your exact GPS location at the state of your body (sleeping, awake, etc.). It can likely also control your hormone levels, emotions, and thoughts. Your 'God' gene is removed, i.e. the ability for your body to maintain its intuition through a connection to spirit is blocked (i.e. like a calcified pineal gland). Humans will become slaves with a hive mindset (controlled by the 1% cabal who own the planet) and do whatever they are told through the commands they receive via 5G signals while they are awake and sleeping. If you are unvaxxed, you are a threat because you cannot be controlled 24/7 or tracked (GPS). You are rogue. You are a threat to their plan to control everyone through a social credit score and the AI chips.

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Get to Idaho. ASAP.

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Why Idaho specifically? I'm fearful that once they pay off all of the judges/politicians nationwide, they'll have free reign to implement a forced vaccination campaign in every state....I'm in a blue state but fear that if I move south, those states could turn in a year, too....There is not ENOUGH opposition on the ground from the public to any of the mandates.

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I fear you may be correct in your assessment. An integral part of the problem in the USA is that currently there is significant migration from blue states to red states. This is of course happening because these citizens are looking to escape the draconian measures and decaying cities that are largely attributable to democratic policies. However, when these same citizens move to the red states they unfortunately do so having zero understanding that it was voting in favor of these very policies that destroyed the states that they are leaving. This lack of insight will only result in a repeating pattern. If only there were time lags involved in being able to vote in a state you have only just migrated to - say 5 years or so.

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I'm not sure if they think that they have a winning hand or they thought they had to do it because the climate fear mongering had got out of hand. Also their Green New Deal probably requires it. I'm saying this as a climate scientist who thinks we need to do something. Just not what they want to do.

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I had a really nasty thought last night. I was thinking about why there are no leaks f substance about what’s evidently happening across the estate of liberal democracies. I hit on the unpleasant possibility that the reason there are no leaks is that there are no humans involved. Musk’s fears over “broad AI”. Maybe I read far too much SciFi in my formative years?

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Oh goodness, Mike, that is a haunting thought. I don’t *think* we’re quite there yet, at least let’s hope not. It’s more likely that the humans themselves have been transformed into automatons ;-)

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I've concluded the same more or less. But the I in AI stands for idiot.

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Seriously, that could account for the intermittent idiocy (though politicians require no help there!)

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That’s right, dehumanize them.

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This is truly an amazing article, written by an excellent researcher. It is so inspirational and empowering to have read this Margaret. Thank you for carrying on the fight for truth, and never giving up.

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Aww, bless you, Rob, and so glad you appreciated it!

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I agree totally.

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Thanks, Jim!

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Margaret Anna Alice, I love you. Not the way most people would read that, but as a beacon, a mentor, a teacher, as the person I wish I was, as the person I wish to be. You are so brilliant, so learned, so patient, so eloquent, everything I am not. I love to read your "blogs"(?). They give me courage, hope that things will get better, where in my mind, I'm positive they'll only get worse. I thank you for being you, for showing me a different way, for dragging me outside of myself, if only for a little bit. You inspire me, as well as, I'm sure, many others. May God not only bless you, but look down upon you with His great grace and lift you up as an image for the rest of us, at very least, me as inspiration. Thank-you for being you, and in my life, in your own way.

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You are trying to make me happy-cry, aren’t you, Bandit?! 😹😿

What a gorgeously moving response, and thank *you*, Bandit, for being your deep, purposeful, and loving self 🤗

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Well, now I'm not crying alone. 😉 --- I meant every word. Not to make you cry, though.

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I'd like to second this comment! It's so dark out there that it's easy to feel as if the entire world has gone mad (and indeed, it has), yet your writing and the community you and other Substackers have gathered online reminds me that we are certainly not alone!

There are millions of us who see through this charade, and I'm so grateful for the ones like you who work so diligently to chronicle this period of history and broadcast the truth however you can.

Thank you for your efforts!

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Oh goodness, Ed. You guys are all so wonderful! 🙏💓🙌

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agree. Margaret Anna Alice is one of my favorite blogs. I love reading truth and simply stated reasoning.

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How beautifully touching, Rosemary 🤗

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Brilliant, impressive, comprehensive, credible. You can add this. Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on 'Vaccines' - Requires Informed Consent - https://rairfoundation.com/alert-japan-places-myocarditis-warning-on-vaccines-requires-informed-consent/ I know you saw it. I hope it helps and that others can use your model

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Oh my goodness, Diane, thank you so much. I did see that excellent piece and greatly appreciate your own comprehensive research and writings!

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We are kindred spirits

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This made my heart hurt.

Not because I didn't agree with every word- I did- or that it wasn't excellently expressed- it was- but because every instinct, every cell in my body tells me it will be ignored, and probably not read at all, by its intended audience.

I wrote one of these- about as good as this, if I do say so myself- for every FDA vote about vaccines accepting public statements. You see where we are now.

Anyway, I wish you well, and I hope they don't hurt you, or at least that people like me have the opportunity to get in their way first.

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I truly empathize, Guttermouth, and thank you for your heartfelt comment.

You need to start a Substack and share that letter along with your other sharp-tongued brilliances :-)

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Oh, there were like four of them. I told you, every time there was an FDA vote that allowed public comment. It was good "the world is watching, how do you want to be remembered" stuff, just like what you wrote.

Now I'm just bitter and angry and want to hurt them somehow if we can't ever win and be free again.

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No you aren't. I have seen glimmers of hope in your writings! You are just momentarily too pissed to see it. Pull up your big girl pants and get moving.

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Yeah, we'll see. My dad going through the process of dying a slow and undignified death occupies all my time now.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I know you already have lots on your plate. You know I will pray for you and your dad. Well, if you didn't, you know now. I keep a prayer list. It isn't just words.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. May God bless and keep you, your father, and the rest of your family. May God grant you patience and peace. In his name I pray. 🙏 Edited to correct typo.

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So Guttermouth, a small note that may bring a chuckle. It is very peculiar to pray for "Guttermouth" to God. He knows who you are obviously, but...

And - When my mom was dying I tried very hard to come up with and tell her something every day a real incident where she was a good mom. I think that helps with restoring some dignity to a miserable situation. It was hard for me at first because she had trouble being a mom, but as time went by I found it easier to find things. What started out as good for her ended up good for me. I know it won't make all things right but...

Also, make sure he is combed and tidy even if he is utterly out of it and you are tired. Trust me on that. Be well G.

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I understand your feelings of discouragement because I experience the same feelings of futility as I advocate for a number of issues. BUT, you do not know how many people read your words and how many hearts changed as a result of your efforts. A wise person once told me that God cannot use our words if we don't speak (or write) them. He can bring them back to a person's mind, so be encouraged, don't give up and hang onto hope!

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😢 While not speaking directly to me, you speak to my heart. Thank-you!

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Excellent article. Vaccine mandates and passports are Fascist Abominations, the primary purpose of which is to control and enslave you. Resist and be free.

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Amen! Here’s to the Resistance! ✊

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Wow! What an article. If that doesn't move them, nothing will. They should know (as should everyone who has created this catastrophe) that the numbers are piling up, the evidence is being kept and there will be a day of reckoning. There will be justice. Count on it. Everyone in these positions needs to make their own calculation as to which side they wish to be on.

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Amen, and thanks so much for your encouraging words, Joseph!

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Incredible work.

They will not be able to say "We did not know."

I admire you so much. Thank you for making this available to all.

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Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring words, Diana!

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But they WILL be able to say, though it is COMPLETELY irrelevant, that "they were just doing their jobs", "they were just doing what they were told to do by their employers / bosses / government", and/or "they were just following orders". You know where that "excuse" got the defendants in Nuremberg [who weren't secretly, along with at least 2,000 other Nazis, given U.S. citizenship and brought to the U.S. to work for the government (Operation Paperclip)], most of them hung by their necks until they were dead (though I'm completely against the death penalty), or imprisoned for life or many years. Very sadly, Third Reich history is being repeated, and they are evidently following Orwell's "1984" like a blueprint for "totaliterrorizing" and "totalitarianizing" the U.S., the West and the world, as well as other tomes.

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We are the Fourth Reich. 😢

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Yep! That is exactly what globalism, the "New World Order", one-world government and religion (Catholicism in the guise of being mixed with all of the world's religions), and present-day corporate-fascism in the U.S., the West and the world is.

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Very well written. You are a Hero. Thank you for advocating for God's children. I hope it enters into the hearts of those making the decisions.

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Aww, thanks, Professor, and I hope so, too! 💗

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sometimes i get bored reading articles and start skimming, especially when i know all this, however this was so well written.

ive shared it far and wide

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Wonderful to hear, Ray! 🙏

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I live in WA and appreciate your letter. It is likely that they "clarified" because of the massive negative response they received. They really cannot be trusted

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I had a hunch that might be what occurred, but either way, the good news is our voices are making a difference, and they will be hard-pressed to pull anything like this again after the dramatic backlash!

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from your lips to God's ears.

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Also there is a lawyer that is suing San Diego (CA) School District over requiring kids get the jab and has had success. He has a substack and would probably lend a hand with ideas of how to sue if need be. https://aaronsiri.substack.com

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Aaron is another one of our superheroes, and we are fortunate to have him fighting on behalf of our liberties and lives! He also testified at the Ron Johnson panel for vaxx-injured victims:



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Yes he is. I linked (rather inartfully) to your post here. People need to see others with courage so they can also muster some.

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Thanks, Raptor! When you say “here,” did you mean to include a link?

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I hope they READ it. Thank you Margaret Anna Alice...it might be too long but Someone should stand and read this from first sentence to last in front of them, so they have NO EXCUSE.

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I hope so, too, Duchess, but regardless, this can be repurposed for other agencies so we can get as much use out of it as possible.

*lol* I love your idea about reading it in front of them and wish that could happen!

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Pity we couldn't bribe someone to do just this?? It would be worth the $$$ just to see their expressions...

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