Jan 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am a retired Marine, two decades of service, 76-97, disabled by the "classified experiment anthrax vaccine" we got going to the Gulf in 89. That "vaccine" was stopped in 91, after half a million and more Veterans have suffered auto-immune diseases, and unidentified diseases.

For two decades, I donned a "MK-17A1, or A2 military gas mask, then a Mission Oriented Personal Protective "suit", chemical, biological and nuclear protection, and practiced operating as a jarhead, as we would in real time, with real pathogens.

Our life expectancy was considered halved, just showing up in a potential contaminated field, until unless it was cleared, unequivocally. You take the "tear gas filters" out of the mask, not good for anything but tear gas, and tear open the treated filters, install them, and replace every six hours, if operation takes place in a verified contaminated environment.

For any veteran to have served in the past two decades, and it be suggested "masks work", is beyond ludicrous, beyond facetious. Even if someone published dozens of "peer reviewed analysis'", I wouldn't wear one under penalty of death, at sixty four, you won't make me do anything.

This plandemic well included the deliberate opioid crisis, the vast over-prescribing of every form of medication, I lost my wife to this "mass effort", almost two years ago, precisely because of this lockdown, the loss of connection with her sisters, never leaving her bed again alive. It's time we all, who have three or more brain cells that function, simply refuse.

I signed off my "natural rights" to enlist in the Corps in December of 75, I accepted the Uniform Code of Military Justice, in lieu of the Constitution, not because it was right, but simply the law. I didn't serve two decades, give up most of my life, voluntarily without "any of my natural rights", so pin-heads, bastard sons and daughters of their Father Satan, could make rules, impose on every right of Citizens. It's time to end the lies, and begin prosecuting and persecuting those criminals in Government, who have committed the greatest medical crime in the history of Mankind. "The Nuremburg trials" actually meant nothing at all, show trials, because the military bureaucrats of their time, Generals, staff and such, ensured the worst of the Nazi's were brought to America, well including Dr. Mengele's work, and our doing so forced the Soviets, who actually lost well beyond twenty million, "breaking the Nazi War machine practically single handed", to grab all of the war criminals they could, to survive our imposed cold war. Fauci is a primary recipient of Nazi Medical Criminal research and development since his appointment in federal service. As a Marine, all who've pushed this need a gallows behind them for their last words, I'd be pleased to pull the cord. John McClain, GySgt, USMC, ret, Vanceboro, NC

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Boom! Another brilliant piece of work Margaret! You are, if I may say, a total badass💪 Keep on shining your intelligence, compassion, and love light bright - the world most definitely needs it now more than ever!💞

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Great article. I really hope they see the light, even it it's just the light of "We'd better get on the 'Biden beat Covid let's mandate some 'freedoms' so the Dems can claim victory" train.

As anyone who's read my comments before knows, I'm kind of a RABID anti-masker.

I am living in CA w/the indoor mask mandate and I go maskless indoors all the time, and I am (STILL) so over it. I think others are as well, b/c I get hassled a lot less than I used to.

Tip for anyone else who wants to conduct business with a --horrors-- NAKED FACE: sadly, the bigger operations (i.e. corporate), are more likely to let you go. I think the smaller businesses, what few remain, are very scared that, you know, some uptight de-oxegenated-brained other customer will call the MASK COPS on them for permitting me to be there with a NAKED FACE.

However, this is what made me cry today--like, I have mostly been angry during this pandemic but I just lost it today. Walking on a beautiful seaside trail, of course w/no mask, and here comes another person on the boardwalk, masked in fresh salty clean breezy air, who sees me and does the absurdist theater move of turning to face away from me off the side of the trail, not saying hi or smiling or anything, just standing there like a VIRTUOUS MORON so politely waiting for OBVIOUSLY (b/c unmasked) polluted me to pass (and you know she was holding her breath). I lost it, started muttering then just dissolved into crying. I am SO ANGRY about all this and SO DISAPPOINTED in people. All those voluntarily masking outdoors, or in their cars alone, what is wrong with you? How are you so out of touch with your bodies you do not get headaches, dry mouth, scratchy throat and cough, or panic? How are you okay not seeing facial expressions, not letting others see yours? How have you just laid down ALL critical thinking in favor of picking up FEAR in one hand the the "GUIDANCE" of obfuscating and profit-hungry power-drunk bureaucrats/unelected officials/Big Harma/captured regulatory agencies in the other?

I come to certain substacks to find that lo and behold, there are some sane others, but let me tell you I know of about 2 peeps IRL here in CA. It sucks and I really worry we are lost as a society. This state is, for sure, in my area. I am in kindof a stand off with one of my jobs because they want me to mask outdoors and I am at the point where I have said: I am exempt, it is against my beliefs, and oh btw [all that science you threw at OR, I have all those links as well so I give people those] masks are useless, but these people are hardcore brainwashed and SCARED. I keep not doing it and they keep getting more frantic. Hoping to last until Gavin's illegal mandate expires on 2/15, but come on, hoping for Gavin to give up some emergency powers is like hoping for Santa Claus. Or should I say...like hoping EVERYBODY ELSE HERE IN CA WOULD JUST DISOBEY. If we all said NO this could be OVER! Well, the mask thing could; I'm sure they systemic bs that got us here would take a little more nuanced of a response.

Sorry--yes I am shouting. Guess today is my day to let the scamdemic get to me.

Thanks for fighting the good fight.

PS: I loved that sarcastic kid--hadn't seen that one!

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Fantastic article. The videos were very powerful. I was close to tears watching the woman repeatedly trying to force the little boy to wear a mask. It was heartbreaking. And that lovely British teenage girl expressing how her education has been ruined during covid says it all. Sometimes a picture or a video says a thousand words.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am going to send this out to many people in hope that maybe just maybe it will inspire one or two to think for themselves. I remember hearing David Icke way in 2020 that we can easily stop this madness but it ain’t gonna happen until enough of us finally say bugger off to the idiots and yes men in charge. The interview at the end of this Highwire segment speaks volumes https://thehighwire.com/videos/covid-19-following-the-money/

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Probably the best article I have read since I joined Substack. And I had not even looked at all the excellent links and videos. Fantastic work, thank you.

Being an older German myself, I was adequately educated in German history in the 70ties when it still mattered in Germany to "wehret den Anfaengen" (resist the beginnings). Our year ten school trip went to the former Concentration Camp in Dachau, where we had to stomach to look at a big room full of skulls and bones (real ones - not Hollywood preps) from people who died in that camp. My kid's school trips in NZ and Australia were about fun, amusement parks, etc. Not sure when they stopped profound history lessons, but like most bureaucratic actions, they were slowly and unnoticeably faced out in the background. No wonder the current generation has no idea what is going on.

However, even my generation, who saw the same skulls, conveniently forgot. So it profoundly shocked and saddened me to see photos of shops in Germany that had "Unvaccinated not welcome in this shop" written on their window glass, less than 100 years after similar messages discriminated against the Jews. That some of my family members and friends accepted that unchallenged came as a wake-up call for me.

But worse. When confronted with the parallels to the Jewish "end solution", they got angry with me, saying I was "totally exaggerating" and that it was not comparable. To deal with it all, I started to write substacks which I found therapeutic. I wrote one substack in which I pointed out the parallels "of the beginnings" in Germany and the beginnings now.


I don't think anyone in the family read it.

This brings me to my thought this morning, pondering power and control as human traits. The insight was that most people do not want to grow up from their childhood experiences. Most children grow up in huge dependency when they are little. In most cases, they get looked after by their parents and are provided adequately with what they need to survive and flourish. In return, they surrender to the power and control of the parents and trust that it is not abused. This is normal.

It is also normal that children grow out of it. Sorry, correction. It was normal.

More and more, the state and increasingly global NGOs, with their all-powerful bureaucrats, take over that relationship, starting in kindergarten and schools, to be handed over to employers. Free-thinking, truly independent humans do not benefit the bureaucratic-commercial power structures. Over the last few decades, we lost our children to these new masters. We failed as parents. We lost against smartphones and unchecked capitalism.

Our children never learned to be truly independent and resilient. Hence the current situation. This new fascism is only possible because millions want to be led and controlled and accept it as somehow caring. Like children, they hand over their autonomy and expect to be fed and cared for. Unfortunately, they don't realise one significant difference to regular parental caring: Love.

Parents do it out of love and want their children to grow free and independent. The state, bureaucrats, and CEOs don't do it because of love and don't want "their children" to be free and independent. I wonder what needs to happen before they realise that. If they ever do, expect tantrums.

Another lesson from history is that "the revolution always eats their own children." It is easy to start a revolution but difficult to stop. History shows it gets more and more radical, as the transgender and health "revolution" shows. Buckle up, and prepare. Move to the country.

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In peer reviewed studies, my research team and I cited over 200 studies showing that mask-wearing is known to be hazardous to brain, heart, lungs, immune system and even kidneys. Mask-wearing is also correlated with higher COVID incidence and hospitalizations. These studies are in Primary Doctor Medical Journal at https://PDMJ.org. We are an epidemiologist, a microbiologist and I, a practicing naturopathic physician.

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I hope you get a response. My recent emails to NYU- president, trustees, medical director and influential others on the insanity of mandating boosters for students- many of whom were documented as having been infected and recovered from both delta and omnicon cvd by their student medical department went unanswered. Dropped into the abyss. I'm not a student- but it's personal. The same with my demands for Marin County's "public health" department to produce the evidence for their "guidelines" early on I am working on a two minute (that's the limit for public comment at zoomed county supervisor meetings) demand to have them conduct a retrospective analysis of the harm/benefits of their policies of the last two years. I may link to your mask data in my accompanying email. Thanks.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for rational thinking. It's been difficult over these last 2 years to witness the complete and utter trashing of rational thinking....ethical behaviour and moral compasses. 70 percent of the people I know are either completely insane or apathetic. 30 percent are insane, 40 are apathetic. One can only hope that we can wake the apathetic eventually.

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I'm heartened by that boy, he's fierce resistor. More power to him.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Jezebel Spirits Thrive When There Is No One Willing To Stand - Face Masks: The Flag Of Ahab & Jezebel, Their Modern Day Heritage, & Their Dynasty.

One reason that face masks are so important is that they push the boundaries on acceptable behavior and permissible oppression. They train those who wear them for further oppression. They also signal to oppressors that those who wear them are ready for further oppression.

A host of other sociological activities take place that I will not now get into, but which I write at length about in my books Face Masks Hurt Kids and Face Masks in One Lesson. This is to say that a face mask is much more than a face mask. It is much more than an attempt to stop the spread of a disease. The disease prevention claim, by the way, has been unequivocally disproven at this point.

Face masks, in fact, hurt you. Face masks are harmful both for those who wear them and those who allow them worn around themselves. The Jezebel spirit wants you to mask up, wants you to take the shot, wants you to comply to much worse. The Jezebel spirit wants no boundaries on anything as she says “just this one last thing,” and never stops coming up with that one last thing, because she never meets resistance. Jezebel spirits thrive in our era. That is precisely because Ahab spirits thrive in our era.

Face masks are harmful to humans. “Face Masks Hurts Kids” is a 500-page book that digs into the science of that topic. It is currently available at a reduced friends and family price through all major book retailers during the soft launch period. “Face Masks in One Lesson” is a book on how to never wear a mask again.


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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What a fantastic article. Thank you Margaret Anna! You are a beautiful human being.

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An accurate and insightful article! I'm sending this out to friends. Can people from other states comment?

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for composing this. I sent an email to the OR Health Authority with a copy of this posting attached.

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Permanent? Like, FOREVER?! What would be the justification - y'all ugly?!

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thoughtful and Awesome Margaretannaalice!! 🙏

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