VICTORY #1: “California Delays Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate for Schools”


They are feeling the pressure—let’s keep it on!!

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Is the American Trucker Convoy in Sacramento? There is no coverage anywhere?

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Interestingly, a commenter on the OffGuardian version of this piece says they are arriving on Tuesday:


Maybe just keep an eye on the People’s Convoy (https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/) site for details?

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Thank you for this.

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Someone commented on The Burning Platform post of this article that the People’s Convoy would be arriving in Sacramento on Monday:


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They have pulled two of the Bills so far due to public outrage & I think the New California State happening.

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The Canadian convoy, unlike the American one, was to some degree more disruptive. I can understand why the American one went more passive to avoid the draconian measures meted out in Canada; However, like the peaceful protests led by Gandhi in India, the protest must deliver some measure of unease/inconvenience to be effective, otherwise, it will be a spectacle at best and easily ignored. The inconvenience, to me, does a few things:

- it shows the protesters are sincere in the face of injustice

- it shows the protesters are willing to suffer consequences for their demands

- it makes the opposing authority show their ugly side we all need to see

- it encourages others to be brave in the face of that ugliness

- It's shows that people will suffer willingly today for a brighter tomorrow.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud of the American convoy as with the Canadian one. I'm just trying to show why the impact of the two are different. I think we will be made uncomfortable one way or another. What we have is the chance to choose discomfort for a chance of accountability and freedom from tyranny.

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letters sent... awaiting resolution on pins & needles (oops... no needles)

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Thank you, kitten! *lol* to no needles 😆

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This is above Top Shelf.

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Palm Springs lost their minds!

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Haha, wow, thanks, Frederick!

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This fight is far from over.

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Absolutely. We must never let down our guard.

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Margaret Anna Alice thanks for all you do. 🌞

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It is my absolute honor, Brandon is not your Bro :-)

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I'd remind them that the trust of the people is the basis of a democracy and if they betray that our system will fail.

To punish good conscientious physicians and scientists for doing their very best to promote the health of their patients is truly evil. I went through the decadent decades of the 70s and 80s saying no to the rock drug sex counterculture and the reckless immoral and culturally destructive influences that were prevalent. I don't know how to characterize the modern professionals and intellectuals who are buying the CDC's official propaganda, are these people moral reprobates or just calloused, trapped professionals who can't buck the official propaganda?

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Well-put, Tom, and I absolutely share your bewilderment as the propaganda is so embarrassingly transparent to me!

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We need the road runner (cartoon) to take a hand saw to California's border cutting across north of orange co. and just push it out to sea. Do we have a letter campaign to activate the Road Runner?

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🤣 I have my order in to ACME for the continent-sized saw.

Just need a few minutes to airlift the decent folks out.

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I am one of those decent folks. And I need an airlift out. But is WA really any better Margaret Anna? It's the home of Bill Gates and Amazon after all.

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Oh no, get thee to Florida ASAP! Or stand your ground and keep fighting if you have the energy. That’s what we’re doing.

And no, Washington is one of the worst—Inslee is a WEFer, and I addressed their proposed totalitarian measures in this piece:

• “Letter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board)

Fortunately, I don’t live there, although Oregon is part of the unholy Pacific Coast Axis. At least Kate Brownshirt is ineligible to run for re-election, and we have a strong and growing medical freedom movement in Oregon:


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If the UPS driver is humming this when the ACME saw arrives...buy a Powerball ticket.


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I do love the Monalisa Twins! You may remember I included “I Bought Myself a Politician” in my “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis).

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For some, a land of perpetually false promises & broken dreams



Change the coastline and a few words in the lyrics



In case the lyric "they burned the churches up in Harlem" doesn't register



Surf 'n' TERF ?

“It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era — the kind of peak that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run... but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant...

There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning...

And that, I think, was the handle — that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply PREVAIL. There was no point in fighting — on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave...

So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high water mark — that place where the wave finally broke, and rolled back.”

Hunter S. Thompson

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I can always count on you to bring the tunes, Infanttyron3 🕺

I’m surprised you didn’t do this:


Or is that too obvious?

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It did occur to me, and I'm not sure what made me decide to leave it unlinked (maybe I was momentarily unhinged?).

Maybe a good dose of pedal steel will make up for the oversight.

There's also "California - tumbles into the sea".

And no dancing...WHO has revoked our cabaret license...




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Haha, lovely and thanks, Infanttyron3!

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Infanttyron3…. We must be from the same generation. Good memories.

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Good Citizen… Frederick R Smith wrote a good piece the other day and mentioned Palm Springs is giving $900 dollars per year to transgender and non- binary folks, for 2 years to use as they wish.

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I'm with you, Margaret Ann Alice. When some people express their ideas, they fade in and out of my consciousness, even as I'm reading the material. You have written many pieces that has me captured from beginning to end. This is not just because you have the data to back your statements, others do as well, it is your style of expression that makes the facts accessible, genuine and powerful in its affect. Those qualities are much rarer and need much more to counter the incessant propaganda we are subjected to. Keep up the great work, I will continue to support you as I can.

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You’ve touched me deeply with your moving words, browntsunami. Thank you for your meaningful engagement with my work and eloquently expressed appreciation.

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Submit letters to CA assembly committees

1) AB 1797 - Email the Assembly Health Committee Members: Go to: https://secure.everyaction.com/qZSmetPckU-t_iQHhYCZCQ2

2) AB 2098 - Email the Assembly Business and Professions Committee Members: Go to: https://secure.everyaction.com/XdxB1leoFEaTQpqUz5ryjQ2

A Voice for Choice Advocacy has made it easy for you to email the Assembly Members on each of the respective Committees to ask them to Oppose the bill before them. For legislators to read your email (and not assume it as a mass marketing campaign), it is important that your letter is personalized to your situation, so be sure to outline how AB 1797 and AB 2098 would affect you and your family.

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Margaret... Thank you so much for this article!

I did write to my State Senator Scott Wilk and Assemblyman Tom Lackey about opposing all 10 of these Bills about a week and a half ago -- though IMHO (from previous experiences) they are spineless, do-nothings who have held office for far too long; both should be primaried and voted out of office at the next opportunity.

Regardless of them, I didn't know such a thing as the Legislation Letter Portal existed! I sat down immediately, opened an account, and opposed all 7 of the still pending bills. In each of my "stance" entries, I included the link to your outstanding article. FYI and to others: the Judiciary Committee is also involved in SB871 (Vaccine Immunization Mandate for Ages 5+) - not just the health and education committees. Be sure to submit to each committee involved in a bill.

I will be using the Portal a lot (An understatement!)

Deb Odell

@ActonDeb on Getter — Dr. Malone posted your article on 4-15-22

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Thank you so much for your enthusiastic participation, ActonDeb, as well as for the additional tip regarding the Judiciary Committee! OMG, I didn’t even realize we had to select the different committees when there are multiple committees! I have updated the instructions with a hat tip to you :-) Thanks, Deb!

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Thank you for this work!!

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You’re so welcome, Susan!

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AGAIN - God knows I tried. | Barnhardt

Elections. For the love of God, if you don’t hear anything else I say for the rest of the evening, listen to this. Elections are no longer free. They are staged theater, designed to maintain the illusion of representative governance and to enrich the political class. This is despotism.

Are you stupid? All these people are doing is running fake campaigns, taking fake polls, putting out fake data, invoicing and cross-invoicing each other to the tune of millions and millions and millions of dollars.

My God. Come on. They laugh at you just exactly the same way the banksters in New York laugh at all of you. Goldman Sachs calls you guys “the muppets”. And, you know, i assume that Karl Rove and that whole oligarch political class feels exactly the same way. You are a bunch of “red-neck hillbillies” who all they see you as is as money to be to be bled and harvested, so that they can set up their consulting firms and then invoice each other for consulting fees on these elections.

If you do choose to fall for the bread and circuses again, you will be morally responsible for enabling the satanic revolution and will deserve every bit of the hell that rains down on you.

I’m sorry, but there comes a certain point where you have got to pull your head out of your ass and deal with reality. You cannot just keep going on with this over and over and over again, saying, “Well if I just give somebody some money and I put some signs in my yard I’m doing enough…”


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Carl Sagan "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

See also 👉🏿Stockholm Syndrome and World Mass Psychosis currently happening.

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Indeed, that is a perfect quote for Covidians, and I used it in the recent exchange with one I documented here:


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I've added a number of quotes to my commonplace this morning. Thank you.

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These bills fly in the face of the First Amendment https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/free-speech-squelched

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If we don’t fix the 2020 election fraud issues first, then future elections are a waste of time. I believe that the Dems perfected their election forays in California, For many years, especially in the Bay Area. In my jurisdiction in So OC, my representatives all say they are against mandates. Let’s hope the rest of the States representatives feel the same thing.

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I’m amazed to hear your reps were brave enough to voice their support—that takes some chutzpah in California!

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First the WHO now on to California…

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No rest for the [anti-]wicked!

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