Nothing they say matters. If they give all their ill gotten assets, every penny they own, to charities and spend the rest of their lives at hard labour with zero power over anyone, including their own children, maybe they can earn a tiny amount of consideration for trying to make amends. But there is no moving on without justice. There are empty gallows to be filled and prison cells for the worst of them. The hospital administrators knew that they were killing people and took the money. The doctors knew. All the politicians knew. No. We shall never forget.

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I heard an indie journalist predict mob violence against doctors in the near future. She wasn't advocating for it but warning doctors of the consequences for their short-sighted greed and cowardice.

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"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent changes inevitable." ~JFK

I have worked with medical doctors. An arrogant lot who thrive by preventing competition and lying to patients. I'm all out of sympathy for the cruel and ugly wretched jerks.

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The thought of going to one makes my stomach sick. Doctors now terrify me. Long story, but I'm forced to live with relatives due to iatrogenic injury. They keep dragging me to medical appointments and chalk up my unwillingness to go as paranoia. The "experts" won't acknowledge the cause of my sickness but they usually don't. They only shill drugs to treat all the symptoms caused by other drugs or modern stress. Like medical martial law or being forced to see dangerous, drug dealing quacks.

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This is why Americans have gun stores. It's not easy being unequal in weight or strength but there are tools that compensate. I don't envy you your living situation.

Let us pray: Eternal Father please lift the veil from the eyes of the cruel and let them see the harm they're doing. Please soften their hearts so they restore decency to their behaviour. Amen.

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It would save their lives too. I see what the shots are doing. The next boosters will probably kill. Flu/RSS/Covid. The TV says it's good to get all three so they will.

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It's NOT paranoia to recognize when someone(s) are ACTIVELY trying to kill you! Really and truly: arm up, ammo up, and prepare!

I've taught three neighbors to shoot (and two have bought guns); and gotten several to begin SOME sort of prepping! MOST are still shotshotboosted... {sigh} I am working to plant seeds that might grow into knowledge and refusal to take more shots because I have not yet -- and don't know if I will EVER -- figure out how to just step back and let them DIE.

I wailed to my "you may NOT discuss covid with me!" sister, You (two) sisters are ALL the family I have left! I don't want to be left alone!" Planted a seed, I don't know yet if it will grow.

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Let us pray. Eternal Father please open their eyes so they will see the truth. Amen.

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Mob violence against journalists could also come. These sycophant ghouls are to blame for decades-long fear mongering, enabling psychopath doctors to undergo Mengelian metamorphosis.

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Doctors, nurses, police, educators, journos...all have made plenty of enemies. And continue to make them. I believe the high-ranking ones knew what was afoot and hoped to get their piece of the pie. They forgot that Mr. Global doesn't like to share. If some Canadian managed to assassinate Trudeau--for instance--Klaus Schwab would gladly exploit it for some media narrative. But he wouldn't shed a tear. Just shrug and think, That dummkopf should have been more careful. Plenty more where he came from.

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They've been laying the groundwork for that themselves, being the fools they are. In this case, it's the Orange Man's Fault, it's forever the Orange Man's Fault, no matter how ridiculous that argument has become.

Harvard Scientist Says Trump Hatred Influenced Experts Who Denied Wuhan Lab Leak Theory


Joe Biden: "Yes, Absolutely I Do" Blame President Trump For COVID Deaths; "Kick Him Out Of Office" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/09/10/joe_biden_yes_absolutely_i_do_blame_president_trump_for_covid_deaths.html

New Orleans @mayorcantrell Blames Trump for Not Shutting Down Mardi Gras over Coronavirus https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1243648798599020545.html.

See, it's NEVER their fault; it can't be! After all, they're born and bred, educated, i.e., brainwashed at the elite institutions to lead us sheep.

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Adding insult and injustice to injury, unfortunately, all those corrupt with this fraud against humanity - and the list is long - realistically, will never be brought to justice.

Never forget that either.

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Oh, my goodness. It's Owen Glendower straight outta Shakespeare. Cans't thou call spirits from the vasty deep? Why so can I or so can any man. But will they come for you when you do call for them? jk lol

It's an important point that the very corrupt have much power. But it's even more important that God is on our side.

Now the Owain from history may have been averse to our friend Jesus. But we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Even the impossible becomes possible with God. Praise God. Amen.

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I often comment, when / to people are saying "oh, the DOCTORS AND NURSES didn't know! THEY don't have to be punished!"

We are nearly FOUR YEARS IN -- and those "unknowing" doctors and nurses are STILL USING Run-deathisnear to MURDER people in their hospital beds! They are still looking stupidly at now-deadly sick / injured / dying patients and families and claiming "Duh, we're baffled! We don't know why or how your relative (or YOU), in remission for five years "SUDDENLY" have massive body-wide terminal cancers!" Or, "Oh, really? You're still unable to function fully in your life? Baffled! Go see a psychiatrist!"

*IF* it were true (and it's not!) that the PARTICIPATING IN MASS MURDER doctors and nurses did not know in the beginning -- and then 'woke up' and realized what they were participating in mass murders (and MANY docs and nurses did, and were hugely punished - and few were MIURDERED! -- for that awakening), then maybe "okay, you must make such amends as possible, but you (maybe!) won't be locked up for life!"

But now? Today? FOUR YEARS IN!?!? Every doctor and nurse learns basic biology in med school. Every doctor and nurse knows -- or should know -- enough biology to be able to recognize mass lying -- and MASS MURDER! How can any one of them say "I don't know" AS they inject Rundeathisnear into a patient?! "Keeping up" is part of the job! NOT falling for govt lies is ALSO part of the job.

(Not sorry:) NO AMNESTY!

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I agree. No amnesty. Aristotle said: One can never have too much justice. Amnesty is not justice. It is, in this case, the total opposite.

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I am grateful for the internet, all those tweets and posts are saved and they cannot be denied or forgotten.

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Save them where and when you can; we’ve seen data, videos, etc get deleted, never to be seen again

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Truth, but I recommend saving them. The powers that be are doing their best to erase all evidence. As things ramp up against them - as in us pushing back - I suspect those things will disappear quickly.

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Not that they're not trying to fix that, but you're right; there are lots of reminders out there.

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"Amnesty" (and /or forgiveness without remorse) is what a two-year old demands when he's caught in some mischief. NONE of these murderers and facilitators of murder are two yrs old. In fact they KILLED lots of two-yr-olds!

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Total agreement.

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Good documentation.

For me it's simple. If someone fell for the con, and they stayed home, masked up, got jabbed, and said nasty things to and about those who refused to play along, well, that's unfortunate, but we all make mistakes in this life, and in my book, free speech means you're free to say stupid rude shale. If someone went beyond that, however, and violated the human rights of other citizens-- say, by imposing a jab mandate, having people thrown out of public spaces or even arrested for not masking, excluding them from school, taking away their livelihood, and so on, that is another matter entirely-- it's a crime. It's also a crime to present a medical treatment as safe and effective when you have the information that it is not-- or do not have the information that it actually is. So with the jabs we also have fraud and malice aforethought. May the perpetrators of these crimes be held accountable before the law.

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And as a reminder, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (both proven excellent against Covid and myriad illnesses) had to be demonized before mRNA gene-therapy (wrongly called vaccines) companies could get the EUA. Because if there were meds available for an illness, Big Pharma couldn't get the EUA for an untested, unvetted 'solution'.

Plus, the refusal to reveal data for 75 years! Plus, the plandemic simulation done before Covid was labeled a worldwide threat! And so more .... All of these evidence of pre-planning, intent to deceive, malicious intent, and all the other stuff that only lawyers can spell out.

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There are many doctors who protested spoke out against the demonization of Ivermectin especially-- but here's my personal fave:

SC Senate Testimony - Dr. Karen DeVore

Dr. Karen DeVore testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC [Department of Health and Environmental Control]

SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 15, 2023


For complete video of the session visit https://www.scstatehouse.gov/video/archives.php

Download: https://video.scstatehouse.gov/mp4/20230912SMedicalAffairsSenateCommittee13489_1.mp4

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 10:00 am

Senate Medical Affairs Committee

Pandemic Preparedness Listening Session



DR. KAREN DEVORE: I just I want to say good afternoon, I want to thank all of you all for the privilege of speaking up for medical freedom, for both physicians and patients in this state. Y'all have heard a lot of information today and y'all have been very attentive and you've asked great questions and I don't know that I have a whole lot more to say than what has been reiterated already, but I'm going to try to make this personal.

My name is Karen DeVore. I have been practicing dermatology in Spartanburg, South Carolina for over 30 years. I have a high volume practice. I see about 50 patients a day. I have been prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, they've been safe, they've been effective, they've been affordable, and I've been prescribing them for over 30 years. Every time I've written the drug for 30 years it was off-label. I have not treated malaria in the state of South Carolina nor river blindness in the state of South Carolina, so why? I mean, I had no pushback from pharmacies or insurance companies for 30 years. Everything I did was technically off-label. Why in 2020, all of a sudden, the FDA was calling ivermectin horse medicine? Physicians were not allowed to write the medicine? Pharmacists would not fill it for you? You know, where were the FDA, CDC, medical boards, pharmaceutical boards to be truth tellers in all this?

Because I had a long experience writing these safe and affordable drugs, and I knew that there were trials that showed in SARS-CoV-1, that was the virus, you may remember, a lot of Asians wearing masks in 20, uh, 2002. And I knew we had no FDA-approved early interventions. Patients were basically told, they weren't even seen by a lot of their primary care doctors, they were basically told to go home and if you can't breathe and you turn blue, go the emergency room and then we'll give you remdesivir and maybe put you on a ventilator. And this was occurring when many doctors across the United States and other countries were having great results with repurposed drugs, hydroxychloroquine and


I was noticing that my long-term patients on hydroxychloroquine for autoimmune diseases like lupus, they were not getting covid in 2020. So why wouldn't you try writing these drugs? Why wouldn't you do vitamin D and zinc? What did you have to lose? And really, ironically, somebody already alluded to this, South Carolina is a Right to Try state,* but because these drugs were already FDA-approved for human use, even a terminally ill patient on a ventilator at the end of life was not allowed to

try these drugs.

How many lives could have been saved?

And physicians have always had the ability to write off-label drugs. I mean, that just means writing an FDA-approved drug for a disease other than the FDA originally approved it for. A simple example. I'm a dermatologist, I could not treat cystic acne with tetracycline if I had to stay on FDA

approved labels.


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DR. KAREN DEVORE: Could it be that the safe and effective and readily available drugs would have meant there would have been no emergency [makes air quotes with fingers] vaccine development? No coercion, no propaganda, no fear, no control, no cash cow for Big Pharma?

I know you've heard today, the PREP Act** and various other legal reasons that vaccine manufacturers are immune from any liability. Why would they spend time and money improving their product? And that would hurt their bottom line! What other industry is exempt from liability if their product fails, proves dangerous, or is other than advertised? You've already heard the swine flu vaccine in 1976 was pulled after only 32 deaths. I don't mean only, those were deaths. But now we're over a thousand times that many deaths. How many is it going to take? How many hospitalizations, how many disabilities before we recall these vaccines?

So I began writing ivermectin for covid-19 patients almost immediately. To my knowledge not a single patient that I treated with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine was hospitalized or died from covid. Not only were there zero side effects, patients amazed me. They called me back, they told me how overnight they felt normal again, within eight hours their fever was broken, their rigors were gone. It was unbelievable. If I had not been witnessing such impressive clinical results I don't think I would have continued to fight for my patients with the insurance companies and the pharmacies.

Why would you deny this for anyone?

Well, you know, patients couldn't get the meds I was writing. I was practicing medicine within the bounds of my medical license, and both I and my patients were being harassed. Pharmacists refused to fill prescriptions. And unknown to me until covid, South Carolina has a law, Section 404386, that

allows pharmacists to have the authority to refuse to fill any prescription for any reason at any time. I just want to repeat that. Pharmacists in South Carolina can refuse to fill any doctor's prescription for any reason at any time.

Are pharmacists liable for withholding treatment? Pharmacists haven't been to medical school. They do not have the right to see and examine and treat patients with prescription drugs. I don't know how that's illegal.

So supplies of ivermectin become become limited. Prices are elevated. Patients used to get ivermectin for 20 dollars before covid. At the height of the pandemic it was three or 400 dollars. And you know what that did? It drove patients to Tractor Supply.*** You know what it did work, worked just as well.

And then doctors and pharmacists started to be audited, including myself from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Doctors were threatened with loss of their licenses and jobs. Our own South County DHEC [Department of Health and Environmental Control] sent letters to to physicians encouraging them to push the vaccine that was safe and effective and really discounting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

And now we can get to the issue of privacy and HIPAA laws.**** How can employers ask your vaccine status? I can't ask about a person's medical conditions when I'm hiring or firing them. Pharmacists started interrogating patients. If they thought the prescribed ivermectin was for covid, I had seen and examined the patients, I had discussed the risk and benefits of the drugs for the patients, I had told them it was off-label. Pharmacists acted like that never happened. And isn't it a privacy issue for them to be questioning patients, like, are you on valacyclovir for a cold sore, or is it your genital herpes? Is it doxycycline for acne, or a sexually transmitted disease? And a pharmacist has the right to decline one of those and not the other? And to pay, and insurance companies can pay for one of those and not the other?

You know, if that wasn't enough, doctors were harassed and vilified for writing FDA-approved drugs that I knew how to administer, I knew how to dose, I knew how to handle side effects, but I wasn't promoting the emergency use vaccines that had no long-term clinical data, and that would be given to pregnant women and children down to the age of six months of age.

I can assure you no patient was forced to take an off-label drug that they considered dangerous or horse medicine. I cannot tell you people were not coerced and forced to take an emergency use vaccine. And I don't understand why, if you chose to take the vaccine and you put your own life jacket on, I don't understand why you cared so much that someone else chose to make a different decision. Your, your life jacket and your vaccine that works and is safe and effective should protect you regardless of if your neighbor puts their life jacket on or not.

Well, some patients trusted the government agencies. Let me tell you how that's turned out so far.

In the last two and a half years since the vaccine has been widely promoted, and many patients have taken it out of fear and isolation, the patients who took the vaccine? Still get covid. And now I see patients and I could not believe the attorney who spoke said he had heard the same thing, because in 30 years of practicing dermatology I've never heard people describe their symptoms this way.

[Holds up hands to makes quotes] I am itching from my bones out. I am on fire from the inside.

I see the most unusual rashes, and they don't respond well to treatment, and they last for months or years. I see previously well-controlled autoimmune diseases like psoriasis and eczema and lupus now totally out of control. I see her aggressive, severe shingles. It is more painful, it is lasting longer, and this is even in those who've had the shingles vaccine.

I see rapidly growing skin cancers, including basal cells that are just supposed to be traditionally very slow growing. I see squamous cells, cutaneous squamous cells that are metastasizing much more often than they ever did before. And melanomas have become so unusual and much harder to diagnose. They are much more advanced at presentation. And I have to biopsy more and more things. And it's all in vaccinated patients.

And then beyond my field, patients that I've seen regularly for 6 to 12 months, every 6 to 12 months for 30 years, they're aging more rapidly. They've got unhealthy weight loss, they keep their balance is bad, they're falling, they're black and blue, they can't get on an exam table. And you see their medical updates as they were in and they've had atrial fibrillation pacemakers, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and DVTs [deep vein thromboses], pulmonary embolism, parkinsonism, ALS, tremors, nerve palsies, miscarriages, infertility. Did I mention aggressive new onset cancers? Recurrent stage IV cancers after 20 years of remission? I know four people in one small zip code in Spartanburg that have rare leukemias, 3 of 4 of them are dead now.

In over 30 years of medical practice I've probably only known one or two people who had Lou Gehrig's or ALS disease and they were distant and not really, you know, third or fourth contacts. I now know three people in my immediate range of contact.

I know a small middle school in the lower part of the state where three 14 year olds are struggling for their life with cancer. I went until I was in med school before I had a classmate that died to cancer. I've got four kids who went to medical school, who went through school and college and graduate school, and not a single one of them knew of a classmate that died of cancer.

A week ago I saw a 60 year old man who was previously healthy, working full-time, got the two vaccines, one booster, three months later diagnosed with his first cancer, bladder, second cancer prostate, third cancer stage IV lung. Am I to believe that's just coincidence?

I can't turn a blind eye to this and pretend I don't see it. I can't ignore the elephant in the room these past few years. The vaccines have changed the whole medical landscape. People are suffering and I think they're dying needlessly. The medical field, its boards, hospital protocols, pharmaceutical industry, CDC, FDA, DHEC, NIH, all have been publicly discredited. I don't know if we can regain public trust. I pray to God we can.

I urge you today to stand up for medical freedom, for patients, for physicians. Please do not allow vaccine mandates that have little safety data while harassing patients who have other effective treatments. Remember, it is our Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm.

Thank you for your time and attention.


#   #   #


* See https://righttotry.org/

** "The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) provides immunity to qualified individuals.​"

See PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators


*** Tractor Supply is a US chain of stores selling farm supplies, including pet and animal feed and supplies, clothing, tools, fencing, and more. https://www.tractorsupply.com/

**** HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

"Most of us believe that our medical and other health information is private and should be protected, and we want to know who has this information. The Privacy Rule, a Federal law, gives you rights over your health information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive your health information. The Privacy Rule applies to all forms of individuals' protected health information, whether electronic, written, or oral. The Security Rule is a Federal law that requires security for health information in electronic form." - Source:


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Amen. Thank you Dr. for your courage. I only wish my parents had had as much certainty and back bone, but they fell for the 'you need this to travel' scam. Wouldn't stay put for it to blow over. I never did. My poor brother, certifiable from non stop CNN fear mongering and can never be recovered. He's had the shingles vax but after boosting multiple covid encounters.. guess who had a flaming flaming bout of ...shingles? Sister, not jabbed at least, but if these spikes are 'spreadable' from the jabbed to non jabbed (or the nanos) we are all in a world of hurt. Not to mention the blood supply.

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Please please -- everyone: About 1.5 mos after my dance with covid, I too, had shingles (quite the surprise!). As I was taking IVM anyway, I kept taking it. Contrary to the expected hellish pain and itching and oozing blisters and all... (My sister said SHE had to sleep sitting up for two days); my 'dance with' shingles was abbreviated and quite tolerable.

Got the rash; the wee-tiny blisters came up -- but instead of continuing to grow and then break and ooze and burn with hellfire and itch like to drive one crazy.... the blisters meekly receded (within a day or two!) BACK into the skin and there was almost no pain, Certainly none associated with the blisters OR the rash! The pain was deep inside where the virus was creeping down the nerves; but even THAT was a pain that aspirin knocked down!

Now, while you still CAN, get a store of IVM and have it on hand always! It's an AMAZING anti-viral; and is being investigated (OUTSIDE Pharma, mostly!) for its anti-cancer actions! An FLCCC MD has said IVM worked WONDERS to knock down the (separate) Zika and the Dengue fever outbreaks in his country! (a'course, they're trying to take his license now)!

My best friend came for a week-long visit, sick as a dog with some respiratory thing. She happily forged through my "covid preps" box (cough syrup, lozenges, etc. etc.) to stock up -- but recoiled at the offer of IVM! Toward the end of the week, I mentioned in passing that I was taking IVM, and she said "STILL?!!? WHY?!" I gave her a hug and said, "Because my best friend is both here and SICK!" (Pole-axed look. {sigh})

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Wow- thank you for this.

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Thanks for reading

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If you have not watched Dr David Martin -- most especially his 21 minutes that changed the world when he spoke to the European Parliament!~ -- go do so! Learn JUST how deep and long and EVIL this attack on humanity has been in the works!

Do you even KNOW that the "novel" genetic bits-and-bobs that "they said" MADE SARS-Cov2 so novel and so deadly because 'we humans' had never been exposed to this novel virus before" -- turns out to be just more (murderous!) propaganda? EACH (EVERY ONE) of the bits-and-bobs that made this supposed 'wild' virus oh-so-new:


There was nothing "novel" that 'we' did not likely already HAVE immune system "knowledge" of. You MUST dive deeper into just who our enemies are -- and what they have done!

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Agreed! Human beings have a natural immune system but it can be weakened by our own lifestyle, environmental factors and deliberate manipulation by dark forces. God said We have not given you any illness for which there is no cure. I see the truth of this all around me. But here we are talking about MAN-made health interventions. So, we have to be vigilant both about our own poor health decisions and actions by others (read: Big Pharma, e.g.).

Tech is always a two-sided proposition. Just like fire can help us stay warm and cook food, so can it burn our cities down and destroy crops, etc. All the research about genetics, DNA, cells, etc. is also a Janus option. I have had this nagging question in the back of my mind for a long time: If we live a healthy lifestyle, why do we need all this research to find out how humans function? I am not anti-"real science" and understand human beings' innate curiosity to inquire and discover. Can I live a prosperous, healthy, fulfilling life without knowing about the double helix? Millions did and continue to do so.

The majority of our current ills have to do with bankers, wars, chemicals and pollution. Unfortunately, most of the scientific research are deliberately funded with questionable motives and the knowledge used by nefarious elements to wreak havoc on humanity. I don't trust anyone who is not 100% transparent about their ideas, plans, justifications, actions, solutions and implementations.

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Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament Covid Summit: "What do we want humanity to look like?"

"This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them. This is, this is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race. And it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud."

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AI Elon's Twatter still imposes blindness from onchocerciasis.

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Transcriber B: "If someone fell for the con, and they stayed home, masked up, got jabbed, and said nasty things to and about those who refused to play along, well, that's unfortunate, but we all make mistakes in this life, "

WRONG! FOUR YEARS IN and they are STILL playing along!? It could have been (but should NOT have been) a "mistake" in the beginning. Now? When the mountain of EVIDENCE it was a biological attack against ALL HUMANS (well, except their OWN soldiers and administrators) is Everest-tall? It's NOT unfortunate after (and I'm being insanely careless of / generous with time here) one year; there is NO excuse for four years in and STILL murdering and injuring people (and then abandoning them without a second glance!) -- AND preparing for the next go-round!!

We tend to want to 'think well' of people even when they've participated in ACTIVE horrors! ("They didn't know" -- even where they were TRAINED to know!)? How many DECADES have the Jews (and the U.S. / Euro govts) searched for and hounded and deported and destroyed the lives of Germans who only "did what they were told" as "camp guards"! Do you want to call THEM "unfortunate" and "fell for the con" and let them go? (It's been SEVENTY YEARS!!! Is there anyone agitating for amnesty for the pitiful few remnants of THOSE people who fell for the con?! Then WHY 'suggest' amnesty for the participants in the largest mass murder in the history of this PLANET!?

As our dear and brilliant MargaretAnnaAlice says: "Mistakes WERE NOT made!" If you have not READ that brilliance -- then go do so! If you have not seen the also brilliant Dr Tess Laurie read that, and bring you to tears -- then go do so! SEE how large is the ARMY arrayed against us, and reconsider "amnesty" for the foot soldiers and murderers!

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Be assured, I am well aware of Margaret Anna Alice's courageous and important writings, and I agree, mistakes were not made, however, I am saying that I also recognize that accepting that other people may disagree with me, and say and do things I consider deeply stupid, is part of what living in a free society looks like. It's a constant struggle for balance-- oftentimes very upsetting, very uncomfortable, very confusing. Certainly, many people need to be held accountable before the law for what has been perpetrated-- in particular, for fraud and for malice aforethought. However, if a legally competent adult wants to believe the garbage on their TV, or for that matter, vote for Gavin Newsome, or wear a mask, or take injection number 7, much as it pains me, it is their right to do so. If I want free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association, I must respect that for others as well. Finally, certainly I would agree, that indeed, many people have much to answer for after their behavior during covid times-- both before the law, and before the rest of society, and before the Divine, who sees and understands more than I can ever hope to.

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I guaran-god-damn-tee you these sociopathic busybodies and academic false gods who shoved their way into my family's life and tried to muzzle us with masks and inject us with something that belongs in a BioShock game will NOT be getting one shred of "amnesty" from me.

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I'm with you 100%. They KNEW what they were doing. I call that attempted murder, and in some cases, murder.

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Right out of Luke 23:34 (correctly translated)!

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Great content here. I want to be fair and forgiving. At the same time, I want to be certain that the people who pushed this gross abuse of authority are never in a position to do so again. Thanks for the intellectual ammo to help make the case for why we can't just "move on."

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Don't leave out the use of force and brainwashing with what was usurped authority.

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And that's not going away: their lust for total control is insatiable.

Governor Hochul Files Appeal in Quarantine Camp Lawsuithttps://brownstone.org/articles/governor-hochul-files-appeal-in-quarantine-camp-lawsuit/

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Trauma-based mind control is evil and works.

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"I want to be fair and forgiving." Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree. I am all for being fair to and forgiving those who TRULY deserve it. But these demons don't deserve an iota of your noble attitude.

History is replete with examples of "fair and forgiving" and the result? They keep on inflicting their horrors on innocents. They know about this noble side of humanity and count on it to get away with their crimes against humanity. I am not as noble as you.

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I gave your Covid kapos to my quadrupple vaxxed 'cancer of unknown origin' Mother. She doesn't know why I can't move on.

How do you know you won’t fall for the next one?

How do you know you won’t line up for more?

How do you know you won’t crumble again?

She normalised it for my 24 year old twins, who then found it easier to ignore their mother and take two doses. She has a science degree, I'm so angry with her. Stupid stupid woman.

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They were doing their best alright - doing their best to snuff out the human soul, and use its good nature against itself, as they are attempting to do now with forgiveness. No one needs to feel pressured to forgive - the antidote to betrayal like this is not forgiveness, but remaining loyal to one's own purpose in life:


Honor heals shame, not forced forgiveness, as this gives power to the perpetrator.

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People who want to be forgiven act differently.

What would you do Roman, if you hurted someone? I read some of your articles and I am sure as sure can be that asking forgiveness is not the first thing you would do, if you would ask for forgiveness at all.

I think you would do all you possibly can do to help the person you hurted.

I also think you are not going to ask your victims to do you (another) favour.

I also think that to you, your desire to be forgiven by the one you hurted is not important, possibly even meaningless, compaired to your desire to compensate your victims burden

And last but not least, I think that you think asking for forgiveness is not up to you. I think you would leave it up to your victim completely to forgive you or not.

I think you would work de back out of your shirt to compensate your victim as much as you possibly could, without asking for anything, especially not your victim

I took you as an example just to show everyone here how much totally mentally ill behaviour of our leaders we consider normal, and react to it as if it is sane. Of well ment.

It isn't. Those people are not like you, and they never will.

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Have to again quote Dr Peter Sandman, who pretty much invented the 'field' of risk communication. (Which is NOT risk management!) This time on apologies and amnesty...


Responsive process has four facets:

1. Secrecy vs. openness

Almost all the risk communication crises Dr. Sandman deals with are based in secrecy.

2. Acknowledging vs. stonewalling on wrongdoing

A two-yr-old spills juice and says “it was an accident!”

An adult spills juice and says “oh dear, I’m so sorry!” and the HOST says “it was an accident.”

An oil company spills “juice” and says “it was an accident!”

What do you think the public says?

About 6 months after the Exxon Valdez (Alaska) spill, a ship carrying oil on contract for BP ran aground and spilled at Huntington Beach (rich enclave), California. The BP CEO flew to the spill, and had obviously planned his risk communication carefully. When he was asked, “whose fault was this spill?” you could see he wanted to say “look, it was a contract ship, with a contract crew. They spilled our oil!” But instead he said: “My lawyers say this was not our fault, but I feel as if it were our fault, and we will deal with it as if it were our fault.” Six months after the spill, they polled the residents, and BP had a HIGHER approval rating than before the spill.

Compare: How do people STILL feel about Exxon, ten years after?

3. Courtesy vs. discourtesy.

Even though your public may be angry and impolite, you must never return discourtesy or you will create more outrage.

4. Compassion vs. dispassion.

When dealing with a situation, there comes a point where you must stop dealing with the hazard and work with outrage. There’s a common misperception that engineers and scientists and technologists can’t do it – they retreat further into the tech specs, rather than deal with the emotionalism. But if an engineer’s 18-yr-old daughter comes home from college in tears because she broke up with her boyfriend, the engineer doesn’t say “now, honey, you must realize that the median teenager has an average of 3.7 breakups over the 4 years of college attendance.”

Teach your engineers when (and HOW) to address outrage, not just by throwing more technobabble at the outrage.

The solution to hazard is mitigating the hazard.

The solution to outrage is NOT ignoring it and NOT mitigating the hazard.

You must mitigate the outrage!


Here: https://www.psandman.com/articles/risk.htm

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Multiple "yes, sirs" to you.

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I'm willing to forgive those who genuinely were deceived, who genuinely made mistakes. Even in this case, reparations should be made as much as possible to those who were harmed by their mistakes. However, there's something bigger at play here, because in many cases it seems like mistakes were not made. Instead a plan was executed. This is Nuremberg level stuff on a broader scale.

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"who genuinely were deceived, who genuinely made mistakes"

Deceived for THREE YEARS!?!?!? How many OB-GYNs actively MURDERED babies by pushing or urging their patients to "get the shot" WHILE pregnant?!?! How many babies who MANAGED to get born were deformed, or died shortly after their births?! "Deceived?!?! THESE WERE DOCTORS!!! Are these literally MILLIONS of doctors around the planet SO stupid, SO UN-educated, so unwilling to think for a day, about how the SHIT they were being told was wrong back when they were in med school! HOW MANY of them just blew off what little they remembered about viruses -- and POISONED their patients?! Then -- even now -- they are LYING AND LYING and leaving their injured patients without help or hope! THREE YEARS LATER!!!

NO forgiveness! And YES they need to be making it up as MUCH as they can (but who would TRUST them near a sick person ever again?!) They are STILL USING REMDESIVIR!!! The "(fake-)pandemic is OVER -- and they are STILL injecting people with that poison!! Forgive?! Never!

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Never give an untested drug to a pregnant woman, EVER.

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YES, you nailed it! I was in stupid Kroger last night (12/7) and there was STILL a commercial on for "covid" "boosters". At the end it said "sponsored by Pfizer". I am contacting Kroger. They need to stop pushing that crap.

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Good luck on that; Smith's Food and Drug is entirely complicit. They even promote obesity with their cartoon customers.

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Like your screen name Avalanche, we need an avalanche of hurt to descend upon their necks.

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On the broadest human scale ever . . . .

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Thank you for including and essentially summarizing your essay with the song “Fight for You” by Five Times August.

So often when I argue with my husband (who got two shots due to fear, but supported my arguments against vaccinating my daughters or myself ....I had real concerns given my autoimmune history) about why and how I am stuck with regard to moving on relative to those who condemned, mocked and shamed me as I fought to keep my two teen daughters unvaccinated....I end up reminding him in earnest (raising my voice and reminding him) that this was not just about human nature gone off the rails, not just a chapter in “the way things are” in the world....I STOP him and I say, I get all that....BUT this time they wanted to inject my children with a toxic experimental substance and would not take “no” for an answer and I bore the brunt of all that ugliness and I would do it again. They changed the rules....they came for the children.....my children. And on a very basic animal instinct level as a mother I knew something was amiss and it was not hard at all to find all the ways in which they were lying, cheating and weaponizing their efforts to accomplish their ends.

I can’t forget and move on without assurance that my kids will not endure another round of this. And the only way to ensure that it will not happen again is for it clearly to be stated exactly how and why they were (and continue to be) allowed to push poison into future generations starting at 6 months old.

Forgiving at this point would require forgetting the very real harms suffered and would be inviting them to go another round. At this point, I lost a mother to the vaccine. I have lost friends and family over my views....but I will continue to fight for my children. Thankfully, they are old enough to have started asking questions themselves and have now thanked me for standing my ground. It was not easy because as teens they just wanted a happy healthy normal high school experience and everyone was telling them that vaccination was necessary. And sadly, the other refrain I say to my husband....had we vaccinated our daughters....I would worry daily about them (both athletes) dropping dead or not waking from their sleep. Instead, I just have to worry about him.

And it is so true....the covid chronicles in many instances did not change people, just revealed who they really were and how they think about their fellow human beings in relation to themselves.

Thank you for a power piece MAA.

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These people have had a lot bred out of them.

But inducing them to kill themselves,

While itself remarkable,

Is eclipsed by how easy it was to accomplish.


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Not to be defiant here, but it's called TRUST. And It's purely evil to deceive trust when that's all we can do when we have to elect folks that are claiming we can TRUST them with our lives. Democracy is a lie when this violation occurs. Voting with action rather than a ballot seems to be the antidote to this poisoned society.

Society must hold trust sacrosanct to one another or there's NOTHING. Nothing but isolation or acceptance of authoritarian systems.

That which are everywhere. Because of the fear they inflict upon humanity by creating an enemy in order to stay in control. Along with the illusion of providing safety from the monsters - they are.

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This is a masterpiece! Thank you for compiling all the evidence. We must not forget and it is our duty to share this document far and wide.

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I'm reading about King David's adultery, murder (to cover it up), and the aftermath. According to the Bible, God forgave David when he repented but there were severe consequences afterward.

Not saying we should inflict them. But the vaccine injuries, poverty, and boot of tyranny remain as lasting evils to be faced despite any amount of forgiveness.

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"Not saying we should inflict them."

WHY NOT?! Do you not follow God's rules and examples? Do you not believe that what HE did and wants done is the CORRECT course of action? WHO has taught you to "meekly" refuse to inflict and enforce the CORRECT consequences.

Did you know that "meek" does NOT mean harmless and weak and unwilling to enforce the things that need enforcing.... cause it'd be mean? Meek means -- a TRAINED AND STRONG/ARMED defender who does NOT 'draw his sword' unless necessary!! The "meek" inheriting the earth are MEANT to be seen as: those who accept, abide ("live within!"), and ENFORCE the Good, the True, and the Beautiful!

"lasting evils to be faced"

What does that even MEAN if the severe consequences are NOT enforced?! "Yeah-sure, they're LASTING evils, but WE are not meant to enforce GOD'S LAW, so we just let them live out their lives (maybe frown at them now-and-again? write a sternly worded letter?) and let God take care of it later.... REALLY? Is that really what you mean?

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If the Lord allows good people to set up new governments, they shall certainly put the globalists on trial. I'd rather see Bill Gates executed than imprisoned. Ditto for many others. I'm also fine with violence necessary for self-defense. A lot of the useful (often well meaning) idiots will die by their own hands. They were sincere and drank the kool aid that we refused. They have punished themselves.

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And to doctors and nurses and pharmacists who MIXED UP the koolaid and handed it to (injected into) them? What punishment so THEY merit? ESPECIALLY long after it-all began? INTENTIONAL willing blindness is NOT "forgivable"! Not wanting to know so you can continue to be employed POISONING people is NOT "forgivable"!

They are STILL inflicting Rundeathisnear of people!! And KILLING THEM!

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I don't know. To be honest, I won't be sorry for them if they get hopelessly crippled or drop dead from the poisons. In fact, hearing about all the doctors dying "unexpectedly" gives me Schadenfreude.

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MAA, This is the right piece at the right time. The links/memes are amazing. And the writing is your usual "best longform on Substack" quality. So many are trying to slither away....this hits every point as to why we cannot let them. Thanks for making my day, and the world, a better place.

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Ok so this is a fairly long piece. As I went through example after example, I kept losing focus that this was about the covid psyop, and couldn't help but see the parallels with the current fad led by exactly the same arrogant assholes regarding MAGA supporters, climate "deniers," "extremists," Catholic "domestic terrorists," racists, transphobes, etc., etc. The very same people exhibiting the same hateful dominance and vicious dehumanization of all those unwilling to abdicate their humanity and SUBMIT. Forgive? How about you stop your lifestyle of making other responsible for your own mental, emotional, and spiritual illnesses and admit that the problem, the problem is YOU! You are not qualified to criticize, to evaluate, to persecute and punish others. Learn from the glaring harm you have done to others, to the innocent, and very likely, in your frenzy, to yourselves. STFU!! Learn. Respect. (To be clear, I am not speaking to the author, but to the Condemnors seeking absolution for their crimes. Not sure that I made that clear).

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You did. You forget that WE are built thusly, THEY are NOT. They, the persecutors and the mindwashed, are built very differently, such they CANNOT allow dissent, take responsibility and find their way. THEY must have someone to blame, someone to SAVE them. That is the real issue. How did these humans come to be so damaged that they cannot think for themselves? What achieved that 'control' over them? Were they flawed from the start? Or did they 'grow into' that through laziness and lack of responsibility? Lack of belief in a ... a God force? A force that will do what it will? No one gets a guarantee in life from death, harm or fortune's fickle toss and yet, that is what these fools wanted.

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Humans will always BE humans.... Sheep are ALWAYS sheep.

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I am nominating this for the best piece of writing for 2023. Pure brilliance (and yes, as of a few minutes ago, happy to report I am now a paid subscriber). Was thinking lately how, amid the shoddy state of what passes as 'journalism' and opinion writing today, there are so many wonderful writers out there, all of whom are not part of the mainstream, writing on Substack, Tablet, Quillette and others. And one of those writers is you. Your writing is simply superb (and how do you do it, because it is not just the writing, you also curate and add such terrific video clips, memes, photos, quotes, memes, links, etc...?)

Please keep being brave. Courage is the most important virtue, because without courage, none of the other virtues matter. Thanks for encouraging me to be brave, Margaret Anna.

(My small act of bravery: I am posting your Letter to Amnesty-Demanders on my LinkedIn. I realize this could be a 'career ender' post, but see, that can't be the case, since my career was taken from me 2 years ago when I and about 250 of my fellow workers were fired for refusing the vax. In spite of the big price, I still had to summon the courage to post your piece on LinkedIn.)

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Nothing short of the gallows would suffice for these evil-doers. And their names need to be inscribed on a wall like the Vietnam memorial for posterity. Even then, I would continue to mourn for the innocent victims. I thank God everyday He gave me the wisdom and skepticism to reject the vaccines and boosters. I hate to think what I would have done if my job/livelihood had depended on taking the killer shots. I have no ill feelings towards those who were coerced into taking vaccines. But the ones who facilitated, supported, promoted, enabled, threatened and shamed others into doing so? The first sentence applies. I will volunteer to pull the lever.

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Thanks Miles, for the reminder that my decision to shun the jabs did not come from any astute scientific analysis on my part. Any discernment on my part would have to have been divinely inspired to some great degree. Sorting through the data (propaganda?) and making a wise decision is far above my pay grade. I am very grateful that my no-vax decision didn’t financially penalize me. It’s unforgivable that so many people were financially coerced to take the poison shots.

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