Here is some unsolicited advice that may just salvage your legacy from the legendary humiliation you are presently hurtling toward at 105 kilometers per hour.
Love it. The pressure mounts on the little white walker of the north. Who had Canadian peaceful insurrection on their 2022 bingo card, eh? We are fast moving toward a world where democracy is ignored, and the majority of people are 'unacceptable'. This is the tipping point where we see if they continue with the meaningless divisive rhetoric and childish identity labels or accept the will of the majority. So far little Fidel is opting for Klaus and Sorors speechwriters over the democratic choice.
Well-stated, Good Citizen, and I absolutely believe we are now tilting toward freedom! The momentum is only accumulating and spreading worldwide. Even Australians are catching the freedom flu!
Remember that Klaus Schwab said that the plandemic provided a window, although a very short one, to implement the Great Reset. I think that they overplayed their hand and that freedom-lovers everywhere are taking Nancy Reagan's advice, "Just Say No." At least I hope so, and the evidence everywhere is encouraging.
Precisely—Reiner Fuellmich came to that very conclusion based on the extensive interviews and research conducted by the Corona Berlin Investigative Committee. Apparently, the original plan wasn’t to start for a few years, but they jumped the gun (probably so they could achieve the dual goal of ejecting Trump, which necessitated an excuse to implement mail-in ballots nationwide). That also explains why the messaging was so confused at the outset, particularly with all of Fauci’s flip-flops. And it ultimately gives us an edge because they didn’t have all the puzzle pieces in place yet.
Another possibility that I read somewhere is that the virus (in a more virulent form) was planned for release ca. 2024-25 and that was when the Great Reset was to happen. Then the virus leaked unintentionally. Consequently, their plans were not yet fully formed and the conspiracy is stubbing its toe.
If they jumped the gun just to get rid of Trump, then that may well turn out to be one of God's greatest gifts to His children. It shows just how afraid they were of Trump, also a gift from God. What an unusual character -- actually put his country ahead of himself and pretty much everything else. Some find his 'un-presidential' demeanor a bit unnerving; but after Obama, the king of smooth talk, I find him a refreshing breath of fresh air. Imperfect, yes; but so are we all...
Yes, Trump was a loose cannon and didn’t fit into their Plan A, so they had to come up with a workaround. That said, Trump has a severe blind spot with regards to the injection—he brags about Operation Warp Speed and denies that there are any vaxx injuries/deaths. He appointed Fauci and Birx and empowered those psychopaths to set their democidal and totalitarian policies. Trump lost a massive number of followers after he doubled down on his support of the injection on his recent Candace Owens appearance. Not a good move.
Well, maybe he's getting past his best-by date. IMO neither Trump nor Brandon can be blamed for "listening to the experts" regarding the plandemic, at least not initially, until maybe mid-2021. Warp Speed was, if Trump believed those experts, the right thing to do -- at the time. And these folks were the ones that the DC establishment put forward, at a time when there was not much time to consider alternatives.
By now though, Brandon should have given it up, and so should Trump. Sun Tzu would tell him that failure to respond to real-time changes on the battlefield with real-time corrections is a fatal mistake.
I agree with you that Trump's stubborn insistence that Warp Speed was still, in hindsight, the right thing to do will hurt him going forward. A man must be able to admit his mistakes. First, he must be able to see them.
Unfortunately he’s burned his boats with too many.
I’ve even offered a few lines of believable & potentially true script to extract himself. I don’t think his team wants him to reverse out. Maybe they’re content to see him bury himself?
I am a Canadian. I am a human being. Jan 18 I had appointment with pain Dr at center for pain management halifax. I was turned away at the door for being un-needled. Went home booked a telephone appointment for jan 25 but no call came. Re-booked telephone appointment for jan 27 but no call came and no follow up. The documents I took have not been returned. I am long term pain patient. No needle no service. CONVOY 2022 I like how you roll.
Oh my goodness, Gail, I am so sorry you are having to suffer such discrimination and neglect. Is there any kind of medical board or entity where you can report such things? This inhumane treatment needs to be documented and addressed.
I have made a complaint to the college of physicians. Thank you MAA it is a surreal so real experience. Very moved by your heart on the situation we are all in. Godspeed CONVOY 2022 peace and strength.
Thank you MAA I am aok for right now in that sense... CBD has been a godsend and is a significant useful product for me. I have notified a variety of people/groups as to my takes time to hear back as this is a fairly new situation.....after it happened it took time to sink in and I did not know what to do after being challenged in such a manner. Back to surreal so real. In these times one needs a new thick skin to adapt and I am working on that. I have a lawyer and he is seasoned at the practice of law. Even though my Dr is big in politics I never thought that could interfere with a medical appointment with him. When you are a long term patient over time you really depend on them. He had been my trusted Dr for years .
Great to hear and so glad you have things under control. So disappointing to hear about your doctor and so many others who have succumbed to the propaganda and coercion.
This is just horrifying. I also saw a woman interviewed briefly yesterday, who lives around where the truckers are. She said the police are refusing to let a local woman's therapist come through to help her. The police are doing this, not the truckers. Then of course it's reported that because of the truckers, people can't get the help they need.
I am in Sydney, Australia. I had my regular 6-monthly dental check-up in Dec 2021. A week before the date, my (former) clinic demanded a v paper or a neg test. I emailed and spoke to all the bodies that I knew - I did not even receive any sympathy.
That, and removing the threats that cause the fear, the "widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent." Once Karen finds she's the last kid on her block still wearing a mask, she may figure out what happened to her -- and she will resent it. So I hope, and pray.
Maybe cowardice. Excess fear makes us act selfishly and cruelly as well as stupidly.
I have been afraid. But the more comfortable fear is the one "everyone else has." The stylish fear. Pretty scary what's really going on. Reading about the Reset turned my hair gray in 2 weeks.
Things are heading that way for me, too, here in Melbourne, Australia. My G.P. has started refusing to see me unless I fasten a mask on in the standard way, though so far she has been willing to leave prescriptions for me at her reception. The thing is, my face seems to be different enough from normal that, where other people's masks tend to ride down and uncover their noses, mine tends to ride up and poke me in the eyes - painfully and very possibly harmfully. Yet, even though the government's own guidelines allow not wearing a mask if it is harmful, my G.P. won't even let me hold it in place as a compromise. And, sooner or later, I will need to see her in person for something, maybe as soon as she stops renewing my prescriptions via the reception area.
Challenge your GP to actually examine the evidence. Maybe she’ll have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to revise her policy accordingly. It’s worth a shot, anyway. You might actually wake her up by simply asking questions and providing resources.
While I am here MAA take a look at dog attack stats. Dogs also learn from and use faces mouths etc to determine friend threat the lil ones are serious targets especially to predator breeds. Especially when screaming crying and moving about in fear..... Very disturbing. The people in charge of whether or not you are a fit parent are the same ones ordering these things upon the children.
Australian doctors are terrified. Even before the laws passed in California, it was well known that you would be delicensed for anything outside the algorithm of treatment offered by the Government health protocols. My own doctor quit practice to avoid the needle, fortunately, I got one session with her about the shots (she said no! Don't do it!) before she disappeared. She's unlikely to be the only practitioner who felt compelled to leave.
This was ALREADY the more enlightened one, by the standards set by the one before who refused ever even to see me to discuss things without a mask. At least this one used to be more easy going until the practice recently tightened up. And I have tried telling her and her staff all these things, which is why they used to see me. Now, though, the party line is that my being in the waiting room would be a threat to babies (they actually said that). I was thinking of contacting the Australian Medical Association to try to find workarounds etc.
MAA another fact is there has been a 400% increase in babies to toddlers etc at the speech therapy Drs as they did not learn critical face reading to language communications amongst human beings...they cannot learn this properly with covered faces.
I remember hearing that figure but haven’t had a chance to hunt down the reference. Do you happen to have a link handy? I can incorporate it into the section where I talk about the retardation of speech, cognitive, and social development if so. Thanks, Gail!
Many will be classified as lacking intellect but be trapped human beings without communication come the pills .....any one notice how well stocked the pharmacies are versus the say the grocery stores dry goods?
I will take a look for it. This statistic should be available all over north america that masks are forced in similar degrees upon children. Real science facts can stand scrutiny without emotion. I have never seen the likes of--the science is settled said with shut the f*ck up authority bear out yet. Very glad about that ....ha.....winning.... reality... live action.Best to you MAA.
I’m always fascinated at the shape shifting that takes place when the real person starts showing. I feel somewhat ashamed that I ever thought “Turdeau” handsome. Now he looks to me like his neck threw up.
Amidst all the lies and propaganda something wonderful is growing. It started as a seed and has now sprouted. The Canadian Truckers Convoy is part of this, a large part. Demonstrations and resistance across Europe, the gathering in DC a couple of weeks ago, and the continous spreading of information across alternative media. These are all movements of Liberty. There is a long way to go but something wonderful has begun.
Another masterpiece, in text and in sources! You really do your homework, MAA. I love the interview with Kyle, Trudeau's half-brother. My other fave is the video of former RCMP Cpl Bulford. In a dramatic twist of Irony, Daniel Bulford went from being on Trudeau's sniper team, then losing his job for not taking the poison jab, to now working with the Freedom Convoy as the head of security!! Talk about a turn of events, logistically and symbolically! The Turd is slowly getting his just rewards. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes. On the one hand, he's being hated and despised by more and more ''commoners'' each and every day. On the other, no doubt he's being scorned and ridiculed by Klaus, and commanded to keep parroting the same old, pathetic, transparent, lying speeches, all while being ordered to cowardly sequester himself. Deep down, Klaus is certainly reveling in glee at watching The Turd wallowing and squirming as the walls close in, because Klaus feeds on human misery of any and all sorts. Poor Turd, he never realized that when one makes a deal with the devil, it's a lose-lose. MAA, on your comment way below about the despicable Jacinda Adern, in the immortal words of the inimitable Roseanne Roseannadanna, yeah, ''Gag me with a spoon!''
Thank you, dear serafino! Yes, I only just discovered Kyle Kempner recently and was delighted to discover he is a fellow resister :-)
And yes, Daniel Bulford, is a gem—and I had no idea that he is now working with the Freedom Convoy! That is awesome!! I just learned he is a friend of Dr. Jessica Rose’s (, so he must be a good guy because Jessica is a superhero.
You’re right about JT—he does appear to be stuck between a rock and a hard place! The only graceful way out is to follow my advice, but somehow I doubt he’ll even read this.
Understood, Andreas, but if he’s smart, he’ll realize the solution I’ve proposed is in his best interest, both for the present and in terms of his legacy. That doesn’t mean he’ll be immune from justice, but like interrogators tell suspects, the jury may be more lenient if he confesses and shows contrition.
If he were, which he's proving he's not. A despicable type, nothing to salvage. The WEF lackey, child murderer. No contrition. Trudescu through and through.
Don’t forget, if Castreau decides to move on to other socialist causes, Freeland replaces him, another loathsome individual. She’s a Soros WEF puppet as well. Find some video of her, she always nods her head when talking, and, talks as if she is talking to 4 year olds. The LPC is full of awful, rotten, corrupt lizards
You’re right, DanBC. This concern has been expressed by others, and I understand it is a legitimate worry. Hence the focus on repealing the authoritarian measures so every politician realizes their head will be on the chopping block if they advocate for tyrannical policies. We need to evict all leaders who practice tyranny, make WEF analogous with the Nazi Party so no one would dare support WEF puppets, and make all politicians afraid to go against the will of the people ever again.
The great reset psycho guru, schwab, boasts of the world economic forum having penetrated world governments and names Trudeau's. Is JT then hostage to his cabinet?
I wish I’d had that quote from Shakespeare when I was trying to defend my job to my old boss. She’s a Shakespeare worshipper. Actually, I think I’m going to send her this whole piece!
Thank you. I love how you get straight to the point. Yours came in to my email at the same time as Eisenstein’s new one, which was nice, however he suggests that: we will not punish the abusers. That is not okay. They cannot be allowed to get away with what they have done. But we must release our anger so that justice is served fairly. There is still so much to do. When people drop dead of “sudden death”, and the link is not made, there will never be a final death toll. It’s hard to know where to start. But we must keep speaking out. Now I go to write to my MEP’s to tell them not to vote in favour of the new WHO’s pandemic treaty. Sending blessings to you xox Abby
Thank you, Abby. I read and appreciated Charles’s post, too, but I 100% agree with you and was disturbed by that statement in his piece, although I know it is consistent with his rosy and IMO gullible worldview.
You do not forgive psychopaths. You do not excuse sociopaths. It is naïve and dangerous to think they are like the rest of us and will be humbled and reformed by such an act. Retribution not only is healing for their victims and protects others from being harmed by them, but it also sends a clear message to aspiring megavillains who will be emboldened when they see past sins forgiven (case in point: Hitler wrote in “Main Kampf” about how the Turks got away with the Armenian genocide and used that as evidence that he could do the same without fear of interference).
Can you give me more details about the WHO’s pandemic treaty and public comments? Might need to be another letter in my series, although I already have a sizable queue of time-sensitive items on my todo list.
I'm in Ireland and we have had one barrister fighting for freedom consistently throughout this whole plandemic. She makes videos about Irish issues with calls to action, and she released a new one last night about it where she talks about the new WHO pandemic response plan at the end. I appreciate you have a lot on your plate, so you might want to scroll past the first 2 items. Or not! It could be an insight to you as to what is going on in Ireland. The video is only 13 mins long, and she attaches template letters beneath for us to use.
Great to know you have a brave barrister on the side of freedom and truth!
I do have a special place in my heart for Ireland as I adore Irish literature and especially the poetry of Eavan Boland, whom I had the honor of meeting twice and whose loss I am still grieving.
Would you believe I've not heard of her. I will look her up. I've been re-listening to the spoken word of John O'Donoghue for solace. In his book Beauty he says:
"When you look at post modern society it's astounding how much ugliness we are willing to endure. The media, the way in its talk shows which have tapestries of smothered language, and standards of mediocrity and dullness that seek to be the norm you realise how this dulls and deadens the human spirit. this false standard manages to present itself as normal, it seems to make real beauty an exception, and something naïve. This is a huge falsification.
… Unfortunately there’s a great coarseness to our times, you see this coarseness in perception, in language, in behaviour, in the way that we hold life, and in the way that we are to each other. Some kind of greed has got into our perception and this is the opposite of what the beautiful is. Because greed can look at things only as potential products, possessions and commodities, whereas the sense of beauty is a sense of that which is eternal, subtle and invisible. And that which really matters, behind the blur of appearances. Beauty is not a deadener but a quickener and it alerts and awakens our hearts to that which is good and true and unified."
Such truths. This has all been part of it I think, a lack of appreciation for life and beauty, making ugliness normal has really lead to them turning people into commodities and those people thinking that it is okay. Anyway. I'm here and joining you with my loud voice.
You will love Boland! “Outside History: Selected Poems, 1980–1990” is a great place to start with her poetry, and “Object Lessons: The Life of the Woman and the Poet in Our Time” is a profound and beautiful collection of essays.
Thank you for sharing that exquisite and inspiring meditation from John O’Donoghue as well as for using your loud voice!
From the video - this is ... " To inform you that the World Health Assembly (which is the forum through which the WHO is governed by its 194 member states, including Ireland) intends to create a legally binding agreement which will stipulate how member states and others countries must fight pandemics into the future - focusing on "collective solidarity".
By saying "It’s time to join the growing number of enlightened countries that have dropped all COVID measures" you are painfully naive. Those countries (leaders) are not enlightened. They pushed as much as they could and need to temporaily release the pressure/agenda or otherwise their heads will roll. The measures will come back, make no mistake about this. Tenfolds. If not to save ppl from covid19 then from next pandemic or other type of "threat", such as worldwide cyber attack or hunger when supply chains are destroyed or war or whatever the WEF, the Rothschilds and BigTech will engineer next.
You’re right, Alex—that was certainly an overly generous descriptive for those countries. The idea was to contrast the countries that are (currently) restoring freedoms with those that are tightening the tyrannical restrictions, but I fully understand those temporary relaxations are likely an occasional indulgences pitstop on Biderman’s Chart of Coercion (
I do think the tidal wave of freedom is traveling around the world as more and more awaken, though, and it will be increasingly difficult for the minuscule handful of transhumanist tyrants to overpower the billions of individuals comprising We the People.
The key will be the vax-pass. That is the WEF/Reset crew's Holy Grail. They want to turn it into a social credit pass -- good kitty, you get a bowl of water and some kibble. Bad kitty, kicked out into the backyard to fend for yourself.
Beware the "OK, well here's what we can do. We'll get rid of all of the restrictions, if you'll accept this little mark of the beast we have for you... comply and everything will be just like it was." Click your heels together three times and you'll be back in Kansas, basically.
Don't believe it for a minute, and don't accept this EVER. If you do then NOTHING will ever be just like it was. Not even for a minute.
Woo-hoo!! Another CLASSIC from our darling rabble-rouser - you da best Margaret!! Oh how sweet it will be when Trudeau takes that fall....He's a dead man walking at this point imo...The purity, and the love, and the courage, and the compassion of those Canadian Truckers has Shined Bright on the world!....Shakespeare, The Tragically Hip and The Beatles all in on article....Brilliant...That alone deserves a hug and fist bump🤗👊...You keep on rocking your badass self (I KNOW you will💪)...The world is healed and inspired by all you bring to the table my dear!💞
Thank you for always bringing your whole heart and mind to my offerings and for fueling my fire with your enthusiasm! Amen to the gratifying tumble to come as well as to your eloquent description of the Canadian trucker cavalry 🙌
It buoys my spirit to know how much you appreciate the musical integrations. I had to restrain myself from shoehorning in the Mychael Danna/Sarah Polley version of “Courage” ( as I adore “The Sweet Hereafter” soundtrack so much (and it is another Canadian reference, after all), but I was already pushing it on the embedding/music/lyrics front ;-)
I am blown away. Are you Canadian too? It is more of a curiosity question than validation. I take the text and its power for what it is regardless where it comes from.
Aww, I am honored by your words, Phil. I am not a Canadian, but I have long appreciated Canadian culture—as you can see from my “Kids in the Hall” and Tragically Hip references ;-)
Haha, I appreciate that, Justarandomjohn! One of my readers dubbed me an honorary Canadian a few months ago, so I’m trying to fulfill my duty accordingly :-)
Given his history as a drama teacher, I was hoping he would appreciate the Shakespeare reference ;-) And I suspect rockstar is one of the unfulfilled roles he’s long wanted to play, so I’m betting he has a soft spot for the Beatles 😎
Haha, thanks, Kathleen! I figured most of my audience probably isn’t on Twitter—Steve Kirsch just got permanently banished yet again 🤐
The only reason I’m still on there is I barely use it, although that may not last long since I just tweeted my letter at @JustinTrudeau and may draw some unwanted attention for it ;-)
Love it. The pressure mounts on the little white walker of the north. Who had Canadian peaceful insurrection on their 2022 bingo card, eh? We are fast moving toward a world where democracy is ignored, and the majority of people are 'unacceptable'. This is the tipping point where we see if they continue with the meaningless divisive rhetoric and childish identity labels or accept the will of the majority. So far little Fidel is opting for Klaus and Sorors speechwriters over the democratic choice.
Well-stated, Good Citizen, and I absolutely believe we are now tilting toward freedom! The momentum is only accumulating and spreading worldwide. Even Australians are catching the freedom flu!
Remember that Klaus Schwab said that the plandemic provided a window, although a very short one, to implement the Great Reset. I think that they overplayed their hand and that freedom-lovers everywhere are taking Nancy Reagan's advice, "Just Say No." At least I hope so, and the evidence everywhere is encouraging.
Precisely—Reiner Fuellmich came to that very conclusion based on the extensive interviews and research conducted by the Corona Berlin Investigative Committee. Apparently, the original plan wasn’t to start for a few years, but they jumped the gun (probably so they could achieve the dual goal of ejecting Trump, which necessitated an excuse to implement mail-in ballots nationwide). That also explains why the messaging was so confused at the outset, particularly with all of Fauci’s flip-flops. And it ultimately gives us an edge because they didn’t have all the puzzle pieces in place yet.
Another possibility that I read somewhere is that the virus (in a more virulent form) was planned for release ca. 2024-25 and that was when the Great Reset was to happen. Then the virus leaked unintentionally. Consequently, their plans were not yet fully formed and the conspiracy is stubbing its toe.
If they jumped the gun just to get rid of Trump, then that may well turn out to be one of God's greatest gifts to His children. It shows just how afraid they were of Trump, also a gift from God. What an unusual character -- actually put his country ahead of himself and pretty much everything else. Some find his 'un-presidential' demeanor a bit unnerving; but after Obama, the king of smooth talk, I find him a refreshing breath of fresh air. Imperfect, yes; but so are we all...
Interesting …
Yes, Trump was a loose cannon and didn’t fit into their Plan A, so they had to come up with a workaround. That said, Trump has a severe blind spot with regards to the injection—he brags about Operation Warp Speed and denies that there are any vaxx injuries/deaths. He appointed Fauci and Birx and empowered those psychopaths to set their democidal and totalitarian policies. Trump lost a massive number of followers after he doubled down on his support of the injection on his recent Candace Owens appearance. Not a good move.
Well, maybe he's getting past his best-by date. IMO neither Trump nor Brandon can be blamed for "listening to the experts" regarding the plandemic, at least not initially, until maybe mid-2021. Warp Speed was, if Trump believed those experts, the right thing to do -- at the time. And these folks were the ones that the DC establishment put forward, at a time when there was not much time to consider alternatives.
By now though, Brandon should have given it up, and so should Trump. Sun Tzu would tell him that failure to respond to real-time changes on the battlefield with real-time corrections is a fatal mistake.
I agree with you that Trump's stubborn insistence that Warp Speed was still, in hindsight, the right thing to do will hurt him going forward. A man must be able to admit his mistakes. First, he must be able to see them.
Unfortunately he’s burned his boats with too many.
I’ve even offered a few lines of believable & potentially true script to extract himself. I don’t think his team wants him to reverse out. Maybe they’re content to see him bury himself?
I've considered the possibility that the Chinese trolled them.
Have you seen this? It was going around awhile ago. ‘Just say No’
I hadn’t, but that’s going straight into my Resistance Art playlist! Thanks for the rec!
Love the line, “It isn’t a conspiracy theory if it keeps comin’ true.”
It’s actually well done.
Another Canadian, eh? I think Nancy Reagan would approve...
Infidel Trudeau...
I am a Canadian. I am a human being. Jan 18 I had appointment with pain Dr at center for pain management halifax. I was turned away at the door for being un-needled. Went home booked a telephone appointment for jan 25 but no call came. Re-booked telephone appointment for jan 27 but no call came and no follow up. The documents I took have not been returned. I am long term pain patient. No needle no service. CONVOY 2022 I like how you roll.
Oh my goodness, Gail, I am so sorry you are having to suffer such discrimination and neglect. Is there any kind of medical board or entity where you can report such things? This inhumane treatment needs to be documented and addressed.
Agree re: CONVOY 2022! 🚚☮️💗✊🚛
I have made a complaint to the college of physicians. Thank you MAA it is a surreal so real experience. Very moved by your heart on the situation we are all in. Godspeed CONVOY 2022 peace and strength.
Good job filing a complaint. Let’s hope it makes a difference.
“surreal so real”—well-put!
You take care, and I hope you get pain relief soon. Have you tried CBD?
Thank you MAA I am aok for right now in that sense... CBD has been a godsend and is a significant useful product for me. I have notified a variety of people/groups as to my takes time to hear back as this is a fairly new situation.....after it happened it took time to sink in and I did not know what to do after being challenged in such a manner. Back to surreal so real. In these times one needs a new thick skin to adapt and I am working on that. I have a lawyer and he is seasoned at the practice of law. Even though my Dr is big in politics I never thought that could interfere with a medical appointment with him. When you are a long term patient over time you really depend on them. He had been my trusted Dr for years .
Great to hear and so glad you have things under control. So disappointing to hear about your doctor and so many others who have succumbed to the propaganda and coercion.
This is just horrifying. I also saw a woman interviewed briefly yesterday, who lives around where the truckers are. She said the police are refusing to let a local woman's therapist come through to help her. The police are doing this, not the truckers. Then of course it's reported that because of the truckers, people can't get the help they need.
I am in Sydney, Australia. I had my regular 6-monthly dental check-up in Dec 2021. A week before the date, my (former) clinic demanded a v paper or a neg test. I emailed and spoke to all the bodies that I knew - I did not even receive any sympathy.
Horrible. Just disgusting. How do these people live with themselves!!!
I am so sorry to hear about this. 😢
They said that about the Germans in WWII. "The land of Beethoven, Brahms etc."
It's called mass-formation psychosis. Under that influence, people do un-human things.
Yes, I’ve been writing about mass hypnosis since my first article last April ( Fortunately, Prof. Mattias Desmet’s research on mass formation combined with Dr. Malone’s Rogan appearance made the concept go bonkers viral (, which is the most crucial step to waking people up from that hypnosis.
That, and removing the threats that cause the fear, the "widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent." Once Karen finds she's the last kid on her block still wearing a mask, she may figure out what happened to her -- and she will resent it. So I hope, and pray.
Maybe cowardice. Excess fear makes us act selfishly and cruelly as well as stupidly.
I have been afraid. But the more comfortable fear is the one "everyone else has." The stylish fear. Pretty scary what's really going on. Reading about the Reset turned my hair gray in 2 weeks.
Things are heading that way for me, too, here in Melbourne, Australia. My G.P. has started refusing to see me unless I fasten a mask on in the standard way, though so far she has been willing to leave prescriptions for me at her reception. The thing is, my face seems to be different enough from normal that, where other people's masks tend to ride down and uncover their noses, mine tends to ride up and poke me in the eyes - painfully and very possibly harmfully. Yet, even though the government's own guidelines allow not wearing a mask if it is harmful, my G.P. won't even let me hold it in place as a compromise. And, sooner or later, I will need to see her in person for something, maybe as soon as she stops renewing my prescriptions via the reception area.
I’m sorry to hear that, P.M.Lawrence. Can you try to find a more enlightened GP before you need to arrange an in-person visit?
Meanwhile, perhaps you could try educating your GP about the hazards of masks. My “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” ( compiles a massive amount of scientific evidence demonstrating that masks:
• do not prevent the spread of COVID
• may cause physical health problems
• may inflict psychological harm
• pose a special threat to children and teens
Challenge your GP to actually examine the evidence. Maybe she’ll have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to revise her policy accordingly. It’s worth a shot, anyway. You might actually wake her up by simply asking questions and providing resources.
While I am here MAA take a look at dog attack stats. Dogs also learn from and use faces mouths etc to determine friend threat the lil ones are serious targets especially to predator breeds. Especially when screaming crying and moving about in fear..... Very disturbing. The people in charge of whether or not you are a fit parent are the same ones ordering these things upon the children.
Yikes, that’s another factor I never even considered! How scary and heartbreaking! If you come across any references related to that, please share.
Australian doctors are terrified. Even before the laws passed in California, it was well known that you would be delicensed for anything outside the algorithm of treatment offered by the Government health protocols. My own doctor quit practice to avoid the needle, fortunately, I got one session with her about the shots (she said no! Don't do it!) before she disappeared. She's unlikely to be the only practitioner who felt compelled to leave.
This was ALREADY the more enlightened one, by the standards set by the one before who refused ever even to see me to discuss things without a mask. At least this one used to be more easy going until the practice recently tightened up. And I have tried telling her and her staff all these things, which is why they used to see me. Now, though, the party line is that my being in the waiting room would be a threat to babies (they actually said that). I was thinking of contacting the Australian Medical Association to try to find workarounds etc.
MAA another fact is there has been a 400% increase in babies to toddlers etc at the speech therapy Drs as they did not learn critical face reading to language communications amongst human beings...they cannot learn this properly with covered faces.
I remember hearing that figure but haven’t had a chance to hunt down the reference. Do you happen to have a link handy? I can incorporate it into the section where I talk about the retardation of speech, cognitive, and social development if so. Thanks, Gail!
I will look pleasure....feel same about sos body autonomy comment shared by me. to you. Great you wrote the letter.
Many will be classified as lacking intellect but be trapped human beings without communication come the pills .....any one notice how well stocked the pharmacies are versus the say the grocery stores dry goods?
Good points 🤔
I will take a look for it. This statistic should be available all over north america that masks are forced in similar degrees upon children. Real science facts can stand scrutiny without emotion. I have never seen the likes of--the science is settled said with shut the f*ck up authority bear out yet. Very glad about that ....ha.....winning.... reality... live action.Best to you MAA.
Thank you, Gail, and *lol*, well-put!
Yes. You must of course remember that in NS...Dr. Strange is God.
How dare you even think in any fashion to question the unfathomable depths of Dr. Strange.
In NS....there is but one true God. All hail Dr. Strange. Love
I’m always fascinated at the shape shifting that takes place when the real person starts showing. I feel somewhat ashamed that I ever thought “Turdeau” handsome. Now he looks to me like his neck threw up.
I have dated men who affected me that way. Lol
The handsome guys were the worst in my experience.
He is a good looking stud. And his wife is a babe!
It is his brain (lack of it) and heart that are the problem.
Not for nothing have I been referring to him as "Prime Minister Zoolander" for the last five years.
I wish there was an emoji for chuckling….I’m chuckling
Lucifer was beautiful once. How are the mighty fallen.
As for Turdeau there's a new brand.
Amidst all the lies and propaganda something wonderful is growing. It started as a seed and has now sprouted. The Canadian Truckers Convoy is part of this, a large part. Demonstrations and resistance across Europe, the gathering in DC a couple of weeks ago, and the continous spreading of information across alternative media. These are all movements of Liberty. There is a long way to go but something wonderful has begun.
Amen and hallelujah, Professor!!
Love Cat Stevens, BTW—makes me think of “Harold and Maude” ✌️💗
gee, one of my favorite movies and singers, too
Another masterpiece, in text and in sources! You really do your homework, MAA. I love the interview with Kyle, Trudeau's half-brother. My other fave is the video of former RCMP Cpl Bulford. In a dramatic twist of Irony, Daniel Bulford went from being on Trudeau's sniper team, then losing his job for not taking the poison jab, to now working with the Freedom Convoy as the head of security!! Talk about a turn of events, logistically and symbolically! The Turd is slowly getting his just rewards. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes. On the one hand, he's being hated and despised by more and more ''commoners'' each and every day. On the other, no doubt he's being scorned and ridiculed by Klaus, and commanded to keep parroting the same old, pathetic, transparent, lying speeches, all while being ordered to cowardly sequester himself. Deep down, Klaus is certainly reveling in glee at watching The Turd wallowing and squirming as the walls close in, because Klaus feeds on human misery of any and all sorts. Poor Turd, he never realized that when one makes a deal with the devil, it's a lose-lose. MAA, on your comment way below about the despicable Jacinda Adern, in the immortal words of the inimitable Roseanne Roseannadanna, yeah, ''Gag me with a spoon!''
Thank you, dear serafino! Yes, I only just discovered Kyle Kempner recently and was delighted to discover he is a fellow resister :-)
And yes, Daniel Bulford, is a gem—and I had no idea that he is now working with the Freedom Convoy! That is awesome!! I just learned he is a friend of Dr. Jessica Rose’s (, so he must be a good guy because Jessica is a superhero.
You’re right about JT—he does appear to be stuck between a rock and a hard place! The only graceful way out is to follow my advice, but somehow I doubt he’ll even read this.
If Kyle does not share his mother with Brandeau, he is not a biological brother of him!
Haha, yep, same mom:
A nice letter, by JT is unsalvageable, beyond hope, must be tried and jailed type, not a person that can repent and correct itself.
Understood, Andreas, but if he’s smart, he’ll realize the solution I’ve proposed is in his best interest, both for the present and in terms of his legacy. That doesn’t mean he’ll be immune from justice, but like interrogators tell suspects, the jury may be more lenient if he confesses and shows contrition.
If he were, which he's proving he's not. A despicable type, nothing to salvage. The WEF lackey, child murderer. No contrition. Trudescu through and through.
Right. At a certain point, self-preservation may kick in and he’ll realize he’s been checkmated.
I guess the best option for him would be to flee to Cuba from where he won't be extradited.
🤣🤣🤣 Brilliant!
Fidel no longer around. Will have to rely on Fidel's brother. I wonder if he's really his brother though....
That presumes a certain modicum of self-awareness, of the sort that people like the Shining Pony are not known to exhibit in notable quantity...
Haha, true 😆
Don’t forget, if Castreau decides to move on to other socialist causes, Freeland replaces him, another loathsome individual. She’s a Soros WEF puppet as well. Find some video of her, she always nods her head when talking, and, talks as if she is talking to 4 year olds. The LPC is full of awful, rotten, corrupt lizards
Castreau—brilliant! 😹
You’re right, DanBC. This concern has been expressed by others, and I understand it is a legitimate worry. Hence the focus on repealing the authoritarian measures so every politician realizes their head will be on the chopping block if they advocate for tyrannical policies. We need to evict all leaders who practice tyranny, make WEF analogous with the Nazi Party so no one would dare support WEF puppets, and make all politicians afraid to go against the will of the people ever again.
Yes, I feel the same. I hope the only tragedy he inflicts is upon himself and not the people of our country.
The great reset psycho guru, schwab, boasts of the world economic forum having penetrated world governments and names Trudeau's. Is JT then hostage to his cabinet?
"...You are... (acceptable), to meeeeeeeeee..."!
I wish I’d had that quote from Shakespeare when I was trying to defend my job to my old boss. She’s a Shakespeare worshipper. Actually, I think I’m going to send her this whole piece!
Brilliant idea, and let me know if you get a response!
Thank you. I love how you get straight to the point. Yours came in to my email at the same time as Eisenstein’s new one, which was nice, however he suggests that: we will not punish the abusers. That is not okay. They cannot be allowed to get away with what they have done. But we must release our anger so that justice is served fairly. There is still so much to do. When people drop dead of “sudden death”, and the link is not made, there will never be a final death toll. It’s hard to know where to start. But we must keep speaking out. Now I go to write to my MEP’s to tell them not to vote in favour of the new WHO’s pandemic treaty. Sending blessings to you xox Abby
Thank you, Abby. I read and appreciated Charles’s post, too, but I 100% agree with you and was disturbed by that statement in his piece, although I know it is consistent with his rosy and IMO gullible worldview.
You do not forgive psychopaths. You do not excuse sociopaths. It is naïve and dangerous to think they are like the rest of us and will be humbled and reformed by such an act. Retribution not only is healing for their victims and protects others from being harmed by them, but it also sends a clear message to aspiring megavillains who will be emboldened when they see past sins forgiven (case in point: Hitler wrote in “Main Kampf” about how the Turks got away with the Armenian genocide and used that as evidence that he could do the same without fear of interference).
Can you give me more details about the WHO’s pandemic treaty and public comments? Might need to be another letter in my series, although I already have a sizable queue of time-sensitive items on my todo list.
I'm in Ireland and we have had one barrister fighting for freedom consistently throughout this whole plandemic. She makes videos about Irish issues with calls to action, and she released a new one last night about it where she talks about the new WHO pandemic response plan at the end. I appreciate you have a lot on your plate, so you might want to scroll past the first 2 items. Or not! It could be an insight to you as to what is going on in Ireland. The video is only 13 mins long, and she attaches template letters beneath for us to use.
Great to know you have a brave barrister on the side of freedom and truth!
I do have a special place in my heart for Ireland as I adore Irish literature and especially the poetry of Eavan Boland, whom I had the honor of meeting twice and whose loss I am still grieving.
Would you believe I've not heard of her. I will look her up. I've been re-listening to the spoken word of John O'Donoghue for solace. In his book Beauty he says:
"When you look at post modern society it's astounding how much ugliness we are willing to endure. The media, the way in its talk shows which have tapestries of smothered language, and standards of mediocrity and dullness that seek to be the norm you realise how this dulls and deadens the human spirit. this false standard manages to present itself as normal, it seems to make real beauty an exception, and something naïve. This is a huge falsification.
… Unfortunately there’s a great coarseness to our times, you see this coarseness in perception, in language, in behaviour, in the way that we hold life, and in the way that we are to each other. Some kind of greed has got into our perception and this is the opposite of what the beautiful is. Because greed can look at things only as potential products, possessions and commodities, whereas the sense of beauty is a sense of that which is eternal, subtle and invisible. And that which really matters, behind the blur of appearances. Beauty is not a deadener but a quickener and it alerts and awakens our hearts to that which is good and true and unified."
Such truths. This has all been part of it I think, a lack of appreciation for life and beauty, making ugliness normal has really lead to them turning people into commodities and those people thinking that it is okay. Anyway. I'm here and joining you with my loud voice.
You will love Boland! “Outside History: Selected Poems, 1980–1990” is a great place to start with her poetry, and “Object Lessons: The Life of the Woman and the Poet in Our Time” is a profound and beautiful collection of essays.
Thank you for sharing that exquisite and inspiring meditation from John O’Donoghue as well as for using your loud voice!
And thank you for using yours xx
Maybe it's an obsession on efficiency and pragmatism while refusing to ask:
Would doing this slowly or less often be better than doing it quickly and repeatedly?
Is this worth doing at all?
From the video - this is ... " To inform you that the World Health Assembly (which is the forum through which the WHO is governed by its 194 member states, including Ireland) intends to create a legally binding agreement which will stipulate how member states and others countries must fight pandemics into the future - focusing on "collective solidarity".
One world government, one way or another. 😢
By saying "It’s time to join the growing number of enlightened countries that have dropped all COVID measures" you are painfully naive. Those countries (leaders) are not enlightened. They pushed as much as they could and need to temporaily release the pressure/agenda or otherwise their heads will roll. The measures will come back, make no mistake about this. Tenfolds. If not to save ppl from covid19 then from next pandemic or other type of "threat", such as worldwide cyber attack or hunger when supply chains are destroyed or war or whatever the WEF, the Rothschilds and BigTech will engineer next.
Smirking Gates already knows...
You’re right, Alex—that was certainly an overly generous descriptive for those countries. The idea was to contrast the countries that are (currently) restoring freedoms with those that are tightening the tyrannical restrictions, but I fully understand those temporary relaxations are likely an occasional indulgences pitstop on Biderman’s Chart of Coercion (
I do think the tidal wave of freedom is traveling around the world as more and more awaken, though, and it will be increasingly difficult for the minuscule handful of transhumanist tyrants to overpower the billions of individuals comprising We the People.
The key will be the vax-pass. That is the WEF/Reset crew's Holy Grail. They want to turn it into a social credit pass -- good kitty, you get a bowl of water and some kibble. Bad kitty, kicked out into the backyard to fend for yourself.
Beware the "OK, well here's what we can do. We'll get rid of all of the restrictions, if you'll accept this little mark of the beast we have for you... comply and everything will be just like it was." Click your heels together three times and you'll be back in Kansas, basically.
Don't believe it for a minute, and don't accept this EVER. If you do then NOTHING will ever be just like it was. Not even for a minute.
Exactly. That has been the end goal all along. See the video recommended by Abby in this thread ( as well as this one:
I agree. Any loosening of restrictions is just theater to make us think our push back is working.
Woo-hoo!! Another CLASSIC from our darling rabble-rouser - you da best Margaret!! Oh how sweet it will be when Trudeau takes that fall....He's a dead man walking at this point imo...The purity, and the love, and the courage, and the compassion of those Canadian Truckers has Shined Bright on the world!....Shakespeare, The Tragically Hip and The Beatles all in on article....Brilliant...That alone deserves a hug and fist bump🤗👊...You keep on rocking your badass self (I KNOW you will💪)...The world is healed and inspired by all you bring to the table my dear!💞
Warm hugs and fist bump backatcha, Stone! 🤗👊
Thank you for always bringing your whole heart and mind to my offerings and for fueling my fire with your enthusiasm! Amen to the gratifying tumble to come as well as to your eloquent description of the Canadian trucker cavalry 🙌
It buoys my spirit to know how much you appreciate the musical integrations. I had to restrain myself from shoehorning in the Mychael Danna/Sarah Polley version of “Courage” ( as I adore “The Sweet Hereafter” soundtrack so much (and it is another Canadian reference, after all), but I was already pushing it on the embedding/music/lyrics front ;-)
You keep on rocking yourself, Stone 😎
I am blown away. Are you Canadian too? It is more of a curiosity question than validation. I take the text and its power for what it is regardless where it comes from.
Aww, I am honored by your words, Phil. I am not a Canadian, but I have long appreciated Canadian culture—as you can see from my “Kids in the Hall” and Tragically Hip references ;-)
Canadian in your heart for sure!!
Haha, I appreciate that, Justarandomjohn! One of my readers dubbed me an honorary Canadian a few months ago, so I’m trying to fulfill my duty accordingly :-)
Yes, those references would bias you towards being Canadian for sure.
*chuckling* I'm pretty sure J can't relate to Shakespeare or McCartney, but if JP can't resonate with him, he's irredeemable.
Happy Monday, MAA, once more into the breach, dear friends...
Given his history as a drama teacher, I was hoping he would appreciate the Shakespeare reference ;-) And I suspect rockstar is one of the unfulfilled roles he’s long wanted to play, so I’m betting he has a soft spot for the Beatles 😎
Will share on Gab - been booted from Twitter a year now. Excellent, as always! Love your fierce light, Margaret Anna!
Haha, thanks, Kathleen! I figured most of my audience probably isn’t on Twitter—Steve Kirsch just got permanently banished yet again 🤐
The only reason I’m still on there is I barely use it, although that may not last long since I just tweeted my letter at @JustinTrudeau and may draw some unwanted attention for it ;-)
Let's hope it does!
Awesome! Wow! Brilliant letter !
Thank you, chère Mimi! 😽
Thanks, green.hornet.60!