💕Thank you Margaret💕... if only our ‘leaders’ were humanitarians like you... my confidence remains with You, Malone, Geert, McCullough, Front Line Doctors, all fighting for full disclosure & our right to Constitutional freedoms... the good guys feel compelled to correct all errors and misstatements... the bad guys, not so much... or at all.

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Aww, thank you for your amazing words, kitten seeking answers, and I am honored to be counted in such extraordinary company!

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Thank you Margaret. The truth shall set us free.

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Bless you, Ely!

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I don't know where to start, Margaret. You've obviously put so much time, thought, research and passion into this it leaps off the page as an inflamed counterinsurgency to all the crap we've seen from the MSM since this began. Crap upon more crap. Frank Zappa's brilliant 'I'm the Slime' comes to mind.

The difficulty, the challenge you, I, we all face in broadcasting truth behind lies is for the colluders to a) read it, b) accept it and c) change their behavior. From what I've seen, it takes tragedy to do that, and even then it doesn't always work as one mother opined over her dead child that she'll get the next booster.

As Naomi Wolf wrote in her first Substack yesterday, this ostensibly premeditated mass murder is beyond human in its intent and its global scale. So inhuman that it must be a force of unimaginable evil. She publicly shared her own turn to spirituality, to God, in support, and in so doing opened up a discourse for 'outside help' so to speak, from a deeply inner and intimate place.

As Solzhenitsyn said so clearly, so painfully, about the Gulags, 'Men have forgotten God'.

Considering the Christian epithet, God is Love, surely everything we are witnessing now and over the past two years has a complete absence of love, of God.

Isn't it time we called upon a greater energy, collectively? I know many people do already, but it seems the light of truth which shines from your writing so brightly can only be magnified with the light of this greater life-giving energy of Eternal undying Love. I know it sounds a bit romantic and abstract in practical terms, but maybe not. Maybe this is a way to get the message through.

The colluders have been 'snatched' and their vibrations tuned to fear and the ridicule of opposition. Could a connection with the heart, with love, bypass their captured minds? I'm improvising right now, so forgive my rambling, but I'm trying to find an entry point for those that truly need to hear.

As your letter proclaims, it's to A Governing Body, so your approach is directly to policymakers and legal recourse. This seems to be the most practical and I commend you for it. But the sheer evil behind this will not go quietly, nor will it acquiesce to law. It's already infiltrated the judiciary worldwide and as we've seen, globalist-controlled governments have gone outside the law. While all practical efforts must be continued with all our strength, this is truly a spiritual battle between good and evil.

Thank you, as always, for being such a harbinger of truth.

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Aww, I don’t know where to start, either, Navyo! Considering I’ve been up for almost 23 hours straight, I guess I’d better make it uncharacteristically brief, tho ;-)

I was excited to discover that Naomi Wolf has joined Substack and look forward to connecting with her!

The only thing I would contest in your statement is the “complete absence of love.” Although you are right about the swirling cesspool of diabolical darkness ensconcing the world, I have actually felt an overwhelming abundance of love—especially right here in this beautiful space we have created together. I have never been connected with so many courageous, magnanimous, intelligent truth-tellers from so many parts of the world.

I feel like we exist in the eye of the storm, and it is the light bursting forth from the Resistance that will burn through the darkness and guide us to a healing, creative, meaningful future as together we rebuild this broken world with love and respect for wisdom and beauty.

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By absence of love, I meant the actions of the Schwab, Gates, UN, Fauci-Pharma Cartel, not the rest of us. Yes, we are indeed in the eye of the storm. I love how you say about our new tribe of love! Yay!! And the light of Resistance rebuilding our broken world. Truly.

I hope you got some sleep!!

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That makes perfect sense, Navyo, and amen to our tribe of love, light, and truth!

I did finally get to sleep … after a 28-hour marathon! I slept 12 hours and felt like I could sleep 8 more ;-)

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Wow, Margaret. That was .. perfect. I will send it and share it. I think this conversation (evil / love / impossibility of love) is really important. We're compromised if we don't understand there is psychopathy in powerful places, and varying degrees of narcissism, dark pathologies, that run almost like artificial intelligence. They're literally incapable of authentic changes of heart, admitting wrong .. (perhaps there are exceptions, and those carry profound power.) And, also - there are more who are just believing the "noble lie", or afraid, or confused, or whose selfishness is of a human scale, mixed with ability to care ... those people you can reach ... if anything can reach them, this can ....

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I am delighted to hear you will be sharing it, and your astute comments about the psychological, spiritual, and emotional dimensions of this entire debacle are spot-on.

Here’s to reaching the reachable …

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God bless you ❤️

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Gaye's comment from last night still stands, IMO. Until and unless we see that they're NOT what they appear to be, we have to assume they are, and that they'll revert to form at the first opportunity. Because we've seen this in Florida, we've seen this in Virginia. They do NOT get the benefit of the doubt, of any doubt.

"They’re exactly like the Marxist school boards; you cannot trust their stated agenda, but must plan for them to about-face at any moment. You really gave them a talking-to. What a stunning collection of points and so beautifully laid out! Someone WILL read it, hopefully many and hopefully decision-makers or influencers. Thank you for this EXCELLENT letter; it has truth and heart. Perfect!"

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Haha, I appreciate that, Andrew, and I’m delighted to read your exuberant response!

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I should've made clear that the part in quotes is Gaye's comment from last night.

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Haha, no worries, I probably would’ve figured it out if I wasn’t toward the end of my 28-hour marathon ;-)

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Excellent read thankyou for this extremely interesting article...that should shatter the mass psychosis that permeates throughout the population of the world but sadly not the controlling elites....

Until the news networks begin to reveal the truth...the hypnosis will continue.

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Thanks so much, Jomico, and here’s hoping! 🤞

As for the news networks revealing the truth, that’s never gonna happen ;-) So what we need to do is encourage people to rip their umbilical cords out so they can escape the anesthetizing aether and start thinking for themselves!

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As always, your writing is informative and passionate 👏👏👏

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What a lovely comment, and thanks for your warm support, marty!

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Margaret, I found you via Robert Malone's substack. I noticed your Ray Bradbury quote and felt compelled, given your courage in what you are accomplishing here, to share my favorite Bradbury quote with you.

"Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child or a book or a painting or a house or a wall built or a pair of shoes made. Or a garden planted. Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you're there.

It doesn't matter what you do, he said, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away. The difference between the man who just cuts lawns and a real gardener is in the touching, he said. The lawn-cutter might just as well not have been there at all; the gardener will be there a lifetime."

Right now, you are changing something. Someone. Somewhere. And they are the better for it. Thank you for providing yet another wonderful trove of thought-provoking information to add to my "Community Chest" (I used to say "War Chest", but I found that a spoonful of sugar always gets me farther than a spoonful of salt when trying to breathe reason into the woke mass mentality..), and thank you for leaving something that will be here, through others, for a lifetime.

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Wow, Bulldog. This may be one of the most touching and profound comments I’ve ever read, and that’s saying a *lot* considering how many touching and profound comments I’ve been blessed to receive.

Thank you, Bulldog. I will not forget these words.

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Please see https://informedchoicewa.org/news/your-comments-attendance-needed-at-boh-meeting/ for an accurate overview of the agenda items for tomorrow. I just found out that they are only taking testimony for the Rules Hearing Continuance-Communicable and Other Certain Diseases, Chapter 246-100 WAC.

This means that I will not be able to speak about Informed Choice of WA's petition, "new rule that prohibits them from adding any Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) product, or any licensed product that lacks completed Phase 3 trial studies, to the school required list."

"Item #9 is about updating a section of the WAC having to do with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in response to legislation passed in 2020. See this BOH link: https://sboh.wa.gov/Rulemaking/CurrentRulesandActivity/CommunicableandCertainOtherDiseasesSTDModernization

Item #11 is about our (Informed Choice WA’s) GOOD petition asking for a new rule to prohibit the BOH from requiring for school attendance any Emergency Use Authorized products, or licensed products that lack completed Phase 3 trial studies. See below for more information.

Write to the Board at WSBOH@SBOH.WA.GOV by noon on Friday the 7th and tell them you . . ."


Informed Choice of Washington Recommendations:

"OPPOSE the Board’s formation of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to review information about COVID-19 shots for consideration of mandating the shots for school. You oppose COVID-19 shot mandates, period!

SUPPORT Informed Choice Washington’s Petition for Rulemaking (see below) — our petition is item 11 on the January 12th agenda. It was filed by Xavier Figueroa, PhD, on behalf of ICWA, and asks the Board to establish a new rule that prohibits them from adding any Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) product, or any licensed product that lacks completed Phase 3 trial studies, to the school required list."


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Thanks for the additional details, Zana. I listened to most of the public meeting and was disappointed to hear they struck down #11 pretty much unanimously. I think the clause about making it a permanent rule that future boards couldn’t overrule was the weak link as they all jumped on not wanting to tie the hands of future boards. Maybe it could be resubmitted without that qualifier and instead limit it to a certain period of time?

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I'm in complete agreement and I will be following their actions closely.

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Thank you, Zana. I look forward to receiving updates from you as these matters progress.

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Well said and presented. This letter does need to be sent to our elected leaders. Perhaps one or two will read it and act. But most are still captured by the mass hysteria.

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I have posted to comments on Twitter and Newsweek. Newsweek allowed the link!

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Fabulous and thanks so much, HardeeHo!

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Thanks so much, HardeeHo, and I encourage everyone to send it to their respective elected leaders!

If anyone becomes aware of open public comment periods for tyrannical COVID legislation, please let me know and I can adapt and submit my letter accordingly.

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I believe this is one of the best things you could do to encourage others to compose and support their own arguments that may very soon become necessary across this country. While not all politics is necessarily local, it is local politics which can save us. I live in a county which is federal mandate free by the rule of law: the county sheriff says so.

Everyone should send this letter to their county officials, trying to inform them and stop what is happening.

I shared your letter with JJCouey, GigaohmBiological's Chief (and only) Biologist. who has been keeping me aware of the fraud being committed since the very beginning. I will provide a link to his own letter to his personal physician, written to procure a waiver from any mandated "transfection." Jay has taught most of us to NOT refer to this shot as a vaccine, but as a transfection, which is what it truly is.

Jay lost his research position at the University of Pittsburgh last year because he dared speak truth to students. Anyway, it is their loss... he is a most excellent teacher and I hope others visit his page, catch a few minutes of his latest livestream and decide for yourself if you couldn't use a bit of a biology refresher about now.


For his livestream?


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How wonderful to hear your pragmatic and inspiring response, Martha.

Thank you so much for sharing with JJCouey—he sounds like a good ally to have in the fight for truth! So sorry to hear he lost his position. It is heartbreaking to see the most talented, knowledgeable, and ethical people getting pushed out of nearly every arena for having the courage to stand up.

And thanks for the tip re: “transfection”—that’s a really helpful term to have in my back pocket!

His letter looks like a stellar source of solid scientific arguments. I look forward to reading it more closely. Thanks for introducing me to him!

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Jan 13, 2022
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I was indeed delighted to discover my original letter at TBP (https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/01/13/letter-to-the-washington-state-board-of-health/) this morning, just after Kit Knightly informed me they were publishing this one at OffGuardian (https://off-guardian.org/2022/01/13/letter-to-a-governing-body/)! Thank you for posting your fabulous comment there as well, Martha.

Did you submit my letter to JQ? I’m trying to figure out how these are getting on TBP as I haven’t had time to notify anyone ;-) I notice both TBP and OG are following my on Twitter, so perhaps that’s how. In any case, I’m relieved as it saves me the time/trouble of contacting them myself …

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I did delete one comment as being unnecessary.

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Haha, okay, glad it was you and not me accidentally clicking something that caused it to disappear ;-)

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https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/01/13/letter-to-the-washington-state-board-of-health/#comment-2515812 Please visit this comment and respond, if possible. Thanks.

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I hope you've had time to watch and listen to at least some of JJCouey's Gigaohm Biological. It was a pretty good episode yesterday. I am Maggie Garu there.

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Hoping you will answer the response on TBP I responded to most recently.

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Did you delete your comment about this being posted at TBP, Martha? I noticed it disappeared after I responded.

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Imagine: I'm standing and clapping saying... Brovo! Brovo! Brovo!

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Hehe, thank you so much, SoDeeplyConcerned!

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How thoughtful and useful.

Sidenote: I doubt it was a grave error. Injecting a child with experimental gene therapy that has no benefit and could permanently damage or kill them... THAT is a grave error.

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Very thoughtful of you, Raptor, and that is painfully true.

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You ACED it Margaret

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Well done. You did a very nice job of weaving the links into your article. Happy to donate to you; we are lucky to have you out there. We fight for truth together with gratitude for each other, what a beautiful silver lining to this whole mess.

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What an empowering note, Field, and thank you for your encouraging support!

I often think of this era, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

I feel like the worst of times has brought the best out in *us*, and it has been a phenomenal experience to fulfill my deepest purpose while connecting with brilliant, kind, and talented kindreds around the world.

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Fabulous article/letter, Margaret!

I have a couple of thoughts though...

"Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are gambling with our lives"

No, they are not. The whole thing is completely premeditated and the vaccines are achieving what they were designed to do. This video, released today, covers it to perfection (not that most here were not already aware):


It was reported last week that euthanasia has now been legalized in Germany but there's something very odd about this law. Apparently, it is only permitted on the condition that the consenting individual has been vaccinated for C-19 prior to the act. They claim it is to prevent doctors from catching C-19. Is there really any genuine doctor who believes that?


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Merci beaucoup, Anthony!

And yes, I definitely get the premeditation, especially when we get into the toxic batches, but that would have opened up another rabbit-hole that wasn’t germane to the discussion at hand.

This letter was primarily written to dispel the myths that the unvaxxed pose a danger to the vaxxed, that they are taking up more hospital space, and that the injection is both safe and effective—basically, the lies peddled to justify mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, and similar policies.

I do cover that angle in more detail in pieces like “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) and “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative), though.

I actually heard about that bizarre new euthanasia policy a while back. It is ludicrous, of course, and the opposite of what you might initially think. I guess it’s one more way for BigPharma to squeeze money out of people before they off themselves.

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Brilliant writing! I’m so happy I found you via my LewRockwell subscription.

Our politicians Will never read anything longer than 3-5 paragraphs :(. In addition, most government employees can Only be contacted via eForms.

And these forms don't allow links to websites and have a limitation for the # of characters. I know it because I write to our local officials all the time.

Therefore, I will put together an executive summary.

The more the rules decouple from reality, the more people are beginning to question. The more stress and anxiety people feel from the situation, the more likely they are to begin openly questioning the source of their stress.

You never know which courageous voice will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, so stay strong, speak up when you can, share information, and don’t ever accept this as a status quo, or there will be no end in sight.

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I’m so happy you found me, too, Ocean Claire! Lew is wonderful, isn’t he?

*lol* Yes, I know the politicians are unlikely to read this letter, but I wrote it as much for the people resisting tyranny as the tyrants themselves—actually more so.

Thank you for putting together an executive summary—feel free to share here if you do end up submitting this anywhere!

I wholeheartedly agree with your last two paragraphs and find your closing words especially inspiring.

Thank you for joining in the good fight, Ocean Claire, and onward!

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