Brilliant, comprehensive, illustrative . . . I just spent the last few hours digesting the text plus the carefully chosen excerpts from relative films and documentaries. This is an excellent piece, likely a bit much for the truth-resistant but perfect for those questioning the narrative and seeking to gain a better understanding of what is happening. My hat is off to you Margaret Anna Alice! I wish you had not had to write this piece, but given what we face I am so glad you did and feel so fortunate to call you an ally. I will gain comfort from knowing I can call upon you for deep insights and sound references. Having some idea of the amount of effort which goes into a piece such as this, I feel tremendous gratitude. Blessings and love to you!
TWOH, wow, what a phenomenal comment and response! I realized this article contained a *lot* to digest for those who wished to hop deeper into the rabbit-hole and am happy to hear you were up for the adventure. I was grateful to have an opportunity to link to the poignant letter you shared in Will You Stand Up for Humanity? ( in this piece and look forward to continued fruitful exchanges as together we unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs!
I keep saying its her best, but she has written so many epic letters, I know have to say one of her best. Can't even begin to express how valuable these are to me and for documenting as she brilliantly expresses in another essay...if you ever wanted to know if you were a good german...
Only just found this article after you linked it in the comments section of one of Alex's latest posts. This might be the best or the most important thing you've ever written.
Your powerful response means a lot to me, Laurence. I’m so grateful you found this piece and are part of this wonderful, growing community of kindreds and freethinkers at my Substack blog!
This is a fantastic and amazingly referenced article! Thank you for sharing it. I especially appreciated the German bits.
However, I live in Nebraska, and it frustrates me every time someone gives my governor credit for being anti-mandate. Unlike in Florida, our governor doesn't have the power to make sweeping executive orders. He said those words so people would look upon him favorably in 2024. He's not even using his bully pulpit to stump for truth or bring pressure on the legislature. I personally know a nurse living in Lincoln who cried her way through the first injection because she didn't want to be fired. (Good news: she found another job before taking the second.) In my opinion, Ricketts should not be an example to uphold until he actually does something to protect Nebraskans from tyranny.
Jo, I appreciate your informative response and certainly don’t want to give any dubious politicians a break ;-) There are others in that group of governors who’ve exhibited cowardice and complicity in other situations, so linking to that article by no means constitutes my endorsement of them. Frankly, it was simply one of the few instances I could find of politicians taking a stand on this matter ;-)
I am so sorry to hear what you’re experiencing in Nebraska as well as for what your poor nurse friend had to endure (thank goodness she escaped!). Thank you for your on-the-ground perspective and glad to have you in the resistance to tyranny.
Hi Margaret, thank you for that information and the links. I read Orwell on language many years ago and it definitely influenced my direction. My own theory is that the language is built around an infrastructure of prominent and critical "contra-sense" words that can mean either X or minus-X at the option of the decision-maker.
Does the word "principal" in the financial sense, for example, mean the actual amount invested by the lender and received by the borrower for their own use? Or is it the amount the borrower is required to agree that they owe regardless of the amount received? Is it a matter of fact? Or of the agreement of parties? - Is it a noun? or a constructive-adjective?
All the wealth of the world turns on that question.
The system's answer is (always and everywhere): It can be either or both, and we'll let you know if and when it becomes important.
The larger "broadcast" that we receive through official communication orchestrates the embedded contra-sense words as oscillating-contradictions between our left-brains (nouns and facts) and our right-brains which process adjectives and opinions. I was really getting into it when this covid nonsense started and I recognised the same techniques being used.
The Cease and Desist Order via the link is just the tip of the iceberg - We are not experiencing a COVID crisis so much as a manipulation-of-language-crisis.
Glad to hear you were able to get in, and that link makes a lot more sense than the last one!
Your “contra-sense” theory is intriguing. I know you don’t mean it in the sense of opposites, but it makes me think of Alan Watts’s statements on the inextricable interconnectedness of opposites—how there can be no concept “hot” without “cold,” “front” without “back,” and so on.
I don’t know if this is the lecture I’m thinking of but am guessing so based on the title, “Coincidence Of Opposites”:
I haven’t had a chance to read this article yet but came across it while trying to find the Alan Watts video, and it looks like it may be relevant to your inquiries (one line that jumped out at me: “All things that appear to be two opposites are really one self-referencing idea.”):
I think your example of “principal” and your grammatical analyses are rather brain-tickling, and you are spot on about this: “We are not experiencing a COVID crisis so much as a manipulation-of-language-crisis.” Hence the need for them to redefine “pandemic,” “vaccine,” “herd immunity,” and every other term whose long-established meaning threatened their fictional narrative. No need to bother fussing with reality when you can simply manipulate language to shape perception!
I suspect your cease and desist document will be too erudite for the average bureaucrat, but it will certainly give them food for thought if they’re up for the challenge.
“People are either *vaccinated* or they are *not-vaccinated*, and once vaccinated, in practice, they cannot be *un*vaccinated.”
I hadn’t even considered your astute point here—would that people *could* be *un*vaccinated!
I wish I had time to read the document in detail, but here is another bit I appreciated:
“The technique of using adjectives, adverbs, and verbs as labels or pretended-nouns to deceive humans has been developed and perfected in and by those in the finance business.”
In any case, it delights me to think that this document will be wielded against people who probably won’t be able to comprehend 5% of it 😆
Best wishes with your endeavor, and I look forward to hearing what the reaction is!
Thanks Alice for the link to the articles and video. The first line in the article by Alan Watts is "It is contrast that defines experience."
I immediately thought about what are called refresher-rates on electronic monitors, and snow-blindness. What cause the phenomenon of snow-blindness is the lack of change. There is nothing but bright white everywhere and it eventually affects the ability of the brain to recognize any change through the visual cortex.
Likewise, a nominal motion-picture is just a very large number of still photos in rapid succession - it is our brains which create the mere perception of motion by conceptualizing the changes as such from one frame or still-photo to the next.
I am going to have to let Alan Watts' explanations sink in for few days in order to assimilate his position on the duality of opposites.
I have been using the concept to distinguish between speed and acceleration; between voltage and amperage; between horsepower and torque; between the rate of interest and the ex temporal amount of interest. In each case the pairings are not opposites, per se, but only two-halves or sides of the same coin, and I strongly suspect that Mr. Watts and I are referring to the same essential thing from slightly different perspectives.
I think that it all reduces to using language to triangulate reality through a kind of cognitive parallax.
It is very difficult to throw a "fast-ball" past an established order. When they do screw-up royally - it is almost always because someone has thrown them a "change-up" pitch!
Timothy, what a fascinating contemplation and so glad you appreciated Alan Watts’s wisdom! Your neurological observations about the senses make me think of one my other most favorite human beings in history, the beloved Dr. Oliver Sacks. Everything he wrote should be required reading, but he explores sight in The Mind’s Eye, sound in Seeing Voices, and our perception of music in Musicophilia. Awakenings is his most famous, thanks to the film (where Robin Williams brilliantly portrayed Sacks, much to his delight). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is captivating. My favorite, however, is A Leg to Stand On as it is his most personal, and, as I discovered in Lawrence Weschler’s enthralling memoir (And How Are You, Dr. Sacks?), the one that gave him the most trouble and took nine years to write. I know you have a long reading list, but it’s worth jumping for Sacks if you haven’t yet read his work :-)
Margaret: You compiled a lot of good information there. I myself made a poster advertizing the Killing Nurses documentary. I've got over 4 dozen unique posters and have now posted thousands of them here in Toronto. The weather here in Toronto has ended that though. I can't ride my ebike when roads are icy or slushy or too snow-covered.
"Normal individuals enter an ‘agentic state’ in which they are the instrument of another’s will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform." Indeed. Philip there makes the same point that Randolph Bourne made in his unpublished book that I think he was going to title "The State." He observed how people acted during World War One and he was appalled. He referred to "amateur agents of the government." I wrote an essay titled "Gatekeepers," in which I explained the difference between appointed and self-appointed gatekeepers. When I later read the part of Bourne's "The State" in which he refers to amateur agents of the government, I immediately recognized them. They are people who possess empty lives. When the war-making State gets active and is no longer in the background and able to be ignored, but is instead in front of everyone's face and menacing, as it demands patriotism and obedience from citizens who it wants to fight and die for 'the nation', people with empty lives suddenly have something to fill them with, sadly.
As a Christian (not within doomed Christendom), it is my belief that we are about to enter into Armageddon and the end of this cruel, perverted system of things. (I used to be a Jehovah's Witness, but I left that organization many, many years ago. And I see now that their shepherds are misleading their flocks in covid 1984.) We will get a new world, but it won't be the kind of new world, and world government, that Klaus et al want. Predators and parasites will not be permitted. And liars will not permitted. Which means that lies won't abound, including the big one being told right now, namely Sars CoV 2, the foundation of the huge, harmful covid 19 pandemic hoax.
I have not embraced and repeated that lie. Am I perfect? By no means. But I've learned that we've all been lied to since birth, in this world. We've even been lied to by those who love us. Some of those lies were not lies, in the sense that the liars were duped. But it's a dark world thanks to so many who have sold their souls and joined Satan in his fight against Jehovah God. The point being that, unless we are always unlearning much, we can't possibly be learning, because not everyone has been telling the truth. That applies in spades to a couple of big subjects, like biological evolution and germ theory. Both of those areas of 'knowledge' are lies.
We are all imperfect. Therefore we will all be corrected, eventually. The trick is to not be corrected fatally. In other words, be as true as you can be if you want God's approval, which is the only approval that matters. However, It is a free universe. God forces no one to worship him. Anyone can sell his or her soul. For now, those who sell their souls are free to cause problems for the wider society. But their time is up. In the new world, we'll still have that freedom to rebel, but we won't have the freedom that rebels have now to disturb their neighbors. Our first human parents wrongly chose to know what independence from the Source of life meant. That raised the Issue of Universal Sovereignty. It's like a court case. Jehovah is a God of light. Rather than cover up the issue that was raised - Is God's way of love best or is Satan's black rule of 'riches for the strongest' best? - God has allowed time for it to be settled. We've created technology, and experimented with various types of social organization and built up civilization. Did we prove that independence from the Source of life works? Now that that Issue has been settled, and the precedent set (so that allowing humans to create cruel social systems never has to happen again), Jehovah can pass judgement 'and' execute sentencing and step in and put an end to this cruel, dark system of things. Had he acted before all the evidence was brought forth, he would have prevented the Issue from being settled. He would have had less justification for acting to end a system that a lot of us would like to see ended. God is a God not of disorder but of peace said the apostle Paul. I have my doubts about Paul but I would agree with that statement.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Arby. That’s awesome that you’re getting the word out about the powerful “Killing Nurses” documentary! Hopefully, the weather will improve soon and you can resume your good work :-)
Wow. What a well thought out, well composed, powerful piece of writing. The connections to the German writings and the video links are all so very appropriate. Thank you for doing this.
Kyle, delighted to welcome you here, and thank you for your gracious comment! So glad you appreciated all the references. I was worried about overwhelming readers with links and citations but felt these ones were too pertinent to omit.
Oh margaret anna alice, I read the other two. I did not read this until now. Weeping. Oh my word. A sucker punch to the soul. I agree, hats off to you. A Tour de Force. I can barely speak.
Aww, thank you, Duchess! I always appreciate that you bring your all of your heart, mind, and soul to everything you read, watch, and listen to. It is a blessing to have readers like you 🤗
Another home run. Well done. An excellent way to tell a story (not even a fairy tale this time) to get people to pause and consider their positions. Keep up the great work.
I’ve seen “It’s just” in many forms (my favorite being Addison Reeves’s “It’s Just … Why I Won’t Submit: but not this one yet, and it is powerful. Thank you for another great link, Dennis!
Margaret, every time I read one of your letters, I get chills. There are so many great, succinct, and powerful lines here, I want to quote them all. Ever considered recording them either audio only or voiceover with video background? These can be powerful tools to try and reach more people.
I am still working my way through the backlog (coincidentally, “Letter to a Colluder” is next in the queue) but hope to make more progress once I get through the next batch of time-sensitive deadlines.
And I do plan to turn these into videos! I have actually been in discussion with Anne Gibbons of Anne Can’t Stand It ( about a collaborative video in which she would create a graphic recording à la AfterSkool ( She is as busy as me, so I’m not sure how soon she’ll be able to complete it, but we are both excited about that, and I am looking forward to producing additional videos as soon as I can find the time!
You’re telling me!! I have been doing too many 20-hour marathons in a row lately, and the fatigue is catching up to me. I need to figure out how to fit in more sleep without impacting my productivity. I do often work on essays in my dreams, so I guess I can consider that part of my writing time ;-)
Oh my, same!! I figured a dream through my topics and words because I’m spending too many waking hours thinking about it. I thought I was going coo-coo.
Haha, definitely not! The bad thing is I usually forget the specifics by the time I wake up, so if paragraphs start forming, I end up waking up to dictate into my iPhone so I don’t lose all that work.
Uhm, are we the same person in different universes? Hahahaha. One time, years ago, I dreamed a whole play (I come from the world of theatre) and woke up in the middle of the night and wrote “The Seven Secret Plays of Madam Caprice” in my phone’s notepad. And I promptly forgot until I found it months later. my memory flooding with images and songs. I ended up writing it in full and producing it. It is still one of my top productions I’ve created in my life. Dreams are important tools for understanding ourselves and our environment. There is even a dream college you can go to, I was always curious...
Then again, who am I talking to? Your whole premise is ‘through the looking glass’! Which I love!
I don't think it's a good fit for me to do for a few reasons; they are a bit complex to try and explain, but roughly...
I am too angry and will go too far for propriety, and...
I'm more preoccupied with trying to make the case to those who might wander into my orbit...lay it out.
For ex. the thing that I immediately latched onto in yours was the Biderman char. Basically a lot of what I stew about is the "elevator pitch" that will get someone stewing themselves.
I appreciate you so much, MAA. I really do. From the heart.
You’re wise to focus on the content that suits your strengths and goals. Sounds like we have a shared mission to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs 🙌
I’m so grateful Tip of the Spear Steve Kirsch shone a light on your Stack as you are not only a kindred spirit, but you have an utterly unique voice and a wickedly brilliant sense of humor. I relish your articles like nutrient-dense junk food.
Speaking of funny, I just got this hysterical comment on my last post calling me a “far right-wing extremist” and thought you’d enjoy (if that’s the right word) this example of menticidal mania:
You know I think about this a lot. What's my voice?
How can I express it? To what end? It can't just be "therapy". What can I bring to the table?
The Edward Dowd interview hit me between the eyes. He has talents, he made billions for Wall Street, blah, blah,blah...Kirsch uses his skill use yours. Etana, hers, Amy hers...Peter, his...
And this is also why I am preoccupied with Greenwald, with Taibbi. Not just them. There are others. They are blowing it. They have these amazing skill sets, they have these enormous platforms. Piffff....
That comment reminds me of Twitter. I don't enjoy that, no. (No reflection on you sharing it, tbc.) That is a danger zone for me.
The amount of energy and rage wasted dealing with this type of ideological critter is soul deadening. It's an endless loop spiraling downwards into some very dark places within me.
🤣 I must say it was satisfying to see people repeatedly tweet it at @BillGates, @wef, @JustinTrudeau, @POTUS, @BorisJohnson, and dozens of other tyrants around the globe.
Thanks will do and having just made 24 straight podcasts on the entire situation , I understand this well and have been screaming about it all for a long time
Hi Margaret. I loved this post, as I have enjoyed all your writing. You have a gift. You are more than kind to mention me in your footnote, by the way. I'm glad to have helped.
I wanted to share a video that has opened my eyes to the motives and quasi-identities of the people whom we casually call "the powers that be." Having watched most of this first video (there are a few more in this series on Odysee) I have a new perspective on (almost) exactly who is driving this tyranny, and, potentially, why they're doing so. If what Pastor Williams is telling us is true, we are looking at the wrong people who appear to be terrorizing us. He tells us that the real power behind sovereign governments, including and especially ours, is the unseen and unnamed "elite," who, apparently, have full control over every aspect of government, mostly through debt slavery and through total control of elected representatives at every level (including Federal judges). How scary is that?
Frankly, I almost hope he is either wrong in his assertions, or is exaggerating. But I have not yet found reason to disbelieve him, and I find his explanations for how things work in this world to track well with what I have observed, albeit from a distance; I've never been close to TPTB to see how they live, as he has. Regardless, I hope you and your readers either benefit from watching this video or, worst case, tell me that Pastor Williams is so far off base that he should be ejected from the game. Take care, Joe
It’s always a joy to read your considerate comments, Joe, and I appreciate that link! I don’t believe I’ve encountered Pastor Williams before, but it certainly sounds intriguing and in line with what Catherine Austin Fitts and others who are intimately familiar with the world financial system are saying. Have you watched her Planet Lockdown interview? All of the interviews ( are eye-opening, but I especially recommend hers and Dr. Michael Yeadon’s.
You are too kind; thank you. I have watched Planet Lockdown and other interviews with Catherine Austin FItts; eye-opening is the right word to describe her presentations. And I've seen Dr. Yeadon's presentations in the past, too; I'm stricken by his sincerity and the dire nature of his warnings. It's almost as though, on one level, we have the nefarious actions of the lockdown Gestapo, puppets that they are (knowingly or not), and, on another level, we have the global banking etc. elites continuing to enslave humanity through debt and digital control of our lives. One wonders at the motivations of such megalomaniacal people who, with al their wealth, cannot resist meddling in our lives for their own benefit. You'd think they could find a comfortable existence on some tropical island somewhere away from the rubes, but they seem bent on ruining the world for their own benefit. Take care, and please continue writing; we deplorables need voices like yours.
We are very fortunate to have Dr. Yeadon in this fight and even more blessed to have him on Substack! I have had the good fortune to interact with him on numerous threads and have been moved by his authenticity, passion, wisdom, and humor.
Your comments dovetail nicely with the article I’m working on right now, so I won’t say more other than to stay tuned :-)
Margaret, I had encountered you on another thread (the one with the insufferable "ken") and asked how to reach you. I didn't want to leave an email there so as to invite trolls. So, I will take a chance here since this is your own site. I am good with words, but weak on tech. You may reach me at If so, more to come, kindred spirit! Jon
Jon, I remember you, and I certainly remember that notorious thread! 😆 Welcome to my as-yet-blessedly-troll-free space! I’ll drop you a note so you know how to reach me.
3 years on it's eerie that the fight is getting harder. There are a great many important points here; one to seize on is that the Stanford Experiment, and Milgram's observations and so on, have really served to show our overlords that these horrors can be perpetrated easily time after time after time and that the systems they had put in place ("socialization" was a great word in the context) are yielding precisely the fruit that they wish to harvest.
And adding to my last comment, even the quite smart, educated and technically trained amongst us can feel mundane and ordinary. If everyone’s a winner, no one stands out. This social engineering produces the banality types most prone to succumbing to evil.
Brilliant, comprehensive, illustrative . . . I just spent the last few hours digesting the text plus the carefully chosen excerpts from relative films and documentaries. This is an excellent piece, likely a bit much for the truth-resistant but perfect for those questioning the narrative and seeking to gain a better understanding of what is happening. My hat is off to you Margaret Anna Alice! I wish you had not had to write this piece, but given what we face I am so glad you did and feel so fortunate to call you an ally. I will gain comfort from knowing I can call upon you for deep insights and sound references. Having some idea of the amount of effort which goes into a piece such as this, I feel tremendous gratitude. Blessings and love to you!
TWOH, wow, what a phenomenal comment and response! I realized this article contained a *lot* to digest for those who wished to hop deeper into the rabbit-hole and am happy to hear you were up for the adventure. I was grateful to have an opportunity to link to the poignant letter you shared in Will You Stand Up for Humanity? ( in this piece and look forward to continued fruitful exchanges as together we unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs!
So greattful for you and your amazing subs!!
Thank you so much, JustANobody!
I keep saying its her best, but she has written so many epic letters, I know have to say one of her best. Can't even begin to express how valuable these are to me and for documenting as she brilliantly expresses in another essay...if you ever wanted to know if you were a good german...
Haha, aww, thank you, dear Duchess! 🤗
"I’m willing to die to defend my liberty. Are you willing to die to take my liberty?" -- STUDLY (pls excuse the non-gender neutral term)
Only just found this article after you linked it in the comments section of one of Alex's latest posts. This might be the best or the most important thing you've ever written.
Your powerful response means a lot to me, Laurence. I’m so grateful you found this piece and are part of this wonderful, growing community of kindreds and freethinkers at my Substack blog!
Just found this from another ' Subber'! We would be so lost without these amazing substack writers!! The truthful ones!!!!
This is a fantastic and amazingly referenced article! Thank you for sharing it. I especially appreciated the German bits.
However, I live in Nebraska, and it frustrates me every time someone gives my governor credit for being anti-mandate. Unlike in Florida, our governor doesn't have the power to make sweeping executive orders. He said those words so people would look upon him favorably in 2024. He's not even using his bully pulpit to stump for truth or bring pressure on the legislature. I personally know a nurse living in Lincoln who cried her way through the first injection because she didn't want to be fired. (Good news: she found another job before taking the second.) In my opinion, Ricketts should not be an example to uphold until he actually does something to protect Nebraskans from tyranny.
Jo, I appreciate your informative response and certainly don’t want to give any dubious politicians a break ;-) There are others in that group of governors who’ve exhibited cowardice and complicity in other situations, so linking to that article by no means constitutes my endorsement of them. Frankly, it was simply one of the few instances I could find of politicians taking a stand on this matter ;-)
I am so sorry to hear what you’re experiencing in Nebraska as well as for what your poor nurse friend had to endure (thank goodness she escaped!). Thank you for your on-the-ground perspective and glad to have you in the resistance to tyranny.
I got in as administrator again! Here is the actual link:
Hi Margaret, thank you for that information and the links. I read Orwell on language many years ago and it definitely influenced my direction. My own theory is that the language is built around an infrastructure of prominent and critical "contra-sense" words that can mean either X or minus-X at the option of the decision-maker.
Does the word "principal" in the financial sense, for example, mean the actual amount invested by the lender and received by the borrower for their own use? Or is it the amount the borrower is required to agree that they owe regardless of the amount received? Is it a matter of fact? Or of the agreement of parties? - Is it a noun? or a constructive-adjective?
All the wealth of the world turns on that question.
The system's answer is (always and everywhere): It can be either or both, and we'll let you know if and when it becomes important.
The larger "broadcast" that we receive through official communication orchestrates the embedded contra-sense words as oscillating-contradictions between our left-brains (nouns and facts) and our right-brains which process adjectives and opinions. I was really getting into it when this covid nonsense started and I recognised the same techniques being used.
The Cease and Desist Order via the link is just the tip of the iceberg - We are not experiencing a COVID crisis so much as a manipulation-of-language-crisis.
Glad to hear you were able to get in, and that link makes a lot more sense than the last one!
Your “contra-sense” theory is intriguing. I know you don’t mean it in the sense of opposites, but it makes me think of Alan Watts’s statements on the inextricable interconnectedness of opposites—how there can be no concept “hot” without “cold,” “front” without “back,” and so on.
I don’t know if this is the lecture I’m thinking of but am guessing so based on the title, “Coincidence Of Opposites”:
I haven’t had a chance to read this article yet but came across it while trying to find the Alan Watts video, and it looks like it may be relevant to your inquiries (one line that jumped out at me: “All things that appear to be two opposites are really one self-referencing idea.”):
I think your example of “principal” and your grammatical analyses are rather brain-tickling, and you are spot on about this: “We are not experiencing a COVID crisis so much as a manipulation-of-language-crisis.” Hence the need for them to redefine “pandemic,” “vaccine,” “herd immunity,” and every other term whose long-established meaning threatened their fictional narrative. No need to bother fussing with reality when you can simply manipulate language to shape perception!
I suspect your cease and desist document will be too erudite for the average bureaucrat, but it will certainly give them food for thought if they’re up for the challenge.
“People are either *vaccinated* or they are *not-vaccinated*, and once vaccinated, in practice, they cannot be *un*vaccinated.”
I hadn’t even considered your astute point here—would that people *could* be *un*vaccinated!
I wish I had time to read the document in detail, but here is another bit I appreciated:
“The technique of using adjectives, adverbs, and verbs as labels or pretended-nouns to deceive humans has been developed and perfected in and by those in the finance business.”
In any case, it delights me to think that this document will be wielded against people who probably won’t be able to comprehend 5% of it 😆
Best wishes with your endeavor, and I look forward to hearing what the reaction is!
There's so much to read and digest. I live the questions and answers proposed!
Thanks Alice for the link to the articles and video. The first line in the article by Alan Watts is "It is contrast that defines experience."
I immediately thought about what are called refresher-rates on electronic monitors, and snow-blindness. What cause the phenomenon of snow-blindness is the lack of change. There is nothing but bright white everywhere and it eventually affects the ability of the brain to recognize any change through the visual cortex.
Likewise, a nominal motion-picture is just a very large number of still photos in rapid succession - it is our brains which create the mere perception of motion by conceptualizing the changes as such from one frame or still-photo to the next.
I am going to have to let Alan Watts' explanations sink in for few days in order to assimilate his position on the duality of opposites.
I have been using the concept to distinguish between speed and acceleration; between voltage and amperage; between horsepower and torque; between the rate of interest and the ex temporal amount of interest. In each case the pairings are not opposites, per se, but only two-halves or sides of the same coin, and I strongly suspect that Mr. Watts and I are referring to the same essential thing from slightly different perspectives.
I think that it all reduces to using language to triangulate reality through a kind of cognitive parallax.
It is very difficult to throw a "fast-ball" past an established order. When they do screw-up royally - it is almost always because someone has thrown them a "change-up" pitch!
Timothy, what a fascinating contemplation and so glad you appreciated Alan Watts’s wisdom! Your neurological observations about the senses make me think of one my other most favorite human beings in history, the beloved Dr. Oliver Sacks. Everything he wrote should be required reading, but he explores sight in The Mind’s Eye, sound in Seeing Voices, and our perception of music in Musicophilia. Awakenings is his most famous, thanks to the film (where Robin Williams brilliantly portrayed Sacks, much to his delight). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is captivating. My favorite, however, is A Leg to Stand On as it is his most personal, and, as I discovered in Lawrence Weschler’s enthralling memoir (And How Are You, Dr. Sacks?), the one that gave him the most trouble and took nine years to write. I know you have a long reading list, but it’s worth jumping for Sacks if you haven’t yet read his work :-)
Or Margaret rather - I am becoming more slick-decsic every day!
Just read this link. Never thought of the word unvaccinated in those terms. Absolutely Perfect answer! That letter is one we should all be using!!!
Margaret: You compiled a lot of good information there. I myself made a poster advertizing the Killing Nurses documentary. I've got over 4 dozen unique posters and have now posted thousands of them here in Toronto. The weather here in Toronto has ended that though. I can't ride my ebike when roads are icy or slushy or too snow-covered.
"Normal individuals enter an ‘agentic state’ in which they are the instrument of another’s will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform." Indeed. Philip there makes the same point that Randolph Bourne made in his unpublished book that I think he was going to title "The State." He observed how people acted during World War One and he was appalled. He referred to "amateur agents of the government." I wrote an essay titled "Gatekeepers," in which I explained the difference between appointed and self-appointed gatekeepers. When I later read the part of Bourne's "The State" in which he refers to amateur agents of the government, I immediately recognized them. They are people who possess empty lives. When the war-making State gets active and is no longer in the background and able to be ignored, but is instead in front of everyone's face and menacing, as it demands patriotism and obedience from citizens who it wants to fight and die for 'the nation', people with empty lives suddenly have something to fill them with, sadly.
"Gatekeepers" /
As a Christian (not within doomed Christendom), it is my belief that we are about to enter into Armageddon and the end of this cruel, perverted system of things. (I used to be a Jehovah's Witness, but I left that organization many, many years ago. And I see now that their shepherds are misleading their flocks in covid 1984.) We will get a new world, but it won't be the kind of new world, and world government, that Klaus et al want. Predators and parasites will not be permitted. And liars will not permitted. Which means that lies won't abound, including the big one being told right now, namely Sars CoV 2, the foundation of the huge, harmful covid 19 pandemic hoax.
"Sars CoV 2 - The Foundation Of The Hoax" /
I have not embraced and repeated that lie. Am I perfect? By no means. But I've learned that we've all been lied to since birth, in this world. We've even been lied to by those who love us. Some of those lies were not lies, in the sense that the liars were duped. But it's a dark world thanks to so many who have sold their souls and joined Satan in his fight against Jehovah God. The point being that, unless we are always unlearning much, we can't possibly be learning, because not everyone has been telling the truth. That applies in spades to a couple of big subjects, like biological evolution and germ theory. Both of those areas of 'knowledge' are lies.
We are all imperfect. Therefore we will all be corrected, eventually. The trick is to not be corrected fatally. In other words, be as true as you can be if you want God's approval, which is the only approval that matters. However, It is a free universe. God forces no one to worship him. Anyone can sell his or her soul. For now, those who sell their souls are free to cause problems for the wider society. But their time is up. In the new world, we'll still have that freedom to rebel, but we won't have the freedom that rebels have now to disturb their neighbors. Our first human parents wrongly chose to know what independence from the Source of life meant. That raised the Issue of Universal Sovereignty. It's like a court case. Jehovah is a God of light. Rather than cover up the issue that was raised - Is God's way of love best or is Satan's black rule of 'riches for the strongest' best? - God has allowed time for it to be settled. We've created technology, and experimented with various types of social organization and built up civilization. Did we prove that independence from the Source of life works? Now that that Issue has been settled, and the precedent set (so that allowing humans to create cruel social systems never has to happen again), Jehovah can pass judgement 'and' execute sentencing and step in and put an end to this cruel, dark system of things. Had he acted before all the evidence was brought forth, he would have prevented the Issue from being settled. He would have had less justification for acting to end a system that a lot of us would like to see ended. God is a God not of disorder but of peace said the apostle Paul. I have my doubts about Paul but I would agree with that statement.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Arby. That’s awesome that you’re getting the word out about the powerful “Killing Nurses” documentary! Hopefully, the weather will improve soon and you can resume your good work :-)
Wow. What a well thought out, well composed, powerful piece of writing. The connections to the German writings and the video links are all so very appropriate. Thank you for doing this.
Kyle, delighted to welcome you here, and thank you for your gracious comment! So glad you appreciated all the references. I was worried about overwhelming readers with links and citations but felt these ones were too pertinent to omit.
Oh margaret anna alice, I read the other two. I did not read this until now. Weeping. Oh my word. A sucker punch to the soul. I agree, hats off to you. A Tour de Force. I can barely speak.
Aww, thank you, Duchess! I always appreciate that you bring your all of your heart, mind, and soul to everything you read, watch, and listen to. It is a blessing to have readers like you 🤗
For some reason, this one slayed me. Keep re-reading. Keeping if you don't mind.
Thank you for your touching words, Duchess, and I am honored by your keeping it 💗
Another home run. Well done. An excellent way to tell a story (not even a fairy tale this time) to get people to pause and consider their positions. Keep up the great work.
Thank you so much, Dennis, for your meaningful response and your wholehearted support. I do hope that occurs.
Another way I saw that makes one think here.
It's just ......
I’ve seen “It’s just” in many forms (my favorite being Addison Reeves’s “It’s Just … Why I Won’t Submit: but not this one yet, and it is powerful. Thank you for another great link, Dennis!
Margaret, every time I read one of your letters, I get chills. There are so many great, succinct, and powerful lines here, I want to quote them all. Ever considered recording them either audio only or voiceover with video background? These can be powerful tools to try and reach more people.
Simply brilliant. Thank you.
What a spectacular comment, Visceral Adventure, and I am grateful to know you found so much value in it!
I actually do offer podcasts for my paid subscribers:
I am still working my way through the backlog (coincidentally, “Letter to a Colluder” is next in the queue) but hope to make more progress once I get through the next batch of time-sensitive deadlines.
And I do plan to turn these into videos! I have actually been in discussion with Anne Gibbons of Anne Can’t Stand It ( about a collaborative video in which she would create a graphic recording à la AfterSkool ( She is as busy as me, so I’m not sure how soon she’ll be able to complete it, but we are both excited about that, and I am looking forward to producing additional videos as soon as I can find the time!
If there were only more hours in the day!!
You’re telling me!! I have been doing too many 20-hour marathons in a row lately, and the fatigue is catching up to me. I need to figure out how to fit in more sleep without impacting my productivity. I do often work on essays in my dreams, so I guess I can consider that part of my writing time ;-)
Oh my, same!! I figured a dream through my topics and words because I’m spending too many waking hours thinking about it. I thought I was going coo-coo.
Haha, definitely not! The bad thing is I usually forget the specifics by the time I wake up, so if paragraphs start forming, I end up waking up to dictate into my iPhone so I don’t lose all that work.
Uhm, are we the same person in different universes? Hahahaha. One time, years ago, I dreamed a whole play (I come from the world of theatre) and woke up in the middle of the night and wrote “The Seven Secret Plays of Madam Caprice” in my phone’s notepad. And I promptly forgot until I found it months later. my memory flooding with images and songs. I ended up writing it in full and producing it. It is still one of my top productions I’ve created in my life. Dreams are important tools for understanding ourselves and our environment. There is even a dream college you can go to, I was always curious...
Then again, who am I talking to? Your whole premise is ‘through the looking glass’! Which I love!
Jesus, this is thorough, Margaret. Magnificent work.
Haha, aww, thank you, Sage! Delighted to see you here 😸
I think you’d especially enjoy “Letter to a Tyrant” ( if you haven’t read that one yet as I know you appreciate fun and fiery retribution fantasies 😁
Shoot. ::crosses off the letter to Gates:: prospective post
P.S. I still hope you write yours as I’d love to read it!
I don't think it's a good fit for me to do for a few reasons; they are a bit complex to try and explain, but roughly...
I am too angry and will go too far for propriety, and...
I'm more preoccupied with trying to make the case to those who might wander into my orbit...lay it out.
For ex. the thing that I immediately latched onto in yours was the Biderman char. Basically a lot of what I stew about is the "elevator pitch" that will get someone stewing themselves.
I appreciate you so much, MAA. I really do. From the heart.
You’re wise to focus on the content that suits your strengths and goals. Sounds like we have a shared mission to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs 🙌
I’m so grateful Tip of the Spear Steve Kirsch shone a light on your Stack as you are not only a kindred spirit, but you have an utterly unique voice and a wickedly brilliant sense of humor. I relish your articles like nutrient-dense junk food.
Speaking of funny, I just got this hysterical comment on my last post calling me a “far right-wing extremist” and thought you’d enjoy (if that’s the right word) this example of menticidal mania:
You know I think about this a lot. What's my voice?
How can I express it? To what end? It can't just be "therapy". What can I bring to the table?
The Edward Dowd interview hit me between the eyes. He has talents, he made billions for Wall Street, blah, blah,blah...Kirsch uses his skill use yours. Etana, hers, Amy hers...Peter, his...
And this is also why I am preoccupied with Greenwald, with Taibbi. Not just them. There are others. They are blowing it. They have these amazing skill sets, they have these enormous platforms. Piffff....
That comment reminds me of Twitter. I don't enjoy that, no. (No reflection on you sharing it, tbc.) That is a danger zone for me.
The amount of energy and rage wasted dealing with this type of ideological critter is soul deadening. It's an endless loop spiraling downwards into some very dark places within me.
Dangerous turf for me.
🤣 I must say it was satisfying to see people repeatedly tweet it at @BillGates, @wef, @JustinTrudeau, @POTUS, @BorisJohnson, and dozens of other tyrants around the globe.
Thanks will do and having just made 24 straight podcasts on the entire situation , I understand this well and have been screaming about it all for a long time
Awesome and thank you for your good work, Thomas!
Hi Margaret. I loved this post, as I have enjoyed all your writing. You have a gift. You are more than kind to mention me in your footnote, by the way. I'm glad to have helped.
I wanted to share a video that has opened my eyes to the motives and quasi-identities of the people whom we casually call "the powers that be." Having watched most of this first video (there are a few more in this series on Odysee) I have a new perspective on (almost) exactly who is driving this tyranny, and, potentially, why they're doing so. If what Pastor Williams is telling us is true, we are looking at the wrong people who appear to be terrorizing us. He tells us that the real power behind sovereign governments, including and especially ours, is the unseen and unnamed "elite," who, apparently, have full control over every aspect of government, mostly through debt slavery and through total control of elected representatives at every level (including Federal judges). How scary is that?
Frankly, I almost hope he is either wrong in his assertions, or is exaggerating. But I have not yet found reason to disbelieve him, and I find his explanations for how things work in this world to track well with what I have observed, albeit from a distance; I've never been close to TPTB to see how they live, as he has. Regardless, I hope you and your readers either benefit from watching this video or, worst case, tell me that Pastor Williams is so far off base that he should be ejected from the game. Take care, Joe
Wow. That's a good one!
Joe, I thought you might like to know OffGuardian published this piece today (, and they retained the footnote giving a nod to you for the “Ordinary Men” recommendation, so you got a little more publicity :-)
Hi Margaret. I noticed that, too; thanks. Guess I'm sort of famous. :)
It’s always a joy to read your considerate comments, Joe, and I appreciate that link! I don’t believe I’ve encountered Pastor Williams before, but it certainly sounds intriguing and in line with what Catherine Austin Fitts and others who are intimately familiar with the world financial system are saying. Have you watched her Planet Lockdown interview? All of the interviews ( are eye-opening, but I especially recommend hers and Dr. Michael Yeadon’s.
You are too kind; thank you. I have watched Planet Lockdown and other interviews with Catherine Austin FItts; eye-opening is the right word to describe her presentations. And I've seen Dr. Yeadon's presentations in the past, too; I'm stricken by his sincerity and the dire nature of his warnings. It's almost as though, on one level, we have the nefarious actions of the lockdown Gestapo, puppets that they are (knowingly or not), and, on another level, we have the global banking etc. elites continuing to enslave humanity through debt and digital control of our lives. One wonders at the motivations of such megalomaniacal people who, with al their wealth, cannot resist meddling in our lives for their own benefit. You'd think they could find a comfortable existence on some tropical island somewhere away from the rubes, but they seem bent on ruining the world for their own benefit. Take care, and please continue writing; we deplorables need voices like yours.
We are very fortunate to have Dr. Yeadon in this fight and even more blessed to have him on Substack! I have had the good fortune to interact with him on numerous threads and have been moved by his authenticity, passion, wisdom, and humor.
Your comments dovetail nicely with the article I’m working on right now, so I won’t say more other than to stay tuned :-)
Margaret, I had encountered you on another thread (the one with the insufferable "ken") and asked how to reach you. I didn't want to leave an email there so as to invite trolls. So, I will take a chance here since this is your own site. I am good with words, but weak on tech. You may reach me at If so, more to come, kindred spirit! Jon
Jon, I remember you, and I certainly remember that notorious thread! 😆 Welcome to my as-yet-blessedly-troll-free space! I’ll drop you a note so you know how to reach me.
3 years on it's eerie that the fight is getting harder. There are a great many important points here; one to seize on is that the Stanford Experiment, and Milgram's observations and so on, have really served to show our overlords that these horrors can be perpetrated easily time after time after time and that the systems they had put in place ("socialization" was a great word in the context) are yielding precisely the fruit that they wish to harvest.
And adding to my last comment, even the quite smart, educated and technically trained amongst us can feel mundane and ordinary. If everyone’s a winner, no one stands out. This social engineering produces the banality types most prone to succumbing to evil.