Dear Margaret, what a heart-breaking account. I'm floored by you; by the depths of your feelings, the scope of your mind; the infinite expanse of you. You are such a gift to everyone who has had the good fortune of encountering your writings. The world is better for you, and for Michael. Truly, better.

I trust it is so that you can bear this. And I trust even more that love abides. You are proof of it.

And you are in my heart and my prayers.

Thank you for sharing - so beautifully - this impossibility that is now part of your reality. ❤️

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Perfect said.

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I don't know you but am crying with you. What you said about finding meaning in the sacrifice of him going first so he doesn't have to endure the unendurable is just so very beautiful. What a beautiful relationship you have ❤️

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I think of all of the death and destruction brought on by the plandemic and then I have to force myself to refocus on ‘positives.’ One positive, that it brought people together from around the world who likely would never have found each other, creating a larger circle of friends, of family, here in the ‘Stacks. I found you and though we’ve never met, if I could walk to your front door, I would ask if I could give you a hug. Then, I would hug you again.

Thank you for your words that have buoyed all of us these past few years.

Thank you for sharing Michael in today’s post and for sharing your grief, and your love with all of us.

We’re here for you, even if we’re hundreds or thousands of miles away.

With heartfelt condolences for you and your family, and in love & support, ~Renee

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You don't know me, but I feel I've known you for years. Your kind words to me in the comment section of Coffee & Covid (when the whole world was upside down and children stopped speaking to parents) are permanently etched into my own heart. I have no words to express my grief for the loss of your dear husband. I know I speak for hundreds that we grieve along with you- I'm so very sorry. May perpetual light shine upon your Michael and may he rest in the loving arms of God.

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I get what you’re feeling Margaret, on 5/20/23 my sweet husband of 38 years died suddenly. I believe Pfizer killed him, or a compilation of our government, The W.H.O. and many others with their long evil plan made it possible for Pfizer to kill him. There are many others just like you & I. He was my other half, my better half, my everything. I have tried to put my new life ahead of me but the anguish, loneliness, anger and sadness always peaks thru. Yes half of me is gone too. I will continue working on making my remaining half strong. There are sweet souls in my life that still depend on me. I grieve with you. My sympathies go out to you. I am saddened by your story. I hope I can give you a slight bit of comfort as we both move forward. Stay strong. 😢💖

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So sorry for your loss as well. 🙏

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oh no... no words I can offer will ever be sufficient, Margaret. just know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Dear Margret, it’s not quite 2 years for my passage through the same kind of storm at the loss of my Michael. We’re so dependant on inadequate words! Am still blindsided sometimes by a wave of grief - so embarrassing when it happens in a public place. But there is truth in abiding love and life in our prayers for the dead. Will add you and your Michael to my prayers. May He comfort and strengthen you.

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Wishing you peace and strength, K2 and don't EVER feel embarrassed for your moments of grief. ❤️

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Thank you!

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Love is stronger than death. I hope these words feel true someday if not today. You're in my thoughts, prayers and heart.

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SO true, Nathalie!!!

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Oh my Goodness, what an unspeakably cruel blow for you.

Even, fearlessly spirited soul that you are, you must be beside yourself

with the agonising grief, the heart-wrenching shock of this.

I'm so sorry, dear Margaret Anna Alice, and can only hope that your searing pain

might be ever so slightly alleviated by the solidarity of what will be

a mighty torrent of comments here, all failing, like me, to find potent enough words,

but all intending to convey, I have no doubt, deepest sympathy and unconditional support. ❤️🙏

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Aug 9Edited

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know it is hard to remember this in times of intense grief, but you will see your love again. These NDE experiences that I have recently stumbled upon on YouTube are great reminders that we are souls having a human experience:


These reminders bring me a great deal of comfort. I hope that they do for you too. Sending you lots of love and support!

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Thanks Vee. I loved that video. My grandfather came back from death after seeing the light to say goodbye to my grandma years ago. My mom also came back 38 years ago to say goodbye to me as she saw her deceased dad thru the light calling her to him. I have had some of the experiences myself but not as dramatic as that woman in that video had. There’s so much more to life than most people fathom. Thanks for being so kind to me. You give me much faith and hope. Stay well and safe. 🙏☺️

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Oh, MAA, my heart is broken for you. It's unthinkable. I know there are no words that could ever put even the tiniest dent in your grief, but I hope the love and support I see and feel here bring you comfort. Sending love.

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So sorry for your loss sister 😢❤️🙏🏻

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This was the most devastatingly beautiful heartrending tribute to a beloved Love I have ever read. May your sorrows rest in God’s hands until you are reunited.

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OMG. I am so sorry for your heartbreaking, devastating loss of your beloved Michael. My deepest condolences. I wish I come over to your place and sing to you or read to you or listen to you or just sit with you. Two years ago I lost my best friend suddenly to stage 4 brain cancer. Your beautiful tribute to Michael is a gift to all of us who struggle with how to grieve. I love you, Margaret Anna Alice. Peace.

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“You expect too much of people. I expect too little. That’s why we’re perfect together.” Michael.

This snapshot of his life says to me, that you gave him a gift few seem to acquire after a life so tainted by grief. You were the light. The love that taught him to love deeply and his sorrow taught you the value of love. You said it, true joy.

What an amazing pairing of two people.

That is a kind of love that the world needs to know. Your writing couldn’t embody this more.

I could feel it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Both of you amazingly complex and beautiful humans have so much to offer us all. (Even after passing out of this world)

No words can bring comfort to this gut wrenching pain. But I will sit quietly and mourn with you.

I pray for you to be blanketed in the love and light of the Lord.

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What a beautiful statement, James.

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Margaret -

Forget "Life goes on". Forget "Grateful for so many good years." Forget "Pull yourself together." Set aside the next 100 years for your grief.

- Josh

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