Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Liked by David Josef Volodzko, Margaret Anna Alice
Good day Margaret and David Josef Volodzko,
> I think Reich’s rhetoric is dangerous for the same reason I shake my head when climate change scientists are caught fudging the numbers. They do this to raise alarm, but what they fail to realize is that if and when they are caught, people will not merely think to themselves, “those numbers were wrong.” They will think,” I better not trust climate scientists anymore.” This is precisely why scientists should be as accurate as possible at all times, especially if their field is a highly politicized one. This is also why we shouldn’t throw the word “fascist” around simply to describe our political rivals.
REPLY: This maybe a tangent.
I shake my head too. In the 1960s and 1970s it was pollution that powered climate change, The folks you point at who change the numbers (WEF etc.) are the progeny of the very folks that stonewalled the Environmental movement spawned in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s President Nixon appointed Earl Butz Agriculture Secretary of the US. He told the small farmers of that day (almost all farmers were small holders) to GET BIG or GET OUT! So began the mass migration to the suburbs and cities as small farmers were de-platformed and Corporate agriculture installed, heavily funded by the US tax payers. So to the massive pollution of air soil, water and soul. Today the cities and burbs are human CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) as almost all the food people buy is corporate with an agenda.
It seems you are sympathetic to these oligarchs, I may be mistaken about that. What I see is a deliberate land grab first from the indigenous peoples of the US and world and then another grab at what is left of those of us at the bottom who struggle to pay our bills with $s that are worthless. Now to be blamed for Climate Change when in fact it is pollution. 80,000 + chemicals (unregulated) dumped by the tons into the air, water, soil and bodies of living beings. This is not an accident. It started at least 70 or more years ago with better living through chemistry.
Be aware what has happened to East Palestine Ohio a disaster, euphemistically called a train derailment occurring on February 3, 2023. In truth it was an environmental disaster (hydrogen chloride). Now in Maui a land grab is underway. Maui can be a case study in micro of how land is in precess of being taken from the first peoples.
Much more could be said. I am not eloquent, nor educated (barely high school) but I have been paying painful attention all my life. So I remark here.
Much more indeed, wm. Thanks for joining the conversation. I agree that the wrong people often get blamed for pollution and emissions, both in the United States and outside it. As for my remark, I was merely pointed out how people will and have reacted when climate scientists are caught making use of hyperbole, not stating what I think of the data itself, and while I am concerned about certain climatological patterns, I am not unaware of manipulative behavior or misuse of datapoints, especially by government forces. After all, I spent years covering China and its position with regard to issues such as emissions is, shall we say, a little less than transparent and a little more than self-interested.
Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by David Josef Volodzko, Margaret Anna Alice
Hi David,
I joined as a free subscriber to you substack. Interesting subject. Sadly for me at at least we have had 70 years of non action on pollution, not climate change. Climate change always is happening. But human negligence by the captains of industry and the the cowardice to blame the working class for the problem is unconscionable.
On another subject. Those who propose new systems of living should embody those systems. Sadly most don't. Rexroth's book on Commualism documents efforts by people since the neolithic to the mid 20th century in community. I would be interested in your take on his book.
I am quite a hard head, and intensely skeptical but I can still learn. Looking forward to your writings.
I have added the book to my list and will publish a review once I've read it. I plan to publish one review each week related to a chosen weekly theme, so I'm not sure when the book will fit in, but keep an eye out for it—would love to hear your feedback.
You do know Solzhenitsyn’s book The Gulag Archipelago is a work of fiction and he was a pathological liar.
The guy supported Franco's fascism among many other buried historical facts. His books came about through support from Nikita Khrushchev.
His and Robert Conquest's various claims are nothing but lies and exaggerations as documented through archival records which are purposefully ignored in the Western academic and media circles.
His books were widely published and catapulted in capitalist countries, as he became one of the most valuable instruments of imperialism in combating the socialism of the Soviet Union. His texts on the labor camps were added to the propaganda on the millions who were supposed to have died in the Soviet Union and were presented by the capitalist mass media as though they were true.
The methods Solzhenitsyn, Medvedev, Conquest and others used for deriving the numbers of those who died in labor camps were completely fraudulent. In 1974, Solzhenitsyn renounced his Soviet citizenship and emigrated to Switzerland and then the US.
At that time he was considered by the capitalist press to be the greatest fighter for freedom and democracy. His Nazi sympathies were buried so as not to interfere with the propaganda war against socialism.
Solzhenitsyn also supported US military intervention in Portugal which, according to him, would join the Warsaw Pact if the US did not intervene.
In his lectures, Solzhenitsyn always bemoaned the liberation of Portugal’s African colonies.
> I am not unaware of manipulative behavior or misuse of datapoints, especially by government forces
PPP or Public Private Partnership is a euphemism for International Oligarchs, Corporations and AgriBiz control of the US government. They are the ones most responsible for the poisoning of people, all life and the planet. These folks have the greatest motive and means to hijack the government using it to cover up sins of commission and omission (I am not a christian but raised in that tradition)
For me it is hard to blame government when Katherine Watt ( ) makes a deeply reasoned and excellent case that the current government in not the legit,
Thank you for your attentive observations, wm! I am confident David is not “sympathetic to these oligarchs” but will let him speak for himself when he has an opportunity to respond.
Sep 26, 2023Liked by David Josef Volodzko, Margaret Anna Alice
I honestly didn't think so. But at times my perceptions are mistaken.
Tangential but related:
Sep 24
Liked by Sasha Latypova
Hi Sasha and commissariat,
I grew up in a small community in an area of large fire danger. This community is/was located in the central sierras of calif. Early in the summer every year (I live my youth there of about 18 years) they would put in fire breaks and on windless nights in early summer do a control burn of sections at a time. Set fire to the grasses. This would provide and extensive fire break around the community preventing fire from escaping the community to burn the brush and forest around the community as well as protect the community from wild fires.
Given what the authorities say they knew and the that the Hawaiian government owned large tracts of land around Lahaina something like this could have been done. This is ancient know how. The old timers told me the Indians would set fire to the grass and forest lands every year at the beginning of the rainy season. This protected the forest and grass lands against build up of fuel which would do catastrophic damage as well as make the under-story of the forest brush free. The old timers lamented the government decree preventing such fires.
In August 17, 2013 (Calder fire, Camp Fire (Paradise Ca) to name a few recent fire disasters)the Rim fire show the ignorance that informed the decision to ban control burns. These fires burned incredibly hot. Then the forest service and Cal Fire decided to let them burn. This mismanagement of the forest also allowed SPI to log within the National forest.
From web site: Fires are a part of the forest ecosystem. Plants and animals have evolved in the presence of fires but after decades of fire suppression and "hands-off" management policies, public land has unnaturally dense forests, which are prone to catastrophic wildfires. These crowded forests contribute to fires that race through the crowns of the trees making them nearly impossible to fight, worsen the soil due to the higher than normal heat intensity, and unnecessarily put human lives, animal habitats and water quality at risk.
The truth is old timers and the Native Indians have been prevented from the old ways that kept the forest safe from forest fire damage. SPI's holding didn't suffer from fire. Why are corporate holdings free of forest fires and public lands etc suffer catastrophic damage?
Much more could be said from personal experience here in the Central Sierras.
At this time I cannot subscribe to David's page. Your intro was enough to motivate me but alas the means at this time escape me. Be well I appreciate your work though I rarely comment.
Thanks, wm! I want to clarify to you and anyone else reading this that you can subscribe to David’s Substack for free, so don’t let that deter you :-) You just need to select the “Free” option when you sign up.
It is NOT hyperbole to compare DEPOPULATION agenda fascistic/socialist Nazi's used during Holocaust to our current fascistic socialist DEPOPULATION agenda. Listen as Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor & lifelong advocate for human rights, the founder of Alliance for Human Research Protection, discusses Covid Vaccine Mandates & Nazi Tactics, & now; exclusionary tactics, denial of healthcare, etc., ~
I have a deep respect for Vera Sharav. She is another who is shadow banned. Her insights should be the talk of the public square. If her thoughts and insights are not, then it is not a public square.
Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
> Also, anyone suggesting Trump is a fascist is either ignorant or projecting.
Those views are new to me. I always thought of him as a dumb sh*t. He push operation WARP SPEED. Proved to me he was a sucker and a dumb sh*t.
I can say that as I too am a dumb sh*t. It takes one to know one. But I didn't fall for the quackcine. Since the entire discussion ignored the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and Trump was "GUNG HO" to get the US injected, any doubts about him being a dumb sh*t vanished. Why?
Because as dumb as I am I knew the the human immune system is supremely adaptive. So I am dumb, but I cannot be conned. Dumb Sh*t Trump is also a con artist.
Trump wanted ALL OPTIONS available, including HCQ & IVM, monoclonal antibodies, etc. His RIGHT TO TRY ACT SAVED LIVES by going around the corrupt FDA bureaucrats and allowing ALL OPTIONS FOR ALL PEOPLE. Here he is on tape saying he is taking HCQ and was condemned by all the megaphone, media controlled commies drowning out all other voices: SO DUMP YOUR IDOCTRINATED MIND
Another observation in support of DUMP TRUMP follows:
Donald Trump along with the House of Representatives and the Senate created a law to destroy the protections of the first amendment (Free Speech).
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 (H.R. 3359, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 115–278 (text) (PDF)) was signed by president Donald Trump on November 16, 2018 to create the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency under the Department of Homeland Security.[1][2][3][4]
I get CISA updates, protecting our cybersecurity was the goal. I heard they may have been involved in vote manipulation tho, which would indicate they wanted Trump out. Why would that be?
I appreciate you reply and clearing up Ivermectin use by President Trump. Recently HSS has claimed it never banned Ivermectin. It certainly mocked its use.
Nevertheless President Trump authorized and bragged about being the President who authorized Warp Speed. He authorized and empowered the DoD under the color of medical necessity to inject the citizens of the US with gene therapy injectables. That is fact.
It is also a fact that President Trump did nothing to support the most important and safe method of dealing with illness. Prevention and early treatment. Dumb Sh*t. As dumb as I am I know that to be the first line of defense.
When I graduated high school in 1969 the USA was 4th in the world in health and longevity. In 2020 we had fallen to 79th. I shook my head in wonder how a nation claiming to be the greatest on Earth could allow it's health to deteriorate so drastically. Trump did nothing to stem the tide of this on going disaster. Not even to shine a bright and reveling light on it. Dumb Sh*t.
If he didn't have the stones then to do the right thing, He doesn't now. DUMP TRUMP
all 'warp speed' did was circumvent the corrupt, agency captured FDA who would've taken years of bribes b/f greenlighting it which would've delayed ppl returning to work further destroying lives & the economy. ALL OPTIONS meant just that, Trump worked w Pres Modi to acquire stockpile of HCQ also so ppl could CHOOSE what path empowered them to get back to life. My mother decided to take the shot, she's fine, as are many of my family members. I took HCQ, i'm fine as well. Trump wanted ALL OPTIONS AND NO MANDATES ON ANYTHING, which is nothing to criticize. Place blame where is belongs, Fauci is the criminal w secrets who profited from his crimes, not Trump. ~
WM, Right on target. It is industrial contamination that is the ecological disaster, not CO2. I did a calculation and discovered that the difference between 350 PPM atmospheric CO2 and the current 425 PPM is a minuscule .0075%! Further, plants need that CO2. They don't need soot, the incomplete combustion of fuels.
Yes, neocolonialism is alive (unfortunately) and well on Maui and elsewhere, e.g. Brazil. Words and behavior we need to internalize are defiance, resistance, satire and ridicule (to rob the oppressor of legitimacy) and above all SOVEREIGNTY. We need to re-assert a mostly forgotten value of HONOR, which is the precondition for TRUTH, which is the precondition for JUSTICE. Only when justice prevails can finally PEACE among us and nations be achieved. Too many activists focus on the final value and not the necessary conditions.
Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
You nailed it. Do you have the links to that info. i want to do a better job with presenting the facts.
My heroine is Dr. Lynn Margulis. I have read almost all her books many times. She warned against any attack on the microcosmos. C19 with the gene therapy injections, along with Monsanto's glyphosate and much more is an intentional an attack on the microcosmos.
The microcosmos is 4+ billion years old. They know more that we can imagine. The microcosmos has developed over 20 metabolic pathway humans none. They break the water molecule at room temperature, science still doesn't know how they do that. We are so slow.
Old prophesies say that those who destroy the Earth will be destroyed.
Thanks WM, Not sure what you are asking for research. The supposed "ideal" being promoted is 350 PPM, but we now have about 425 PPM and people are only comparing those two and panicking. But they forget to factor in the PPM. In past eons that ratio been much higher. Soon an article is coming out in Covert Action Magazine with LOTS of documentation. I had a small role in its collective production but it will be under a single author who did the lion's share of the work. The late Maragulis is one of many heroes. Another is of course Vandana Shiva.
Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice
My wife and I have met Dr. Vandana Shiva at Soil not Oil conference in Richmond California. Sadly Dr. Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock (both deceased as you know) are not even remembered. While she lived this nonsense would never get started.
I look forward to the Covert Action Magazine. Thank you for the heads up.
One other person who is doing an unbelievable amount of work is Dr. VA Shiva ( }. Some people have a hard time with his language. Toby Rodgers suggested he has anger issues. I have been looking at him carefully for two months+. There is lots of anger but it is well place with a sound logical reason for it. Among the reasons is the words give vent to deep emotional truths. He does not use harsh words or expletives willy-nilly. Rather very precisely. I think his method is a good way to vet people who watch his talks.
My wife an I are working to help with others in the state of California get Dr. Shiva on the ballot as a Presidential candidate in 2024. I hope you have time to check him out. Here is another link: also
I don't have your pedigree but have been active all my life against this massive nonsense. I look forward to learning more from you.
In reference to that last entry, I identify as an unrepentant sixties radical activist, still at it. A couple of philosophy degrees and the author of "LIBERATE HAWAI'I! Renouncing and Defying the Fraudulent US Claim to the Sovereignty of Hawai'i." And YES, I have been following the Maui situation closely, though back in Maine after 26 amazing years on Oahu. founding member there of original SDS, Draft Resistance, Peace and Freedom Party and 20 years later Hawai'i Green Party. Keeping it short.
Love this, Margaret Anna Alice! So excited read all of it:) Thank you for yet another thought-provoking, enlightening, and entertaining series on our most important issues.
I wrote this comment to the Anderson Valley Advertiser as a response to a comment by an older southern lady who claimed plantation slavery really wasn't that bad.
It's only tangentially related to your conversation; however, it is related.
"During my last bicycle vacation in Florida, I took a break after reaching Gulf Junction Trail Head—the northern end of the Withlacoochee Bike Trail. I was nibbling my snack of assorted nuts and slices of granny apple under the shade of a gazebo when I was joined by another cyclist.
We talked about the great weather, the beautiful trail, and how nice it was to be warm in Florida instead of freezing our asses off in New Jersey or Michigan. However, the conversation drifted to why Florida—and the South, was great to visit, but we wouldn’t want to live there.
He was an electrician and talked about the appalling wages for skilled workers in the South and the union busting tactic of “open shops” prevalent in the southern states. I mentioned the salary I earned as a teacher in NYC public schools and the coolie wages non-union teachers are paid in states like Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina.
My companion observed,
—I read an article that called the South the only remaining bastion of feudalism.
—I’d call it “fascism” —I replied.
Doug Henwood, publisher of The Left Business Observer, has a show on KPFA called "Behind The News". On a recent program, his guest was James Q. Whitman, author of "Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law". It was a fascinating program. For anyone interested, here is the link:
“In Hitler's American Model, James Whitman presents a detailed investigation of the American impact on the notorious Nuremberg Laws, the centerpiece anti-Jewish legislation of the Nazi regime. Contrary to those who have insisted that there was no meaningful connection between American and German racial repression, Whitman demonstrates that the Nazis took a real, sustained, significant, and revealing interest in American race policies.
As Whitman shows, the Nuremberg Laws were crafted in an atmosphere of considerable attention to the precedents American race laws had to offer. German praise for American practices, already found in Hitler's Mein Kampf, was continuous throughout the early 1930s, and the most radical Nazi lawyers were eager advocates of the use of American models. But while Jim Crow segregation was one aspect of American law that appealed to Nazi radicals, it was not the most consequential one. Rather, both American citizenship and anti-miscegenation laws proved directly relevant to the two principal Nuremberg Laws—the Citizenship Law and the Blood Law. Whitman looks at the ultimate, ugly irony that when Nazis rejected American practices, it was sometimes not because they found them too enlightened, but too harsh.”
“In the 1930s, Nazi Germany and the American South had the look, in the words of two southern historians, of a “mirror image”: These were two unapologetically racist regimes, unmatched in their pitilessness. In the early 1930s the Jews of Germany were hounded, beaten, and sometimes murdered, by mobs and by the state alike. In the same years the blacks of the American South were hounded, beaten, and sometimes murdered as well.”
I must confess that the Confederate flag gives me the creeps. When I see it on a bumper or on the rear window of a pick up truck, I want to stay as far away from the driver as possible. He or she is not my friend.
I feel the same revulsion that the Swastika inspires. At least one reviewer of the Whitman book agrees:
“Hitler drew a similar, more sinister comparison in “Mein Kampf.” He describes the United States as “the one state” that had made headway toward what he regarded as a healthy and utterly necessary racist regime. Historians have long sought to minimize the importance of that passage. But in recent years, archival research in Germany has shown that the Nazis were keenly focused on Jim Crow segregation laws, on statutes that criminalized interracial marriage and on other policies that created second-class citizenship in the United States.”
“Nazism and the tradition of American white supremacy that is memorialized in monuments throughout the South are the fruit of the same poisonous tree. In this light, the Confederate flag can legitimately be seen as an alternate version of the Nazi emblem.”
I confess that I’m not much of a Jew. I hate Israel, I don’t believe Jews are God’s chosen people, I don’t believe in Jehovah, the stupid vindictive Jewish God, and I dislike Kosher food. The Kosher business is a grift.
However, I despise people who deny the Holocaust. The Nazis murdered people they considered “untermenschen”—Poles, Russians, Gypsies, queers, and Jews. Lots of Jews. Millions of Jews. Anyone who denies this is not only an imbecile, but probably a Jew hater and a Nazi sympathizer.
Slavery was a Holocaust too. If you deny this, you are a fool and a racist. The Middle Passage was a nightmare beyond my comprehension. And if you take time to read books like Sven Beckert's "Empire of Cotton: A Global History", you understand that slavery in the cotton fields of Mississippi was as brutal as slavery in a German concentration camp:
“By the end of the eighteenth century, the main way to increase plantation productivity was to torture slaves into working harder and faster. Systematic whipping and beating became the cornerstone of this first modern “speed up,” a dynamic closely analyzed by Edward Baptist. Perhaps more important, the first labor accounting methods were also developed for the plantation. Standardizing the output per slave “hand,” calculating slave depreciation, and setting picking requirements based on previous years’ harvest are some examples, set out by historian Caitlin Rosenthal. As Beckert says, “The all encompassing control of workers—a core characteristic of capitalism—experienced its first great successes on the cotton plantation of the American south”
Although slavery no longer exists in its original form, prison labor is still used to harvest sugar cane or pick cotton. Open shop laws impede workers from organizing in order to earn higher wages or salaries. In Florida, workers from Mexico are imported and recruited—often only quasi-legally—to harvest citrus, strawberries, peanuts and other crops. They’re paid a miserable wage with no benefits and are obliged to leave when the harvest is finished.
The Clintons’ friends and allies in Arkansas, the Waltons and the Tysons are virulent union busters, but so are most businesses in the South. That’s why they’re in the South.
Southerners continue to resist the demolition of statues of criminals like Stonewall Johnson and Robert E. Lee. And they continue to proudly display their disgusting flag—The Stars and Bars. Often they display the Swastika alongside of it. A good match.
My long winded comment ties into Georgi Dimitrov’s definition of fascism as "a reactionary, super-oppressive form of state that denies political freedoms, including fundamental rights such as freedom of thought, assembly, and association; the most reactionary, terrorist, and bloody form bourgeois sovereignty can take when it is monopolized. In such a situation, political society (force) has gained an overwhelming power over civil society (consensus)."
Fascism often embraces Catholicism and is embraced by it.
Eugenio Pacelli—Pope Pius XII, saw World War II as a Crusade against the communist Jews and infidels.
It’s a little ironic he said that, given his communist background and his own implications in a country they denied political freedoms. Not that I disagree with the quote. Just noting the irony.
I love the formulas at the end. I struggle with the world has made me too serious. It's probably why I love illustrating comic book heroes at night, I tap into my inner silly child.
Thanks for sharing David's page! I've subscribed and looking forward to some mental stimulation.
I always encourage people to take ownership of their own knowledge and investigate for themselves rather than taking others’ word for something, so I support that approach :-)
I wonder what ChatGPT would make of these equations. Recently it was asked a housewife logic question, that it mistakenly saw as an arithmetic problem: If 3 wet towels hung on a laundry line take 3 hours to dry, how long would it take 9 wet towels to dry? It answered "9 hours".
Sep 27, 2023Liked by David Josef Volodzko, Margaret Anna Alice
Thank you, Margaret. Humor is indeed a way to open a door that otherwise remains firmly shut. The conversation on national stereotypes reminds me of Robin Williams being interviewed on live German television, which went something like this...
Presenter: 'So Robin, why do you think we Germans are lacking in a sense of humor?'
Good day Margaret and David Josef Volodzko,
> I think Reich’s rhetoric is dangerous for the same reason I shake my head when climate change scientists are caught fudging the numbers. They do this to raise alarm, but what they fail to realize is that if and when they are caught, people will not merely think to themselves, “those numbers were wrong.” They will think,” I better not trust climate scientists anymore.” This is precisely why scientists should be as accurate as possible at all times, especially if their field is a highly politicized one. This is also why we shouldn’t throw the word “fascist” around simply to describe our political rivals.
REPLY: This maybe a tangent.
I shake my head too. In the 1960s and 1970s it was pollution that powered climate change, The folks you point at who change the numbers (WEF etc.) are the progeny of the very folks that stonewalled the Environmental movement spawned in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s President Nixon appointed Earl Butz Agriculture Secretary of the US. He told the small farmers of that day (almost all farmers were small holders) to GET BIG or GET OUT! So began the mass migration to the suburbs and cities as small farmers were de-platformed and Corporate agriculture installed, heavily funded by the US tax payers. So to the massive pollution of air soil, water and soul. Today the cities and burbs are human CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) as almost all the food people buy is corporate with an agenda.
It seems you are sympathetic to these oligarchs, I may be mistaken about that. What I see is a deliberate land grab first from the indigenous peoples of the US and world and then another grab at what is left of those of us at the bottom who struggle to pay our bills with $s that are worthless. Now to be blamed for Climate Change when in fact it is pollution. 80,000 + chemicals (unregulated) dumped by the tons into the air, water, soil and bodies of living beings. This is not an accident. It started at least 70 or more years ago with better living through chemistry.
Be aware what has happened to East Palestine Ohio a disaster, euphemistically called a train derailment occurring on February 3, 2023. In truth it was an environmental disaster (hydrogen chloride). Now in Maui a land grab is underway. Maui can be a case study in micro of how land is in precess of being taken from the first peoples.
Much more could be said. I am not eloquent, nor educated (barely high school) but I have been paying painful attention all my life. So I remark here.
Much more indeed, wm. Thanks for joining the conversation. I agree that the wrong people often get blamed for pollution and emissions, both in the United States and outside it. As for my remark, I was merely pointed out how people will and have reacted when climate scientists are caught making use of hyperbole, not stating what I think of the data itself, and while I am concerned about certain climatological patterns, I am not unaware of manipulative behavior or misuse of datapoints, especially by government forces. After all, I spent years covering China and its position with regard to issues such as emissions is, shall we say, a little less than transparent and a little more than self-interested.
Hi David,
I joined as a free subscriber to you substack. Interesting subject. Sadly for me at at least we have had 70 years of non action on pollution, not climate change. Climate change always is happening. But human negligence by the captains of industry and the the cowardice to blame the working class for the problem is unconscionable.
On another subject. Those who propose new systems of living should embody those systems. Sadly most don't. Rexroth's book on Commualism documents efforts by people since the neolithic to the mid 20th century in community. I would be interested in your take on his book.
I am quite a hard head, and intensely skeptical but I can still learn. Looking forward to your writings.
I have added the book to my list and will publish a review once I've read it. I plan to publish one review each week related to a chosen weekly theme, so I'm not sure when the book will fit in, but keep an eye out for it—would love to hear your feedback.
You do know Solzhenitsyn’s book The Gulag Archipelago is a work of fiction and he was a pathological liar.
The guy supported Franco's fascism among many other buried historical facts. His books came about through support from Nikita Khrushchev.
His and Robert Conquest's various claims are nothing but lies and exaggerations as documented through archival records which are purposefully ignored in the Western academic and media circles.
His books were widely published and catapulted in capitalist countries, as he became one of the most valuable instruments of imperialism in combating the socialism of the Soviet Union. His texts on the labor camps were added to the propaganda on the millions who were supposed to have died in the Soviet Union and were presented by the capitalist mass media as though they were true.
The methods Solzhenitsyn, Medvedev, Conquest and others used for deriving the numbers of those who died in labor camps were completely fraudulent. In 1974, Solzhenitsyn renounced his Soviet citizenship and emigrated to Switzerland and then the US.
At that time he was considered by the capitalist press to be the greatest fighter for freedom and democracy. His Nazi sympathies were buried so as not to interfere with the propaganda war against socialism.
Solzhenitsyn also supported US military intervention in Portugal which, according to him, would join the Warsaw Pact if the US did not intervene.
In his lectures, Solzhenitsyn always bemoaned the liberation of Portugal’s African colonies.
> I am not unaware of manipulative behavior or misuse of datapoints, especially by government forces
PPP or Public Private Partnership is a euphemism for International Oligarchs, Corporations and AgriBiz control of the US government. They are the ones most responsible for the poisoning of people, all life and the planet. These folks have the greatest motive and means to hijack the government using it to cover up sins of commission and omission (I am not a christian but raised in that tradition)
For me it is hard to blame government when Katherine Watt ( ) makes a deeply reasoned and excellent case that the current government in not the legit,
Thank you for your attentive observations, wm! I am confident David is not “sympathetic to these oligarchs” but will let him speak for himself when he has an opportunity to respond.
I honestly didn't think so. But at times my perceptions are mistaken.
Tangential but related:
Sep 24
Liked by Sasha Latypova
Hi Sasha and commissariat,
I grew up in a small community in an area of large fire danger. This community is/was located in the central sierras of calif. Early in the summer every year (I live my youth there of about 18 years) they would put in fire breaks and on windless nights in early summer do a control burn of sections at a time. Set fire to the grasses. This would provide and extensive fire break around the community preventing fire from escaping the community to burn the brush and forest around the community as well as protect the community from wild fires.
Given what the authorities say they knew and the that the Hawaiian government owned large tracts of land around Lahaina something like this could have been done. This is ancient know how. The old timers told me the Indians would set fire to the grass and forest lands every year at the beginning of the rainy season. This protected the forest and grass lands against build up of fuel which would do catastrophic damage as well as make the under-story of the forest brush free. The old timers lamented the government decree preventing such fires.
In August 17, 2013 (Calder fire, Camp Fire (Paradise Ca) to name a few recent fire disasters)the Rim fire show the ignorance that informed the decision to ban control burns. These fires burned incredibly hot. Then the forest service and Cal Fire decided to let them burn. This mismanagement of the forest also allowed SPI to log within the National forest.
From web site: Fires are a part of the forest ecosystem. Plants and animals have evolved in the presence of fires but after decades of fire suppression and "hands-off" management policies, public land has unnaturally dense forests, which are prone to catastrophic wildfires. These crowded forests contribute to fires that race through the crowns of the trees making them nearly impossible to fight, worsen the soil due to the higher than normal heat intensity, and unnecessarily put human lives, animal habitats and water quality at risk.
The truth is old timers and the Native Indians have been prevented from the old ways that kept the forest safe from forest fire damage. SPI's holding didn't suffer from fire. Why are corporate holdings free of forest fires and public lands etc suffer catastrophic damage?
Much more could be said from personal experience here in the Central Sierras.
At this time I cannot subscribe to David's page. Your intro was enough to motivate me but alas the means at this time escape me. Be well I appreciate your work though I rarely comment.
Thanks, wm! I want to clarify to you and anyone else reading this that you can subscribe to David’s Substack for free, so don’t let that deter you :-) You just need to select the “Free” option when you sign up.
It is NOT hyperbole to compare DEPOPULATION agenda fascistic/socialist Nazi's used during Holocaust to our current fascistic socialist DEPOPULATION agenda. Listen as Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor & lifelong advocate for human rights, the founder of Alliance for Human Research Protection, discusses Covid Vaccine Mandates & Nazi Tactics, & now; exclusionary tactics, denial of healthcare, etc., ~
I have a deep respect for Vera Sharav. She is another who is shadow banned. Her insights should be the talk of the public square. If her thoughts and insights are not, then it is not a public square.
Also, anyone suggesting Trump is a fascist is either ignorant or projecting. Fascism/socialism/Marxism, all LEFTIST ideology bent on INCREASING dependency on Gov. Trump CUT taxes & CUT costly regulations to free individuals & businesses from mafia style Govt chains:
The leftist Eco Fascists now in control have done great harm under the 'green' label. This great substack writer explains in her story:
> Also, anyone suggesting Trump is a fascist is either ignorant or projecting.
Those views are new to me. I always thought of him as a dumb sh*t. He push operation WARP SPEED. Proved to me he was a sucker and a dumb sh*t.
I can say that as I too am a dumb sh*t. It takes one to know one. But I didn't fall for the quackcine. Since the entire discussion ignored the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and Trump was "GUNG HO" to get the US injected, any doubts about him being a dumb sh*t vanished. Why?
Because as dumb as I am I knew the the human immune system is supremely adaptive. So I am dumb, but I cannot be conned. Dumb Sh*t Trump is also a con artist.
Trump wanted ALL OPTIONS available, including HCQ & IVM, monoclonal antibodies, etc. His RIGHT TO TRY ACT SAVED LIVES by going around the corrupt FDA bureaucrats and allowing ALL OPTIONS FOR ALL PEOPLE. Here he is on tape saying he is taking HCQ and was condemned by all the megaphone, media controlled commies drowning out all other voices: SO DUMP YOUR IDOCTRINATED MIND
Another observation in support of DUMP TRUMP follows:
Donald Trump along with the House of Representatives and the Senate created a law to destroy the protections of the first amendment (Free Speech).
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 (H.R. 3359, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 115–278 (text) (PDF)) was signed by president Donald Trump on November 16, 2018 to create the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency under the Department of Homeland Security.[1][2][3][4]
I get CISA updates, protecting our cybersecurity was the goal. I heard they may have been involved in vote manipulation tho, which would indicate they wanted Trump out. Why would that be?
Hi Heidi,
I appreciate you reply and clearing up Ivermectin use by President Trump. Recently HSS has claimed it never banned Ivermectin. It certainly mocked its use.
Nevertheless President Trump authorized and bragged about being the President who authorized Warp Speed. He authorized and empowered the DoD under the color of medical necessity to inject the citizens of the US with gene therapy injectables. That is fact.
It is also a fact that President Trump did nothing to support the most important and safe method of dealing with illness. Prevention and early treatment. Dumb Sh*t. As dumb as I am I know that to be the first line of defense.
When I graduated high school in 1969 the USA was 4th in the world in health and longevity. In 2020 we had fallen to 79th. I shook my head in wonder how a nation claiming to be the greatest on Earth could allow it's health to deteriorate so drastically. Trump did nothing to stem the tide of this on going disaster. Not even to shine a bright and reveling light on it. Dumb Sh*t.
If he didn't have the stones then to do the right thing, He doesn't now. DUMP TRUMP
all 'warp speed' did was circumvent the corrupt, agency captured FDA who would've taken years of bribes b/f greenlighting it which would've delayed ppl returning to work further destroying lives & the economy. ALL OPTIONS meant just that, Trump worked w Pres Modi to acquire stockpile of HCQ also so ppl could CHOOSE what path empowered them to get back to life. My mother decided to take the shot, she's fine, as are many of my family members. I took HCQ, i'm fine as well. Trump wanted ALL OPTIONS AND NO MANDATES ON ANYTHING, which is nothing to criticize. Place blame where is belongs, Fauci is the criminal w secrets who profited from his crimes, not Trump. ~
WM, Right on target. It is industrial contamination that is the ecological disaster, not CO2. I did a calculation and discovered that the difference between 350 PPM atmospheric CO2 and the current 425 PPM is a minuscule .0075%! Further, plants need that CO2. They don't need soot, the incomplete combustion of fuels.
Yes, neocolonialism is alive (unfortunately) and well on Maui and elsewhere, e.g. Brazil. Words and behavior we need to internalize are defiance, resistance, satire and ridicule (to rob the oppressor of legitimacy) and above all SOVEREIGNTY. We need to re-assert a mostly forgotten value of HONOR, which is the precondition for TRUTH, which is the precondition for JUSTICE. Only when justice prevails can finally PEACE among us and nations be achieved. Too many activists focus on the final value and not the necessary conditions.
You nailed it. Do you have the links to that info. i want to do a better job with presenting the facts.
My heroine is Dr. Lynn Margulis. I have read almost all her books many times. She warned against any attack on the microcosmos. C19 with the gene therapy injections, along with Monsanto's glyphosate and much more is an intentional an attack on the microcosmos.
The microcosmos is 4+ billion years old. They know more that we can imagine. The microcosmos has developed over 20 metabolic pathway humans none. They break the water molecule at room temperature, science still doesn't know how they do that. We are so slow.
Old prophesies say that those who destroy the Earth will be destroyed.
Thanks WM, Not sure what you are asking for research. The supposed "ideal" being promoted is 350 PPM, but we now have about 425 PPM and people are only comparing those two and panicking. But they forget to factor in the PPM. In past eons that ratio been much higher. Soon an article is coming out in Covert Action Magazine with LOTS of documentation. I had a small role in its collective production but it will be under a single author who did the lion's share of the work. The late Maragulis is one of many heroes. Another is of course Vandana Shiva.
My wife and I have met Dr. Vandana Shiva at Soil not Oil conference in Richmond California. Sadly Dr. Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock (both deceased as you know) are not even remembered. While she lived this nonsense would never get started.
I look forward to the Covert Action Magazine. Thank you for the heads up.
One other person who is doing an unbelievable amount of work is Dr. VA Shiva ( }. Some people have a hard time with his language. Toby Rodgers suggested he has anger issues. I have been looking at him carefully for two months+. There is lots of anger but it is well place with a sound logical reason for it. Among the reasons is the words give vent to deep emotional truths. He does not use harsh words or expletives willy-nilly. Rather very precisely. I think his method is a good way to vet people who watch his talks.
My wife an I are working to help with others in the state of California get Dr. Shiva on the ballot as a Presidential candidate in 2024. I hope you have time to check him out. Here is another link: also
I don't have your pedigree but have been active all my life against this massive nonsense. I look forward to learning more from you.
In reference to that last entry, I identify as an unrepentant sixties radical activist, still at it. A couple of philosophy degrees and the author of "LIBERATE HAWAI'I! Renouncing and Defying the Fraudulent US Claim to the Sovereignty of Hawai'i." And YES, I have been following the Maui situation closely, though back in Maine after 26 amazing years on Oahu. founding member there of original SDS, Draft Resistance, Peace and Freedom Party and 20 years later Hawai'i Green Party. Keeping it short.
Mean to say 36 years in Hawai'i--my typo
Oh my gosh this was lovely....and I got lost in all the links, but here I am and this was
just so lovely to hear civilized and erudite people having a conversation...about important ideas.
Not gossp, not people, not things...ideas.
As well as being a wonderful learning experience.
Humor humanizes us. This exchange is interesting. I look forward to reading more of it. :-)
Love this, Margaret Anna Alice! So excited read all of it:) Thank you for yet another thought-provoking, enlightening, and entertaining series on our most important issues.
Margaret and David:
I wrote this comment to the Anderson Valley Advertiser as a response to a comment by an older southern lady who claimed plantation slavery really wasn't that bad.
It's only tangentially related to your conversation; however, it is related.
"During my last bicycle vacation in Florida, I took a break after reaching Gulf Junction Trail Head—the northern end of the Withlacoochee Bike Trail. I was nibbling my snack of assorted nuts and slices of granny apple under the shade of a gazebo when I was joined by another cyclist.
We talked about the great weather, the beautiful trail, and how nice it was to be warm in Florida instead of freezing our asses off in New Jersey or Michigan. However, the conversation drifted to why Florida—and the South, was great to visit, but we wouldn’t want to live there.
He was an electrician and talked about the appalling wages for skilled workers in the South and the union busting tactic of “open shops” prevalent in the southern states. I mentioned the salary I earned as a teacher in NYC public schools and the coolie wages non-union teachers are paid in states like Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina.
My companion observed,
—I read an article that called the South the only remaining bastion of feudalism.
—I’d call it “fascism” —I replied.
Doug Henwood, publisher of The Left Business Observer, has a show on KPFA called "Behind The News". On a recent program, his guest was James Q. Whitman, author of "Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law". It was a fascinating program. For anyone interested, here is the link:
One review of Whitman’s book notes,
“In Hitler's American Model, James Whitman presents a detailed investigation of the American impact on the notorious Nuremberg Laws, the centerpiece anti-Jewish legislation of the Nazi regime. Contrary to those who have insisted that there was no meaningful connection between American and German racial repression, Whitman demonstrates that the Nazis took a real, sustained, significant, and revealing interest in American race policies.
As Whitman shows, the Nuremberg Laws were crafted in an atmosphere of considerable attention to the precedents American race laws had to offer. German praise for American practices, already found in Hitler's Mein Kampf, was continuous throughout the early 1930s, and the most radical Nazi lawyers were eager advocates of the use of American models. But while Jim Crow segregation was one aspect of American law that appealed to Nazi radicals, it was not the most consequential one. Rather, both American citizenship and anti-miscegenation laws proved directly relevant to the two principal Nuremberg Laws—the Citizenship Law and the Blood Law. Whitman looks at the ultimate, ugly irony that when Nazis rejected American practices, it was sometimes not because they found them too enlightened, but too harsh.”
Another review observes that,
“In the 1930s, Nazi Germany and the American South had the look, in the words of two southern historians, of a “mirror image”: These were two unapologetically racist regimes, unmatched in their pitilessness. In the early 1930s the Jews of Germany were hounded, beaten, and sometimes murdered, by mobs and by the state alike. In the same years the blacks of the American South were hounded, beaten, and sometimes murdered as well.”
I must confess that the Confederate flag gives me the creeps. When I see it on a bumper or on the rear window of a pick up truck, I want to stay as far away from the driver as possible. He or she is not my friend.
I feel the same revulsion that the Swastika inspires. At least one reviewer of the Whitman book agrees:
“Hitler drew a similar, more sinister comparison in “Mein Kampf.” He describes the United States as “the one state” that had made headway toward what he regarded as a healthy and utterly necessary racist regime. Historians have long sought to minimize the importance of that passage. But in recent years, archival research in Germany has shown that the Nazis were keenly focused on Jim Crow segregation laws, on statutes that criminalized interracial marriage and on other policies that created second-class citizenship in the United States.”
“Nazism and the tradition of American white supremacy that is memorialized in monuments throughout the South are the fruit of the same poisonous tree. In this light, the Confederate flag can legitimately be seen as an alternate version of the Nazi emblem.”
I confess that I’m not much of a Jew. I hate Israel, I don’t believe Jews are God’s chosen people, I don’t believe in Jehovah, the stupid vindictive Jewish God, and I dislike Kosher food. The Kosher business is a grift.
However, I despise people who deny the Holocaust. The Nazis murdered people they considered “untermenschen”—Poles, Russians, Gypsies, queers, and Jews. Lots of Jews. Millions of Jews. Anyone who denies this is not only an imbecile, but probably a Jew hater and a Nazi sympathizer.
Slavery was a Holocaust too. If you deny this, you are a fool and a racist. The Middle Passage was a nightmare beyond my comprehension. And if you take time to read books like Sven Beckert's "Empire of Cotton: A Global History", you understand that slavery in the cotton fields of Mississippi was as brutal as slavery in a German concentration camp:
“By the end of the eighteenth century, the main way to increase plantation productivity was to torture slaves into working harder and faster. Systematic whipping and beating became the cornerstone of this first modern “speed up,” a dynamic closely analyzed by Edward Baptist. Perhaps more important, the first labor accounting methods were also developed for the plantation. Standardizing the output per slave “hand,” calculating slave depreciation, and setting picking requirements based on previous years’ harvest are some examples, set out by historian Caitlin Rosenthal. As Beckert says, “The all encompassing control of workers—a core characteristic of capitalism—experienced its first great successes on the cotton plantation of the American south”
Although slavery no longer exists in its original form, prison labor is still used to harvest sugar cane or pick cotton. Open shop laws impede workers from organizing in order to earn higher wages or salaries. In Florida, workers from Mexico are imported and recruited—often only quasi-legally—to harvest citrus, strawberries, peanuts and other crops. They’re paid a miserable wage with no benefits and are obliged to leave when the harvest is finished.
The Clintons’ friends and allies in Arkansas, the Waltons and the Tysons are virulent union busters, but so are most businesses in the South. That’s why they’re in the South.
Southerners continue to resist the demolition of statues of criminals like Stonewall Johnson and Robert E. Lee. And they continue to proudly display their disgusting flag—The Stars and Bars. Often they display the Swastika alongside of it. A good match.
My long winded comment ties into Georgi Dimitrov’s definition of fascism as "a reactionary, super-oppressive form of state that denies political freedoms, including fundamental rights such as freedom of thought, assembly, and association; the most reactionary, terrorist, and bloody form bourgeois sovereignty can take when it is monopolized. In such a situation, political society (force) has gained an overwhelming power over civil society (consensus)."
Fascism often embraces Catholicism and is embraced by it.
Eugenio Pacelli—Pope Pius XII, saw World War II as a Crusade against the communist Jews and infidels.
It’s a little ironic he said that, given his communist background and his own implications in a country they denied political freedoms. Not that I disagree with the quote. Just noting the irony.
So good but now I’m an hour late for work!
Sorry about that, Thumbnail Green! 😹
I love the formulas at the end. I struggle with the world has made me too serious. It's probably why I love illustrating comic book heroes at night, I tap into my inner silly child.
Thanks for sharing David's page! I've subscribed and looking forward to some mental stimulation.
Wonderful piece. I look forward to more.
Thank you for sharing this, it has been a stolen pleasure listening to your conversation. Once again thank you.
Outstanding efforts by both Margaret Anna and David.
On the saved list - this requires attention, not a late evening read. Looking forward to it :)
My quote list, by the way, is slowly growing - thank you for the push!
I enjoyed that very much.
We would have been better off if the colonial committees of correspondence had survived to the present day.
I would have to read more of David Josef Volodzko to make a determination..
I always encourage people to take ownership of their own knowledge and investigate for themselves rather than taking others’ word for something, so I support that approach :-)
good idea but much info is censored or buried...
as in Google/youtube to begin with....
I wonder what ChatGPT would make of these equations. Recently it was asked a housewife logic question, that it mistakenly saw as an arithmetic problem: If 3 wet towels hung on a laundry line take 3 hours to dry, how long would it take 9 wet towels to dry? It answered "9 hours".
Thank you, Margaret. Humor is indeed a way to open a door that otherwise remains firmly shut. The conversation on national stereotypes reminds me of Robin Williams being interviewed on live German television, which went something like this...
Presenter: 'So Robin, why do you think we Germans are lacking in a sense of humor?'
RW: 'Because you killed all the funny people.'