Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Moreover I am of the opinion that the universities with vaxxajab mandates must be sued into oblivion.

Ceterum censeo universitates delenda est. ~Cato the elder maybe

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Agree. Their endowments should go to the students they have killed and injured and made to take the jab.

They have outlived their usefulness and are no longer necessary

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Yes please.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for the interview!

I too am a Apocaloptimist. In the past canceling was called witch burning or lynching.... We are progressing forward, amazingly... Like seeing Finklestein debate Dershowitz without cutting him off. The truth is no longer cancelable...

There's some irony though, Naomi also fell for quite a few lies.

I appreciate what Naomi Wolf did in bringing up the data to show that the shots are dangerous.

However, she's ignorant when she blames China for this.

Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have clearly demonstrated that the whole thing was enabled by US countermeasures laws that were passed decades ago.

The lab leak story only pumps up the fear of a mild flu. Naomi refuses to acknowledge the fact that bioweapons don't work. Sasha Latypova and others have illustrated that well.

We also see a similar dynamic with people who questioned the government on covid but then trusted them when it came to the current middle east situation.

Isn't that odd? It reminds me of how disjointed past dissidents like Noam Chomsky were right about some things but way wrong about others.

I theorize that this happens as a survival instinct. The propaganda that people grew up with can have a gordian knot with their existential concerns.

Here's a great quote explaining the existential issues people face and why they believe clearly wrong things, despite evidence to the contrary.

"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.

To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."

(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )

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Thank you for your thoughtful and provocative comments, Rob (c137), and I, too, was perplexed by what you observed regarding the “dynamic with people who questioned the government on covid but then trusted them when it came to the current middle east situation.”

As far as China goes, I don’t think the evidence Naomi has uncovered regarding China’s complicity in certain aspects of COVID crimes negates the DoD’s pivotal role in orchestrating the psy-op and building the “legal kill box” as Katherine Watt describes it. Indeed, I think it points to the fact that this is a supranational endeavor involving the collusion of multiple nation-states against their own people to achieve profits, power, and democide as I discussed in my Corona Investigative Committee presentation:


China has modeled the strong dictatorship and total surveillance state Western tyrants such as Trudeau have expressed admiration for and are now emulating in their countries, so it is by no means innocent when it comes to totalitarianism.

From what I’ve read, Naomi seems much more focused on injection harms than the lab leak story and SARS-CoV-2 as a bioweapon. I personally don’t discount someone if we have disagreements on academic matters that have no bearing on stopping democide and tyranny; if they share my prioritization of those goals, I consider them allies.

Thanks also for sharing Rusere Shoniwa’s astute quote and Real Left article. Both have republished my work, and we tend to align on many issues.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margaret Anna Alice, your substack today was epatant! And it made me cry.

Thank you again for lighting a path for us to follow. And for changing the language to

reflect reality.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I can’t count how many people were in lockstep with me calling it a Scamdemic and STILL got jabbed. What about those “special” folks😝

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

As Woody Allen’s character says in his excellent film Broadway Danny Rose, “You can’t ride two horses with one behind.”

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I have to say, that yes, it was our own government, but it has been infiltrated by globalists and the globalists and China have been in cahoots for a while. The process for destroying this country was laid out over 20 years ago by two Chinese military guys, because they need our land, not our people.

Two things can be true at the same time. My betting is that the globalists will ultimately find out they have been played by China....

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Very good interview with two brilliant, heart-centered and courageous individuals. This was a treat!

Noami wrote: "In the policies unfolding around us I saw anti-human outcomes being consistently generated..."

So true. And I seriously wonder if some of these strategies were conceived with the help of AI. Remember that the globalists ultimately want a world government ruled by AI.

As far as the effects of isolation, it can be very detrimental if a person is psychologically weak and not grounded spiritually, or ignorant of spiritual matters, and it can indeed cause the weak to become fearful, disoriented and desperate, and vulnerable to control and manipulation.

Yogis, monks, sincere spiritual seekers often isolate themselves, sometimes for years, to seek the ultimate truth, the Absolute, which they know they will not find easily within human society which is entirely preoccupied with more trivial matters and day to day living.

On the other end, group consciousness often weights heavily on the individual to cause him or her to bend to the will of the group, to groupthink, and to conform and comply, as all groups seek uniformity among their members, no matter how ludicrous and absurd their rules, standards and customs (has anyone noticed how most of humanity has always loved rules, the more the better, and the authority to enforce them?).

So for the strong and independent, isolation is the best choice, especially in times of social upheaval, to stay away from group pressure, harassment or coercion. The weaker person however requires the support of a few like-minded peers in order not to become vulnerable to predatory and destructive forces.

During the Covid lockdowns, people were not truly isolated however, not in the healthy way a Yogi meditating on a mountaintop would be, because they were glued to the State's main engine of propaganda, conditioning and brainwashing, the mainstream media, believing that this legacy media was their only connection with the "real" world.

Yet there was another aspect to all this: Trump phobia. People lost the ability to reason and reacted very negatively to anyone who questioned the media official narrative simply because Trump and his supporters had vilified the media previously. So liberals in particular who, before Trump, had severely criticized what they accurately called the corporate media, all of the sudden loved and believed the media after Trump denounced it as lying to the American public.

This demonstrates how masses of people can be so easily manipulated and controlled, by causing them to react rather than think. And it does not bode well for humanity and its future...one wild horse is harder to control than millions of human beings!

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Thank you for this exceptionally insightful comment, Raphael!

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I, too, had considered how it could be that, across large tracts of Earth, almost exquisitely designed cruelty was simultaneously being enacted.

Just as the ancient warriors and military strategists observe, “Battle plans scarce survive first contact with the enemy”, something emergent is required in order to propel us toward the considered endings (the manifestations of which prompted some of us to resist the beginnings).

Additionally, there is something in the commonplace objections to first being told about the elaborate plot, which is universally that “You’re a conspiracy theorist”, to which a suitable retort is that “There is a conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it”.

The universal objection, oft regarded as self-evident & so conclusive, is that the plot as described must involve very large numbers of people being in the know and therefore that the appearance of whistleblowers must surely be an inevitability?

Clearly, it is not the knock-out blow that its proponents triumphantly proclaim (“It cannot be happening, because someone would have told us about it”).

Prosaically, how is it deduced that large numbers of people must know the details of a plot? What would be said if people were told that the mechanical aspects of the plot have been rehearsed time and again under a different guise, such as a public health emergency? Because that has definitely occurred. For 25 years, table-top simulations of infectious disease crises have been run by the US DOD & allied trades. These simulations have drilled down to the level of your local hospital’s emergency response plan and the same is true of every sizeable organization, public and private.

Very few people were involved each time & it was unnecessary for the same relatively junior person to be involved in more than one such simulation. The ultimate power in each institution, and those above that, will know something more, but they don’t need to know much in order to ensure that the plan, as rehearsed & codified in the disaster recovery plan, is executed when called upon to do so. They need only know the what, but not the why. Sufficiently senior people would presumably be let into part of the bigger picture. They would be personally chosen by yet more senior people, so that their compliance & silence would be assured. I’m not going to spell out some of the methods I believe have been used for very long periods of time and still today, but it likely involves commission of awful acts, which are required as a price of entry to the rarified big club that George Carlin spoke about (“And you ain’t in it”).

Those who are so powerful that they need to know enough to convince them to cleave to whatever it is that is truly intended. Please know that many of these people are the descendents of those who earlier set out the objectives and framework for its successful execution. Gates, for example, will have understood his “lifetime actor” role from a young age.

But imagine you’re not “bloodline” but sufficiently talented that you’re needed to get this to run well? I expect some have been told it’s about climate change. “The powers that be have tried for decades to gain international agreement without success. It is intolerable that useless eaters like you & me are able to resist the necessary steps to save the planet. What has been decided is that it is necessary, temporarily, to suspend democratic methods, in order to install ways to regulate our individual consumption of resources. But don’t worry. It’s only temporary. Democracy will be reinstated once the right, irreversible changes have been made. Here’s a small gift of appreciation for your vital service to humanity. There’s much more where that came from. Do remember however that people like us, including you, do not want our private business to be known to family members”.

I do think something along these lines have been used in order to facilitate introduction of the New World Order.

Another very powerful way to introduce all the steps necessary to utterly reshape society en route to the totalitarian control system is that, as others have speculated, there’s a major role for AI in producing the list of daily or weekly instructions necessary somewhere in the world. That would also explain the oddness, indeed madness, of many of the measures upon their initial introduction.

It’s also important to consider other possible factors in prevention of information leakage. First, the punishments understood by long term insiders will be well known. Inconvenient people are ruthlessly removed, cast out and killed horribly. Second, if you have total control of media, both traditional or tech based, to whom would a whistleblower go? No one would report your mad conspiracy theories.

That objection that those who deploy it believe is conclusive proof against what I believe I can see happening is in fact gossamer thin.

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So. Bloody. Brilliant. I have raided the emoji cabinet to capture how chillingly penetrating your perceptions and postulations are, Mike, and all I came up with is this paltry, wholly inadequate offering:


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Great points and so helpful.

I can't miss an opportunity to say thank you for everything you've done. And wish you and yours the very best.

Also (being greedy now) a quick question for you. Are you aware of any research or studies being done, specifically, on the impact of the jabs on emotions/feelings?

I'm noticing something among my vaxxed friends that's troubling but I'm not sure I'm not making it up given my filters.

I know many are reporting personality changes, so this is in line with that I guess. I am noticing an emotional dulling or even remoteness. Really in the last 6 months or so. People who could read emotional cues, can't seem to. It feels recent. Just curious if this is being noticed world-wide and studied.


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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Author

Great question, Kathleen. I'm not sure about studies (Mike may know more on this front), but Naomi and Peter Breggin discuss that topic in the ICIC interview I link to in this Dissident Dialogue:


Naomi also writes about it in the following piece:


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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Gosh MAA, you are super organized in addition to your other talents...I am so envious! I would give a lot to have some of your organization skills....maybe you could just lend me the bit that sits in your little finger? Honestly, you are amazing.

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Haha, well, those ones happened to be fresh in my mind since I just referenced them for Naomi’s DD :-)

Otherwise, I’d say Scrivener is one of my secret weapons, although my MAA document now has so many thousands of folders and tens of thousands of documents and hundreds of thousands of links, I’ve had to start breaking it into multiple documents as it takes too long to scroll up and down to the folders/docs I need to access from moment to moment.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Well to me it akin to magic!!!

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lol! I have often thought something similar!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Isn't she? Its gobsmacking.

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Thanks for the links. I did watch and read both! Maybe I'm just lagging in terms of my own observations in my small world - this is feeling more relevant lately. I honestly hope what I'm perceiving is fully wrong but the anecdotal evidence is piling up. A lot more talking over each other for instance in group setting where that didn't happen before; an inability to empathize from someone who used to exhibit that. A lack of following up and asking appropriate questions. One crystal clear example was at a recent book group, where a woman was talking about the death of her ex-husband, who she remained close with. She was clearly still grieving and after she spoke another friend simply changed the subject and the conversation moved on. I was truly shocked and made a point to bring the subject back around. When I did I was met with blank looks. It was so surreal. Strange times. Thank you.

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I can’t help but think of the scene from Truffaut’s “Fahrenheit 451” where Linda Montag has friends over, and they are all vacuous and emotionless—until Montag turns off the telescreen and reads a passage from a book to them, and one of them breaks down in tears:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/LgxM6sCejJIa/ (@ 1:08:30)

These statements from Montag seem to echo what you’re observing:

“You’re nothing but zombies, all of you! … You’re not living, you’re just killing time!”

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The CDC has a PDF on preparing for a Zombie Pandemic. They used to have a page on their website, but took it down. They say it's 'a fun way to learn about preparedness.' You decide.


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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’m not aware of research on such effects of the injections.

It’s certainly possible they are designed to produce damage to the advantage of the perpetrators.

I don’t posit the unnecessary though. Plenty of other possible causes of personality change.

Mine has changed merely from existing in such a distorted world.

Imagine the permanent impact of a crawling realisation that you’ve taken something that might kill you and your family?

Imagine you were the person that forced them?

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Thank you, and yes, agree on other possible causes.

"Imagine the permanent impact of a crawling realisation that you’ve taken something that might kill you and your family? Imagine you were the person that forced them?"

I have imagined it - it's so awful that if it were true I might well disconnect from a part of me to live with it.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Naomi and Dr. Breggin have both noticed ...and talked about it on videos...If you find anything else, please let us know. I am really interested in this...I think it one of those little things that is NOT so little.

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They have and when they did I took some relief in not being able to apply it to my life. (Again could be my inadequate observational skills lagging.) I'm definitely noticing it now. It's chilling.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It is quite chilling. And that is a really good word for it.

What I have noticed too, is that sometimes there is a personality change...

someone goes from nice to argumentative....or they go the opposite...

Not eveyone...but enough to notice after the jabs....its quite strange because

you start to question your own sanity...was this person always this way and I

just didn't notice? Am I the crazy one? I have a bad feeling about this.

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Thanks, Duchess - I so relate. I question myself all the time. Am I making this up? Was he always such a jerk? Etc. We don't want to see it - I don't. I'm invested in these people and I hoped sincerely over time the spell would break and we'd reconnect stronger, but that's not happening. I have a bad feeling about it too. So, sad. Best to you.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"Another very powerful way to introduce all the steps necessary to utterly reshape society en route to the totalitarian control system is that, as others have speculated, there’s a major role for AI in producing the list of daily or weekly instructions necessary somewhere in the world. That would also explain the oddness, indeed madness, of many of the measures upon their initial introduction."

Indeed, my gut feeling (which I trust) is that AI was used before and during covid to map out a global strategy.

There was something extremely cold and inhuman about the whole covid agenda, not in the sense of merely being grossly cruel as human beings can be, but totally unfeeling, totally devoid of any form of compassion, of any form of inner understanding of what humanity - and children especially - actually need (such as connection, human touch, physical interactions), as would have concocted a perfect psychopath or a machine.

And what is AI but the ultimate psychopath? (no feelings, no conscience, no soul, only a super mind unattached and unrelated to any forms of biological or spiritual life). In a way, it felt alien, non-human. And AI is indeed also an alien form of "consciousness", not meaning that it was developed by "aliens" (it was developed and it is programmed by highly neurotic, unfeeling human beings, without a doubt), but, again and to put it simply, it is not "made" like us and not "operating" as we do, and cannot consequently relate to us, no matter how "brilliant" the artificial mind, anymore than we could relate to an ant or a tree.

That those in control would be foolish and ignorant enough to defer to AI to find "solutions" to any of our world problems is the frightening and dangerous part. We can expect a lot more cold, implacable, alien forms of inhumanity in the future, unless humanity rises against the machine, to use a 1960's slogan that is proving to have been prophetic.

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"This demonstrates how masses of people can be so easily manipulated and controlled, by causing them to react rather than think. And it does not bode well for humanity and its future...one wild horse is harder to control than millions of human beings!"

I agree with much of your comment Raphael. Though I suspect there is more involved in terms of the capture of so many minds in addition to what you've laid out. (AI-and/frequency related to do with all these screens. )

I'm also still optimistic. Not everyone is getting through these times, we know, but many will and will be new, stronger versions of themselves for having survived it. A percentage of humanity is readying for a leap forward.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am optimist long term, but I feel that short term, there will be a lot of challenges for humanity. But I could be pleasantly surprised.

A far as the capture of minds, fear also played a huge role in shutting down entire populations' ability to think clearly and critically, because intense fear disables the analytical mind and causes the so-called reptilian, primitive, survival brain to take control in what is then perceived to be a fight or flight situation. This is why governments and the medias gave the world population a daily dose of intense fear for months at a time...it caused people to be as if in a trance, as if hypnotized - thus the notion of mass psychosis.

Intense fear causes a person to also become entirely receptive to any form of "authority" who claims to offer a way to safety...first you scare the pants off them, then you throw them what is said to be a lifesaver, and they will grab it even if it kills them later, because they desperately need to hope and believe.

I think that this is a sort of spiritual war, in the sense that people (especially younger generations) are increasingly cut off from the world of nature (many are completely and permanently wired to their small screens), from their own bodies, and from their own heart and soul. But then again, there might be a massive reaction against this, with people rediscovering the beauty, freedom and spiritual dimension of the natural world, and how much it resonates with their own heart and soul, and helps them rediscover who they are as human beings.

Can there be any kind of awakening without an understanding of who we are, and of our place in the natural creation? The problem is a lack of spiritual understanding and knowledge, and the solution is spiritual, in my view. The ultimate question is, who are we, are we strangers lost in a strange universe, or an integral part of the natural creation? In other words are we at home here and meant to live in harmony and balance with all life, or are we desperate, hopeless conquerors, predators, scavengers and parasites living off the body of a planet to which we do not relate?

One worldview leads to peace and harmony, the other to fear and chaos. So far it seems that humanity has chosen the latter.

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I could not agree more on the nature part and our place in nature. There is a reason why TPTW (The Powers That Were - let's place them in the past) are big on transhumanism. Robots are manufactured and belong in a synthetic world. Humans belong in nature.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Yes, I totally agree! We are earth beings, not meta universe beings.

Ultimately, this is a war against life, physical and spiritual. And it is doomed to fail because life (natural and spiritual life) can never be overcome, especially not by arrogant fools.

We have to remember that much of this battle is waged by individuals who are mostly atheists, by people who have no understanding of the power of the Spirit. This is their Achille's heel, the fundamental flaw in their grand design. They are actually clueless, although they consider themselves to be superiorly intelligent.

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"This is their Achille's heel, the fundamental flaw in their grand design. They are actually clueless, although they consider themselves to be superiorly intelligent."🎯😊

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

How ironic that the most horrifying demon of their demented nightmares delivered their magic jab on a silver platter. For which I will NEVER forgive him.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

God loves you and wants you to be happy. God is connected to your soul and feels everything you feel. So God sent His son to purchase for us the rewards of eternal salvation so you can be happy forever. Praise God. God's will be done. Amen.

We battle against spiritual wickedness in high places. So we need spiritual help. God provides. Praise God. Amen.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Again, no one who advocated for the magic medicine or was involved in its distribution and the administration of it will ever admit ANY of it because it is a crime of the highest magnitude and they are complicit, guilty of aiding and abetting. We’re talking murder/genocide here. They would be admitting to being the lowest, most vile type of human in existence. At absolute best they would be admitting they were unimaginablly gullible and got snookered at an astounding level. It would take a massive amount of integrity, and the type of human we’re discussing here doesn’t have it.

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You are overlooking High tech brainwashing:

• Ultrasonic hypnosis (download ultrasound detector by Gudkov on your phone)

• Blue light from LCD screens and street-lights

• Infra-red pulses

• Stroboscopy (nb LED street lights)

• Subliminal messages by high refresh rate (higher than the conscious mind can perceive, but still under the eye’s and the subconscious’ range)

• Electric field pulses when watching/hearing something with emotions (streamed stadium games), etc.

Why is food poisoning legal?

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


War on poultry and cattle:


The full PLAN exposed:


Also, have a look at why nobody is apologizing:

Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Doc says: oops! I'm a complete IDIOT


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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It’s a grand cull after all...

( it’s a grand, grand cull...)

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Not even sure that I mind if 70% are eliminated at this point.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

There truly is a sadist rabid beast who craves and thrives on inflicting misery throughout humanity.

That's why we're witnessing Semites slaughtering other Semites and Slavs murdering other Slavs, or the sudden appearance of dubious viruses that justifies mandating experimental toxic injections ensuring the suffering and death of millions.

It's a beast that's entertained by terrifying humanity as it detests all that's joyful, virtuous, and compassionate.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

A friend told me she didn't have the time or the energy to read the studies I tried to share about masks, but also said we were never going to agree about masks. So, she just wanted to believe they worked, I guess.

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I work with someone who still wears a mask. They have become accessories for her - literally a collection (some homemade) that matches her ensemble. When I attempted to bring up another new study on the ineffectiveness of masks, she nicely said we'd never agree, she didn't want to look at it, and let's not discuss. We have not since.

It is strange. There are so many other things we can talk about.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

At this point when I see someone in a mask I start singing loudly (they are almost always cloth) “Ain’t no mask like a cloth mask! Science is so awesome! The experts would never lie!” So catchy

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Two of my favorite writers together! Thank you for the intelligence, rigor, and critical vision you share❣️🌹

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


The Chronically Vaccinated

Are On Suicide Watch.

We Are Watching

While They Kill Themselves.


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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

These writers are the saints of this phase, which is part of a spiritual war in which the founding of The New Age is being resisted.

Not to worry, the workers for Truth are born to endure as part of the formation, the metaphysical foundations were laid down in the postwar years in the sacrifices of Dr.George King in cooperation with Alien Adepts.

The saga of events are in the annals of "The Aetherius Society" and the biography of Dr.George King (1919-1997) who founded the A.S.

I met George King in 1958 and became part of it.

I wrote the book "Metaphysics and The New Age ", blogging on : kassselmain.com

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Excellent dialogue! Great questions, great answers.

Early on you wrote "So I pull back. I stop pushing. They know my position. They know where to find me if a seedling of a question takes root in their consciousness." I'm curious — how many, if any, approached you as a result of such seedlings having taken root?

BTW, with regards to your first question — what makes some us able and willing to perceive reality, while the majority seem unable and/or unwilling to do so — for those interested, I wrote a poem that covers much of this ground and expands upon it: https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/reasons-for-refusing-the-red

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Thank you for your pragmatic question, Red Pill Poet, as well as for sharing your brilliantly observed and articulated poem!

I honestly don’t know how many seedlings have taken root or how long they will take to blossom. I think the only friend who has ever come close is the one I discussed in #s 7 and 11 in this piece:


As I write in #11:

“In the case of the friend mentioned above, my asking that one question led her to say she *might* consider watching the video of vaxx-injured testimonials because she does acknowledge there have been some injuries. This led to the resurrection of a conversation I previously thought was over, and I subsequently paced myself to match her comfort level and made greater headway as a result.”

She has not yet followed up about this but has remained in touch about other matters. She rightly pointed out that these more contentious discussions need to be leavened by conversations about our shared passions so our relationship isn’t defined by what we disagree upon but rather that the debate is occurring in the context of a relationship of mutual respect.

I do intend to publish our exchange but want to give her more time and space before doing so in case she does decide to watch the vaxx-injured video and share her response. I also need to get her permission to publish her side of the dialogue (she initially rejected this idea because she was worried my readers would attack her, but she may reconsider now that the initial tension has been diffused). If she’s not comfortable with that, I can summarize her points as she did offer valuable insights into what the experience was like from her perspective.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks so much for the reply (and the plug).

My experience is quite the same as yours on the curing the blind front — rare as hen's teeth.

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Haha, well-put, RPP. I think these are the sort of transformations that can take years, a luxury we cannot afford in this life-or-death, freedom-or-slavery situation, sadly.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

And that is why my gut is in constantly turmoil..."At my back I always hear, Times winged Chariot drawing near"...I am afraid we are out of road.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"She has not yet followed up about this but has remained in touch about other matters. She rightly pointed out that these more contentious discussions need to be leavened by conversations about our shared passions so our relationship isn’t defined by what we disagree upon but rather that the debate is occurring in the context of a relationship of mutual respect." ---------------

I think this is important! It is also somewhat difficult for us to do, however, as so many are still jaded or worse, very upset at how some of our friends/family/colleagues treated us. And of course difficult just because it seems so damn glaringly obvious to all of us. But alas, beating it into their heads will not work.

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There was no mistake---In N.Ireland ---in 42 months, 273 people died where Covid was the only cause on the Death Certificate, 203 were over 75 at the rate of 7 per month-the same rate as flu, except there was no flu. The youngest was 38. Yet ,still safe and effective, no admissions, no answers.

Source the N.I Department of Health via FoI,

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Just great, MAA. I love this series and suspect its importance in capturing this chapter in our shared history will only increase over time. 🙏

Thanks for your commitment, and applying your considerable talent and intelligence to such a worthy endeavor.

We so need to have places we can go to find the best of humanity right now. Best.🎄🎄🎄

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Quite the collection friends. I am struck by how deeply we are entrapped by the system itself - in place now for many millennia. Unless we can defeat the system itself there is no hope at all of fixing ourselves or the system which we have now become. How do we step outside the system when we have become the system?

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Gosh, thank you! Your articles are getting ever so longer… but I appreciate the brilliant witty writing of Dr. Wolf, she knows just how to phrase what we feel. I have real trouble articulating and expressing in discussion with opposers or half-ways there just how it went… she brings clarity to that. I guess that’s why you get a doctorate in literature… :) beautiful in the eyes of sorrow…

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