Thought you guys might appreciate that Coach Kocurek just kindly shared (https://twitter.com/CoachKocurek/status/1516270630584389634) this link about personality traits that make you more likely to join a cult—talk about an epic lack of self-awareness 🤣


To which I responded:

Wow, this describes you & your fellow Covidians perfectly, John! Thank you, I will add this to my collection. You may recognize yourself in this one as well:


I don't have time to chit-chat but appreciate the resource! Good luck with your deprogramming.

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The impressive amount of effort which has gone into ad-hominem attacks in the name of Covid makes it clear that many fear, at least unconsciously, they might be wrong in what they believe. That does not make them question their belief, it just makes them desperate to prove to themselves that the individual who challenges their beliefs, is somehow deranged. Ever thus. Attacking the Messenger does not refute the Message.

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Exactly this. I just made a similar observation.

He knows. Somewhere down deep inside, this fellow knows. He is using MAA as a proxy for his own better logical instincts.

He needs MAAs to tilt against, externalizing his own doubts that he went off the rails.

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Profound observations, Sage.

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That's what gets on my nerves... The fact that they seem perfectly capable... But is their lack of character what stucks them in the hole...

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Psycho-babble complete with pictures (but no diagrams?). What, they actually want to make thinking hard? The US has more cults than any other country as well as former members, and those are largely religious groups that have real meaning. In the case of those questioning the "vaccines" there are scientific concerns backing us up unlike the others that are not thinking, autonomous people.

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Haha, I only read the headlines, but yes, Americans have always been particularly susceptible to cults, which likely prey on innate naïve optimism and lack of fulfillment due to the discrepancy between their dreams and their realities.

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The terms of the Turing Test might need to be expanded to require some evidence of the capacity for self-reflection and critical thinking.

Clearly, someone has already programmed an AI to represent itself as a patronizing narcissistic jerk.


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Genius, Infanttyron3! Applying the Turing Test would certainly save me a lot of time arguing with Covidian bots!

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Hope you enjoy the other tunes when you have a chance. :-)

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I’ve got it queued up in a tab!

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Interesting discussion. I have long since decided against arguing with brainwashed narcissists online anymore. They are immune…to facts and logic. And they argue for sport, often not really believing their own BS. Not worth the effort.

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First off, I just got your name when I looked at your avatar—hysterical 😂 I am an avid Dostoyevsky fan, which I suppose is yet another reason to mark me as a cultural heretic ;-)

I agree with your points, especially since every foray reinforces them. In the rare cases where I do choose to engage like this one, I do it initially to see if they may be amenable to reason, but once I see they aren’t, continuing the exchange is partly a matter of attempting to understand the psychology of Covidians, partly a way of challenging myself and vetting my own knowledge/understanding, and partly to create a document that may be of entertainment and education to my readers. I have had many people tell me they use my resources and arguments in their own exchanges and find these records especially valuable for that reason.

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I used to spend hours doing just this on Twitter, and when I would bring up data or post screenshots from MedRX or Lancet or UK data, Twitter would ask me for my mobile # or make me do endless CAPTCHAs.

Ultimately we all just wanted real information on this deal, and we couldn't get to it.

And that's why Alex and Malone and Kirsch are monster Substackers, and why Malone and McCullough had over 100m views on Rogan.

On some level, SOME LEVEL, people do understand that they have been lied to and made mistakes. Which would be fine, if they were humble.

But this dude you sparred with here? He is not ready for that life. I suspect that the entire planet could die of forced mass vaccinations, and if he were left, he would look at his dog and say, "Think how much worse it would have been if they HADN'T gotten jabbed!"

And his dog would look back at him and say, "Ruff!"

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You really are a wise (and hilarious) kindred soul, Sage 🙌

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You are too kind. And you are way kinder to that guy than I used to be. But I admittedly enjoy you trolling him.

So here is more (alleged!) Sage wisdom, (yeah right).

And no, I didn't come up with this!

We are all evolving or declining. All the time.

As we do so slowly moving and growing or receding and dying...we are always going to be most triggered by those one notch ahead or behind.

("Notches" are a very scientific spiritual metric! LOL.)

As you move forwards, once you are TWO notches evolved ahead...you will not longer be triggered.

Now...this is often subverted by people who try to jump the gun and BEHAVE as if they are two notches ahead, and a good ex. of this is the American South, "Bless your heart" condescending phrase which is really just code for, "You're an idiot."

But if one is TRULY TWO notches evolved, they will have a softness and humility as they deal with the person that is struggling in their next indicated step.

Thoughts of this theory that I read somewhere way back in my life?

edit: corrected typo before "sunhawk" comes for me!

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Haha, I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it. And wow, that certainly is multidimensional food for thought!

Can’t help but think of this:


Are we not men?

We are Devo

Are we not men?


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haha, yeah the reason Rascal Nick Of couldn't abide such a discussion is that he'd wind up getting him to disclose his address, stealing an axe, and then...

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Good times...good times...

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You’re killing me, Rascal Nick Of! 😆

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But figuratively, as opposed to “literally”…

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I must admire your efforts. Certainly helps sharpen your recall skills. If there was a suitable proctor for these debates to step in and stop subject shifts and wandering it might make for a decent public show. Trying to not see the data that refutes beliefs is hard work.

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Brilliant idea, HardeeHo—that would certainly elevate the quality of the exchange and force the Covidians to confront what they continually deflect!

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Excellent points! The genius here is to take a seemingly meaningless and unfruitful endeavor and turn it into something useful and helpful. Great perspective. And kudos, as you are the first person on the ‘stacks to recognize my handle. Love the ‘Dos!

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Thank you, Rascal Nick Of, and I’m one of those people who cannot bring myself to do anything not directly associated with my all-consuming mission to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, so I figure out a way to put frittered time to use one way or another ;-)

Haha, it is a very clever handle! A couple of years ago, I went through a Russian period and worked my way through dozens upon dozens of Russian audiobooks, including all of the available Solzhenitsyn (little did I know how relevant “The Gulag Archipelago” would become) and Dostoyevsky, which then seguéd into canonical authors/texts I’d read throughout school (e.g., Thoreau, Emerson, “Scarlet Letter,” “Heart of Darkness,” etc.—all the good stuff they don’t teach anymore ;-), and “Lord of the Flies” set me off on a dystopian novel run, ultimately ending with reading (listening to) everything by Orwell. I could not have planned a better curriculum in preparation for the coming Covidianism.

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You can tell these types by their rhetorical flourishes. Constant projection, sneering, baiting, attempts to reframe or skew everything rather than establish any common truths. Emotional language always. Steadfast refusal to acknowledge inconvenient evidence. They aren't trying to change your mind, they're just trying to make themselves looks somehow superior, to themselves.

They generally aren't even real shills. They're only getting paid in ego enhancement.

Narcissists, indeed. Nihilists, too, under a thin veneer of "The Science". They don't believe in reason, only in authority. It becomes quickly apparent.

Arguing with such people can be worthwhile, as Margaret has ably shown here... when done in public. People like John here are a small (if loud) minority. With patience and compassion, it's not that difficult (just really tedious) to show any fair-minded onlookers who these clowns really are and what they're about.

Well done, MAA.

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Beautifully captured, Shy Boy! Absolutely nailed it. Glad you appreciated the exchange, however bootless.

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Well said Shy Boy

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Agreed. From the perspective of persuasion, it seems that it would not be fruitful to bait and insult, yet that is what these clowns continue to do. Don’t cast your pearls before swine…

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Yes, very interesting discussion. Hopefully others will read it and find her arguments persuasive.

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Please send him a copy of my “Covid lies” document.

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He would never read past your name since he’s already swallowed the BigPharma smear campaign against you and is a devout believer in the COVID lies, BUT I would love a copy of your document, Mike! Please email it to me as that sounds incredibly handy. I didn’t realize you’d compiled them into a single document.

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I’d love a copy of it too please! Could you post a link?

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Here is the link to Mike’s COVID Lies document:


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Will do :-)

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I suspect that particular gent is not ready for the full Dr. Mike Yeadon Cold Blast of Truth Arctic Breeze Treatment.

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😹😹😹 Absofreakinglutely not. Talk about casting nacres before peccaries.

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Legit laughed out loud. Remember that Will Ferrell James Lipton bit: Where he would laugh and schmooze...."You are a delight!"

yeah. You really are a delight! MAA

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Now you’re making *me* laugh out loud! 😹 And you, lil’ sister, are quite the delight yourself :-)

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btw, the point of my little pseudo spiritual story earlier was more self referential: that I can not seem to get two notches past the Johns of your post and they trigger me too much.

If you can do it, and retain your grace, and clearly you can, then mazel tov, MAA.

While I got you...tell me how you want to be introduced into the Gas Tank-29 saga...and if you would prefer not to be! I have to figure out a way to get to "Farewell, Galoshes" spoken by you. (But I could always use an MAA proxy...)

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Very mature of you to recognize your limits, Sage, and WOW, I would be deeply honored to be included in the absurdist masterpiece that I believe will be the defining novel of our age! It is already shaping up to be the “Catch-22” of Covidian tyranny.

Introduce me however you like—I’m excited to see what you come up with!

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Hi Mr Yeadon. Really appreciate your work and I don't want to waste your time, but I think this is a crucial point. Could you reject or support these claims?


Thank you.

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It’s doctor as in PhD, which I earned in 1988, through experimental study of aspects of control of mammalian respiration. I then spent 32y in big pharma & biotech, leading global research into new treatments for chronic respiratory illnesses. In no way does all this mean I’m error-free. But it should give me some credit for understanding the underlying biology (principally immunology).

The link is filled with claims & occasionally a scientific paper.

What it lacks, though, is empirical evidence supporting what they claim.

On the actual study of transmission from people without symptoms but a positive PCR test, it’s so low as to classify S epidemiologically irrelevant. Asymptomatic includes pre-symptomatic.


This paper shows that transmission even at home from those without symptoms is incredibly low, potentially zero (because they didn’t net off false positives l, indeed they don’t even mention the limitations of the diagnostic test).

This is a “meta-analysts”, a study of a group of studies. It’s the highest level of evidence there is. So it isn’t trumped by someone finding some transmission without symptoms.

In short, for all operational purposes, asymptomatic transmission is a lie.

Best wishes



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I'm very grateful for your answer. Best wishes.

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Madame, it really is as simple as this: Once someone becomes emotionally invested in their position, it is nearly impossible to convince them that it is wrong. There are too many psychological blocks for them to confront their own mistake.

People like John will NEVER consider your evidence, regardless of where it comes from, or its validity. He is on the other side, and he gains his identity from that...period.

We, on the other hand, will read their studies with a willingness to extract truth, if it lies buried in there somewhere. However, we will pick those same studies apart with an open eye for the deception placed within.

As a final thought, he was a little too dismissive with the comment about your ability to "understand" medical things without a degree. That was unacceptable. My IQ is somewhere around 30 pts higher than any MD that I know. I do not need one of their degrees to understand their language or to read their studies. I suspect that you do not either.

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100% correct, Mrhounddog! Do you have any suggestions on how to penetrate the cult programming of these true believers? I keep trying every angle I can think of, but NOTHING gets through their vacuum-sealed minds.

I agree with you about MDs. I was already acutely aware of this as I have been educating my own physicians about a variety of health topics for decades (with their appreciation—they take notes on book, treatment, dietary, and supplement recommendations from me, and one of them called me a genius for figuring out a mystery condition that had stumped my doctors for months), but the COVID debacle has made that even more evident as the majority of doctors simply fell in line with the groupthink without bothering to investigate or question.

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I put off responding to this until I had time to mull it over. The preface to this is that I am a Christian, and I approach this from that standpoint. Here is what I think: We are not fighting these people. We are fighting something far more encompassing, far more insidious, and ultimately evil. Therefore, your thoughtful, kind, but firm rebuttal to insulting, repetitive cult behavior is the only way to reach these people. Add to that prayer for divine support. Keep your facts straight, your sources vetted and accurate, and your response calm. That is how you reach them, with the intent of helping as many as possible. In short, love them the way Jesus loves us.

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What a beautiful response, Mrhounddog, and I am grateful for your thoughtful analysis and sagacious words.

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Groupthink is part and parcel of the medical system and to some degree, the scientific system. And more so in this age as vested agendas direct the science and medical systems in the name of power and profit. If you want a job or to keep a job and to advance in your profession then the worst thing you can do is think for yourself. There are always rebels and thankfully so, but science-medicine has been well set in P/Harma concrete for nearly a century.

Medical students are taught what the pharmaceutical industry needs them to know as opposed to any substantive understanding of the human organism, which is much too complex for a pill, needle and scalpel approach and standards in academia in general have fallen as the system seeks to draw in the new 'gold' of international students, often from nations with a less rigorous approach to many things, including academic standards.

Everyone loses. It would be fascinating to look at the training of a medical student today and one 10, 20,30,40,50 years ago to see how it has changed.

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Absolutely true, Roslyn! And that is why the Tenth Man principle is so vital and one of the first casualties of totalitarian systems.

This video, which I included in my Profile in Courage on the Canadian truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian) addresses this principle powerfully:


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Group think is part of the ''scientific'' to an astounding degree. White collar professionals are selected by their conformity.

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Yes, whoever does the hiring will hire the most 'suitable.' I remember a corporate exercise many years ago with Myers-Briggs, when more than one manager came to realise he or she had hired a majority of people with the same personality systems.

And the maxim - systems drive behaviour should never be forgotten.

But self-selection is even more powerful. If you want to keep your job and advance then you conform. There are a few rebels but not many and they often burn out or leave the industry.

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Yes, and even before that the education system incentivizes this behavior, as he argues in this video:


From my personal experience I came to the same conclusion.

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Yes, as represented by the code words, "team player". The "'good' Germans" were team players. So, run like hell away from all such people and/or jobs.

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A human trait. Plenty of 'team players' supported the Vietnam and Iraq wars and lots of 'team players' have wholeheartedly swallowed the official Covid narrative. A general rule is 70/30 with the 'team players' on any issue making up the majority.

One presumes that human traditions of shunning, whether tribal or familial, those who do not 'go along with the crowd' remain at work in primal brain function. The less people think the more likely they are to be compliant and education systems in the past half century have not encouraged people to think, in fact the opposite.

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Education does not equate with intelligence and IQ tests are geared to a particular kind of thinking which might make some people very clever in some respects but are also no indicator of intelligence.

In many years as a journalist I interviewed some not particularly intelligent doctors, scientists and academics with a string of PhD's, as well as those who left school at twelve and demonstrated great intelligence. One could argue that is simply my view of them, but I offer it all the same.

And the longer one lives the clearer it becomes that the smartest kids in school or university/college, do not necessarily achieve the most or live the most successful lives. As we also see with those deemed to be child geniuses.

Intelligence is far more than a degree.

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Most definitely! Wisdom is far more valuable than intellectual knowledge. Some people—like Mike Yeadon—are blessed with both, and we are exceptionally blessed to have him fighting on the side of truth.

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Or they live supposedly, or so-called, "successful" lives, but they are 'blinder than bats' about the most important knowledge and truth(s).

Like a great, unfortunately Catholic, "Christian" artist, musician, poet, singer and songwriter, John Michael Talbot, so rightly says in one of his most right-on, powerful songs, "...Like the Pharisees, my friend, you're an educated fool...". That is what most so-called "educated" people are, educated fools and/or tools.

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Gaining a diploma merely proves you have completed a particular level of education in a particular field and says nothing about your capacity for intelligence in general, nor competence in the qualified field. We err when we equate education with intelligence.

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I know I will make MAA cringe with my abuse of the language, but... It ain't so much what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you think you know that just ain't so.

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The older you get, the more one understands how little we know as individuals and as humans in general. But the illusion of certainty is a comfortable place to be and perhaps a necessary one when we are young.

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I suppose you could also add in choice, interest, and persistence. Those come into play with the points you made. On a side note, forgive me for the slightly arrogant comment. I wrote it at night. That is my excuse.

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This is a cryptic medium at the best of times - divided by a common language. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations are virtually guaranteed.

I think we are all born with our own particular 'flavour' and respond in our own unique way to the world we experience as we participate in this miracle of creation. Which is why the capacity or ability for choice, interest and persistence will differ in each of us. But yes, many factors at work.

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I have an impression that he would only consider any of the data/info she presented if presented to him by someone he considers more elite than him. The person wouldn't necessarily need to be an expert (despite his derision about non-experts), but they would have to fulfill some social hierarchical position that reinforced his own sense of superiority. What do you think?

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Possible but unlikely. Covid seems to be a particular form of dogma like demanded beliefs in religions, which sit atop such mountains of fear that to even consider one might be wrong is more than most can bear. If the Covidian falls from the mountain it is only into the abyss where utter chaos and destruction lie in wait.

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That is insightful. It would become "acceptable" to change a position, if someone he esteems adopts the new position.

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You are a saint for continuing that conversation. I have lost all patience with people like that who are 100% closed to hearing truth.

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Haha, thank you, Maria, and it certainly does stretch my patience muscle to deal with people who are so willfully resistant to scientific evidence, reason, logic, and facts!

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It does take patience and commitment but I would suggest, many who continue such conversations do not do so because they believe they can bring insights or any change of mind to the individual involved, but perhaps, there is a more open-minded reader who can and will benefit from the information.

I see such exchanges as an opportunity to disseminate information and given the level of knowledge and the capacity to articulate which MAA possesses, we can only be grateful that she does continue in the conversation.

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Absolutely right, Roslyn! I’m glad you guys appreciate the effort and get something of value from it. I wouldn’t spend the time otherwise since it’s clear Covidians refuse to engage honestly with the facts.

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"...housewives in Oregon."

Yet again, not a person who has an argument to make, or who would ever intend to make one. It's always slogan-chanting and cheap shots. This person stole time from you.

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Thank you, Chris, and the fact that my readers can benefit from the exchange made it worth the investment of time, although it is not an exercise I intend to repeat often if I can help it.

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Nah, this clown is just a volunteer punching bag for our fighting writer. If it wasn't him it would be somebody else. She's just doing the unpleasant but necessary job she signed up for. Doing it with class, too. I'm a paying customer!

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MAA: What’s nonspecific about 1,226,312 adverse reaction reports, including 26,976 deaths to the CDC?

Or about Pfizer clinical trial data showing 1,223 deaths, 158,000 adverse events, and 1,291 side effects in the first 90 days?

JOHN: Adverse effects happen anytime you stimulate an immune response. That’s been known and is largely accepted as a reasonable risk because whichever disease you’re protecting about is gonna have even worse adverse effects. This is basic vaxx science.


Right here is where John reveals that data is not going to work on his brain.

This is the juncture that he diverts off the road into purely motivated reasoning.

He has constructed and airtight defense: No matter how bad things are with the exp. drugs the disease is "gonna have even worse adverse effects."

This is a person all in on a structure of logic. ^This is the person that will lay dying or bury a loved one and say, "It would have been worse if they didn't get the jab(s)."

He needs to believe it and he seeks you out to wrestle with his own cognitive dissonance.

In this debate, err..."debate", John is using you, MAA, to stand in for what he knows down deep in some corner of his mind.

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Spot-on, Sage! You missed your calling as a psychoanalyst! I’m glad, though, because now all of us can benefit from your hysterical and thought-provoking musings instead of your just healing one patient at a time :-)

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MAA and Hana the Sage you are both spitfires!! So thankful and grateful. My adrenal glands have nothing left🥲

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Te amo.

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*lol* Apologies for the adrenal exhaustion, BINYB, and thanks for fueling our fire! 🔥

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Ask John if men can get pregnant

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Don’t tempt me! 😂 Seriously, don’t—I can’t afford to waste any more time on him, but I welcome anyone else to try if they’re masochistic like me ;-)

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Of course they can and pigs can fly and unicorns wear lipstick.

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Covidians are mentally damaged. I am not sure there is a turn around for them. They either respond with anger and call you a stupid FB, or accuse you of reading garbage. I have a few of these people in my family (brother and sister in law)

My Sister is mildly covidian but she is an RN with a masters (I am just a measly RN) and she does have a brain. She is a follower though, just to go along. Mean time, she is suffering over the past two years of psoriasis and arthritis. New developments and taking some new drugs for them My daddy is an obedient covidian but he just goes along. He is 98 and lived through so many filthy dirty times, most memorable as a POW for the Nazi's - after the war he walked home from Holland. He was 19 and was like an animal living on the land walking back home to Rotterdam.

If you have any medical common sense, you know this entire virus was a bioweapon to get rid of Trump. The masking and remdezavier are the greatest means of spreading, the spike shots just helped it evolve.

I could go on. I will end here

This was entertaining to read.

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I am sorry you’re having to suffer this in your family. It becomes particularly painful in those circumstances. This is a common experience with cults in general—the cult pulls people away from their family and breaks social bonds because they threaten to puncture the indoctrination and totality of the cult’s mind control.

I wonder what your sister would think of the “Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich” documentary I share in “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) You might share the link with her without comment so she doesn’t feel it’s a judgment on her, but maybe it will help awaken her to her inculcation into a murderous ideology.

I am really surprised that someone who witnessed the Nazi regime would not recognize the repeating pattern, but at 98, he may not have the energy or clarity to fight it.

Still, it would be healing if he and your sister could awaken so you have an opportunity to make amends before it’s too late.

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Science-medicine has a long history of 'caring corrupted' and wherever the flag of 'good intentions' is waved, be cautious.

Even as the Nazis were using helpless people in medical experiments, so too were many countries including Canada and the United States. Eugenics was not a German invention and the belief/desire for 'quality' humans was at work worldwide. The Germans may have found their guinea pigs in concentration camps but in North America they found them in orphanages, prisons, disabled and aged facilities.

The all believed the same thing, that the end justified the means.

Excellent article by the way on colluding. As the maxim goes - that which we condemn in others is that which we deny in ourselves. The evil is not 'out there' but 'in here,' and in each and every one of us, which, no doubt, is the source of one of the most ancient spiritual mantras: Know Thyself.

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Thank you, Roslyn, and well-articulated!

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"Hope your kids start talking to you again." What a jerk.

I don't care if the Covidians I once knew ever speak to me again. I almost hope they don't since I can no longer trust them.

If they cut you out of their lives remember that only horrible, toxic abusers act that way.

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So true, RE!

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That's not entirely true. Some people cut off contact with most people because most people are phony, disingenuous people, with their heads willfully and firmly buried in quicksand, their bodies soon to follow, and the former are tired of dealing with the stress and anxiety from trying to "relate" to the latter and help them wake up.

Speaking for myself, I'm completely burned out dealing with being treated like I, a person who completely faces what is really going on in the world, am supposedly "insane", etc., by the majority of people who are truly mass insane. Thus, I would much rather stay to myself as much as possible, and not jeopardize myself.

But, let me clarify: I said I would RATHER stay to, and not jeopardize, myself. But that is not to say that I actually do so. On the contrary, I don't stay to myself, and I do jeopardize myself by constantly standing up for the truth. I'm under threat right now of being evicted from my apartment for standing up for the truth.

It is cowardice to completely stay to oneself and not put oneself on the line against all of the anti-liberty-and-freedom shit that is happening today, including on a "smaller scale" by standing up against the constant illegal discrimination that my apartment management perpetrates year in and year out with immunity and impunity.

How does my apartment management perpetrate the foregoing, you ask? By constantly lying to the tenants and playing them for "fools", manipulating them into accepting illegal and constitution-violating things they should not accept, and violating their liberty rights and privacy, etc. In short, they are typical, evil crooks.

So, no matter how much all of the stress and anxiety from standing up to such people and corporations, including "U.S.A., Inc.", exacerbates my serious physical disabilities, which it does, I refuse to be a coward and capitulate or surrender to their bullshit, even if it kills me. I will not go quietly into this "evil 'night'", and let evil stand unopposed.

And, on larger issues, I refuse to let them stand either. Thus, as much as I am able with my serious physical disabilities, I will continue to stand up against any encroachments on and violations of our human and civil rights, and the continuous and increasing evisceration of our freedom(s) and liberty(ies), especially free will, freedom of choice and the right to dissent.

Freedom of belief, expression, speech and thought go hand in hand with dissent; and, short of my being murdered by the government for dissenting, I will not be silenced in the face of the evil that is increasingly taking over, and eviscerating our liberty(ies) and freedom(s) more and more in the process. To remain silent in the face of same, would be to betray God, my country and my world, which I will not do no matter what.

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Respectfully, I found this more infuriating than entertaining and your effort had no apparent impact at all. Unless you did this purely to entertain yourself, it was a spectacular waste of time.

He was clearly only galvanized in his views by the exchange and now smugly considers himself victorious against an anti-science quack- a "housewife in Oregon, " as he so offensively put it.

Was your purpose here to put him on display for others? I'd genuinely love to understand what you feel this accomplished.

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I see and appreciate your points, Guttermouth, and I apologize for adding more rage fuel when you already have plenty in your life!

For me, it’s like tsujigiri and challenges me to execute my toolset at lightning speed—sort of like exercising my muscles to make them stronger. It challenges me to come up with new resources and is a real-world test of my knowledge. That said, I have no desire to do this often as it is exhausting, and I do have infinitely more important matters to attend to.

Mainly I do it to produce a document that will serve others in their own education and arguments, and my paid subscribers responded so enthusiastically to “Behind the Scenes: Is It Logical and Reasonable?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/behind-the-scenes-is-it-logical-and) that I thought others might find this of value as well, which evidently they have based on the comments thus far.

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Another thought: the witch trials in German lands ended after about 200 years. The major reason they ended was a book called ‘Cautio Criminalis’ published in 1636 by a Jesuit named Friedrich von Spee. Spee had been confessor to numerous accused witches and was horrified by what he witnessed. In the book he relates how he asked the judges on many occasions what it would take for an accused witch to be declared innocent. The answer was always silence. An accused witch was a convicted witch was an executed witch.

A variation of this might be useful. What would it take for a Covidian to change his mind?

At the very least the answer would root out complete wastes of time likes this exchange.

Edit: misspelled witch several times

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Wow, what a fascinating historical reference and potential secret to breaking the Covidian spell! Thank you for sharing that insight.

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Yeah. In the US the Salem witch trials are treated as a historical aberration or curiosity. In reality they were part of a Europe-wide phenomenon with all the hallmarks of mass psychosis, albeit much more localized. In all, it is estimated that at least 250.000 people were judicially murdered, 70% of which were women.

There are lots of parallels, not just mass psychosis but also Kafka-trapping etc. but this may not be the right forum.

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Okay, you officially get an award for introducing me to my new favorite term: “Kafka-trapping.” That is going to come in awfully handy.

And you made me think of this clip an anarchist recently shared with me:


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Lol. I know that scene by heart. “Watery bint throwing swords at ya”

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“Farcical aquatic ceremony!” 🤣🤣🤣

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This is one of the best, most insightful comments that I've ever seen on this topic.

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If you really want to gaze into the abyss look no further than that episode’s Dr. Fauci, a Dominican monk called Heinrich Kramer (latinized Institor). He’s the author of the Malleus Maleficarum, the Hexenhammer, a ‘manual’ that was used to ‘scientifically’ root out witches for about 250 years.

If history is any guide we’re in for a ride.

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This part is what hit me like a bullet:

In the book he relates how he asked the judges on many occasions what it would take for an accused witch to be declared innocent. The answer was always silence. An accused witch was a convicted witch was an executed witch.

A variation of this might be useful. What would it take for a Covidian to change his mind?

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Virus gonna virus and humans gonna human, I guess...

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In keeping with the Monty Python theme perhaps something like this: are we the baddies:


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What you ought to have said to John from the get-go, "M.A.", is that he was (/is) confusing the "virus" with the "vaccine", claiming that it is supposedly the virus that's killing so many, and that that's what he thinks the adverse effect and death data CONCERNING THE "VACCINE" is referring to, the results of the "virus", not the "vaccine". Or his addled, brainwashed "brain", because of cognitive dissonance and not being able to handle the truth (thank you Jack Nicholson!), arbitrarily and/or automatically substituted data to his "argument" that didn't apply to it, but ONLY applied to "vaccine" data. Somebody that far gone likely won't accept the truth about these lethal mRNA "vaccines" even when tons of unequivocal evidence comes out about hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of deaths, and several million adverse reactions, figures that are usually very much on the low side. They'll probably still blame that data on the "virus". "Rhetorically-questioning", how do you reason with that? You can't. No one can. But we have a duty to keep trying to wake them up, so we carry on.

We can keep trying to wake these deeply conditioned, indoctrinated and programmed people up, but most of them will choose not to. They prefer lies as "truth", and to make truth out to be "lies". They would make the perfect "Winstons" for the New World Order's "1984" army. And they would sell out those who are truly awake, and are truthtellers, in a heartbeat. They can't stand truth. It rocks their boat. From their POV, real truth threatens so much of their "raison d'etre", their entire "rationale" for their very existence, so no truth may enter due to living in fear, unconsciously at least, that facing such truth would destroy them; when, in actuality, the falsehoods will destroy them (but they can't see that of course). Even when their arguments don't make any sense, and/or they're contradicting themselves, they can't even recognize that. Their avoidance and denial of truth is too strong. So they convince themselves, and try to convince others, that their lies, self-contradiction and senselessness are "accurate", "meaningful" and "nothing but the 'truth'". Real, unequivocal insanity.

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Good points, Wolf. And I agree that taking that tack, while valid, would likely have yielded no results since Covidians prefer to remain entrenched in their illusions and will gauge out their eyes rather than *see* the truth staring them in the face.

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As I alluded to, probably nothing will get through to such people, so I wasn't saying that your "taking that tack" would have done any good. Besides, he might have reacted as if he was being attacked, caught as he may have been in his attempted-deception. Anyway, the willfully-ignorant troll and all of his ilk, as you alluded to, take time away from hopeful causes, thus probably satisfying one of his and/or their goals, to distract us from doing the good we should be doing, rather than trying to reason with the likely "too-far-gone". But we don't know if they're the latter or not, until we first try to reach them; so, as you did, we've got to keep giving them the benefit of the doubt to begin with, or not reply to them at all.

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I wouldn't waste my time with someone like that. I have a friend, who will remain my friend, but it's a waste of time when he argues countries the US has invaded and bombed, invited us to do so, and that the US in inherently moral. SMH.

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It is wise to anticipate the cases where your efforts would be wasted and adjust accordingly.

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"Moral"? That's rich. A government that trains despots and their henchmen in how to torture and mass-execute people, trained right on a U.S. military base in a U.S. state, and they've been doing it for decades. A government that has mass-murdered over thirty million mostly innocent civilians (and it's likely higher than that) since and including W.W.2. A government that has bombed two Japanese cities with atomic bombs and instantly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians. A government that has bombed countries it wasn't supposed to be bombing (Laos and Cambodia, etc.). A government that has now kept us in wars for decades that we did not "win" (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan). A government that has destroyed other countries (Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Loas, Cambodia, Libya, etc.), and deposed democratically-elected national leaders over and over again for many decades. A government that has a military entrenched all over the world, and expanding. A government that has carried out wars mostly for the sake of big business, and to further bankroll the arms dealers and other fat cats. A government that intimidates other countries' leaders the world-over, and buys them off. A government that is treasonously working with globalists all over the world to overthrow U.S. and other nations' sovereignty to bring the U.S., the West and the world under global government enslavement. A government that mass-promoted getting "vaccinated" with dangerous gene manipulation "vaccines" that do far more harm than good, and brainwashed most people into complying. A government that allowed and encouraged those who chose to follow the real science, free will, freedom of choice, bodily integrity and informed consent, to be vilified, scapegoated, censored and have their rights violated mercilessly. A government that now monitors everyone 24/7/365, especially those who exercise their RIGHT to dissent and seek redress from the government. A government that is seeking to eradicate all dissent and dissenters. A feral government [sic(k)!] that more and more expects blind, unquestioning obedience and expects all of us to bow to and worship its many evils. A government that is increasingly coming after its own people. And what have I inadvertently left out? That's the government that's "inherently 'moral'"? The definition of the word, "moral", must have been twisted around backwards, like so much else, such that immorality is now (supposedly) "moral", and morality is (supposedly) "immoral". "Nineteen Eighty-Four" coming true more and more.

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Pretty funny that he self flagellates by reading MAA's stack with utter cultlike devotion. Super fan John. Such a weird universe. Mount a camera outside your house. The Ashland comment would have ended it for me. Your response brought a smile to my face.

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*lol* Yeah, creepy, but I suppose I should be flattered by him reading my posts 😬

We already have multiple security cameras, and my former Marine Corps husband would welcome the opportunity to practice his self-defense skills and weaponry if the need arises ;-)

That said, I know his name and where he works, so at least he’s not anonymous, and I think he’s probably a decent person other than being willfully deluded.

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Compassion always. People are frightened and can be curious about what you have to say and then terrified that you make so much sense. The primal fear of death and disease will win the day.

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Exactly, that’s why it’s so insidious that the behavioral psychologists have manipulated people’s deepest fears to trick them into—ironically—sacrificing their lives in the ultimate act of religious faith.

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Well, science-medicine is the new religion.

There's a good book on that also.

Modern Medicine: The New World Religion: How Beliefs Secretly Influence Medical Dogmas and Practices Paperback – April 1, 2004

by Olivier Clerc (Author), Rachel Stern (Translator),

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That sounds great based on the title alone!

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It is worth reminding ourselves that when people resort to personal abuse - ad hominem attacks - they are 'admitting' they cannot mount a coherent rebuttal of anything you have said. It is in essence a last resort or, as I like to think of it, Custard's last stand. :)

And, I am always curious when people seek to dismiss Homeopathic medicine as bunkum, as to how they have arrived at their conclusion, i.e. how many of the thousands of books written over more than two centuries have they read; how much of the methodology of Homeopathy do they understand; how many Homeopathic doctors have they spoken to or consulted, particularly those also trained in Allopathic medicine?

Rarely is there any sort of information provided as to the research which has brought them to their conclusion that Homeopathy is useless at best and fraud at worst.

Having read about and studied Homeopathic medicine, out of interest, not professionally, and made use of it, over many decades, I can appreciate why it might 'offend' the materialistic sensibilities of some, but am in no doubt of its efficacy for many. Indeed, it remains the second most used medical modality in the world and grows in use globally.

It is however categorically condemned by materialist reductionist mechanistic science-medicine which is why I remain fascinated at how many doctors, over more than 200 years and still, take the time to spend years qualifying in Homeopathic medicine and practice it, either in preference to Allopathy or alongside it.

p.s. Naturopaths do practice Homeopathy as part of their skills set but it is the poorest form of this highly complex medical modality which requires full attention for the best results.

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Excellent point regarding ad hominem attacks, Roslyn! You could see he was grasping at straws since he had nothing concrete to counter-attack with.

I appreciate your calling into question my questioning of homeopathy. I should conduct a more thorough investigation before being so dismissive, but from my preliminary research, I got the sense that it was most effective because of the placebo effect, which is of value in itself and can even be life-saving in certain situations.

I absolutely do see the myopic failures of conventional medicine, especially given that so much of it has been influenced by BigPharma over the past century, and I have had great success with alternative health modalities—primarily what should be the very obvious emphasis on the impact of diet, nutrition, and supplements on health.

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I recently used homeopathy on my croupy child in the middle of the night. He had no recollection of it in the morning and quite violently fought me giving him anything. However, within 2 doses we were both sleeping again. Due to the nature of the event, I can’t chalk this up to placebo effect.

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Thank you for sharing your experience, Som! I am open to re-evaluating my assumptions in light of compelling evidence.

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Your approach to Homeopathy is common for most people and hardly surprising.

The placebo claim falls short when it is understood that Homeopathy works on plants, animals and unconscious animals and humans. It is also as effective for those who are convinced it cannot work as it is for those convinced that it can or will.

Charles Darwin used Homeopathy, which may or may not have helped him, but he was not comfortable with the modality. However, he was honest enough to admit that he had seen in research with plants, that Homeopathic medicine demonstrated effect.

Darwin has been taken over by the Darwinists, another version of the Covidians, so such information is rarely known and taboo to discuss.

Placebo effects are present for all medical treatments so nothing unusual about them. A fascinating area of study however. But Homeopathy is not placebo even though, like Allopathy, the placebo effect can be at work.

I agree on diet and nutrition but am not so sure about supplements, because most of them are synthetic, most of them are isolated to some degree and everything in nature comes in combination, and I am not convinced the knoweldge is there to accurately prescribe for each individual. I have explored them but remained unconvinced as to efficacy.

I have also come to believe that perhaps the major factor, beyond genetics, for robust health is sleep, a commodity in poor and short supply for many in our brightly lit age with bedrooms full of electromagnetism from electricals, if not now, wi-fi and mobile phones.

Deep sleep is when the body best restores and repairs and without that, we literally begin to fall apart. And then there is the FAD factor - fate and destiny.

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Fascinating—thank you for the mini-lesson, Roslyn!

Regarding supplements—I count in that category like vitamins and minerals. Obviously, it’s best to derive those from diet and sunshine, but many people are deficient and benefit from supplementing—the lack of vitamin D being one of the primary causes of people’s susceptibility to illness.

Deep sleep is life-saving, and I highly recommend Matthew Walker’s “Why We Sleep” to everyone. I am repeatedly guilty of violating the recommendations for quality sleep but am trying to reform as I know how dangerous it is to keep repeatedly pushing myself to the brink of collapse.

“Invisible Rainbow” has come highly recommended and is on my to-read list, so I will likely learn more about the electromagnetic factors when I can get around to reading that.

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I am sure you are busy but if you are interested, this is one book which provides an overview. He is trained in both Allopathic and Homeopathic medicine.


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Thanks, Roslyn!

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Apr 19, 2022
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Thanks, Pèlerine—see my response to Roslyn above :-)

That reminds me of a video I saw a while back about how Rockefeller changed the course of medicine to focus on petroleum (pharma) over a century ago, and the medical texts and education system were altered to reflect that profit motive. I wish I could find that video—maybe you were the one who recommended it and can help me find it? :-)

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Also the work done by immunologist Jacques Beneviste. Like Montaigner, much reviled for his research and his results which offered explanations for why Homeopathy works.

Few would know that Homeopathic medicine performed vastly better than Allopathy during infectious disease epidemics in the 19th century and also the Spanish Flu in the early 20th century. It was this impressive result which set the P/Harma Lords into a campaign to destroy Homeopathy so it could not challenge their power or their profits.

There are some brilliant books on the topic, many written by doctors also trained in Allopathy. The Italians have done a lot of research into it and some have suggested that Homeopathic process could be used for Allopathic drugs to reduce their toxicity.

I wonder about that however since Homeopathic medicine uses the essence of the plant, mineral etc., and Allopathic drugs are synthesised isolates. But yes, fascinating.

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This is a good overview by an Allopathically and Homeopathically trained doctor.


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