Margaret Anna Alice, You are wasted on Substack. This three part series is a really brilliant work in research, thinking and writing. Causes my head to spin it is so well done.

So thanks once again for giving me so much about which to think. This is remarkable work.

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Goodness, Dr. K, that’s quite the compliment. If it weren’t for Substack, though, I wouldn’t have connected with you and so many other amazing kindreds around the world. I would much rather be publishing on a platform where I don’t have to worry about being censored, and I certainly would never consider writing for a mainstream publication. I am grateful that my pieces are often republished at outlets like Lew Rockwell, OffGuardian, ZeroHedge, Straight Line Logic, and too many others to name. And these essays will be turned into one or more books, eventually, too. Indeed, I have already had some wonderful exchanges with one of the only two publishers I would consider working with, and Dr. Pierre Kory has graciously shared contact info for his publisher (my other top choice), so I’m looking forward to seeing how that process unfolds in the coming months.

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I found MAA on substack, I feel fortunate in finding her here, but I know what you mean. She definitely deserves a far greater audience....

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What is the root cause of most of our problems?


This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.

It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button or other issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing on fixing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.

What is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.

If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.

I beg all of you to read this, and then join in the solutions minded comments. It is totally free:


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I appreciate your comment but would ask that you avoid repeating it multiple times so it doesn’t clutter up the thread. Thanks for your contributions!

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Margaret Anna Alice I stopped everything to read these three essays in succession, and watched all

the videos. I know when you do essays like this, it needs all my attention.

Stunned. I think I need to lay down after this, but I doubt I will ever be able to close my eyes again.

This was a tour de force. I want to cry, it has been so long in the making, everything going

on today, hasn't it? I myself did not wake up until Covid...all of my ignorance or total

lack of interest in the Kissingers, the NGO's...how blind and totally self concerned was I

throughout my adult years.

Never was it more true that the old maxim The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.

It is going to take me days to absorb this. Where to go from here? How to even get out of my chair?

PS. Thank you especially for your research on and truth telling of Noah Harrari....I had no idea

that he really is a child that grew old, but not up. Oh Dear Lord. I feel exactly like the old lady

with the dog......

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You really are a dream reader, Duchess. Thank you for bringing all of your mind, heart, and soul to my writing and sharing your introspective and wise thoughts.

And “a child that grew old, but not up” is profound, especially in this context.

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Margaret Anna Alice I will treasure that compliement - but I am far from wise!! I do know lots of people though who while they grow older, never mature past a certain mental age...Which can be either a blessing or a curse depending on what characteristics they display. Curiosity and play and creativity are blessings. Some do bother me, though, until I figure out what is so irritating about them...and its certain other childish/teenage characteristics...because lets face it, after a certain age, mutton dressed as spring lamb (as my grandmother would say) is not attractive! (And I do check my outfits now that I am of a certain age, before I leave the house, and I know I am beyond certain articles of clothing that I used to be fond of!!!)

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“Mutton dressed as Spring lamb” is just what this old lady farmer needed to see after all of Margaret Anna’s scary brilliance!😂😂😂😂

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😹 You are adorable.

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I'm still waking-up to things that I thought were impossible

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Let's please look at one more piece of this puzzle: catastrophic CO2 warming. Many of us have woken up to what's happening in the biomedical field but look closely at what's happening in climate physics. The theory of catastrophic CO2 warming is pseudoscience. There is no catastrophic CO2 warming, and it's important that we understand this.

Since this has been going on so much longer than Covid, many of us still believe that the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming is 'the science.' But it's simply a radiative paradigm that doesn't actually accord with the facts-- despite that we're told over and over that it does. The paradigm itself is wrong. It's like Ptolemaic epicycles: a wrong theory to describe phenomena, self-consistent within itself but wrong. It's radiative epicycles used to save the theory.

Why is it important to understand that catastrophic CO2 warming is pseudoscience? Because this is the next thing they'll scare us with to 'stay safe'-- maybe not tomorrow or next year, but it's there waiting in the wings for that 'indisputable emergency' (hello, Greta) that of course the WHO and a global government will have to manage to 'stay safe' and avoid a catastrophic tipping point that will spell disaster for our planet. The theory is virtually the entire justification for the Great Reset: without it, there's no need to reset anything (except our corrupt governments.)

So this leads me to another consideration: the theory was perhaps planned and useful as a political tool from the very start.

I'll be writing more about this, as I believe that once people see the logic of how the theory doesn't work, then that opens intuition to see what's really happening (it's funny how logic and intuition actually go hand-in-hand.) If I were inclined toward religious exclamations, I'd say that the theory of catastrophic CO2 warming is the Great Deception. It goes along with The Great Narrative and The Great Reset.

So: more of the puzzle.

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The climate alarmists, like the Germans in the first Indiana Jones movie, are digging in the wrong place. Arguing over temperature sensors and calving glaciers won't solve the problem. This is great news if you're chasing research grants, because you'll have a job for life... but if you wish to solve the problem, well... Like "Singing in the Rain" movie director Roscoe Dexter, "We'll have to think of something else."

Atmospheric physicist William Happer has his finger on that "something else." Global warming was a 20th Century phenomena, and is coming to an end. Check out his videos on YouTube. Less than hour long, most of them, and most are courtesy of Hillsdale College.

After the video, prove him wrong if you can. Go ahead, make my day.

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and John Casey, ...and Bjorn something or other (The Ethical Skeptic) who has written so much on the various climate narratives with a great deal of common sense, but of course, he

didn't go with the agenda so got kicked off the IPCC pane....

PS sorry I think he wrote the Environmental Skeptic...I will go find out. Can't remember

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I do so hope you will tackle the CO2 myth and I hope I find you and read it.

Just look at Randall Carlson on Joe Rogan...the Greenland ice core samples...

We know CO2 is a lagging indicator,, not a leading one...and I hope you will go into Ozone

and all the gasses they are gone try and convince people that we are doing to the planet..because we are not doing anything to the planet (yes, we destory ecosystems) in terms

of climate. It is laughable. But I have lost many friends who don't believe it, and have swallowed

all the climate change scariants...

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See my substack. I've already written about reefs: to the extent they're unhealthy, this is due to overfishing and pollution, not CO2. And, the Great Barrier Reef is doing fine. Sea level is another one where nothing is happening but we're told everything is happening, and something I'll write about.

The back-radiation theory is dead, and this is fairly well understood. If it were possible for a cooler body (the atmosphere) to back-radiate and warm a warmer body (the surface) then we could heat a 35-degree room by putting in 32-degree heaters. So now they use the 'emissions height' theory but this can be disproved by showing that CO2 'murkiness' (which is all throughout the atmosphere) hasn't affected the lapse rate for the past 35 years despite the increase in atmospheric CO2: CO2 isn't inhibiting atmospheric cooling.

It's a bizarre theory. Self-consistent within itself, but inconsistent with real-world facts. So, they bend the facts to fit the theory. A lot of people are 'paid off' to support the theory: livelihoods depend on it.

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“[T]urn it around. Survey the governments more. I mean, technology can always go both ways. If they can surveil us, we can surveil them.”

Circa 2004, I attended a talk by David Brin about The Transparent Society in which he suggested that reciprocal transparency cannot take place. While I've still never read that particular book, I did not get a sense that he and the many bright people he talked with along his journey had some great solution for achieving parity. That is to say that central authority has a critical failure of the kind that only Kunlangeta will take advantage of. We were headed down this road the moment we submitted to highly centralized governance.

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Essentially what they want is individual transparency and government opacity. This is the opposite of what we should have: individual opacity and government transparency.

The government has no business knowing our business, but we have every right to know the government's business. So really the first step toward a government of the people and for the people is to get government off our backs and monitoring whether or not we've had our vaccines, etc. It's none of their business.

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💯 agree, Jim, and that was my thought as well!

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Thank you for the fascinating personal anecdote, Mathew, and I wholly agree with your conclusion. Thanks also for the gracious shoutout at RTE!

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Powerful, well-research, passionately written, as always, Margaret Anna. Thank you. I believe Harari - and I had seen those vids previously - is following orders. The subtext is, this is inevitable, so let's not debate whether we have this technology-driven future, that's a given, we should consider what institutions are in charge. And so he pretends it could be benevolent. Same with WHO, it's not Do you want us in charge? - that's a given - and then pretend to ask us, what should they take into consideration. They are several steps ahead of us, still catching up.

For me, the next BIG rabbit hole will be the recognition that there has been, and is now, an anti-human, indeed, non-human force on the planet. We have not known life without them. Which means we don't know what a freed humanity would do. That's what's coming, I can't prove it, but I know it in my cells and humanity wins. They'll likely get their wish, in that there will be far fewer of us, but we take over, not them.

You're such a light.

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Thank you, Kathleen 🕯 I believe you’re right about Harari—I think he is lying most of all to himself. He knows more than anyone the dangers this biotechnology represents and still thinks we can control the Pandora’s Box—through institutions, no less. He is clearly intelligent and yet amazingly blind.

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Yes - "lying most of all to himself." Agree. (Who hasn't done that?😊)

Love the Philantropath. You have a knack for creating new words. Perfect.

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She is very clever, isn't she?

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As I understand it he was a historian or studied history or something - no money in that. He's a whore spinning any tale for money the wealthy evil-doers will pay for and in the same vain, willing to say "I love you" to them/their plans for more money.

In reality, he's beneath them in their hierarchy and a tool that will find himself receiving the same outcome they intend for all, once his service has no more value to them.

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"That here has been, and is now, an anti-human -non human force on the planet."..oh I do wish

you would elaborate your thoughts more on this...I am serously interested in hearing what makes you think and say this...because it really struck me as not a rabbit hole at all, but something

incredibly true and beginning to reveal itself to some, and we have been blind to it for so long.

We used to call the non-human force Satan. The ruler of this world.

And his minions. Or we called it "evil".

Please, what do you think it is?

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I think it makes sense that we would frame them religiously. If they've been here and assimilated into humanity for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years and they have an ability to hide, infiltrate everywhere -including the highest levels, and use advanced tech to distort, our very sense of 'reality' has always included this force. Lots of stories out there; but for me, when I first considered this idea, it struck me as something that was just 'true'. I don't even know how important the details of it is, it's the revelation that matters. And I think that's coming. No idea how long this will take of course. But it looks like they are making a very big move and in doing so, are overplaying their hand. I suspect they are desperate.

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I like what you say.so that makes enormous sense to me...we know this in our hearts,

I explain to my students that we put folk tales and fairy tales and fables in the Non fiction section, because even though we know they are made up, they all teach a lesson (sometimes more than one)..deep truths about how to live as a human being in groups, and retelling these stories was how we passed on our knowledge to our children, who in turn passed it on to their children...because for most of human history, no one could read or write...but we could memorize...

And in every fairy tale there is an evil being or entity....and I think the Bible tries to tell us the same thing...just in a different story in a different non fiction section...

and these tales are found in every culture in the world...so this makes infinite sense to me.

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PS I forgot - thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I find them very interesting and in a way, re-assuring. These are old truths we have forgotten.

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You're welcome. It's interesting to me, how open others have been to this idea, which not very long ago might have been grounds to be committed to a mental ward. I suspect many of us are here, for this very time, and even if we don't know it, we know it. I made a comment on a recent zerohedge article about non-humans and was surprised to see quite a few up votes. It's a remembering that's building. Thank you.

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No thank YOU for being brave enough to say what you think or feel. Yes, it would have gotten anyone committed a short while ago for saying you believe in some non human entity entangled with us. like Galileo said when forced to recant that the earth doesn't revolve around the sun .muttered under his breath "but it does"....please keep saying what you think. I think you are a very deep thinkng and sensing person, and it matters greatly what you think and feel. It makes the rest of us feel good to know we are not alone in thinkng or sensing something similar. Don't know what it is, but it is.

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Your correct

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At first I thought the word philanthropath was a variation of pathological altruism, but not far into Part 1 I understood that it meant something far worse - these beings hide in plain sight, pretending to care about and help cure problems that have always beset mankind: poverty, sickness, and ignorance. They want nothing of the kind - reducing humans to a manageable level of helplessness, both in number and psychologically, is their ruthless goal and they will tirelessly, patiently pursue that goal to ultimate fruition. It is shocking how candid and upfront Schwab, Harari, Gates, Soros and their minions are about their intents and purposes. I can only fathom it by thinking they actually believe they are righteous and good in what they do, but probably that is naivete on my part. I wonder...are they even human?

Margaret Anna, once again your work illuminates the path before us, your keen mind and words spotlighting the demons and pitfalls in our way. I hope your audience is growing by the tens of thousands if not millions. We, the people, need you.

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Thank you, HUMDEEDEE 🤗 Your description gave me chills, and I do believe they think they are righteous and performing necessary tasks for the “greater good,” just like Hitler and Stalin and Mao and so many other megalomaniacal dictators believed.

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Just read this one. Haven't read others yet, but wanted to share thoughts. I wonder how many views interviews/talks the WHO, WEF, Gates actually get. How many people really care shat these people and organizations think? I think their events and the reporting of them is part of the digital tyranny. I would think (hope) most people have unfavorable view of Davos crowd.

Can I add a few? Philanthropath knows what's best for you and everyone else, because you're incapable of making your own decisions. Philanthropath wants to disarm you, because they'll do a better job of keeping you safe. Thanks for article.

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Great question, Gbucks! I suspect most people don’t even know what the WEF is, let alone care what views they are propagating. They think the WHO is some distant organization that makes recommendations about public health for our own good, and Gates is an entrepreneur who is magnanimously devoting his resources and time to saving the world! 😆🤦‍♀️

I love your additions!

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Having experienced the last two additions personally, I think there are a lot of historic re-iterations of these classical evils. For Frederic Bastiat in his dissertation of "The Law" he called it socialism, and identified it as one of the three branches of communism. If we were to comport that "We are all in this together" with "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" then a Bill of Attainder captures the group of everybody. The question is, in whose net?

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Thank you for this compelling series. My brother and I had inferred a warning from Harari that seemed to go unacknowledged. Israel is the premier surveillance state (we hear so much of China, yet little of Israel). Their tracking software, Pegasus is used by the military.

Their exclusive contract w/Pfizer and zealous participation with vaccination has been a source of confusion for me (I.e., entrusting the populace to experimental gene therapies produced by a German lab?) The C. S. Lewis quote reads so contemporary and relevant. How brilliant he was.

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Thank you, Adria, and you raise a good point. In the video where he is talking about downloadable dictatorships (https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=849&v=KlFMEeOer3E) I reference in the second part of this series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947), he goes into more detail about how Israel is profiting off of this surveillance technology and is indiscriminately selling it to suspect entities—not the most comforting thought.

I, too, find the Pfizer relationship and the State’s eagerness to offer up its citizens as the earliest guinea pigs startling. It seems like the Nazis are getting their wish, after all, and have gotten their victims to volunteer for their own demise.

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I had the same thought when I heard Israel was going to vax its entire population.

I would love to know what you think about it, Margaret Anna Alice....because I thought the same thing at the time. I never thought it was incompetence or stupidity...of all the peoples on the earth, I thought Israeli's would be exceptionally wary about doing something that could even damage its population, surrounded as they are by Palestinians with a much higher birthrate...I was astonished when Bebe didn't stop it....

People are too darn smart to walk into a potential trap...so what or who is really running us all?

Israel and US (military mandates).....because it is not patriots....and PS...even if the Israeli's wanted to be sure to control their people..by jabbing them, were they persuiaded that there would be something in the jabs to enable them to track every living Israeli...maybe under a false sense they could avoid doing something even worse but leave its own people standing...???? Because even if you do want a downloadable dictatorship for your own peoples....it does you no good if you have no able bodied or alive people after 10 years, now does it? I cannot figure this out....and I can only conclude that these people in power in the intelligence bureaus of both countries were switched a long time ago..like 20 years...but how did they persuade the ones who are mid level, etc. to go along??

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I just came across this harrowing quote from Dr. Zelenko that ties into this discussion:

“What Hitler started, the Israeli government is finishing.”


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Yes, he was very very much vocal in Israel trying to stop the adoption / rollout of the jabs.

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There is a history of ties to eugenics and Nazis (the US contributing significantly by assimilating Nazi scientists, psychologists, etc. through Operation Paperclip) that seems to be influencing these policies, but I have not yet had time to travel down those rabbit-holes so cannot expound on them in detail. It is perplexing that the government would target its own people, although technically, that’s exactly what’s happening with governments all over the world (and those who resist, like Tanzania’s brave president John Magufuli, are conveniently dispatched). This clearly transcends nation-states and is occurring at a supranational level.

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If you take the Western Dollars/Aid you do what WE say, understand? That's the deal that was offered to/with many of the 3rd and 2nd world nations allied with the West. And the West dictates ESG, Trans LBTQ etc. sexualizing children and oh yes... the jabs. No need for them to progress to other persuading like taking out gov't leaders. You will note Haiti's leader was offed, and that they tried for Madagascar's leader for the sin of embracing a herbal concoction that might be effective against Covid. So yes, they had their servants out and active enforcing the 'tow the line' policies....

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People are too darn smart to walk into a potential trap...so what or who is really running us all?

Well I definitely thought it was a trap and had many suspect motives, none of which were for MY ultimate good nor that of the people around me. I remain unvaxxed and haven't changed my mind NOR stopped wondering the 'who is running this show" and "why the control fetish"?

However, we see 80 percent of the population in USA apparently NEVER second guessed doing what they were 'told to do' to 'help save others'.... So, not so smart and walked into trap? I imagine its the same in Israel, 80 percent dutifully jabbed, and 20 percent were 'hell no way, I don't trust those pharma harma bastards".....

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PPS. Who invented Pegasus? The phone spyware? US or Israel? or someone else? It has apparently been on every high level phone for a while..

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NSO Group, an Israel-based cybersecurity company. This article has more details:


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It is mind boggling when you really think about it, isn't it? From a national security standpoint,

it is a reckless and unthinkable thing to do...just in case one would not want to experiment on

one's entire population....

That we here in the US did it to our military was beyond reason...and that is when I knew for sure

we are being softened up for takeover. I don't know who is gonna take us over, but this was

what convinced me that our government hates us and wants us gone.

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China - will rule, the people will be replaced by South Americans presumed to be more malleable tractable and not as well educated and inculcated with the American's ethics and motto of personal freedom, rights and Constitution. They've planned for a long time and worked tirelessly since the late 60s then again in the 80s and 90s to bring this about....

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Our federal government officials are selling us to the globalists of the WEF and WHO. Notice how ancient most of them are? They've made a tidy profit betraying us which they plan to enjoy retirement with.

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Their 'participation' could be a headfake, Adria.

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Very good finish to your 3 part series of articles. I will be linking tomorrow as I have already linked the first two parts @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I want to get it out there ASAP, however I need to digest some of your ideas a little further, particularly concerning Mr. Harari. I am of the opinion that he knows exactly what he is doing and I for one, do not trust him what so ever!!! As I said, I need some more time to digest some of your points as you have some great ones here!!! Great work!!!

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Thank you, The Watchman, and that is a wise call as I would definitely never trust him!

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harari: "I don’t believe that unelected experts should be tasked with making crucial policy decisions. That should remain the preserve of politicians." thinking about the clash's second album right about now.

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First of all, this is BRILLIANT.......second...."Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?" well, let's ask, what is a man?????

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Thank you, StellaMaris, and touché! 😆

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Love you, Margaret Anna Alice!!!

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A man who a human with an external schlong!

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That Neil Oliver article was excellent. I also love your final point. Security is my profession, and one of the things I love to talk about is the difference between security theatre and real security. Security theatre is the TSA grabbing Grandpa’s testicles. Real security is the passengers on the plane, having seen the results on 9/11 of complacence and acquiescence, rising up against troublemakers and pulling them down and restraining them en masse. Real security only happens when everyone takes responsibility for their own safety. Responsibility is the difference between adulthood and the eternal childhood to which the Philanthropaths wish to subject you.

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I adore Neil Oliver, and I love your real-life demonstration of the difference between security theatre and real security!

I agree 100-percent with this statement and try to encourage people to take ownership of their own knowledge as well as their security (hence my support of 2A) instead of outsourcing both to “experts”:

“Real security only happens when everyone takes responsibility for their own safety.”

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Amen. This is the real illness of the dedicated liberal drone. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions/lack of actions, and then want to blame everyone else and make so 'they have to do what I SAY to be safe and secure' because they live in a state of fear and denial and constant panic which only government action can sooth and solve for them. Essentially, they aren't strong enough to cope with the real world as it is.

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They are not only weak and desiring of a permanent parent, but they're also ashamed of their weakness, so *your strength* is a threat and an insult to them. Which is why they demand, at gunpoint, that you too be weak.

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I'm curious what others think of Tulsi Gabbard. She's a graduate of WEF but speaks the language of liberty and freedom. I like what she says but am very leary of her ulterior intent. Any insights into the woman herself. (I know she's a Democrat).

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Great question, Bonnie. We had an extensive exchange about Tulsi in the comments section at my “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis) because I had listed her as one of the five politicians “who appear to possess a whit of integrity, rationality, and moral courage,” which provoked some strong responses both for and against :-)

In short, I am cautiously optimistic about her. I do not trust her completely (nor do I trust any politician completely) because of her past WEF/CFR associations and want her to publicly disavow those organizations, but I do believe she became a Young Global Leader at a time when very few people were aware of the sinister intentions of the WEF and just saw it as a prestigious organization where leaders could connect and help make positive changes in the world. Earlier in her career, she was a rising star in the Democratic Party, but she burned all of her bridges when she called out the Hillary/DNC corruption and resigned from her DNC position in 2016, and ever since then, she has been viewed as a pariah and has been the subject of numerous media smear campaigns. She continues to defend free speech and call out hypocrisy and corruption, and she appears to be staunchly on the side of pro-freedom/anti-tyranny. She is strongly against Cancel Culture and for open dialogue. I don’t agree with all of her positions, but I believe she is amenable to reason and would willingly have an open-minded debate and perhaps even reconsider some of her positions.

I think what she says in the clip I shared in this piece about government officials assuming the role of “high priests in a secular theocracy” is absolutely spot-on.

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Be cautious

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Harari, the absolute most depraved one of them all.

IMAGINE: you are in Next of Kin locale, filming set. But all out of town crew gone.

You are with people who are "RURAL ".

YOU know, the kind yhat will defeat New World Order in the heartland, save America 🇺🇸 and thus the world...OK, now...

IMAGINE, YOU arrange Harari to give a talk on all his ideas...

Now, in RURAL America, society has to take care of itself

Now, imagine Harari dead, fed to hogs, until RURAL America makes it so

Beyond demonic

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Deadwood-style pragmatism in AR or IA or NC?

"Send him to Wu's place when you're through with him - the pigs will take care of everything."

But, hey, Marlon - save me them socks with the cute birds on 'em.


I imagine Larval Harari & other WEF upper-level people have some level of armed security.

But I can't imagine that one of those people would jump in front of a bullet for him.



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Bodyguards have cute nieces and nephews that will get horribly maimed.

When we get serious, esp the military, police, intelligence that are left... the leaders issue statement:

Klaus.schwab@weforum.org dead or alive in 45 days, $500k reward and protection...

Or you, his security, will be on our kill list.

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You guys are going to get me in trouble ;-) I disavow all violence (especially to cute nieces and nephews) and am a proponent of Étienne de La Boétie’s zoinking the chair out from under the tyrants (paired with legally executed justice):

“You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

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Understand, Margaret. Won't do it again on your substack.

Making a note...

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And that is another reason why I like you so much. You are a far better person than I am...I doubt I would kill anyone unless they were about to kill me or someone I loved, but I sure do ocassionally think about people who need to go....and ask God to forgive me my awful thoughts.

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Geez, John, I think there are enough perpetraitors (sic) that we don't need to sanction putting or threatening to put family members into the big chipper shredder.

A few dozen legally deputed Arizona Rangers ought to be sufficient in most cases.

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Yes nothing else will stop thee madmen and women, you cant rehabilitate dedicated evil

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You are OUTSTANDING!! Thank you for these amazing three pieces. Sometimes I wish I did not know and understand the truth behind the true evil that surrounds us. I have a hard time looking at clueless people and wondering how the heck they do not see behind façade that surrounds. Ignorance is bliss never meant more than it does now.

Keep up the amazing research and writing! You are truly one of the heroes of the atrocities the surround us. We love you 💕

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Aww, love you back, Jessica, and you’re doing a great job of rockin’ the truth, yourself! 😎🙌

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You have a great command of mythological symbolism. What an interesting subject to be well versed in. And fun. A new hobby for me. Maybe take a break from my latest hobby: food!

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Haha, both sound like fun pursuits! Thank you for reminding me of the ouroboros, which may make an appearance in a future piece, who knows :-)

I remember reading my mom’s copy of Edith Hamilton’s iconic “Mythology” book when I was little. I’ve forgotten much of it since then but listened to the audiobook several years ago and found it riveting.

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Thanks! I’ll start with that!

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Nicely written, but one critique: you give harari too much credit.

He's an opportunist that is trying to get 16 minutes out of his 15 minutes of fame. He's not worth my time to look, but I remember him being some history professor or similar. He found a voice spouting propaganda for the philanthropaths and is being played by them for their means. I think he'll say anything for cash while he can get it. He offers nothing and only has an audience of those that already believe the rhetoric. We've wasted too much on him already.

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You make valid points, Dog, and I agree with your assessment that he is an opportunist. I still think it is important to document and assess his words, however, because philanthropaths are using them to chart their dystopian vision for our future, and his naked expression of those vile aspirations helps ordinary people see their dark intentions more clearly.

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