Thank you Margaret and Fernando for so eloquently articulating the hearts and minds of all we many millions who are denied a voice or shunned as "heretics" when we express the least doubt regarding the unfolding madness.

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So well-stated, Gary, and know that being branded a “heretic” is now a badge of honor symbolizing your freedom of thought, critical thinking, independence, and ability to resist the hypnotic spell of the cult leaders orchestrating this catastrophic narrative!

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Thank you Gary for your comment, some of us who read and write for a living, whether literature or academic texts, realized that we simply had to bring out our doubts, our criticism in order to give rise to a dialogue that is so blatantly absent from traditional media. I´m very enthusiastic to be able to meet Margaret Anna's readers in her own home of fine signs. When I first read her texts I found them wondrous, full of life but at the same time capable of describing acutely all that is wrong in Planet Pandemic. Let's keep on keeping on, which I guess is the fate of heretics throughout history.

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I so appreciated this brilliant guest essay and it brings me immense hope to know that the global resistance is joining together, translating each other's words, and working on behalf of those of us who can't put things quite so poetically. (One needs art, one needs poetry, one needs literature, during such times.)

I should note that it also brings me great despair that regional and cultural distinctions seem to have been discarded during this global catastrophe. (And you know that what I'm referring to as a catastrophe is the response, for covid itself humans can endure and manage.) Is there anywhere, now, for which this line could not be written:

"Thus, the media environment became one long ad, whose overt goal was to turn every viewer into an unthinking, submissive, and very scared citizen." (And now, it seems, they've added "angry" and "vengeful" toward the unvaccinated to their list...which couldn't have been done without first accomplishing the former.)

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Diana, I adore your comment and am so happy you appreciated Fernando’s essay. I echo every sentiment you describe—drawing inspiration and strength from the knowledge that there are kindreds in other parts of the world while also lamenting the homogenizing and all-consuming force of GlobCap’s parasitic media apparatus.

And yes, they stoke the fear to incite the rage so they can harness the fury and hatred as weapons against the dissenters.

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Hello Diana, I´m thrilled to meet my first English speaking readers. Thanks to Margaret Anna's kind invitation to translate my text and bring it to her blog, I can now communicate with so many more people. And I absolutely agree with you that to resist, we must most definitely get together. To see my text next to her poetic but forcefully critical and enlightening writing is a unique opportunity, that I truly enjoy. Thank you very much for your generous remarks, it means a lot to me, in my first travel to this new land of signs.

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A moving and beautiful essay, thank you Fernando. I wonder if you or Alice have read Shoshanna Zuboff's The Age of Surveillance Capitalism? Published before the pandemic, it actually prefigures much of what is happening to us today. I believe it is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the new frontier of power that the pandemic has laid bare for all to see. Though some refuse to open their eyes...

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Monika, I have not read that book, but it is now on my wishlist! Thank you for the recommendation as well as for your gracious comment.

And you are certainly right about some refusing to open their eyes. I think they’re terrified of what they’ll see if they do, so they’re just keeping them shut as tightly as they can for as long as they can manage to sustain their self-delusion.

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Hello Monika, I have only read some quotes from Zuboff's book, but now that you recommended her, I´m looking forward to reading it. I teach media studies at the university, and there is no doubt in my mind that what is going on in social media since the onset of the pandemic is most relevant to the future of mankind. The so called culture of cancellation has reached a new peak, because with the alibi of rampant fake news, fact checkers of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube can do whatever they like, since nobody checks them. Thank you for your recommendation!

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Part 3 In defense of astonishment particularly resonated with me. I sometimes wonder how it is for people in S American countries under pandemic new world. Thank you for publishing his thoughts. I see there are many of us who seem to not be wearing pandemic goggles. It gives me strength to know the few like me I know are not alone world wide. Keep up the good fight my friends. Freedom is harder than "safety", but it is the one thing we cannot yield.

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What a beautiful comment, Raptor, and I, too, loved that part and his closing summons to a “resisting hope.”

I don’t know how representative the eXtramuros team is of the rest of the Uruguayan population, but it is inspiring to know we have some warm, brave, and brilliant allies in that part of the world.

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I am afraid very little... The view of the authorities and the general population is pretty much like in Ireland or ''blue states'' of USA. Also, there is no mainstream political opposition.

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That’s the sense I got from Fernando, but thanks for confirming, DB. Scary not to have any viable political opposition—at least we have the illusion of that in the US.

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That´s absolutely right, Margaret Anna, one of the lost illusions, shortly after the onset of Covid19 was the notion of political parties that once fought bravely for our freedoms and rights. There is no longer any division of left or right in matters political, they only differ in the kind of restrictions and pandemic obligations that they seek to impose on the population. Not a single politician asked for the badly needed debate between scientists with different approaches to the pandemic. Quite the opposite, soon they all collaborated in creating what the editor of our only publication, eXtramuros, called "Covid Orthodoxy".

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Beautifully articulated, Fernando, and I thoroughly agree. One commenter at another Substack recently stated that this is not about left vs. right but rather individualism vs. collectivism. I would add that totalitarianism manipulates people into sacrificing their individual rights for the “public good,” which is precisely what we’re seeing in this medical manifestation of tyranny.

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I'm a bit late to the essay, but want to jump on board with gratitude for you writing and sharing it and Margaret for posting it.

This is the sort of information sharing we all need to promote.


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Lovely to hear that, Martha, and it was my pleasure to share Fernando’s good work!

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Indeed, it's a sham. For better or worse we are alone in this. As some character said, ''I'am afraid In order to escape this place, you need to suffer more''...

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DB, I agree about the sham of political opposition, but the good news is we are alone—together! There are *far* more of us than the media portrays, and we are uniting around the world in resistance to tyranny. We will—we must—overcome!

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Hello Raptor, your comment is much appreciated. Margaret Anna's invitation to put my essay on her blog had precisely that goal, namely, to share with English-speakers the experience of those who live in South America. Right now, when they are coming for the children with a potent vaccination campaign, it is so important to explain to people that hey should not wear "pandemic goggles" as your rightly say. Our dissident voices have been exiled from all big media, so we must make every possible effort to be heard despite the relentless censorship. By writing, by marching, by singing our rejection of false promises and the steady limitation of our freedoms we can and must resist, wherever we may find ourselves in this world all of a sudden fiercely united and divided by the government & the marketing campaigns of big pharmaceutical companies.

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Except we have a constitutional right (somewhat theoretical at this point) to speak freely? In Uruguay? I'll admit I am not well versed on Uruguayan law. I imagine consequences are more profound to our South. May God bless you and keep you.

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Hi Margaret, thank you for your latest post - it's awesome as always.

I hope you don't mind me doing this but I wanted to share this:


It's both an incredible feat of writing and a story that needs amplification. I do hope your readers will pay heed to it.

Have a great weekend. :)

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Lovely to see you here, baboon, and so glad you enjoyed it!

By all means, feel free to share relevant links. I am on that mailing list and know they do good work. I haven’t had a chance to read that particular piece yet but look forward to checking it out.

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Thank you very much. It's a potted history of Ivermectin and Covid: the doctors who discovered it works and the successes they have had. However, the broader theme is that Dr. Marik has been banned from treating his patients with proven cures and he is now suing his employer because his patients are now dying.

It truly beggars belief that this is happening. Dr. Marik is one of the best doctors in the world. You cannot make this up.

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I have heard about Dr. Marik’s courageous work and am happy to hear he is bringing this to the courts as we need to hold those responsible for implementing these murderous policies accountable. Let’s just hope justice prevails.

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My mom and I smelled a rat since the beginning of the scamdemic. I wish like-minded free thinkers could get together.

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Thank goodness, free-thinkers like you and your mom still exist, or the world would be entirely lost.

And we are getting together—on Substack!

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That is a good thing indeed!

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Your mom and you smelled a bat...

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That comment made my night.Lol.

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Here's another "oldie but goodie"

“In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first. We see one nation suddenly seized, from its highest to its lowest members, with a fierce desire of military glory; another as suddenly becoming crazed upon a religious scruple; and neither of them recovering its senses until it has shed rivers of blood and sowed a harvest of groans and tears, to be reaped by its posterity…. Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” (Mackay, C. Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds, preface to the edition of 1852.)

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Thank you, Peter, and that is indeed a fabulous quote! I recently got the audiobook of that book, but it’s quite a hefty tome, so it may take me a while to get to/through it!

Have you read Gustave Le Bon’s “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind”? It aligns beautifully with that quote. No doubt you’ve read Joost Meerloo as well.

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I must admit to a certain repulsion for such works, I studied "Hard Science" - chemistry - at university, and only lately has the madness of crowds been of some interest, out of necessity I guess. But I see online free or very cheap Kindles of those two works, so I'll DL them and maybe if the madness cools off a little I will have some time to look at all this "historically". The one book that inspired me on the subject was Fromm's The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, much in there also to understand the current madness, especially about the 10% necrophilous personalities promoting the madness:

Studies by Erich Fromm and Michael Maccoby in the early 1970s revealed that no less than ten to fifteen percent of persons in any given population exhibit a syndrome characterized by the commission or drive to commit malignant aggression against others, a syndrome the researchers characterized as anti-life or necrophilous. Exerting absolute or masochistic control over others is a common aspect of such malignant aggression, and from this significant reserve-at-large of the necrophilous have come the great tyrants and their squadrons of lackeys, the power and destructiveness of their antics being determined by the historical and political facilitations of the time. The interviewers who conducted the Fromm and Maccoby studies

...noted a sterility about many such people and their houses. They live in a deadened, joyless atmosphere... “In all of the samples, we found that the anti-life tendencies were significantly correlated to political positions that supported increased military power and favored repression against dissenters. The following priorities were considered most important by individuals who have dominant anti-life tendencies: tighter control of rioters, tighter enforcement of anti-drug laws, winning the war in Vietnam, controlling subversive groups, strengthening the police, and fighting Communism throughout the world.” [from https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/anslingers-curse ]

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Peter, haha, that’s an interesting response to works like that. I find them to be enthralling revelations about the psychological machinations TPTB use to manipulate us. Once we understand those mechanisms, we can actively defend against them.

If you do like the historical perspective, Gustave Le Bon’s “The Psychology of Revolution” examines crowd psychology from the perspective of the French Revolution. That, too, is fascinating.

The Fromm book looks excellent—added to my reading list!

“necrophilous personalities”—great term! And thank you for the illuminating synopsis on that topic. Intensely relevant today.

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I abandoned commercial TV almost 30 years ago; I haven't missed a thing. The most important thing we could have told petrified populations around the world would have been to turn off their televisions. I understand that, given human nature and addiction, most would not have done so. But it is clear that we all would have been in a much better position if the TV-addicted had not been so thoroughly programmed/conditioned to believe the covid hoax. Where do we go from here, one wonders?

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I 100% agree that television has been the primary avenue of mass hypnosis, but it has been bolstered by social media, newspapers, radio, and every other avenue of MSM propaganda. Recovering from menticide requires cutting off all of those sources as they are like a hallucinogenic gas that inhibits comprehension of reality.

George Orwell described this phenomenon in an era that predated television: “As far as the mass of the people go, the extraordinary swings of opinion which occur nowadays, the emotions which can be turned on and off like a tap, are the result of newspaper and radio hypnosis.”

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Truth told, Margaret, I discount (for myself only) the importance of social media, since I never took the bait and only briefly dabbled in the Facebag for awhile and only maintain a Twtiter account so I can read and, only occasionally, add snide and obvious comments that no one reads. So I don't readily grasp the sway of social media, though I should, I suppose.

I have relatives who are so consumed with corporate media that their brains are on complete lockdown; we've all seen or known people for whom reality is only what media have told them it is, and they resist with all their might when we try simply to hint that there may be more to what's going on than what they perceive. Who now remembers when Orwell and Huxley were fantasies, now that we are living in their fictional reality?

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You are wise to avoid social media, and while you are savvy enough to not be affected by it, many are programmed through forces like peer pressure, conformity, and repetition and thus are easily swayed by social media “influencers” and the ever-present advertising Fernando describes in this essay.

It is rather astonishing how quickly the world has morphed into Brave New 1984 with scarcely anyone noticing, probably because so few people read these days.

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I do understand that many people have been consumed and dominated by social media; I mourn the lack of critical thinking among many (most) of them.

I wanted to share this video with like-minded folks that cements our inability to get through to the hypnotized, comparing them to people who are trapped in abusive relationships. Much of this is sobering, but there is a glimmer of hope near the end.


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Oh goodie, a new Reiner interview! Thanks for the heads-up!

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Just fantastic. Thanks for sharing this with me, with us.

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Thrilled to hear you enjoyed it, Lynn, and thanks so much for the sweet note!

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You're right; it's fear of what they might discover ...Zuboff is worth several books that proclaim to educate us on this fundamentally different way to exert power over us. And she has great hair! Nobody could ask for more...happy reading.

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*lol* Great hair is definitely a plus! Thanks, Monika :-)

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Wow! I always look forward to anything you publish.I loved the guest essay.Thanks for what you do ♥️

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Always a delight to see your cheerful comments, Mimi, and so glad you enjoyed Fernando’s essay!

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Have a wonderful day/ evening wherever you are.hugs.

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Thank you so much Mimi60, it's really important for me, in my first English essay on Covidian matters to receive this valuable feedback. Cheers!

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I love voices of truth🙂

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Daniel DeFoe's masterpiece was itself a unique and ground breaking piece of fiction, recreating the plague of a century prior as if it were a genuine historical account written at the time by the protagonist.


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Thanks for reminding me to bump this up higher on my to-read list!

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I think I read the Penguin paperback edition - it had a great foreword outlining what a groundbreaking literary device the format was, I think it might be the firsts roots of reality tv lol.

The book is very authentic, it feels like a true account, and the apparent knowledge displayed by those treating the ill was fascinating to me, they knew something was airborne. Of course, whether there actually was anything homicidally invisible sneaking around might still be up for debate. If you thought a mask was a pain in the ass, imagine one of those ridiculous beaks full of posie flowers. Oh no I shouldn't have said that !! Jinx !!!

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You are absolutely correct. Zuboff will not disappoint you and confirm all your points, alas. It may not be happy reading, but it is essential...

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