What we all need are metaphorical bags of sand to throw in the gears of this every single chance we get. Do not comply. Who’s up for a little subversion?

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Culture-jamming, here we come!

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Really enjoyed the presentation. Especially the video with Harari talking. For the first time it helped me understand just how completely INSANE WEF ppl are. What is so mind boggling is how successful they have been so far putting their tentacles all over the world orchestrating mankind to commit suicide without knowing that is what they are being led to do. If MORE PEOPLE HIGHER UP understood what is really going on perhaps, the plan to kill off most of the population, they can be stopped before its too late!!! Unless they've been tricked into thinking they will be saved by selling out.

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So glad you enjoyed it, Sharon, and those are excellent points!

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Wondering if you think they can be stopped before its too late for mankind? Already, severe damage has been done! It feels like if they are not stopped soon, it could mean the beginning of the end or point of no return. BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

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Absolutely—or I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing! Even if it is too late, what have we got to lose by trying? At this point, it’s do or die.

Great Awakening + mass noncompliance (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it) = victory over the tyrants and colluders

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I find it extremely difficult to get ppl to understand & care about what is really going on. Some just say “oh well, what can I do about it”. Your presentation was very good and concise. But more ppl need to become aware and care!!!! They just don’t seem to want to do so.

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I recently heard from Dr. Tenpenny that she is creating centers with ECCP machines that can reverse heart and respiratory issues and likely help many vaxx injured patients. There is always a silver lining if only we don't give up/in. Focus on what you wish to see.

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Do Not Comply - our greatest weapon.

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many people before these have tried, indeed, not on such big scale. Stalin, Lenin, Napoleon, Hitler, Alexander, just to name a few, and for a while it went good, but what goes up must come down, and usually the dictatorship ends with the dictator. Most of them cause enormous suffering. The periods in history where it went good are seldom and far between, so we just survive in the meantime. We can now see the big picture. I wonder how it must have been when there was no communication possible. Imagine being starved and cold in a Russian village when Napoleions army was ravaging the country. And imagine being one of his soldiers freezing to death starving. Compared to them we still have it good, even when the store does not carry our favorite cuts.

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Blown away by the accurate and comprehensive overview of the whole thing. This is a showcase of education and critical thinking skills at its best.

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Thank you, Steven! It looks like you accidentally posted multiple times, so I’ll go ahead and remove the duplicates.

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I wanted to share a similar comment. Steven's comment says it all. This is an opus, indeed, and I particularly appreciate the Rik Mayall and Edward Bernays references. Propaganda and Chomsky's/Herman's Manufacturing Consent, and perhaps Matt Taibbi's Hate, Inc., are must-reads.

Off-topic and @MAA: This evening I watched a documentary about Vichy France, L'oeil de Vichy. It's essentially a history drawn from Vichy propaganda films. Strangely, I couldn't help but to see similarities between what took place in occupied France and our current situation and parallels between Pétain, Laval, and other notable collaborators and western leaders like Biden and Trudeau. Interestingly, the first book I re-read in my personal quest to understand was The Plague by Albert Camus.

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That documentary looks fascinating—thanks for the rec! As you probably know from my “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling), I am particularly fascinated by the psychology of collaborators (reminds me of this video, which may be of interest to you: https://odysee.com/@BustingTheBox:2/collaborators:f).

I listened to “The Plague” on audiobook I think in 2018, when it just so happened that I was on a pandemic jag (I tend to read thematically, so one book leads to the next, which is how I wound up on a Russian literature expedition for a couple of years after listening to “The Gulag Archipelago”).

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Vichy France was of historical interest to me which led me to read several books on the topic. My interest began through reading a lot of Orwell, Kafka along with Camus and Sartre, which included their views on the Resistance and their stance on collaborators. I found Camus to be the more reality-based and compelling of the two on these subjects.

Sartre will always be tainted in my view due to his naive, typically academic embrace of Marxism in the 1960s. If Sartre were alive today I have no doubt that he, along with Simone de Beauvoir, would have gone 'full Chomsky' to embrace lockdowns, mass vaccinations, Antifa, and all of the other current trappings of woke leftism.

I came across L'oeil de Vichy after reading a study of Vichy propaganda. Given your perspective, I am confident that you will find the documentary to be highly fascinating and relevant.

As someone who grew up believing himself to be a deeply 'patriotic' American, I always believed that this country was uniquely insulated from the creep of totalitarianism due to our constitutional system of government and the conviction that most Americans would never allow anything like that to happen here. Knowing now that Americans are no different than the rest of humanity, my belief in the latter has been destroyed.

The list of politicians who would eagerly emulate Marshall Petain and Pierre Laval is too long to list. America's version of the Milice would be comprised of affluent suburban soccer moms, corporate HR reps, members of teachers unions, and ninety five percent of academia. It is only because of the former that this country has not yet descended to the level of Canada and Australia.

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Bad connection here at a public school in Japan. Much thanks for your post. For all the good it will do, I shared it to F.Book and all of the private groups I'm in. Connects well with what I've been learning about the persistent percentage that are high in dark-triad personality traits in any population, and the moral implications of populations exceeding the empathetic limit of Dunbar's number.

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I really appreciate that, Steven, and that is a fascinating observation!

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Totally agree, Steven. I haven't read ANYTHING that puts all the pieces together like this article, and formulating them as questions is BRILLIANT, Margaret!

And the very first question is absolutely key. Why haven't gov'ts and health orgs, all the way down to the municipalities, analyzed their own data? Is there complicity at that level? Looking at my own California county and city gov't makes me really wonder. We have a desperate housing crisis to accommodate 18,000 students and they can't spare a couple to run the stats?

I recommended your blog on mine because we need your clarity. And again, asking the questions as questions even if we already know the answers is brilliant, because it forces them to respond. My only tweak, perhaps, is that I think democide and profits are both for the ultimate goal of power. Profits are just a side-hustle on the way to direct power over all people and direct ownership of all assets.

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Thank you Tereza. Subscribed, and looking forward to reading you.

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Thank you so much for subscribing, Steven! Looking forward to your thoughts on it.

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What’s the #1 issue we face? The systems that govern our lives are corrupted. It’s like having a hacked computer with a virus. The other problems are just programs running on a broken system. None of them matter until we fix the corruption. The good news is it is not that hard to do, read more:


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I love the idea of a Transparency Movement!

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Thank you for reading and taking the time to understand it 🙏

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Somehow Margaret manages to read every comment and every link. respond to many, and then to write even more intelligently about it all. It is really something to watch. I am routinely in awe of it all.

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You’re so kind, Dr. K 😊 I’m going to have to stop now as I’m way past my bedtime, and I’m trying to break my habit of 20-hour workdays!

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She is my role model on Substack?

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I, too, am in awe of Margaret Anna Alice's brilliance, eloquence, and literary power.

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Aww, shucks, Truthbird 😌🙏

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She even manages to read little ol' stacks like mine and comment on them, too. Astounding.

Where is the link that shows where I can buy "Margaret Anna Alice" sweat in droppers to add to my coffee...

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I often think and feel the same.

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I'd argue transparency doesn't help if the structure itself runs in a corrupt manner. A top down structure built as an imperial ponzi scheme was never meant to be fair and will never be transparent. The people running the show know there are likely very bad things going to happen to them if all the NDAs ever become void, so they're going to protect those secrets till the bitter end.

There does need to be an organized movement towards local independence and participatory democracy of some kind that functions in cooperation instead of competition, but trying to do anything by way of trying to reform this devilish entrenched broken system I'd argue is going to be an exercise in futility.

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We don’t need their permission to use transparency. Rather, we hold them all hostage with it. Like a digital shock collar. The system is only corruptible if they are allowed to operate in secret. We need to elect people willing to shine the biggest spotlight on government.

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Those who want to shine a light on the corruption can never be elected (no matter how many people vote for them and want them to be in office) due to the thorough corruption of our electoral system.

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Yup. And it's been tried time and again to work with the system in some way, but they control every facet of it.

Alexander Berkman pointed out in his book The ABC of Anarchism in chapter 13: Socialism he describes the futility of trying to get Socialists elected from 100 years ago. First they are vastly outnumbered in congress in the few instances they make it there. Second, along the way they in order to get into those positions they have to do all kinds of "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" (logrolling) types of bargaining, meaning they have to repeatedly sellout and become part of the system itself and eventually become like a feckless Bernie Sanders just to hold onto their positions.

And there is also the time factor, how long do we wait for change to happen through some process we have little to no control over? The green party still can't get on the ballot consistently in many states in the US. Then if you fail you have to wait another 2 to 4 years to have another chance to vote them out.

Also, anyone with eyes to read a book can see plain as day by how the system works that it's already corrupt out in the open. The establishment has been caught red handed over and over and the people remain loyal to the darkness.

This system operates like a large cult full of true believers and you can show a true believer video of police shooting people in the back time after time and they won't lose faith. The My Lai Massacre can happen, napalm dropped on children can happen, nuclear weapons that didn't need to be used can happen, unarmed students at Kent State can be gunned down and seen for all on the nightly news, and it still doesn't discredit the oligarchy.

The money can provably flow in one direction to the wealthy over centuries and they know about the corruption in the trillions of dollars on Wall Street and within central banking, and still, it doesn't convince them.

Dragging people out of the cult is going to take human connection and talking to each other. Truth can only be seen with eyes that are open, and that happens by beginning to establish real trust in each other again so that people will look to understand first instead of judge that which they don't know. They need to divide us to hold power, and it's going to take trusting each other again for the masses to become independent.

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Beach Hippie thank you for reading and engaging. Connection is certainly part of the answer. Unity. But we also need a tangible plan. #TransparencyMovement

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Also keep in mind this idea has already worked in Taiwan - since the Sunflower Revolution - and it has kept the CCP at bay from infiltrating their government. Now granted, China might physically invade Taiwan, but infiltration has been extremely difficult because of their policy of RADICAL TRANSPARENCY which we wrote about here:


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Decentralization can happen insanely fast. Look at how quickly Kazaa and Napster destroyed the centralized monolithic Music Industry giants. People don't sell music albums anymore. Now it is all decentralized subscriptions to Spotify or Apple music. When things go decentralized the user wins. The voter is the user in this case. Read more about decentralization here: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/decentralize-everything

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We have not tried our own decentralized open sourced blockchain tech yet.

Here is the thing, we create our OWN decentralized open sourced system. One that connects voters and constituents using blockchain that cannot be corrupted. Then we compare the real time accurate polling in our system to the voting system. They should match perfectly unless 1) marginalized communities are not being included in the tech or 2) the voting system is corrupted. We need to create our own checks and balances for the voting system if that too has been corrupted.

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Truthbird thank you for reading and engaging. Here is the thing, we create our OWN decentralized open sourced system. One that connects voters and constituents using blockchain that cannot be corrupted. Then we compare the real time accurate polling in our system to the voting system. They should match perfectly unless 1) marginalized communities are not being included in the tech or 2) the voting system is corrupted. We need to create our own checks and balances for the voting system if that too has been corrupted.

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Talk about lack of transparency, we are not even being told the names of the assholes who REALLY rule over us. How ridiculous is that.

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Disgusting. This is why we need to FORCE Transparency on the system.

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Hello rationalist, I support your aims, but I think you are a bit...optimistic...on the transparency angle. I've worked in Africa for 20 years. 90% of citizens know that their government is corrupt, fraudulent, and tyrannical. They know the specific cases of fraud (fake gold being sold to the government for real money, fake ports being built where the President gets a cut, monopoly control of the nations petrol, bridges and roads never built, etc). Transparency is nothing without power- and the people have no power. The government controls the army, the police, the judges, and the news media; plus have working arrangements with the biggest businesses and landowners in the country. Sound familiar? Transparency simply means that common people are aware of the problem. However, it does nothing to give them power to change the problem. It doesn't give them communication, mobilization, economic, cultural, or political power. Transparency. Does. Nothing. I urge you to re-direct your obvious goodwill and critical thinking to how individual humans combine to achieve political aims. The idea of technologically driven transparency creating a more utopian society falls short of this basic requirement.

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Good point. That's exactly where we are being led. The "New Liberal World Order" will be one in which us little people will have no power whatsoever, including voting, as all the elections, if they even bother allowing them, will be fraudulent. And the legal system, like the media will be 100% corrupt. Already happening. We are at the end times for freedom, human rights and democracy.

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That's right, a properly designed system obviates problems.

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As Naval Ravikant likes to say, a well designed system should be able to be turned over to your enemies and have them try to break it and it still not get corrupted.

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You are over the target with this, however de-programing is integral for this transparency movement to have legs. Greed and lower based emotions that drive the collective will have to be something of the past. Finding that sense of knowing that good prevails and maintaining a peaceful state of mind for longer periods of time will bring us closer to creating the world we wish to live in. Fear lurks into consciousness every time we hear the latest affront. That is what holds humanity in the continuous loop of us against them. Systems do not work especially when they require Force as stated in this piece. Each of us can make a conscious choice to speak our truth without fear of reprisal, be open minded and flexible to new ideas, live with integrity and purpose and as cliche as this sounds, be the change we wish to see in the world.

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You wrote, "Systems do not work especially when they require Force as stated in this piece."

After much thought, I believe this is the key factor in whether a system will be fair and moral and serve the interests of the individual members, or inevitably become corrupt and serve the interests of a few at the top: whether participation in the system, and being subject to its rules, is voluntary or coerced. We need to have the right to opt out of any social, political, or governmental system without penalty if we want ethics rather than corruption.

Voluntaryism, also known as anarchy, is the philosophy that seems most likely to reduce corruption. An-archy means "no rulers." Every other system is based on having a ruling class (even if democratically chosen), and it is obvious from history that power corrupts. Believing we just need to choose the "right" supposedly incorruptible, angelic rulers to oversee the system, or that we just need better knowledge and oversight of their actions as rulers, ignores the fatal flaw that the system has immorality (permitting the use of force against peaceful individuals) as its foundation.

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Thank you for the input. What is the best way to reprogram everyone? Or deprogram them as you say?

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I believe it's an individual thing. Doing research into our true history, accepting that pretty much everything we've ever thought to be true is fiction and keeping an open mind to new information is a start. I don't see much sense in going over the same old narrative of them versus us. It's just a never ending loop that ends in frustration. Finding ways to lift your frequency is the very best way to make an impact on the collective and also feel better. It can be addictive to continue to focus on the insanity and get caught up in dialogue but in the long run it goes no where except to maybe keep you feeling upset. Transparency is something that will come organically when the consciousness is at a higher level and I have great faith that we're heading in that direction.

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I have never seen that many good questions, all in a row.

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Thank you, GAU8A! I probably could’ve come up with a few thousand more but had fewer than two days to prepare so had to stop somewhere ;-)

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Now you're talkin', what I'm talkin' about, what we all should be talking about.

That's the most concise and comprehensive set of questions yet. Slap them onto billboards to escape censorship. A digital billboard will cycle each question for ten seconds. Cost would be $15,000 and well worth it - you'd start a revolution.

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Haha, brilliant idea, buddhi—unfortunately, no billboard company will run counter-narrative truths as far as I know. If you find one, let me know, and maybe Steve Kirsch can help fund it 😁

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I've suggested billboards to Steve. He'd have to buy up the billboard companies. Would be a great investment.

I also suggest linking to a simple URL - vaxxdeaths.com for example - (try that and see what you get!). Maybe Vaxquestions.com for your list. Put it on business cards and hand them out on campus or in the financial district. Or paint it on overpasses. Sky writing cost is $3,500 per message.

Looks like someone got vaxquestions. Maybe vaxlies.com

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Brilliant ideas! Remind him again :-)

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Yes, I also mentioned that his Elephant Deck is too scattered, not concise or consistent - that he needs a graphic artist to design his messaging, not an engineer. More than two points on a slide and everyone falls asleep, even if their life depends on that information.

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Haha, good thing Steve appreciates candor! Hopefully, he took your advice to heart. I did see he included a picture of his new kitten in his latest iteration, which I thought was brilliant 😹

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There are a few. NY and NJ accirding to Banners 4 Freedom website.

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I've heard about anti-covid-injection-for-kids billboards in Utah (reading: LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE and with a picture of a crossed out needle). Also, another billboard project in Texas. But, just checked on Duck Duck Go and am not finding:/

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Duck Duck Go is more censorious than Google! They have completely shadow-banned my Substack (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/60878565/duckduckgo-shadow-banning-me).

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Thank you for letting me know!

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consider Tshirts as a lowest common denominator form of billboard. eye-level and cannot be missed. the only problem is someone might make you a target. custom t's can be made for $10 various places.

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Fantastic article with many helpful references. I’m so happy to see you were interviewed by the Berlin Corona Committee with this information! And I love that your word philanthropath was added to the Urban Dictionary!

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Thanks so much, Meredith! I was only able to squeeze a tiny fraction of this info into the presentation and felt badly because I took too long to get to the part they had asked me to talk about, but hopefully, they’ll be able to get some value out of these notes, in any case.

I didn’t realize we can add entries to the Urban Dictionary ourselves, so I’ll definitely keep that in mind for future coinages!

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Dr. Naomi Wolfe (leftist in ideology) - I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me.

The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway.

Pfizer (and thus the FDA) knew that the Moderna vaccine had 100 mcg of MRNA, lipid nanoparticles and spike protein, which was more than three times the 30 mcg of the adult Pfizer dose; the company’s internal documents show a higher rate of adverse events with the 100 mcg dose, so they stopped experimenting with that amount internally due to its “reactogenicity” — Pfizer’s words — but no one told all of the millions of Americans who all got the first and second 100 mcg Moderna dose, and the boosters.

Adverse events tallied up in the internal Pfizer documents are completely different from those reported on the CDC website or announced by corrupted physicians and medical organizations and hospitals. These include vast columns of joint pain, muscle pain (myalgia), masses of neurological effects include MS, Guillain Barre and Bell’s Palsy, encephaly, every iteration possible of blood clotting, thrombocytopenia at scale, strokes, hemorrhages, and many kinds of ruptures of membranes throughout the human body. The side effects about which Pfizer and the FDA knew but you did not, include blistering problems, rashes, shingles, and herpetic conditions (indeed, a range of blistering conditions oddly foreshadowing the symptoms of monkeypox).


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That was a really powerful piece by Naomi.

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I heard she has now taken the red pill. But its not like many of the reds came to our rescue anyhow! Only Senators Johnson & Paul.

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Naomi is royally red-pilled and a powerful ally to have battling beside us.

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I can't wait to watch!! You are such a beautiful human being.

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Aww, thank you, Tessa, and so are you! I recommended you as a potential candidate to the committee, BTW 🤗

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Thank you, Margaret Anna!! I am so grateful that we have crossed paths. You are such a unique, beautiful soul.

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So am I, Tessa, and I feel the same about you 🙌

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You're asking all the right questions.

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WW2 never ended

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The instigators of this Dystopian nightmare are the Davos Parasite Psychopath Banksterrs who have adopted the dogma of former German Nazis who morphed that Ideology into Ecofascism. A type of Malthusian view of human civilization. They are real crackpots, their arguments are nonsense, they rely on their incredible wealth to push propaganda and stifle debate. They know that they would get beaten up bad in any rational debate.

Malthusianism has for the past 300yrs given the ultra-rich a narrative of self-congratulation and virtue signalling so they can convince themselves in their own little minds that they are "saving the world from the human scourge of unrestrained growth, protecting the environment, saving the Earth". Yep, enforced poverty and subjugation of the population will save the Earth. Bull. In actual fact they are the exact cause of environmental destruction. Without their impediments we could easily establish a prosperous human civilization, without their Degrowth dogma, and protect the environment far, far better at the same time. Let me repeat so you understand, they are the cause of environmental degradation through their own policies, they are personally responsible for climate change, they are guilty, not us serfs.

Their ESG movement is in fact a design for World Tyranny, Population Reduction and a Feudal Society where most people own nothing and are impoverished, whereas an indentured Ruling Class lives in the lap of luxury, obscene Wealth. What they're up to is explained by quotes of themselves or the Toadies they promote and finance:

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"

Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Sept. 23, 1994

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.

If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

from David Rockefeller’s autobiography ‘Memoirs’

" Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it. "

Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute

" The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet. "

Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation

" Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. "

Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

" A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environ­ment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation "

John Holdren Obama Science Czar & Rockefeller puppet

"In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a Master Plan, a Blueprint. Such a master plan is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

"The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation."

UN Commission on Global Governance report

"Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time."

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

"In my view, after fifty years of service in the United National system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways."

Dr. Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General

"Nations are in effect ceding portions of their sovereignty to the international community and beginning to create a new system of international environmental governance as a means of solving otherwise unmanageable crises."

Lester Brown, WorldWatch Institute

"A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth and income."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."

Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

"All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

"A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions."

Prof. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb

"A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible."

United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor

"The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion."

Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind

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Holy cannoli, SmithFS, this is worthy of an essay in its own right! Thanks for all these revelatory quotes, which I’ve saved in my Banking file!

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The quotations affirm that a huge number of our betters are worried that they are not able to exert the control they wish. Certainly in 1974 they could not have envisioned the advancements in computing power that exploded following Moore's law; the microprocessor had just happened. Technology continues to make fools out of those who think we have arrived at some limit. OTOH, the limits of humanity in terms of our fundamental nature seem fixed - greed and tribalism affect us all. Human evolution is much slower than technological evolution, perhaps a very good thing given human complexity.

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excellent set of quotes! thnks Smith FS.

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Love the Biderman's Chart of Coercion....and by love I mean will be sharing this...never seen it before and I worked in marketing!!! Beautiful piece of writing, as usual....

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Wonderful to hear, StellaMaris! I first shared it in this piece:

• “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant)

I typeset my own version because the one floating around out there is so ugly and had some stylistic issues I wanted to fix :-)

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How did I miss it then? Oh, well...yes, thank you for making it look nicer.... Love your attention to detail!!! I will go back and re-read that substack.......

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Humans can come back from almost anything provided they can see a possibility that tomorrow can be better than today.

The arc of history shows us of civilisations rising & declining or collapsing.

With one proviso, no matter what these philanthropaths & their enablers do, however messed up they push the hyper-connected species that we’ve become (& not to our advantage, I may add), we can rebuild. Not better, just differently.

The proviso: regardless of the threats & costs, the punishments & loss of conveniences, DO NOT ALLOW, TOLERATE OR ACCEPT mandatory digital ID. That’s the end of human Agency & freedom. Furthermore, I can easily envisage circumstances where it will be impossible to remove such a totalitarian control system.

So that’s the one to prevent.

Doing so may be more difficult than it looks, because the central banks are plotting to abolish cash & introduce central bank digital currencies. I believe the apparently innocent exchange of your online banking or bank card for CASHLESS CBDCs is all but equivalent in totalitarian control to mandatory digital ID.

There is no reason to delete physical cash, except to seek control. So if where you live, such a proposal is made, objecting to this with all you’ve got is definitely worth it.

Even an informal but recognised & accepted cash alternative is of unbelievable value in allowing you to live a routine life without continual reference to central power.

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Beautifully and potently articulated, Mike, and amen on all points! 👏

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Dear Dr. Yeadon,

Out of 8 billion people on planet Earth, I'm apparently the only person who bothered checking Governor Cuomo's Executive Orders for evidence of intent to kill the nursing home residents.

Just like you, I pick up on the subtle things that people miss.


While proving Cuomo's guilt alone won't stop this freight train of death; proving that mandating COVID patients into nursing homes WHILE you've got the entire healthy population locked down to keep COVID away from the elderly is categorical proof of DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE MURDER will completely derail it.

The open letter I wrote to Naomi Wolf explains it all. I just watched your video explaining how the perpetrators are letting you talk because you're having no effect. You should read my letter, and forward it to Naomi Wolf if you have her email address. You'll see how there's no possible defense or counterargument for the COVID fraudsters.

You'll see. We're not dead yet.


Very truly yours,

Bob Stone

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Update: Digital ID's were not tolerated by enough people to work. So they're gone. Cannot come back. We've moved on.

CBDC's may never materialise too as their prospects for almost total acceptance needed to work are fading fast. Use of cash is increasing for the first time.

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I hope very much that you’re right.

I encourage cash use only to the extent possible every day.

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Hey Dr Mike,

somewhere else you mentioned that you and wife made a deal to not go to hospitals except accutely life threatening situations (if I got that correctly), I forgot where that was so I'll just write this here in hopes you might see it:

I guess if one does that, it's also good to have something in the back of the mind for, at some age, more becoming common health problems and chances of dealing with them in less conventional manners.

One of them being cancer:

So maybe this is something to look into - these two interviews (he has more I believe) are with 2 guys who had a big tumor and were given low chance of survival, one of them only did the initial few sessions of chemo and and then did this sort of treatment, the other one, IIRC, went further with chemo, but both had in common that their other measures seemed to let them have a lot less severe bad (noticeable) effects from the chemo, like sickness, hairloss and kidney problems. They both attribute this to fasting. They also did a more strict keto diet chan before.



While the guy is a mere chiropractor by training, switched to nutrition coaching at some point, he apparently recently did a crowd-funded cancer study with help of scientists. Study link in the description.



Next to those two guys, well I have a less detailed description and have no contact anymore to verify anything, but I was once told by someone he got rid of a tumor eating nothing but green leaves and raw almonds for months, which is also keto, and raw.

The colon cancer guy in the one vid above could not have done this due to gut inflammation not playing well with fiber, but he drank _vegetable_ juices next to eating meat.

I also remember Dr Rhonda Patrick (youtube / foundmyfitness) making extensive video(s) about broccoli sprouts and their compound sulphoraphane, apparently helpful with flushing out crap from the body dismantling cancer cells. She eats that in heaps preemptively. I don't know any accounts of anyone using that as treatment.

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Keto + intermittent fasting (and more extended stretches of fasting for those actively fighting cancer) are effective weapons to fend off and defeat cancer, thanks to the power of autophagy.

Dr. Boz (https://www.youtube.com/c/DrBozAnnetteBosworthMD) shares how her mom beat cancer with this combination in her book “Anyway You Can” (should be “Any Way,” but the content is still valuable, I suspect, although I haven’t had a chance to read it yet).

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Thank you. I honestly hope that’s not in my future. I’d be more interested in minimizing suffering than extending life, I think. Hard to know until you’re there, I guess.

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Mike, you are a genius mind.

We already talked In the comments from Steve Kirsch and I had told you that I translate the book from Fareed/Tyson into German. The translation is available now. And it has already become a bestseller in the category Infectiology in the last days.

I am currently trying to promote the book because I believe this book can actually help people wake up when they find out that effective treatments existed since the beginning which were ignored in order to roll out these so called vaccines... This book clearly explains that most people who died never had to die if these treatment protocols would have been used... I believe this can convince people. If I would not have already been "red-pilled", I think this book could actually "red-pill" me...

We are writing letters to journalists to ask if they can report about the book or make an interview with George Fareed. We are trying to convince more people in Europe. I am working on it.

My friend translated the book into Spanish but somehow there are almost no sales at all. We do not know how to reach people in Spain or Latin America.

We do not know where to make advertisement for the book.... Can you help? Do you know news channels or bloggers from Spain or Latin America (or that are famous in Spain or Latin America) which could report about the book so that more people there can be informed about it?

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If you were to draft a one paragraph synopsis in English & Spanish, together with links (eg to the hateful Amazon, which I never use), I’d be happy to post it through our Telegram channel with over 100k followers.

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Wow thank you! We appreciate that so much.

Yes, we can do that. I am working with George Fareed and just informed him that you want to help us. I will give you his email address so you could write him a short email and then he can send you the links. We will write the synopsis. My friend will translate it into Spanish.


(He also allowed his email address to be posted in the end of a German news article in case others want to contact him, so I am very sure he has no problem if I publish it here.)

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I’m so sorry that I’m hundreds of emails behind & never catch up!

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I understand this. So do you prefet that I give you the links to the English and Spanish version here in the comments instead of writing an email to George Fareed?

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I actually don’t know what is best.

I’m hundreds of messages behind.

I will however post through out Telegram channel a short summary of whatever you wished to reach 100K people with, eg a link to a book with a short synopsis.

Forgive me, it was as much as I could do to navigate back to this spot days later & reply!

Best wishes


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Just wanted to let you know I shared the link to the Spanish edition with my Uruguayan friend/collaborator Fernando Andacht (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-new-journal-of-the-plague-year), who is one of the forces behind eXtramuros magazine (https://extramurosrevista.com). He said he would check it out when he has time, so something may or may not come of it :-)

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Also, in between redefining "pandemic" and redefining "herd immunity" they redefined "vaccine" - to get it under vaccines' immunity from liability umbrella.

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Great point! I have that on my list of redefinitions in my file of millions of notes but forgot to include it here. I’m too tired to search for a reference and add it now, but I’ll try to remember to add it later (unless you have one handy :-)

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Here are old and new vaccine definitions:



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Interesting and thanks for the links! I am especially interested in the before/after definitions by public health agencies like the WHO and CDC, and I seem to recall this being altered by one or both of them.

I found it! And several others OffGuardian has been tracking. See the new bullet point in the article to get the links:

• Why did they change the definitions of “vaccine,” “fully vaccinated,” “cause of death,” and “case,” for that matter?

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I believe Joe Mercola has the reference, he had both the old definition and the new definition of vaccine. The old definition was a short paragraph, whereas the new one was a page.

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Good to know! The problem with Mercola articles is they are only up for a limited period of time, so I can never reference them in my essays, as valuable as they are!

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Yes that's right, but also Mercola articles sometimes give bad information, which I corrected in a comment once with links to the relevant studies. That got me banned. If you reference a Mercola article you need to double-check their sources because they can be iffy.

Did the same with the New York Times where I was a top commentator with 35 NYT's Picks, and got banned. Same at DailyKos. I used to be to the left of Bernie, but am now Also to the right of Trump.

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That’s good to know. I don’t usually have time to read them (just scan the bullet points) except for ones by authors I respect, like Tessa Lena.

Banning you for providing clarifying references is concerning 🤔

*lol* re: your red-pilling journey 💊

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Concerning yes, especially because I wrote a missive to the New York Times about their scurrilous hit piece on Joe Mercola and gave reference links to his peer-reviewed study on vitamin D, which they had stated did not exist.

Nowadays people won't talk to, listen to, or like anyone that does not think as they do. They're allergic to cognitive dissonance - too stressful to think different, or adapt, change, progress, evolve, or learn.

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Thank you so much for this. So well written - thoughtful, insightful and critically presented (without drama so as to skyrocket credibility)

I will need to sit down and read many time to absorb everything. Reinforces much of what I have stumbled across over the past 2+ years.

Might I add my thought on the rationale as to why this is happening. I full agree with your 3 points. To me the concept of democide leads to power. Without democide, the rise up of peoples would jeopardize their power. I don’t think that the profit is a priority for them - they have money… lots of it. but A little more wouldn’t hurt. And taking money away from the masses is key. Bankrupt the masses and they will comply to maintain their somewhat comfy way of life. The excess money supply is important- it is to be used to buy off, coerce, etc others to join, support and carry out in their plan. Make them an accessory so they stay on point. Analogy: Why mow your lawn when you can pay someone a pittance (in relation to what you have in the bank) to do it for you ? Or fix your toilet. Or kill the rats in your attic. On and on.

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Thank you for this thoughtful and thought-provoking response, Cindy! You actually raise an important nuance I have previously touched on but didn’t clearly articulate here—you are right in that it isn’t the *profit* itself that’s the goal but rather the *mass transfer of wealth* so as to disempower the masses. I actually addressed this in my first essay:

• “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)

“This is about crushing the middle class—the backbone of a democratic republic—and transferring trillions from the middle and lower classes to the ruling plutocracy.”

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They have so much money because they are the biggest welfare bums in the history of human civilization, having been handed the gift of money creation, in fact over 95% of our money supply is created by them out of thin air. They get to create vast wealth out of thin air and then have the audacity to demand interest on the free money they created. This outrage has been going on for a long time. Presidents have been assassinated who tried to rest that power from the criminal, psycho Banksters:

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented ... Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again ... if you want to continue to be slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."

Sir Josiah Stamp, Head Of The Bank of England, 1781

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Great points and quote, SmithFS! Here’s another good one I got from The Good Citizen recently:

“I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.”

—Abraham Lincoln

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Yes, I've heard that one, a prophetic quote and I have seen historical reports from that time concluding that it was agents of the London Bankers that hired John Wilkes Booth to carry out his assassination.

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Dear MAA,

Thank-you for your reply to my comment & YES! It is the "bannersforfreedom" that l was referring to regarding the billboards!

As a retired Registered Nurse l am so disgusted & disappointed with the American Health Care lndustry. As well as all other worldwide health care systems. I am embarrassed to think l was educated in this system & had strong trust in the system. I am so grateful the Lord lead me down the "Red Pill Path" & l chose not to get vaccinated with the poison covid jab!

As a Christian, l am of the belief that things will continue to get worse as prophesied in the Bible. There will be terrible death & destruction. But we survivors will prevail.

We should NEVER give up. Even one life...one precious baby that can be saved....is worth all our efforts!

So maybe those that are interested can get involved with the "bannersforfreedom" efforts & get more billboards out there to those that are unaware!

I deeply appreciate your Substack & am grateful for all that you do! You have been a big part of my education & ongoing awareness!

Thank-you so much!!!

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Aww, thank you, Laurie, and I’m so glad you’re part of this community!

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