Excellent article! I'm so glad to see Canada coming to its senses!

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Love how you tie everything together and highlight different aspects to create an over arching view of science, psychology and culture how it all inter relates. Your articles continue to give examples of what I read recently,

Humans create visions of how the world works. In modern times we have created numerous visions or dogmas that attempt to explain how a modern society functions. Politicians use these visions to attract followers and rely on the visions to explain why things occur even when there is no evidence to support such contentions. Autocrats use visions to strengthen their grip on power and punish or kill heretics and blasphemers who doubt their vision. The populists substitute these visions in place of facts or truth and even go as far as denying facts or truth when they do not fit within the scope of their vision.

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The Canadian finding, which I saw presented in detail by a law professor, was the biggest breath of fresh air I have received in a long time. Clear, rational, and true.

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The perps usually allow a little room for breathing before they tighten the noose further. After the damage is irreversibly done, how can anything be considered a victory, short of eliminating the globalists' rule? Yet they control production and distribution along with the global money flow, so stopping them would kill billions with famine, cold, and the lack of potable water in a few weeks, and I don't even mention the looting under such circumstances.

In the meanwhile, Agenda 2030 seems to be making progress unhindered, while people are busy, watching side shows or playing with their cell phones...

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Bless this good news!! Thank you thank you thank you!

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Do not comply.

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


One more bit of good news is the dam may be breaking as regards to potential vaccine injury compensation in Australia—two Substack authors have written on this recently.

Must disagree with the paragraph regards to French Revolution. The entire horror show of the Jacobin revolution is demonic in origin by the lighting of a fire in the masses of the gullible enabling the vile killing of the Monarch and the subsequent destruction of Christian law and worldview, morality and direct murders of tens of thousands of innocents, clergy—whole catholic villages wiped out in the name of a new goddess (reason-liberty)—this revolution was spawned in hell, very likely a bi-product of Adam Weishaupts illuminist european conspiracy only few years earlier.

The totalitarians paid their price at the guillotine and by being taken over by Napolean, an even worse totalitarian.

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you Kathleen! Life without faith is hopeless and untenable. I could get a serious whiplash from the constant 'living' in crisis, but I instead, I am grateful to be here in this time. I am not standing still in fear. I am standing tall with dominion and agency provided by the grace of God. I have things to do and I will not be guided by the psychopathic false idols (i.e. "those-in-charge fake-a-roos") or the brainwashed and compliant puppets.

I suggest that everyone stand tall, say NO, DO NOT COMPLY, and carry-on calmly with your life. Oh, and start a garden and plant, plant, plant!

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Definitely good signs, and the case of Reiner Fuellmich is another one that has just begun in the court and will serve as another important battleground. I think his case, a thinly veiled attempt to remove his influence in society, has broader implications than Hopkins' case. However, I also think we are only in the early stages of this battle and it's still going to take a while for an even bigger shift, but as the court of public opinion shifts the judges will follow and we should experience more of a domino effect. Godspeed for this to move forward!

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Full Power Post!

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

We take the victories where we can, however small or merely symbolic they may be. We deserve them.

It was of course, utterly predictable that Castreau's handler, Herr Freeland, wasted no time in announcing das gov's intention to appeal the insubordinate verdict.

CJ mentioned that the prosecutor had a week to appeal the verdict. Any update on that? Is it officially over?

Apartheid Israel video hot tip: from 10 years ago, powerful music vid "Checkpoint" by "Jasiri X". Check it out! You're welcome.

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I agree with you view that the protests where the way that the people could have reasserted their power, right at the beginning. Just say NO. The truckers showed how the government could be broken and - to be honest - the Tudeau regime was on the verge of collapse when they illegally invoked the Emergencies Powers. The cost would have been high to continue resistance, but collapse of the Trudeau regime (so deserved, so despicable), would have sent off a chain reaction.


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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Amplify, Amplify, Amplify-

and, while you’re at it, make that double-espresso a Mayan enema...’ cause there’s still some shit to process...

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Feb 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Did not see that comming.

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Mar 3Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Truckers in Australia could not effectively do what the Canadian truckers did as the majority no longer own their own trucks but work for companies 😔

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