Excellent article! I'm so glad to see Canada coming to its senses!

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Canada hasn't come to its senses quite yet. Deputy Prime Minister immediately said they would appeal. That will probably go on for years and get in the way of lawsuits against the government for freezing bank accounts and so forth. Trudeau still has his cult of followers and no single mainstream media outlet is challenging them on anything. British Columbia is trying to roll out more legal hard drugs, despite the effect it has had, and MAID (medically assisted suicide) for mentally ill people has only been delayed not scrapped. And so on. The latest ruling is a big victory though - interestingly, only a judge who is retiring had the courage to make it.

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Exactly! In Canada; The government never admits fault!

And the opposition Partys never hold them responsible??

There is a general urge to sweep everything under the carpet.....Until next time?

We don't need an Emergencies Act or Totalitarian Government.

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Feb 4, 2024
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Just The Canadian Dictatorship & A Few Leftists Needed To Come To Their Senses, The Rest Of Us Have Been Fighting Tooth & Nail!

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Love how you tie everything together and highlight different aspects to create an over arching view of science, psychology and culture how it all inter relates. Your articles continue to give examples of what I read recently,

Humans create visions of how the world works. In modern times we have created numerous visions or dogmas that attempt to explain how a modern society functions. Politicians use these visions to attract followers and rely on the visions to explain why things occur even when there is no evidence to support such contentions. Autocrats use visions to strengthen their grip on power and punish or kill heretics and blasphemers who doubt their vision. The populists substitute these visions in place of facts or truth and even go as far as denying facts or truth when they do not fit within the scope of their vision.

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The Canadian finding, which I saw presented in detail by a law professor, was the biggest breath of fresh air I have received in a long time. Clear, rational, and true.

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A breath of fresh air is exactly how I thought of these rulings!

I remember our visit to the trucks. Who could forget that cold? I hadn't seen my son smile so much in the two previous years.

It was the world's biggest kitchen party.

And then the jackboot came down. My son has barely smiled the two years since. He's 20 now. His world has become an unreliable, unfriendly place. His neurodevelopmental challenges have just magnified this.

I hope that Freeland's (how did she get that name?) appeal is laughed out of court. I hope the Boy Prince is laughed out of office.

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"how did she get that name?"

The answer seems obvious: satanic inversion.

Gaslighting the masses.

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I hope the boy prince is laughed right out of this country. Let him retire to an island somewhere where there is no internet, no telephones, no means of communicating with the rest of the world...just him and his chums prancing around to their heart's content...on his own dime. Let him be a man without a country. No citizenship. A complete exile. Let him discover for himself that Klaus and George were never ever his friends and since both will soon expire maybe he will discover through his own deep contemplations that being their bitch was a dumb idea. Then he will engrave that on his own tombstone and history will nod its agreement in the footnote of history.

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The perps usually allow a little room for breathing before they tighten the noose further. After the damage is irreversibly done, how can anything be considered a victory, short of eliminating the globalists' rule? Yet they control production and distribution along with the global money flow, so stopping them would kill billions with famine, cold, and the lack of potable water in a few weeks, and I don't even mention the looting under such circumstances.

In the meanwhile, Agenda 2030 seems to be making progress unhindered, while people are busy, watching side shows or playing with their cell phones...

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I disagree respectfully, Ray. It is far from being irreversible. Perhaps if we all just say NO, and no longer comply to the monsters "in charge." They are (as far as I can tell) a bunch of ninny's plagued with too much money and time on their hands. They display a propensity for overindulgence and insecurity that knows no bounds. Their egos are fed by indulging in exercising power over the likes of you and me. Given, these obvious 'facts' and our sheer numbers; it would seem to me that if even 8-10% stand tall, they will wither and fall back. They are not smart or intelligent folks and have zero backbone. Think the weirdest, most awkward nerd in your 8th grade class. Think Gates or Zuckerf*ck! They only have power if we relent and stand down. I, for one, choose to say no thanks.

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I refuse to give in and say that I have no dominion or agency over my life. I won't do that, ever. I will stand tall and fight till the bittersweet end. God gave me the blessings I have and I intend to live my life on this earth with agency, dominion and integrity. The tent is so large and growing by the day. If the demonic choose to dispose of me, then so be it. I fear no man on earth.

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That is the 'key' to all of this. Good on ya, may your words and the spirit behind them, cover our planet.

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"Perhaps if we all just say NO, and no longer comply to the monsters "in charge."🎯

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There is no "we" with any power to change anything whatsoever, and nobody is asking for my permission or yours. Compliance is guaranteed by preserving access to food, water, energy, and above all, money. Remember all the muzzled faces and the willingness to be divided? It's the result of an over-100-year-old compliance training:


Moreover, total global control is only a step or two away:


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Thanks Ray. Anything I write/say at this point is pointless with you. I respect your point of view and you may be correct. However, if I took your POV, life would be a dead-end, worthless, and God less.

I don't live that way. I live a God centered life, so life here on earth isn't the end, far from it. Does God expect me to fight for our human freedom? You bet, so I do and we disagree respectfully.

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It’s an Up/Down world- full of consequence

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Who said you must abandon your faith? Please, read my stack and judge after that only.

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Every time we go along with or support the prison system (and yes sometimes we don't see an alternative choice) we tighten the vice. Every time we don't we loosen it. Respectfully, you are underestimating humanity. More and more of us understand that there are things more important than even survival and we are witnessing a new level of human activation.

Look at the growing number of farmers in Europe protesting. The convoy in the US. The frequency of freedom behind these acts carry far more power - and spell the end of the would-be controllers - than we can visibly see. There is now palpable momentum in the direction of humans demanding their natural status as free beings.

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Fear can be defeated only by believing in something greater than survival.

The powerless flock into crowds and achieve nothing:


It's kind of like Leonard Cohen's "Let's be alone together."

At the same time, the commoner has nothing to lose anymore. Can they accomplish anything?


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Sounds like you’ve been indoctrinated by them. 🫤

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Please, specify. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. :)

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Bless this good news!! Thank you thank you thank you!

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Do not comply.

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One more bit of good news is the dam may be breaking as regards to potential vaccine injury compensation in Australia—two Substack authors have written on this recently.

Must disagree with the paragraph regards to French Revolution. The entire horror show of the Jacobin revolution is demonic in origin by the lighting of a fire in the masses of the gullible enabling the vile killing of the Monarch and the subsequent destruction of Christian law and worldview, morality and direct murders of tens of thousands of innocents, clergy—whole catholic villages wiped out in the name of a new goddess (reason-liberty)—this revolution was spawned in hell, very likely a bi-product of Adam Weishaupts illuminist european conspiracy only few years earlier.

The totalitarians paid their price at the guillotine and by being taken over by Napolean, an even worse totalitarian.

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Thank you, ArnoldF! I included a link to a story about the potential vaxx injury compensation in the updates section after the post (Bonus Good Legal News > Vaxx Injuries)—unless you meant something else? Good news either way!

Regarding the French Revolution, your assessment of its brutality actually jibes with Gustave Le Bon’s in “The Psychology of Revolution” from which that quote is derived. That does not negate the truth of the quote and its relevance to our own efforts to dismantle tyranny:

“The importance of the event [the storming of the Bastille] lay simply in the psychological fact that for the first time the people received an obvious proof of the weakness of an authority which had lately been formidable. When the principle of authority is injured in the public mind it dissolves very rapidly.”

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Thank you Kathleen! Life without faith is hopeless and untenable. I could get a serious whiplash from the constant 'living' in crisis, but I instead, I am grateful to be here in this time. I am not standing still in fear. I am standing tall with dominion and agency provided by the grace of God. I have things to do and I will not be guided by the psychopathic false idols (i.e. "those-in-charge fake-a-roos") or the brainwashed and compliant puppets.

I suggest that everyone stand tall, say NO, DO NOT COMPLY, and carry-on calmly with your life. Oh, and start a garden and plant, plant, plant!

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Definitely good signs, and the case of Reiner Fuellmich is another one that has just begun in the court and will serve as another important battleground. I think his case, a thinly veiled attempt to remove his influence in society, has broader implications than Hopkins' case. However, I also think we are only in the early stages of this battle and it's still going to take a while for an even bigger shift, but as the court of public opinion shifts the judges will follow and we should experience more of a domino effect. Godspeed for this to move forward!

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Full Power Post!

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We take the victories where we can, however small or merely symbolic they may be. We deserve them.

It was of course, utterly predictable that Castreau's handler, Herr Freeland, wasted no time in announcing das gov's intention to appeal the insubordinate verdict.

CJ mentioned that the prosecutor had a week to appeal the verdict. Any update on that? Is it officially over?

Apartheid Israel video hot tip: from 10 years ago, powerful music vid "Checkpoint" by "Jasiri X". Check it out! You're welcome.

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I agree with you view that the protests where the way that the people could have reasserted their power, right at the beginning. Just say NO. The truckers showed how the government could be broken and - to be honest - the Tudeau regime was on the verge of collapse when they illegally invoked the Emergencies Powers. The cost would have been high to continue resistance, but collapse of the Trudeau regime (so deserved, so despicable), would have sent off a chain reaction.


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Amplify, Amplify, Amplify-

and, while you’re at it, make that double-espresso a Mayan enema...’ cause there’s still some shit to process...

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Did not see that comming.

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Truckers in Australia could not effectively do what the Canadian truckers did as the majority no longer own their own trucks but work for companies 😔

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