Imagine the Holocaust is happening again. Only this time, it’s on a planetary scale. And there aren’t any Allies coming to the rescue—because they’re just as guilty as the Axis.
Then imagine you have incontrovertible proof that mass extermination is occurring, and it has been devised by megalomaniacal self-styled gods; patented and formulated by pharmaceutical megacorporations; imposed by governments (or else) and official agencies; implemented by hospitals, doctors, and the medical community; and covered up by mainstream media and Big Tech.
Now imagine people are telling you sharing evidence of that atrocity is making them uncomfortable. They want to change the subject; they want to agree-to-disagree.
How would you feel when you’re doing everything in your power to prevent more human beings from being massacred, and most people don’t want to hear about it, don’t want to think about it, don’t want to even consider the snowballing scientific data because it contradicts the worldwide propaganda campaign being scripted by the very entities committing these crimes against humanity?
I know that sounds hyperbolic. That’s what purveyors of the Biggest Lie in world history count on. It is too titanic, too ridiculous to be believed.
All of their mouthpieces tell you so. They tell you we’re “anti-vaxxers.” They tell you we’re “conspiracy theorists.” They tell you we’re spreading “misinformation.” They tell you we’re “right-wing extremists,” “Deplorables,” and “Trump voters.”
They tell you not to listen to us. They tell you we can’t be trusted. They tell you THEY are your “single source of truth.”
I know genocide—in this case, democide—isn’t a topic you bring up in polite conversation. But I’m not polite. Because being “polite” when you know people are being medically liquidated makes you an accomplice to murder, and I will not go gentle into that bad night.
I know you’re not supposed to say, “Pass the butter, and oh, have you heard about the millions of people who have suffered excruciating, lifelong injuries or the hundreds of thousands (at least 150,000 in the United States alone) who have been lethally injected by BigPharma and those colluding in the execution and coverup of this depopulation campaign?”
“And how about that totalitarianism spreading around the globe like, hmm, well, like a highly contagious virus?”
“Or did you hear about Dr. Mengelfauci funding savage experiments on beagles where the sadists slashed their vocal chords so they wouldn’t be annoyed by the dogs’ screams while their faces were being devoured by sand flies until they died?”
“Oh, and what about all those cases of post-injection myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac events, strokes, stillborn deaths, newborn deaths, and the nearly million adverse event reports—including 18,853 deaths through November 12, 2021—in VAERS alone? Why do you think the media didn’t tell you about any of those injuries and deaths? Weird, right?”
“Incidentally, did you know all those people who died from COVID could have been saved if early treatment protocols like ivermectin had been promoted or even permitted and deadly interventions like remdesivir, midazolam, and ventilation had been prohibited?”
“Isn’t it strange that Israel, the country with the fastest mass vaccination rate in the world, is witnessing spiking mortality rates—all among the vaccinated? And I wonder why they had to agree not to disclose the terms of their contract with Pfizer for a decade? Wouldn’t it be bitterly ironic if the Israeli government became complicit in the genocide of its own people? Hitler’s Willing Executioners, indeed.”
“Speaking of Pfizer, why do you think the FDA asked a federal judge to give Pfizer until 2076 to release its vaccine data? Don’t you think they’d want to share proof for their claims of safety and efficacy with scientists if they have so much confidence in their product?”
“Isn’t it odd how the entire world fell under a spell simultaneously after being subjected to a comprehensive fear campaign and suddenly forgot about concepts like natural immunity, hard scientific data, freedom of speech, individual rights, and the hazards of authoritarianism?”
I realize we had relatives at Auschwitz, and some people think it’s insensitive to draw comparisons between the World War II Holocaust and the New Holocaust.
I, however, consider it a contemptuous insult to the memories of those who endured discrimination, incarceration, starvation, torture, and slaughter to fail to heed the burning message of “Never again!” And Holocaust survivors like Marianne von Rosen, Marian Turski, and Vera Sharav agree.
This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of fact. So no, I cannot agree to disagree about the pharmacide of millions, and I will not remain silent.
I encourage you to assess the evidence presented here and throughout my blog to get up to speed on the objective reality that has been obscured from you by the propagandists. And then, when you’re ready, come join me in speaking out against the murder of our people—ALL people.
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
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I am honored to welcome almost 800 new readers to my mailing list since I published Letter to a Tyrant two weeks ago. Lew Rockwell, Straight Line Logic, OffGuardian, and The Burning Platform all published it, and then ZeroHedge rocket-launched it per their usual routine (this is the third article of mine ZeroHedge has published, and it’s always a delightful surprise to see what they decide to pick up from Lew, OG, or TBP).
Perhaps most exciting, Dr. Mike Yeadon posted Letter to a Tyrant on the Telegram channel he shares with architect/documentarian Robin Monotti and investigative journalist Cory Morningstar, who has been described as “almost certainly the most important living journalist in the world (next to Assange perhaps).” (Incidentally, Cory tweeted about my fairy tale in August, and I included her quote in the Reader Responses section of the book. I also just discovered she shared my second essay back in June.)
As if I didn’t already have enough respect for Dr. Yeadon, I have grown even fonder of him after getting to know him through exchanges on various Substack comments. He is truly a gentleman of extraordinary character, wit, and wisdom. (Purely coincidentally, this article includes a couple of links featuring videos of him.)
What really helped this go viral, though, was YOU guys sharing it like mad! I was most tickled to discover people tweeting Letter to a Tyrant at @BillGates, @wef, @JustinTrudeau, @POTUS, @BorisJohnson, @NicolaSturgeon, @RobinSwannMoH, @moneillsf, @naomi_long, @NicholaMallon, @GovPierluisi, @fordnation, and numerous other governors, MPs, health officials, and assorted tyrants.
There are far too many wonderful tweets to share, but here are a few examples of the ones that got lobbed at tyrants (which I consider akin to a pie in the face or a shoe at the head):
“Your victims will be coming for you.” —Yvonne C
“Tyrants! You are on notice. @POTUS @GovofCO” —Libertarian Party of Colorado
“@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid @MatthandcockM @wef @BillGates
This is for you, enjoy the read.” —Desper8housewife
“Hey @JustinTrudeau and ALL first ministers, take heed!” —@CurmudgeonTired
“@RobinSwannMoH @moneillsf @naomi_long @NicholaMallon
I believe this is for you.” —Mayhem Makes
“Here’s another must-read, @GovPierluisi @fortalezapr … Wake UP, Governor. Open your eyes, your brain, and your conscience. You are destroying Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans. Especially the children.” —GetOutOfTheLeftLane!
As I joked to Dr. Yeadon, if I wasn’t already on a list somewhere before, no doubt I am now. (For the record, I want to make it clear that I am not now, nor have I ever been, suicidal ;-)
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Wow, and wow again. Thank you, Margaret for your continuing battle cry from the trenches of love, peace and freedom. I appreciate the time it takes to write such a piece and especially to source all the links you've included. You are an inspiring voice, to say the least, in this mayhem of madness. I'm so happy for you, and for the truth, to become so dispersed in the multiple platforms you've been included on. This particular piece is a much-needed bridge over the chasm of conformity to break the illusion of consensus. And there is definitely no time to be polite.
"As if I didn’t already have enough respect for Dr. Yeadon, I have grown even fonder of him after getting to know him through exchanges on various Substack comments. He is truly a gentleman of extraordinary character, wit, and wisdom."
Amen. Dr. Yeadon was the one who got me on the right track about this nonsense. I am extremely grateful to him.